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The Black Culture Thread


Junior Member
MWS Natural said:
I have seen some people educated and change some of their views before. When I first started posting on GAF many didn't even know what White Privilege was. I know it can get frustrating but just giving up and letting ignorance reign isn't the solution.

I agree for the most part. However, after I saw posters ignore posts like Empty Vessel's that dropped information, links, stats, and sourced material I just stopped responding to the thread. Those chumps don't want to be educated.
zero_suit said:
He was killed because he hit a cop with a bag containing a bag of canned beer? That's ridiculous.
ALLEGEDLY. Just because that's what they claim doesn't even mean that is what really happened. You know car keys look like weapons to some Police Officers.


MWS Natural said:
Sorry everything I eat is FRESH.

Because if we don't represent who is going to represent for you? They will think, "oh well no one challenged my ignorant unknowingly racist views...I guess they are right!!"

I hear you man. I'm just tired of all the debates. I def. see where you're coming from though.


MWS Natural said:
ALLEGEDLY. Just because that's what they claim doesn't even mean that is what really happened. You know car keys look like weapons to some Police Officers.

Of course, I don't know the events that transpired. All I'm saying is what the cop said allegedly happened doesn't come close to justifying using deadly force.
MWS Natural said:
ALLEGEDLY. Just because that's what they claim doesn't even mean that is what really happened. You know car keys look like weapons to some Police Officers.

Just like allegedly having a toy gun.


The law stems from the 2007 shooting death of a 12 year old West Memphis boy, DeAunta Farrow.

DeAunta Farrow was gunned down after police say he waved a pistol at them. Police later revealed the pistol was actually a toy gun. State legislators say the new law is aimed at protecting other children and officers from similar violence.


However, she did tell us why she fought against naming the law after her son. His family contends he had a bottle of soda in his hands the night he was shot, not a toy gun.
MWS Natural said:
Because if we don't represent who is going to represent for you? They will think, "oh well no one challenged my ignorant unknowingly racist views...I guess they are right!!"

Yeah I see what you mean. But trying to teach the seemingly willfully ignorant over the internet is not something I'm good at. I do alot better IRL. I will make a conscious effort to at least throw out an attempt or two per thread though. It just becomes draining after awhile.
So I saw this tweet:
"African-Americans" aren't African. Or American.

from the author of this blog and I wonder what you guys in the United States think of the term. Do you think its a poor descriptor for black people in America as there are black people whose roots are from the Carribean or from Pacific Islands/Australia? or do you have no problem whatsoever with it?
Dead Man said:
Maybe so.

He's probably right. I know this was touched upon recently, but that's why I avoid the racially charged threads; I don't feel like getting worked up and angry.

Imm0rt4l said:
The cool was a dope album, I like the song. I don't fuck with lasers though, fuck that album. All black everything was dope though.

Lasers was disappointing. The whole sound of the album really deviates from what I expected of Lupe, but that was to be expected I guess. Lupe was not gonna get Lasers released unless he tailored it to his labels wants. All Black Everything is incredible though, one of his best tracks ever.
MWS Natural said:
I can't WAIT to hear what his 2 kids have to say.

lightless_shado said:
So I saw this tweet:
"African-Americans" aren't African. Or American.

from the author of this blog and I wonder what you guys in the United States think of the term. Do you think its a poor descriptor for black people in America as there are black people whose roots are from the Carribean or from Pacific Islands/Australia? or do you have no problem whatsoever with it?
lemmie reach back a few black gaf days:


something like that. I wish a mothafucka would tell me I'm not American, btw.
lightless_shado said:
So I saw this tweet:
"African-Americans" aren't African. Or American.

from the author of this blog and I wonder what you guys in the United States think of the term. Do you think its a poor descriptor for black people in America as there are black people whose roots are from the Carribean or from Pacific Islands/Australia? or do you have no problem whatsoever with it?

I honestly don't know why it's such a heated issue for some (Blacks and whites alike). It's just a name to describe an ethnicity in the US...doesn't matter if the term is negro american, black american, African american, nigga american, coloured american or whatever really (Disregarding offensiveness).

We are obviously American, that goes without saying, that's our nationality. I can't find/don't care to find that specific blog post to see his argument...not sure how one can make that argument, unless he's saying that only First Nation/Native Americans are "American"...but that's like a completely new can o'worms.

