My boss is out so I can tell y'all about this awkward moment I had at work a little while ago. So I got a little too comfortable at work again and was talking like I do on here and so I walked up to the Mexican girl at work and said "hey homegirl, what you doing?" She was on the phone unaware to me and said one sec. The white girl next to her asked me what I said to her and I told her and then she imitated 'homegirl' back in a really white way and at this time my Mexican coworker was off the phone and she said "yeah don't do that".
The white girl said "Was that really white?" and she was like "yeah". So the white girl said she wasn't making fun of me and I said I know and she said she isn't racist and then I can't remember how it leaned into this, but she said she likes colored people. At this point I was feeling really awkward. The Mexican girl said not to mind her, somebody else walked up and then she said to the white guy that he's racist and he has confederate flags all in his house in a joking way. I could tell it was jokes, but it was weird. The manager overheard and said he just hates stupid people. The white girl says she doesn't have a problem with black people just Hispanics talking to the Mexican coworker. Somebody else walked in and then I forget what he said, but they were joking that he was racist too. The first white guy told me not to pay attention to her and the Mexican girl did too. At this point the phone was ringing in my earpiece and I said I had to take this call. I walked off and answered it, but someone else picked up, but I used the opportunity to pretend like someone was there and go back to my desk.
I can't wait to read the replies when I get home.