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The Black Culture Thread


Air said:
I don't play too regularly (got lots of work to do). But im usually on at the end of the week. My steam id is wafflz
bobbychalkers said:
I play but im not that good.
EDITL My steam id is bobbychalkers
Tried to add you but couldn't find you :(
Satchwar said:
i play

my steam id is satchwar
Hope to see you all on the battlefield!

Mr. Patch

justin12140 said:
did anyone here go to an hbcu? if so what school did you go to and what was your experience

I go to FAMU right now. It's alright for the most part. Biggest problems tend to be the ratchet subset of students (tend to do embarrassing shit that ends up on Worldstar) and the financial aid office.

The financial aid office is easily the most hated aspect of FAMU. My parents knew FAMU students in the 80's that had problems with the financial aid office and they STILL don't have their shit together.

I recently had to clean up one of their fuckups with one of my scholarships, and they have the nerve to send me some shit asking for my tax returns.
Veal said:

Tried to add you but couldn't find you :(

Hope to see you all on the battlefield!
I got 3 different names for my account, url, and profile. I probably gave you the wrong one. My bad :p. Heres my profile if you still want to add me.
Hey Descendants-of-Slaves-GAF-as-a-subset-of-BlackGAF:

Does it ever randomly bother anyone else that you'll never know your true last name?

It comes and goes for me...and it just came back a few minutes ago, watching a baseball game and wondering how this dark brotha got the last name "Brazoban" and what his background story is. Which of course made me think of mine, or the lack thereof.

I'm feeling solemn as hell right now.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Damn, I doubt most people will ever know this feeling. It sad to witness this. Can't even think of how bad that must feel. Where I am from, you get your own name, your father's name, his father's name, his father's name and so on.
And women get to keep their own names. Women don't take their husband's names because he is not her father, she has her own household's name to uphold. ( I think we're the only African nation that does this.)

Although, it really isn't all that it's cracked up to be. If anything you're forced to either continue a few long standing traditions, or choose to break them. Especially with guys.
Dreams-Visions said:
Hey Descendants-of-Slaves-GAF-as-a-subset-of-BlackGAF:

Does it ever randomly bother anyone else that you'll never know your true last name?

It comes and goes for me...and it just came back a few minutes ago, watching a baseball game and wondering how this dark brotha got the last name "Brazoban" and what his background story is. Which of course made me think of mine, or the lack thereof.

I'm feeling solemn as hell right now.

I think about it from time to time.

One thing worth pointing out though, black slaves were taken from all kinds of places, so when people talk about their "roots", they really have only tracked down one part of their ancestry.

Also, as much as it's shit, some of our *fake* names are real, due to white men raping black slaves. Frederick Douglas would be an historical example here. But through the generations, this has to hold true for others as well, of course, it's nearly impossible for most of us to know for sure or not.

Same thing with our "roots". Many African Americans paternal lineage is actually European : http://www.thegrio.com/black-history/dna-used-to-reveal-mlk-and-garveys-african-lineage.php

Veidt said:
Damn, I doubt most people will ever know this feeling.

LOL, well there is the entire African Diaspora, it's not too uncommon.
A more academic look at this : http://www.ahc.umn.edu/bioethics/afrgen/html/Geneticsandgenealogy.html

An individual came and wanted to get tested. This was early in the project when I was very naïve. I say that because you just cannot tell people this information and walk away. It is important to sit down and talk with these individuals. This man came, a big Afro-centric man, about 45, in African garb. He said, "I want to get tested to see where I fall in the database." He told me that his father told him something about his ancestry and his mother told him something. He wanted to confirm that. I ran the analysis and his paternal lineage was European, not African. His mitochondrial lineage was clustered with these Mandinka in Senegal and in Gambia. He came in and I gave him his results. I said, "Your paternal lineage is not African; it's European." He just froze. He froze, and then he sat down, quietly sat there. He did not say anything for 10 or 15 minutes. He said, "Are you sure?" I said, "Yes, we did the analysis. We ran it twice." He said, "Are you sure?" I said, "Yes, I am sure. I am positive."