As none of us really know our "true" country of origin due to slavery, "African" is a good term to use. Some prefer black..but it really doesn't matter. It's not referencing a nationality, or even a race, it's an ethnic group.

People whose parents were of a different nationality shouldn't be described as African American, as they aren't "organic" to the US. A dude whose family is from Jamaica is Jamaican.
The only issue is in regards to the census I suppose...however, most of the time even that says "Black or African Descent" so it's not like you're being piled in with anyone.


Kitschkraft said:
I honestly don't know why it's such a heated issue for some (Blacks and whites alike). It's just a name to describe an ethnicity in the US...doesn't matter if the term is negro american, black american, African american, nigga american, coloured american or whatever really (Disregarding offensiveness).
To me as an outsider (White, English) it just seems like a fucked up phrase to use. The idea of calling white Englishmen 'English' and black Englishmen 'African-English' just seems bizarrely racist to me. That's before you go into the fact that it's a catch-all term often involving people that have never set foot on or near Africa.

Obviously it doesn't really matter what I think but I thought I'd add my tuppence.
SmokyDave said:
To me as an outsider (White, English) it just seems like a fucked up phrase to use. The idea of calling white Englishmen 'English' and black Englishmen 'African-English' just seems bizarrely racist to me. That's before you go into the fact that it's a catch-all term often involving people that have never set foot on or near Africa.

Obviously it doesn't really matter what I think but I thought I'd add my tuppence.

Doesn't matter if we've never set foot on Africa. The "African" aspect only realizes "Hey, these peoples ancestors were taken from somewhere in Africa", doesn't imply anything else.

Africans that immigrate to America from Africa know which country they are from, so they can call themselves "Nigerian American" or "Somalian" or whatever. Or, they could just prefer American. Or "African American" actually if they feel they have assimilated into the community. Personal choice of course.

Regardless, England is different anyways, you really can't make that comparison...you guys aren't a settler colony, so I would imagine that any sort of phrasing that separates peoples history is looked down upon more harshly in your country. There *is* an "English People", anglo-saxons I believe? Are you saying that in England, you make no distinction? Everyone is *just* English? What if a couple immigrates from France? Are their children not considered English with a French background?

I also don't know if the racial history of England has resulted in as much of a fragmented and segregated history as it has in America. As I stated, Black/African Americans are a community within the country, mainly due to the history of said country. Not sure if the same can be said of blacks in England, and if not, there really is no need for such a term.

Edit : This here The idea of calling white Englishmen 'English' and black Englishmen 'African-English' - That isn't what's going on at all. Me calling myself an African American or a Black American is comparable to someone calling themselves "Italian American" or "Irish American" (Both are quite common). Whites don't have some sort of ownership over the term "American" just because "African American" exist (Although, some think they do, but that's a completely different subject).


Kitschkraft said:
Doesn't matter if we've never set foot on Africa. The "African" aspect only realizes "Hey, these peoples ancestors were taken from somewhere in Africa", doesn't imply anything else.

Africans that immigrate to America from Africa know which country they are from, so they can call themselves "Nigerian American" or "Somalian" or whatever. Or, they could just prefer American. Or "African American" actually if they feel they have assimilated into the community. Personal choice of course.

Regardless, England is different anyways, you really can't make that comparison...you guys aren't a settler colony, so I would imagine that any sort of phrasing that separates peoples history is looked down upon more harshly in your country. There *is* an "English People", anglo-saxons I believe? Are you saying that in England, you make no distinction? Everyone is *just* English? What if a couple immigrates from France? Are their children not considered English with a French background?

I also don't know if the racial history of England has resulted in as much of a fragmented and segregated history as it has in America. As I stated, Black/African Americans are a community within the country, mainly due to the history of said country. Not sure if the same can be said of blacks in England, and if not, there really is no need for such a term.
Oh they're definitely different situations, that's why I stressed 'outsider' and that my views on the subject really aren't relevant.

Yeah, in England you're just 'English'. There are tick-boxes for ethnicity where you can state your 'colour' and 'origin'*, but your nationality is just 'English'.

