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The Black Culture Thread

LosDaddie said:
Any of you guys/gals picking up NCAA Football 12 today? My black co-worker (USF grad, the catfish guy I talked about here before) has already been talking shit all day about beating me online. :lol Good times.
Got it at 12am and called out of work :)
Gamer98 said:
THANK YOU. Madden is horrible.
Madden sucks but NCAA has been amazing the last two years. I gave up on Madden last year.

Measley said:
Doesn't cause much of a stir here in the states either. Hence why a child of an interracial relationship is the goddamned President of the United States!

Top that Europe. :p
Can't agree, here in the south my friend and I still get weird/offended looks.
dominuece said:
This is true. I have a friend that married a black woman and his family went ape shit despite smiling in her face for 3 years.

Let me try to bring a white woman home. Memories of the civil rights movement have not been lost over the years on my family members. (not that I might not try one day lol)

Veidt said:
I speak 4 fluent.
3 ( arabic, russian, french)) I can understand and somewhat speak some bits here and there. Would have been fluent in 5 if I had kept up with my french. I'm going back to it this year though. Too beautiful to give up. Only need to remember some of the voca. As I'm still good on grammar.
damn. how do you do it.

I struggled to just understand 2 languages (Spanish, French) and never got proficient in any of them. I'd guess the biggest problem was/is a lack of anything French or Spanish in my daily life outside of a classroom. Kinda need more than an hour a day of absorbing language in order to learn it, I would think...but that's all most of us Americans have access to. Though I suppose I could turn on the big Spanish channel in America (Univision) and just let that play all day. Still...nothing like being forced to learn a language to survive, I'd think.


Black Republican said:
plus the interracial marriages/dating doesnt cause as much of stir here in london, u pretty much see it everywhere (upper/middle class lower etc)

That's actually pretty funny. When I visited a while back, it was pretty open compared to certain areas here in the US. They even show it during commercials and advert and such over there far more than here. I remember an Ikea ad with an Asian man and his apparent Black wife and their child. That commercial ran all of a week. NEVER see it anymore yet I still see ads from 5 years ago come back up so it's not like they couldn't run it.

Despite our strides, some things are still too taboo for American Media depending on the audience. You can read the uproar over Why Addison chose Sam or even the voting from SYTYCD with Benji and Donyelle. Young girls/tweens liked the latter, but not the "older" crowd.
Dreams-Visions said:

Let me try to bring a white woman home. Memories of the civil rights movement have not been lost over the years on my family members. (not that I might not try one day lol)
I've always wanted to do this just to see the reactions. I practice my "UMAD?" face five minutes in the mirror every morning so I'll be ready to use it on them just in case I ever go through with it.
Dreams-Visions said:

Let me try to bring a white woman home. Memories of the civil rights movement have not been lost over the years on my family members. (not that I might not try one day lol)
I've honestly never had any problem with my family and bringing home white female "acquiescence". I guess my dad was the trailblazer on that one 20 years ago so everyone got it out of their system lol.


I see no problem in dating outside your race. But to make it a point to only date outside your race is where I see a problem/issue.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
ThirtyPlus said:
A Black man is nothing without a healthy sense of paranoia.

Scary how true that is. :(

Y'all have me thinking about starting a RTTP: NBA Street Vol. 2 thread over on the Gaming Side. I wanted to play that game the first time it booted up at Gamestop and I hear the instrumental to "They Reminisce." Then I'm playing and the background music is Chief Rocka??? What a dope game.


mr jones said:
Scary how true that is. :(

Y'all have me thinking about starting a RTTP: NBA Street Vol. 2 thread over on the Gaming Side. I wanted to play that game the first time it booted up at Gamestop and I hear the instrumental to "They Reminisce." Then I'm playing and the background music is Chief Rocka??? What a dope game.
Did they ever fix the jukes from the first game? That shit was broken...


mr jones said:
Scary how true that is. :(

Y'all have me thinking about starting a RTTP: NBA Street Vol. 2 thread over on the Gaming Side. I wanted to play that game the first time it booted up at Gamestop and I hear the instrumental to "They Reminisce." Then I'm playing and the background music is Chief Rocka??? What a dope game.

Yo!! Man that game is awesome. I used to play that all the time when I used to have it. The soundtrack was ace. The ones afterwards just didn't seem to have that same vibe as Vol. 2 for some reason which is a shame.
J@hranimo said:
Yo!! Man that game is awesome. I used to play that all the time when I used to have it. The soundtrack was ace. The ones afterwards just didn't seem to have that same vibe as Vol. 2 for some reason which is a shame.

