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The Black Culture Thread XX

I treat the work enviroment like prison

Always keep your eyes open

Do your own time not anyone elses

Don't get too friendly

Eat with one hand covering your food

Don't accept anything, there are no such thing as "gifts"

Find the old lady, get in good with her. She will teach you the lay of the land.

The old lady where I'm at doesn't do much though.

Oh and let me tell you about the follow up. So the white guy comes back after I'm at my desk and says not to pay attention to that other girl and my trainer sitting next to me asks what we're talking about and I tell her and she says "wow I'm sorry you were put in that awkward situation. You're still kind of new too, but even if she knew you for years that would be weird. I know you can tell, but this place isn't that diverse and I was sort of worried about that kind of thing. Let me know if something like that ever pops up again".

She said a lil more than that, but that was the gist of it. I did feel weird as fuck in that situation, but I don't know if I will complain to ol girl if that shit happened again. I can't talk like that around them. I want to try to talk to the Mexican girl when the others aren't around as I know she feels like how I feel there, but she goes to lunch at a different time and leaves earlier to me. I'm definitely going to try to speak to her alone tomorrow and ask her what's up with these white people.

D i Z

Why aren't you rich yet?

No no, what did you do to make you fear HR so much? I get the PSP in the toaster and such but WHAT DID YOU DO? 👀

HR is nothing to joke with. I've seen some of the most ruthless power moves go down through that dept. Not so much about what I've done, but who's got the capital to do warfare with a room full of vengeful Japanese women. Rather have them on my side than anything else.


Fuck sake. 🙄
My boss is out so I can tell y'all about this awkward moment I had at work a little while ago. So I got a little too comfortable at work again and was talking like I do on here and so I walked up to the Mexican girl at work and said "hey homegirl, what you doing?" She was on the phone unaware to me and said one sec. The white girl next to her asked me what I said to her and I told her and then she imitated 'homegirl' back in a really white way and at this time my Mexican coworker was off the phone and she said "yeah don't do that".

The white girl said "Was that really white?" and she was like "yeah". So the white girl said she wasn't making fun of me and I said I know and she said she isn't racist and then I can't remember how it leaned into this, but she said she likes colored people. At this point I was feeling really awkward. The Mexican girl said not to mind her, somebody else walked up and then she said to the white guy that he's racist and he has confederate flags all in his house in a joking way. I could tell it was jokes, but it was weird. The manager overheard and said he just hates stupid people. The white girl says she doesn't have a problem with black people just Hispanics talking to the Mexican coworker. Somebody else walked in and then I forget what he said, but they were joking that he was racist too. The first white guy told me not to pay attention to her and the Mexican girl did too. At this point the phone was ringing in my earpiece and I said I had to take this call. I walked off and answered it, but someone else picked up, but I used the opportunity to pretend like someone was there and go back to my desk.

I can't wait to read the replies when I get home.
She actually said coloured ? fuck her.

And maybe i'm seeing to much into this. But i think they were making fun of you. Trying to say black people are too "sensitive"

Though, i am really bad with that stuff and always think people are taking the piss. So take what i say with a grain of salt.

Though even if i'm wrong. That place is droning in diet racism.

Is this at the Pharmacy with the good pay ?
Brah, I had one boss who was super cute. She had me doing shit like warming up her car on cold days right before she left. Running errands, doing reports and shit.

But when I put in for a promotion I always got denied. That is how i learned when you turn yourself into the office bitch, you will always be the office bitch.
Ohh Slay.

D i Z

Tom Cruise needs to take a break. Sell a book or something. Work on some housing issues in NY or deregulate a couple of beaches.
but its official, Common and Angela Rye are dating
Fuck sake. ��

She actually said coloured ? fuck her.

And maybe i'm seeing to much into this. But i think they were making fun of you. Trying to say black people are too "sensitive"

Though, i am really bad with that stuff and always think people are taking the piss. So take what i say with a grain of salt.

Though even if i'm wrong. That place is droning in diet racism.