In the event that you were born in England to French parents that had lived in France most of their lives, I can see why you'd perhaps identify as 'French-English', although your nationality would still be English. If your parents were born in England and you were born in England too, you're English as fuck, no matter how you might try and hold on to some long forgotten ancestry. If you go back 4 or 5 generations on my fathers side, they're all Irish. Does that make me 'Irish-English'? Hell no, I'm English. I have no real tangible connection to Ireland whatsoever.

I see things are very different in the states, where you have groups that have been in the US for generations and yet still identify with the country that their great-grandparents were born in. I wonder if that's due to the relatively young age of the country?

*I have to do this a lot for work so I can give you the usual categories used. These are for ethnicity, not nationality:

White British
White Irish
White Other
White & Black Caribbean
White & Black African
White & Asian
Other Mixed Background
Asian or Asian British Indian
Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi
Asian or Asian British Pakistani
Other Asian Background
Black Or Black British Caribbean
Black Or Black British African
Other Black Background
Any Other Ethnic Group
Patient Declined

Edit : This here The idea of calling white Englishmen 'English' and black Englishmen 'African-English' - That isn't what's going on at all. Me calling myself an African American or a Black American is comparable to someone calling themselves "Italian American" or "Irish American" (Both are quite common). Whites don't have some sort of ownership over the term "American" just because "African American" exist (Although, some think they do, but that's a completely different subject).
I know that's not what's going on, it's just that it seems that way sometimes. It seems like an artificial way to create 'difference'. Same goes for 'Italian-American' and 'Irish-American'. In my eyes, if your parents were born in America and you were born in America, you are American. Just American.


It really isn't a big deal. Its how america identifies different races of people living in america. It does separate or make them less american because they have african in the name. I don't see the big deal. If no one in america is up in arms why do you take offense? Just seems weird to make a big deal out of people being called african american. Think of it as a difference of culture from england. If I was you I would get more upset at the term american indian.


Londa said:
It really isn't a big deal. Its how america identifies different races of people living in america. It does separate or make them less american because they have african in the name. I don't see the big deal. If no one in america is up in arms why do you take offense? Just seems weird to make a big deal out of people being called african american. Think of it as a difference of culture from england. If I was you I would get more upset at the term american indian.
I didn't wake up thinking about it this morning, I responded to this line:

I honestly don't know why it's such a heated issue for some (Blacks and whites alike).

With my perspective on why that might be, as an outsider :)


SmokyDave said:
I didn't wake up thinking about it this morning, I responded to this line:

With my perspective on why that might be, as an outsider :)

ok, maybe I shouldn't have said "up in arms". But I feel that as an outsider to many cultures, I don't agree or understand tons of things. I am usually told to take it as being a different culture from my own and that many in that culture feel its normal.

One thing that is true about these "names" is that for Indians it is unfair to be called American Indian. The land was taken from them and they have very little rights here. For a people that were here first that is pretty messed up.


Any of you guys/gals picking up NCAA Football 12 today? My black co-worker (USF grad, the catfish guy I talked about here before) has already been talking shit all day about beating me online. :lol Good times.

Dreams-Visions said:
Which is why I stayed out of it. I don't need the emotional drain.

It's threads like that where you get a glimpse of why American voting demographics are the way they are today.
LosDaddie said:
Any of you guys/gals picking up NCAA Football 12 today? My black co-worker (USF grad, the catfish guy I talked about here before) has already been talking shit all day about beating me online. :lol Good times.

I'm done with EA Football games until they do some real innovating.

:Lights a candle for 2k Football :(


soundscream said:
I'm done with EA Football games until they do some real innovating.

:Lights a candle for 2k Football :(

Move on from the past, bro. Just let it go. NCAA and Madden are way better than NFL 2k5 ever was. Online Dynasty/League are awesome, and I'd be doing them again if I had the time to commit.
LosDaddie said:
Move on from the past, bro. Just let it go. NCAA and Madden are way better than NFL 2k5 ever was. Online Dynasty/League are awesome, and I'd be doing them again if I had the time to commit.

Ah no. The 2k series was always better then the current version of madden it was going up against. And Madden hasn't changed its formula enough, its stagnant.


soundscream said:
Ah no. The 2k series was always better then the current version of madden it was going up against. And Madden hasn't changed its formula enough, its stagnant.

