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Its a game from one of the best developers in the world, breh
I just looked it up. They seem ok. Some of the games they made are amazing, some turds. Assuming you mean EAD.
Its a game from one of the best developers in the world, breh
I think that I need to go away again for another year or so. I'm not sure how you guys do it, but discussing, let alone arguing with people about social issues and race specifically just makes me start feeling animosity inside. Its not healthy at all. You can be incredibly polite and state your views, but so often you'll just be met with a who cares attitude, or being talked to as if you cannot control your emotions and should grow up. You guys keep pushing, I'll be rooting for you all to make it in life.
Every now and then, someone goes out of their way. Happy holidays.
Fuck terrible christmas music. There's like one song made after 1990 about christmas that is good.
Most new christmas songs are just imitations of old songs.
There's like one song made after 1990 about christmas that is good.
Which would happen first? A good sonic game, Shenmue 3, or Jandro having a well thought out post?
And it came from Mariah Carey. lol. Her Christmas music is God Tier.
Mariah, right?
Sonic and knuckles was years agoWe've already had a good Sonic game. Looks like Jandro takes second place here.
GOTY and no mention of Bayonetta 2?
I just looked it up. They seem ok. Some of the games they made are amazing, some turds. Assuming you mean EAD.
only sonic game i've ever played is the original for Genesis, still have it too
you guys should have ducked out when i did
Sonic and knuckles was years ago
What turds have they made? This team has only made the Super Mario Galaxy games, Super Mario 3D Land and 3D World as "big" games
I think that I need to go away again for another year or so. I'm not sure how you guys do it, but discussing, let alone arguing with people about social issues and race specifically just makes me start feeling animosity inside. Its not healthy at all. You can be incredibly polite and state your views, but so often you'll just be met with a who cares attitude, or being talked to as if you cannot control your emotions and should grow up. You guys keep pushing, I'll be rooting for you all to make it in life.
Yeah, we should listen to a guy who's only played 1 Sonic game, and not even the best one. Come on dude. The series peaked at 2/3&K. At least play those before judging
What is that game about?Lets wait for Captain "GOTG" Toad to drop first this week
Ground Zeros as GOTY?
Shit is a two hour demo. Fuckouttahere...
Ground Zeros as GOTY?
Shit is a two hour demo. Fuckouttahere...
Alright BCT let's talk how we feel about GOTY contenders.
Banished was amazing
Wolfenstein: The New Order was incredible
Mario Kart 8 is so much fun
Wasteland 2 was incredibly dope
MGS Ground Zeroes was fantastic.
Sometimes I feel like "righteous" posters on OT hop in the race threads just to up their N-word-to-post-count ratio.
Banished was good but felt underwhelming, then again I'm a huge SimCity head..so building villages didn't do much for me.
the rest of the games I didn't play but I really want to try out Wolfenstein. I hope my pc can run it though...
If you can run RAGE you should be good. Goddamn the game is just fun as fuck to play.
Banished was brutally difficult and a true poverty sim. I dug it.
Banished was good but felt underwhelming, then again I'm a huge SimCity head..so building villages didn't do much for me.
the rest of the games I didn't play but I really want to try out Wolfenstein. I hope my pc can run it though...
the only let down of Banished is that, that one dude couldn't work fast enough to patch the game for most people's liking. Great game, if he had like a group of people helping him it would have extra hot
I haven't played to many new games this year. I guess, Wolfenstein: TNO will be mine. The Long Dark is my favorite, but it's early access and not at all finished.
Gonna order Girl Scout cookies online if I can. Gotta see if I can support my dealers plug in the process.
I know you're going senile in your old age but Sonic Colours wasn't that long ago...
Anyone want a BCT Xbox One theme?
Is titanfall worth it this late? If that deluxe edition sale is still going on I may hop on it today.
Is titanfall worth it this late? If that deluxe edition sale is still going on I may hop on it today.
Game is so dope it's not even funny. They recently added a season mode for vet players to rank up in.
They've added a lot of stuff since launch. Very good, I picked it all up at $12 and it was a crazy value. Game's still funner than a bag of dicks.
I remember reading that no one is playing campaign so its impossible to get some titans. Is that true?
This is sounding good tho.
who is responsible
who is responsible
I checked last night and there's a few hundred on there at any time. Few thousand in the basic attrition mode. They fucked themselves with too many game types though. Splintered as hell. That said, you can still find matches.
Alright Family. Christmas shopping is done thanks to Amazon. I got some disposable income.
What's up with Dragon Age Inquisition? Should I bite?
If you like RPGs then yes.Alright Family. Christmas shopping is done thanks to Amazon. I got some disposable income.
What's up with Dragon Age Inquisition? Should I bite?
I pretty sure I got more than 2 hours out of it. Glorified Demo? Sure. Overpriced? Maybe. But despite all of that its a really good game and preview to The Phantom Pain. Even I wasn't expecting much out of it but the openess of the game and the mechanics and controls are just soo good...it gets GOTY this year.
I've played it for maybe 20 hours. Just so much shit to do, the attention to detail is bananas. Multiple missions as well, all of them probably took about 10 hours to complete for me. It's that goddamn good.
Plus, time spent doesn't make a game good!