Is this at the Pharmacy with the good pay ?

Ohh Slay.

I don't think so. When she did the homegirl and we said don't say that it was because it sounded mad corny coming from her. but that colored did put a ! in my mind. Yeah, this is at the pharmacy. Ooh Schism, if you listening, have you ever gone through some shit like that? I need to go somewhere I can be myself. Tired of this place being the only place that I can and in other threads people be getting mad, but I treat y'all the same way and no complaints.
Well, one problem is that any gun control is lumped in with banning the 2nd amendment. I find it hard to even listen to the people that support a ban on federal research of gun issues . I'm not against all guns but when we talk about gun control and people deflect into all other issues, it doesn't make sense. We can't even do the smart thing like generate research and observable data to make an informed decision. That's hurting black people.

A lot of what you say makes sense but no matter the sport or interest, i don't think you should have army gear. Where you can 'snipe' 400 people from the 32 floor. We could start with banning high capacity magazines. Or silencers. Or armor piercing bullets. But those are off limits. Those last two don't even make sense in our society. But the National No Niggers but More Rifles Association will fight even reasonable gun control.

Which brings me to my final point. You use racism as a reason to carry a gun. And racism as a reason to not ban guns. I want to talk about the inherent racism that leads to more black lives dying. Because that does not disappear. I'm glad the racism you deal with and how you respond to it works for you but that doesn't work for everyone. Including Philando Castile, who was legally carrying, properly announced it to a cop and still died on Facebook live.

That systemic racism doesn't disappear. It will be there if we have guns or not. You just have seen things from your perspective. It's still there. Whether we are better off as a people without guns, i don't know. I would start with a ban on some military gear. I can't call it automatic guns before some gun nerd starts talking like i said pedophile instead of ephebophile on neogaf. I would like gun research to happen like we lead the world in gun deaths. I would like our Congress to not take orders from a group that salivates over tragedies because gun sales will go up. And i would like elementary schools and outdoor music festivals to not have to worry about people dying.

And I'm really fucking tired of the hand wringing over people worried about what ifs. Fuck slippery slopes, people are dying a lot due to guns and we stand as cowards not doing a thing and even rolling back controls. With auto driving cars in the near future, gun deaths will be the biggest preventable death in our country.

Sooperkool, I have no dog in that fight and I do agree with the notion that people should arm themselves. The random jackasses are prone to not be jackasses then but I do not understand why people in the US, regular civilians, should have better armaments than the army.
I see no need for high powered ARs, no need for armor piercing bullets, no need for flamethrowers and why there is a need for regulations. If you really want to defend your self and home you ought to be able to accept the fact to be having a real background check because not allowing you're crazy ass neighbours the access to guns is also in your safety.

Heck I'm trying to get rid of a 25kgs of explosives dad had at the company and the police is taking their sweet ass time to get over here. They where fast as hell when it came to the guns but not this. It's old and highly unstable. Doesn't get better by waiting a year.

You know, the stuff you guys want banned.....is already banned. Armor Piercing rounds, high capacity rounds,silencers... pretty much banned across the country and like I have said....it didn't stop a man with money from getting them.
breh is slicker than worm sperm, why you hating

Cuz his voice sounds like a clown going through puberty

Unrelated, but I just saw a showing of James Baldwin's "I Am Not Your Negro" doc and it was incredible! I'd watched a few clips of him on Youtube, but never seen anything cohesively go through his experiences and intersperse the clips in an order that made sense. The dude was prophetic.

This is still one of my favorite clips of his because it's 100% truth. I mean, you had a crowd in the 60s giving him that level of applause


Nintendo sending Ninjas as we speak.

All the kids are going to be big enough to join Zoey on her new college spin off show in a year or two. May as well throw the kids from Fresh Off The Boat in there as well.

Yeah, Jack and Diane must be juicing, they shot up like a good 3 feet. They use to be so tiny
I wonder what hole they dragged Farnsworth Bentley out of for that dance number?

Fake Edit: Apparently he was the Executive Music Producer for this ep.
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