since when did knowing what the fuck you're talking about make you corrupt cop sympathizer? some of the pms i get don't even make sense lol
post 'em
names redacted if you prefer
since when did knowing what the fuck you're talking about make you corrupt cop sympathizer? some of the pms i get don't even make sense lol
post 'em
names redacted if you prefer
What about Bear On Bear crime?
What's everyone's take on the body camera situation?
#NewBearsWhat about Bear On Bear crime?
What's everyone's take on the body camera situation?
It needs to be mandated.
not optional.
Just this
Instead of ELLE it just says " New Black "
they've used cameras in the military for the same sort of thing before
didn't stop shit
leadership, corruption, etc - a lot of old ways had to get phased out.
At worst it's a band-aid fix that Obama wants to hold up as an example of action, but at this point I could not care less about the politics. I want to say it's a step in the right direction but I admit putting too much stock in the cameras undermines the idea that there are institutional issues with how we regulate people we give permission and authority to use force. In the short term I'm honestly stumped at what else can be done that wouldn't be outright rejected.pointless
its a nice gesture though
cops and military both have needed a 3rd party oversight for a while. probably civilian
I did see one article posted about the unarmed white guy getting shot by the cop with a body cam and getting off scott free. It really bothers me that police are so often the ones escalating situations straight to the point of using deadly force with basically nothing in between. And in that case I guess the camera meant absolutely nothing to those in charge of reviewing the footage.At worst it's a band-aid fix that Obama wants to hold up as an example of action, but at this point I could not care less about the politics. I want to say it's a step in the right direction but I admit putting too much stock in the cameras undermines the idea that there are institutional issues with how we regulate people we give permission and authority to use force. In the short term I'm honestly stumped at what else can be done that wouldn't be outright rejected.
Police already hate internal affairs and that division is made up of their own. It'd be interesting to see how someone would pitch having a separate third party group as the ones doing the investigation or appeals of different violation cases. Also no way will republicans allow the current administration to put something like this together, considering they were already all over Obama's ass for acorn, tax group shenanigans, etc. I like the concept though, since it eliminates the conflict of interest, code of silence and gang mentality that probably affects a lot of investigations that are done internally.
If you can't beat them, defeat them
Just say Julie Bruin
I try to just laugh this shit off but it's getting harder and harder to do so.The shit surrounding the TFA trailer is really getting to me.
No sane person should be against them. As long as the police are given licenses to kill, they need to be monitored as much as possible.What's everyone's take on the body camera situation?
uhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't remember big breasted bears from that cartoon.
What the fuckIf you can't beat them, defeat them
Just say Julie Bruin
I think Chris Rock just laid down the most real talk I've ever seen in one interview:
Probably hypocritical of me but I don't necessarily fully agree with that one.What the hell is this fuckery?
Didn't we just go through a gatdamn Halloween of blackface and cultural appropriation bullshit?
Just like blackface, native headdresses are not okay.
3rd party civilian oversight outside of your typical II
I think Chris Rock just laid down the most real talk I've ever seen in one interview:
I think Chris Rock just laid down the most real talk I've ever seen in one interview:
Some day Chuck will realize that they still think he's an ignorant nigger no matter how hard he tries to appease.Barkley wants to be "one of the good ones" so badly.
"Yes Mr. Bish I saw the whole thang!"
Barkley wants to be "one of the good ones" so badly.
What's everyone's take on the body camera situation?
Barkley wants to be "one of the good ones" so badly.
Barkley wants to be "one of the good ones" so badly.
Can we start a support group for empathizing withcomic nerds? We as BCT need to a better job of empathizing with the plight of the common man who wants to see a superhero from "their culture" that speaks to "their values". They're hurting right now and we need to be there for themborderline racistin this time of need.and their women
WHAT ABOUT THE WHITE MALE REPRESENTATION IN FICTION? Who is going to pander to that demo? Captain America is black now?! Da Fuq? This PC culture has gone TOO DAMN FAR.
I fear for America's future.
I'M JOKING and you get it of course.