His father told him that he was Mandinka. Many times we romanticize about these different African groups that we may have ancestry with. We don't have any knowledge, so we see Roots and we see the Mandinka and we say, OK, I am a Mandinka. So his father told him he was Mandinka on his side and his mother told him he was Mandinka on her side. After I told him that his father's side clustered in Europe, then he started thinking and said, "Well, what about my mother's side?" I said, "It was Mandinka, so she was right." He felt a little better but he was shattered. It scared me and I said to myself I'll never do that again. I'll never just sit and nonchalantly tell people these results because I had no idea of what his own perception of himself was and what he was told when he was younger growing up. So that was a major point in terms of my thinking about how to articulate this information to the community.


Dreams-Visions said:
Hey Descendants-of-Slaves-GAF-as-a-subset-of-BlackGAF:

Does it ever randomly bother anyone else that you'll never know your true last name?

It comes and goes for me...and it just came back a few minutes ago, watching a baseball game and wondering how this dark brotha got the last name "Brazoban" and what his background story is. Which of course made me think of mine, or the lack thereof.

I'm feeling solemn as hell right now.
Sure, sometimes. But my last name is Smith, which means I get to troll people into thinking I'm related to Will Smith(a lot of people fall for it). I will never give up that joy.
Dreams-Visions said:
Hey Descendants-of-Slaves-GAF-as-a-subset-of-BlackGAF:

Does it ever randomly bother anyone else that you'll never know your true last name?

It comes and goes for me...and it just came back a few minutes ago, watching a baseball game and wondering how this dark brotha got the last name "Brazoban" and what his background story is. Which of course made me think of mine, or the lack thereof.

I'm feeling solemn as hell right now.
I do think about it pretty often. It would be pretty hard for me to find out as well seeing that my paternal lineage most likely traces back to England.


Dreams-Visions said:
Hey Descendants-of-Slaves-GAF-as-a-subset-of-BlackGAF:

Does it ever randomly bother anyone else that you'll never know your true last name?

It comes and goes for me...and it just came back a few minutes ago, watching a baseball game and wondering how this dark brotha got the last name "Brazoban" and what his background story is. Which of course made me think of mine, or the lack thereof.

I'm feeling solemn as hell right now.



Dreams-Visions said:
Hey Descendants-of-Slaves-GAF-as-a-subset-of-BlackGAF:

Does it ever randomly bother anyone else that you'll never know your true last name?

It comes and goes for me...and it just came back a few minutes ago, watching a baseball game and wondering how this dark brotha got the last name "Brazoban" and what his background story is. Which of course made me think of mine, or the lack thereof.

I'm feeling solemn as hell right now.
I think about it from time to time, I've always felt Thomas a plain last name. Being from Alabama, I know I have some pretty deep slavery roots in my family on both sides, with my mom's maiden name being cotton. I could really care less ay this.point though.
Dreams-Visions said:
Hey Descendants-of-Slaves-GAF-as-a-subset-of-BlackGAF:

Does it ever randomly bother anyone else that you'll never know your true last name?

It comes and goes for me...and it just came back a few minutes ago, watching a baseball game and wondering how this dark brotha got the last name "Brazoban" and what his background story is. Which of course made me think of mine, or the lack thereof.

I'm feeling solemn as hell right now.

Sometimes, mostly in recent years.


Dreams-Visions said:
Hey Descendants-of-Slaves-GAF-as-a-subset-of-BlackGAF:

Does it ever randomly bother anyone else that you'll never know your true last name?

It comes and goes for me...and it just came back a few minutes ago, watching a baseball game and wondering how this dark brotha got the last name "Brazoban" and what his background story is. Which of course made me think of mine, or the lack thereof.

I'm feeling solemn as hell right now.

