Shannon Sharpe saying Kaep ain't deserve a second chance cause he ain't ruin the first one, whew
I just hear SKEEEYUP and shit makes me smile lol.
Shannon Sharpe saying Kaep ain't deserve a second chance cause he ain't ruin the first one, whew
GoT spoilers from last episode
With the help of Migos
GoT spoilers from last episode
With the help of Migos
GoT spoilers from last episode
With the help of Migos
LOL. That was pretty good.GoT spoilers from last episode
With the help of Migos
GoT spoilers from last episode
With the help of Migos
I need to catch up on GoT, feel like I'm missing out on culture
So what y'all niggas doing for the end of the world
For my Eulogy just have Jandro recite Lil Uzi's verse from Bad and BoujeeProof everything is better with Migos
So what y'all niggas doing for the end of the world
I need to catch up on GoT, feel like I'm missing out on culture
So what y'all niggas doing for the end of the world
So what y'all niggas doing for the end of the world
So what y'all niggas doing for the end of the world
So what y'all niggas doing for the end of the world
Living at potential ground zero
So what y'all niggas doing for the end of the world
Typical of someone who likes Link
It's always nice when they cut the bullshit and start letting out their real feelings.
Listening to the 1 Nas good song and thinking he should have collabed with Tim McGrawSo what y'all niggas doing for the end of the world
Idk why... but I feel attacked.
End of the world Playlist would just a loop of Atomic Dog and Flash Light.
Cause you blasted the exact same songs this morning in your brand new Lexus on the way to work
Soon as this eclipse hit, I'm hopping into this real life castlevania. Can't wait.So what y'all niggas doing for the end of the world
You would get locked up on bombing day. SmdhMan, if the bombs were dropping I kid you not, would find a dealer for weed, buy a dimebag, roll it and smoke and I hadn't smoked anything in my life. If I'm going out, I'm going out relaxed.
You think you grown, huh.
Showing off for your little friends, huh
So what y'all niggas doing for the end of the world
You trying to trigger half the damn thread?
GoT spoilers from last episode
With the help of Migos
You would get locked up on bombing day. Smdh
What evidence do you have off officers voluntarily giving up their racist system?Me thinks the cops would not worry about doing their job when that day comes...just saying. Then again, when did they ever really do their job in the first place?
What evidence do you have off officers voluntarily giving up their racist system?
Oh, this is sci fi? Carry on
Afternoon fam
He's from the future??? Its morning here, man.
??? Its morning here, man.
He's from the future
Will we get a Jay Elec LP before the end?Will Viktor's mixtape drop before the bombs do?
Morning bct. How's everyone this morning
So what y'all niggas doing for the end of the world
GoT spoilers from last episode
With the help of Migos
Black people make GoT 303203020302 times more enjoyable
Nukes, nukes everywhere fam