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The Black Culture Thread XX




So you know those extremely vocal/boisterous uber-progressives that are constantly making demands of the Democratic party for concessions?

Seattle (presumably one of the cities with the highest concentration of said people) had a local election tonight that covered, among other things, a primary for the mayoral race which will have its general election in November.

Here's what the results so far are suggesting:

-The corrupt Port Commissioner is keeping his job after the Port's dirty laundry has been all over the news the last few months.
-A proposition for a small sales tax to provide greater access to the arts and sciences to school kids is going to fail.
-The "neoliberal shill" of our mayoral race (i.e. the most centrist and the one who's in the bag for developers as Seattle is rapidly approaching San Fran housing-crisis levels) is winning the primary pretty handily and will have a significant monetary advantage in the general election to run a bunch of ads against her more progressive opponent.

The cherry on top is that voter turnout was estimated at 38% for this election, which is actually (sadly) not abysmal compared to previous elections of this sort.

These are the people we're supposed to gear the Democratic platform towards? For real? Where's the return on investment?


Man some white people really are convinced we sit around plotting against them all damn day. No one can decide if we're ignorant sub-humans or evil masterminds.



Man, I really hate doing four things at once.
Makes me unmotivated to do stuff.

Also I hate both mustard n' ketchup.

Barbecue sauce tho.
I wish I could give someone $300 like that. I wanted to give a large sum of money to people who have given me rides back when I was going to the community college. I had to walk 2 hours to the bus stop and take 3 buses to get there every day. I lost that woman's number over the years, but still remember her name and where she worked. I just planned by now I would be where I want to be and be able to drop $3000 at her doorstep or whatever.

Afternoon fam.

31 today.
Damn, you old.
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