Well, I know my true last name on my fathers side. I do wonder about my mothers side though since they all have either English or Spanish last names. I can only surmise that some of my family came back from America(much like Liberians). Since my moms side isn't actually originally Nigerian but from Sierra Leone which had people come back from America. I wish I knew their stories. I'd like to ask my grandmother, but my Yoruba isn't strong and I feel that a lot of that history may not have been passed down. I guess I'm not in the same boat as most African Americans though since, I have an African last name; I often do wonder though.
Dreams-Visions said:
Hey Descendants-of-Slaves-GAF-as-a-subset-of-BlackGAF:

Does it ever randomly bother anyone else that you'll never know your true last name?

It comes and goes for me...and it just came back a few minutes ago, watching a baseball game and wondering how this dark brotha got the last name "Brazoban" and what his background story is. Which of course made me think of mine, or the lack thereof.

I'm feeling solemn as hell right now.

Couldn't care less to be honest.


New to the forum somewhat. Have been reading it since Sega Ages and have finally tried to get an account. Wanted this thread to be my first post but Forza 4's beat it out. But, in my defense, I found this one immediately to post on

- Quincy, MA 35 years old and gaming since the Odyssey and 2600 way back... Some college but those were obtained while in the Navy. Unlike the rest of you, I do prefer 360 over Ps3 but I do own a launch Ps3 as I am weak when it comes to new systems. I also refuse to give it up because I NEED my BC and my Ps2 jrpg's!

At any rate, I hope to have some civilized discussions with my "peoples" in the future.
Dreams-Visions said:
Hey Descendants-of-Slaves-GAF-as-a-subset-of-BlackGAF:

Does it ever randomly bother anyone else that you'll never know your true last name?

It comes and goes for me...and it just came back a few minutes ago, watching a baseball game and wondering how this dark brotha got the last name "Brazoban" and what his background story is. Which of course made me think of mine, or the lack thereof.

I'm feeling solemn as hell right now.

Naw man, you define you name, not the other way around.


LowerLevel said:
Unlike the rest of you, I do prefer 360 over Ps3 but I do own a launch Ps3 as I am weak when it comes to new systems.




LowerLevel said:
New to the forum somewhat. Have been reading it since Sega Ages and have finally tried to get an account. Wanted this thread to be my first post but Forza 4's beat it out. But, in my defense, I found this one immediately to post on

- Quincy, MA 35 years old and gaming since the Odyssey and 2600 way back... Some college but those were obtained while in the Navy. Unlike the rest of you, I do prefer 360 over Ps3 but I do own a launch Ps3 as I am weak when it comes to new systems. I also refuse to give it up because I NEED my BC and my Ps2 jrpg's!

At any rate, I hope to have some civilized discussions with my "peoples" in the future.
My comrade, welcome.


I loved my 360, but microsoft is asking too much. I've decided I'm going wii U and PC next gen (Steam). Microsoft broke my heart, and its time to move on :(

eternaLightness said:

Picked up some ribs and watermelon for the 4th. It's gonna go down.

I ate at a bbq place today with some friends and it was great. I'm just gonna relax on Monday. Its gonna be so good


Junior Member
Dreams-Visions said:
Hey Descendants-of-Slaves-GAF-as-a-subset-of-BlackGAF:

Does it ever randomly bother anyone else that you'll never know your true last name?

It comes and goes for me...and it just came back a few minutes ago, watching a baseball game and wondering how this dark brotha got the last name "Brazoban" and what his background story is. Which of course made me think of mine, or the lack thereof.

I'm feeling solemn as hell right now.

I said this a whole lot of pages back, but I may have found the man whose ancestors game my ancestors our slave name.

Not sure what the possibility is here, but here are the facts: While back in his hometown my dad encountered a wealthy white man with the same last name as him. He knows for sure that his ancestors owned slaves whom they gave their own surname. He lives pretty close to where my dad was born.

I don't really know how I wanna go forward with this information. Not quite ready for how it might redefine me.
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