I recently found out they had Just Blaze among others, choosing the tracks for those games...no wonder the music was so awesome.

TROY in main menu >

Damn I gotta go listen to that track now.
Got an offer for a new job yesterday with a very good bump in salary. Notified my current company, will see if they will pay more or it's NINJA OUT!

You KNOW they not trying to pay a brotha!


Londa said:
I see no problem in dating outside your race. But to make it a point to only date outside your race is where I see a problem/issue.

Not much of a choice where I live. It's vanilla city out here. I'm not complaining though ;) The current Ms. PXG is quite the catch.

And yes NBA Street Vol. 2 is still an amazing game. Homecourt? Utter garbage. Fuck you EA.
Londa said:
I see no problem in dating outside your race. But to make it a point to only date outside your race is where I see a problem/issue.

I know black guys who will only date white girls, and white girls who only date black guys. Don't really have a problem with it though I couldn't just date one race.

I had the pleasure of meeting someone from Cuba a few days ago. Lawd!

I wish they could release NBA Vol 2 on psn/xbla. With online. omg!
Londa said:
I see no problem in dating outside your race. But to make it a point to only date outside your race is where I see a problem/issue.

Pretty much my thoughts. If my son/daughter exclusively dated outside their race by choice, I would feel like such a failure. It says (pretty explicitly) people that look like me/my family are not attractive or there is something negative about every member of that race. Racism/Self-hatred pretty much. Don't see how any parent would be happy with that.


Londa said:
I see no problem in dating outside your race. But to make it a point to only date outside your race is where I see a problem/issue.

Agreed, just as it's an issue to go out of your way to date within your ethnic group.

I'm still on a mission to find a girl that has an ethnic breakdown as diverse as my own, so I can make a genetic super baby. I'm Black, Spanish, Sicilian, Japanese and Irish, so I'm looking for someone who can at least cover South America and the Middle East.
MWS Natural said:
Got an offer for a new job yesterday with a very good bump in salary. Notified my current company, will see if they will pay more or it's NINJA OUT!

You KNOW they not trying to pay a brotha!
Awesome news! Hope everything works out for the best.
Get dat $$$
MWS Natural said:
Got an offer for a new job yesterday with a very good bump in salary. Notified my current company, will see if they will pay more or it's NINJA OUT!

You KNOW they not trying to pay a brotha!

Congratulations. All things being equal, which company would you prefer to work for? And don't forget to squeeze out extra benefits too!
eternaLightness said:


also I was watching the matrix today and I started thinking about Dwayne Mcduffy and "black products" If they had cast Will Smith as Neo as originally planned, would it have become a "black product"? Because then that would mean you would be seeing a black character on screen most of the time. If it's not Morpheus, its Tank and if its not Tank its Neo. Would it have done as well in the box office or would it have done worse?
spindashing said:
Awesome news! Hope everything works out for the best.
Get dat $$$
Thanks. Always, I will never have any love for any company that is not my own.
Bay Maximus said:
Congratulations. All things being equal, which company would you prefer to work for? And don't forget to squeeze out extra benefits too!
I'd rather stay where I am but they have been underpaying me for over a year so I think there is a lack of respect issue there. I won't stay unless they beat this offer but I doubt they will since it's a 30% increase in pay.
MWS Natural said:
Thanks. Always, I will never have any love for any company that is not my own.

I'd rather stay where I am but they have been underpaying me for over a year so I think there is a lack of respect issue there. I won't stay unless they beat this offer but I doubt they will since it's a 30% increase in pay.

Stopped right there. Leave and enjoy your new $$$


I seem to recall you expressing frustration about said company a while back in the other thread(or could have been this one). Nice you found a better option out there if need be, market is shit for a lot of people right now.
lightless_shado said:

also I was watching the matrix today and I started thinking about Dwayne Mcduffy and "black products" If they had cast Will Smith as Neo as originally planned, would it have become a "black product"? Because then that would mean you would be seeing a black character on screen most of the time. If it's not Morpheus, its Tank and if its not Tank its Neo. Would it have done as well in the box office or would it have done worse?
are you really wondering if the movie would have done better with Will Smith?

the answer is yes.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Satchwar said:
Anybody else want a Google+ invite?

I'd do that. Is Equus the one that drew the GAF Pony?
Is there a black culture group? Cuz I would love to get in on that


Satchwar said:
Anybody else want a Google+ invite?

I'd do that. Is Equus the one that drew the GAF Pony?
I don't think so...?

He did this:

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