.......Y'all like Dragon's Crown? Nice. And I wish it was rereleased as well. Great beat em up.
Yep. Logged a lot of time on the PS3 with DC.
.......Y'all like Dragon's Crown? Nice. And I wish it was rereleased as well. Great beat em up.
got to dress right
got to dress right
I'd fund a four player wrestling brawling game by AKI corp. A spiritual successor of sorts to Def Jam Fight for Ny but with street gangs, not rappers.
got to dress right
I was done with 4, I was watching ti and it legit made me wonder what i was doing with my life.
Is that scarface? And etrigan?
4 was legit bad instead of so bad it's good
Nah that's a different dummy
Ah...And what the fuck is your avatar? Classical Martin Lawrence?
"Sir. Jeromey-Rome, Original Playa of House Himalaya, first of his name."
That dumbest scenes in tv thread is a goldmine. A dog eating a human heart intended for a transplant patient is priceless.
LOL.Is that a surefire way to get sympathy?
[picks up sledgehammer and raises it over own leg]
Love that game.Haven't played Dragon's Crown in forever might pop that in and play for a bit.
God i wish they would.Shit, bring it to steam please, that and Odin Sphere, and Muramasa. What is Vanillaware doing now anyways?
ELF was OP. LOL.DC was pretty dope, Elf/Archer is my go to all the time.
Same.Once again if I were wealthy as hell I'd fund a game by them.
Castlevania on Netflix was pretty good.
For those unfamiliar, Castlevania is apparently based on a long-running game series in which the vampire hunting Belmont clan takes on the world's ultimate evil,.the Catholic Church
Watched the first little bit of it seemed like a stunningly average revenge movie.Anyone watching Chadwick's Netflix film?
Haven't played Dragon's Crown in forever might pop that in and play for a bit.
Warren Ellis got things to say.
Castlevania on Netflix was pretty good.
For those unfamiliar, Castlevania is apparently based on a long-running game series in which the vampire hunting Belmont clan takes on the world's ultimate evil,.the Catholic Church
Warren Ellis got things to say.
yeah I guess so
it was kind of annoying to be honest
Up to Buffy S10. Still enjoying all of it.
I love nighttime. It makes me feel so alive.
Shoot em Up is the greatest movie of all time. Put it in the record books.
To this day I still feel burned by how Angel ended.
I like that Shoot Em Up had just enough plot to frame it, anymore and it would justbeen silly
Game of Thrones bruhs
Game of Thrones bruhs
Game of Thrones bruhs
What's going on now?Game of Thrones and Insecure catching all the bodies.
Game of Thrones and Insecure catching all the bodies.
Well this just about confirms who Shy really is
I'm amazed it didn't end with somebody stabbing Jesus or some shit. (I haven't seen it so I may well be wrong)Warren Ellis got things to say.
I'm amazed it didn't end with somebody stabbing Jesus or some shit. (I haven't seen it so I may well be wrong)
Game of Thrones would be cool if I didn't read them spoilers that leaked a few months ago and end up disappointed.
Do y'all think John Witherspoon could pull off J.Jonah Jameson or is that just a stupid idea
Game of Thrones bruhs
LOL.Well this just about confirms who Shy really is
I actually am. I was about to not post it but the new jersey in me made me do it. It's my inner asshole. We actually have two.no you're not.
That chris pratt thread is jaa embrassing
All good on your end man?Morning people