Agreed on 2k being better at that time,...but that was 7yrs ago. Madden has since surpassed NFL 2k5, and by a wide mile. I mean, if you don't like football games anymore, that's one thing. But sports gaming has never been better than today, including football.
LosDaddie said:
Agreed on 2k being better at that time,...but that was 7yrs ago. Madden has since surpassed NFL 2k5, and by a wide mile. I mean, if you don't like football games anymore, that's one thing. But sports gaming has never been better than today, including football.

Where did I say I didn't like football games? I know if you compare 2k5 to last years madden its obviously not a fair comparison. What I was saying is that madden on a year to year basis doesn't make a large enough leap in quality or game play to warrant a purchase. The difference between 10 and 11 wasn't that huge. There are always 1 or 2 new features but since there is no competition, they dont try to improve the game.

Edit: Look at 2k11 Basketball, it was a huge improvement over 2k10 cause they have competition. Even though Live is crap, they dont have the ability to sit on there laurels.


soundscream said:
Where did I say I didn't like football games? I know if you compare 2k5 to last years madden its obviously not a fair comparison. What I was saying is that madden on a year to year basis doesn't make a large enough leap in quality or game play to warrant a purchase. The difference between 10 and 11 wasn't that huge. There are always 1 or 2 new features but since there is no competition, they dont try to improve the game.

Edit: Look at 2k11 Basketball, it was a huge improvement over 2k10 cause they have competition. Even though Live is crap, they dont have the ability to sit on there laurels.

Oh, I thought you were saying you didn't play football games because of NFL 2k not being in the game anymore. It's a common claim on forums. And it's a silly claim because football gaming has never been better.

I'd like EA to have competition too. The main reason NFL 2k5 was so awesome was becase VC had EA pushing them. I only buy NCAA every year because of my love for college football.
I never really got into realistic sports games but damn if I didn't play the fuck out of NBA Street last gen on the ps2. Me and my brothers/cousins/friends had so much fun playing those games. Our mom would get pissed because of how heated the games would get hahaha


perfectnight said:
I never really got into realistic sports games but damn if I didn't play the fuck out of NBA Street last gen on the ps2. Me and my brothers/cousins/friends had so much fun playing those games. Our mom would get pissed because of how heated the games would get hahaha

Yeah, NBA Street 2 was one of the best sports games, period.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
I'm gonna have to agree with SmokeyDave here. That's one thing I like about England ( along with a vast array of other things.)


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
You guys really need to come to the UK. Best European country I've had the privilege of residing in, so far.


Junior Member
Black Republican said:
plus the interracial marriages/dating doesnt cause as much of stir here in london, u pretty much see it everywhere (upper/middle class lower etc)

Doesn't cause much of a stir here in the states either. Hence why a child of an interracial relationship is the goddamned President of the United States!

Top that Europe. :p
Veidt said:
You guys really need to come to the UK. Best European country I've had the privilege of residing in, so far.
How many have you lived in so far?

Measley said:
Doesn't cause much of a stir here in the states either. Hence why a child of an interracial relationship is the goddamned President of the United States!

Top that Europe. :p
I know this was sarcasm.

It all depends on where you live in the US and the families of the parties involved. Americans talk a bit game about color...but when it comes to having someone of _______ (fill in color) marrying into the family, people can get real funny real quick.


soundscream said:
Ah no. The 2k series was always better then the current version of madden it was going up against. And Madden hasn't changed its formula enough, its stagnant.
THANK YOU. Madden is horrible.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Dreams-Visions said:
Must be nice. How would you rank them in order?

Also, how many languages do you speak??? I'm going to guess...4?
I speak 4 fluent.
3 ( arabic, russian, french)) I can understand and somewhat speak some bits here and there. Would have been fluent in 5 if I had kept up with my french. I'm going back to it this year though. Too beautiful to give up. Only need to remember some of the voca. As I'm still good on grammar.


Veidt said:
You guys really need to come to the UK. Best European country I've had the privilege of residing in, so far.

I can't wait. I'm living in the south (US) and it's killing me. One more year, then I'm done with college!


Dreams-Visions said:
It all depends on where you live in the US and the families of the parties involved. Americans talk a bit game about color...but when it comes to having someone of _______ (fill in color) marrying into the family, people can get real funny real quick.

This is true. I have a friend that married a black woman and his family went ape shit despite smiling in her face for 3 years.
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