I'm boppinnnnnn
I'm Back
Welcome back young blood.I'm Back
Why the fuck its so hot
We're still the best state in the union.
Because you in Florida, homie
Cause you live in FloridaWhy the fuck its so hot
My thread made it 53 posts before someone asked what does slap mean
I'm happy
Nobody asked youCause you live in Florida
Slap is the new slang for the youths huh
Black people should do what the Jewish people have done and form their own country
Africa is historically white
Golf Story is cool Switch fam
Nigga...Black people should do what the Jewish people have done and form their own country
Africa is historically white
Nobody asked you
how can it slap
Black people should do what the Jewish people have done and form their own country
Africa is historically white
They really do. God Damn.
Reminds me of elementary school actually. I eventually got tired of standing up whenever that fecking anthem plays in the morning,
so I just sat it out. It ain't no big deal, and other kids where doing the same eventually.
The teacher got pissed one day and forced everyone to stand or else...I forgot what she threatened, but it got everybody to stand again.
Whenever someone doesn't stand she just looms behind you until you do, t'was very creepy.
Come to think, I ha a lot of pissed teachers.
okay yeah that does look kinda cool
$15 though? any idea how long it is?
Golf Story is cool Switch fam
when you slap too hardNow see here the white man lived in Africa all along, and they partied for too long and hard and got really dark skinned and lost their way. Every year since white ancestors travel to the desert and erect a statue of a man and set it on fire to represent the blackening
okay yeah that does look kinda cool
$15 though? any idea how long it is?
Finally got back home, bout to try it out
Way too many people take the flag and national anthems way to seriously
Black people should do what the Jewish people have done and form their own country
Africa is historically white
when you slap too hard
Now see here the white man lived in Africa all along, and they partied for too long and hard and got really dark skinned and lost their way. Every year since white ancestors travel to the desert and erect a statue of a man and set it on fire to represent the blackening
Did you behuhuhu the rub hive?Now see here the white man lived in Africa all along, and they partied for too long and hard and got really dark skinned and lost their way. Every year since white ancestors travel to the desert and erect a statue of a man and set it on fire to represent the blackening
Schism gave viktor some drugs
Now see here the white man lived in Africa all along, and they partied for too long and hard and got really dark skinned and lost their way. Every year since white ancestors travel to the desert and erect a statue of a man and set it on fire to represent the blackening
YesIs this a joke I'm not getting?
If I wind up dead you know who did itSch1sm reading Jandro's posts
If I wind up dead you know who did it
Tased myself with one of those flashlight tasers. It felt sorta alright.
Tased myself with one of those flashlight tasers. It felt sorta alright.
Man, looking at some of my comments from two years ago. I was so idealistic! What happened to that person?
You acting like $15 is a lot of money. Stop the bullshit and hit add to cart already.
No idea, but I saw someone mention a review indicated that it had a decent amount of content at least.
You were youngMan, looking at some of my comments from two years ago. I was so idealistic! What happened to that person?
Some things you just shouldn't tell us, John.
why is Jandro always trying to implicate me in criminal things? I didn't give Vik any drugs. He's sober and messed.
Man, looking at some of my comments from two years ago. I was so idealistic! What happened to that person?