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The Black Culture Thread


Big Baybee said:
I honestly don't care.
I've done 4 years of volunteer work in the black community so I care. If I did not care I would not be speaking on the issues in the black community. I would not have started if I did not want a change.
Measley said:
From your link:
It's just not that easy. For starters, there are 1.8 million more black women than black men. So even if every black man in America married a black woman today, one out of 12 black women still wouldn't make it down the aisle if they hoped to marry a black man.

Let's take 100 black men. By the time you eliminate those without a high school diploma (21 percent), the unemployed (17 percent) and those ages 25-34 who are incarcerated (8 percent), you have only half of black men, 54 percent, whom many black women find acceptable.
There are many other factors to consider than the ones you and SlanderingSistasGoku are bringing up. If every black woman in the US was a perfect wife 1 out of ever 12 would STILL be single if she was looking only for a black partner. Many black women don't date out of their race so that is a MAJOR factor right there.


so what's your suggestion for "fixing" this deplorable disease that is plaguing black women across the U.S.

edit: LMAO @ SlanderingSistasGoku


Please help me with my bad english
Master Z said:
Anecdote!! Most black women I've met are really chill and open-minded. Maybe it's different up here in Ontario, Canada? But then again my most favorite, female black friend that I just adore lives in Brooklyn NY....hmmmmmmm
Yes. As someone from Montreal, Measley and SSJ1Goku are just sprouting crazy talk.
Vic said:
Yes. As someone from Montreal, Measley and SSJ1Goku are just sprouting crazy talk.
I've been there. I've seen. I don't know what you feed your women but I'll be damned if I didn't see the cutest/hottest chicks up there.

Of all races, even.
MWS Natural said:
From your link:

There are many other factors to consider than the ones you and SlanderingSistasGoku are bringing up. If every black woman in the US was a perfect wife 1 out of ever 12 would STILL be single if she was looking only for a black partner. Many black women don't date out of their race so that is a MAJOR factor right there.
You mean there's more to it than "Black women be mean"? Gasp


Junior Member
MWS Natural said:
From your link:

There are many other factors to consider than the ones you and SlanderingSistasGoku are bringing up. If every black woman in the US was a perfect wife 1 out of ever 12 would STILL be single if she was looking only for a black partner. Many black women don't date out of their race so that is a MAJOR factor right there.

I never said those rates were the way they are just because of "the angry black woman". Heck,obviously there's many factors at play. In my case, I simply found non-black American women more interesting and attractive, without the enormous chip on their shoulder. I'm sure that other black men have experienced the same thing, which has aggravated those rates of black marriage.

I also agree about the out-marriage rate. However that can partly be attributed to black men preaching race solidarity while actively enjoying the global female buffet.


Satchwar said:
so that number is attributed to black women being bitchy, denouncing the black men, etc?


I don't think you fully grasp how this works. When it comes time for praise BW line up to get their medal:
"Black women are beautiful"
"Educated BW"

At that time BW have no prob with over generalizations, I don't hear BW standing up and saying, "Not all BW are X."

But when it comes time for BW to receive their critisism or when it is time for a BM to choose a BW, ONLY then they want to disperse. That is the problem with subscribing to a culture. You can't be high-fiving from the top rope for all the positives and then want to wonder why you get labled when a person looks out at the masses. Also what really makes BW look bad is the fact that they are so damn vocal about what they will and won't do. But then they want to try to turn around and claim, "WHITE WOMEN DO IT TOO!" LMFAO That shit gets me everytime. I don't care about white women, I want to know what is up with your funky behind.


Junior Member
Satchwar said:
so what's your suggestion for "fixing" this deplorable disease that is plaguing black women across the U.S.

Date non-black men.
There's some other suggestions, but I don't want to tick anyone off.


Really how hard is it to not make generalizations? Thinking you know all there is to know about a large group of people based on your limited experience is the height of arrogance.


Satchwar said:
so what's your suggestion for "fixing" this deplorable disease that is plaguing black women across the U.S.

edit: LMAO @ SlanderingSistasGoku
Only BW can fix their issues. BW first of all would have to start addressing other BW about their negative behavior. They refuse to do this for some reason. But at the same time they still want to complain about their negative reputation. BW are also going to have to start making better choices in the men that they get with. You can't complain about what Ray Ray and Pooky aren't doing if you are still sleeping with those guys. Don't complain about a motherfucker that YOU choose to be with when he was not on-point, did not jhave a job, did not have an education, really you could not even defend the guy to a jury in a court of law. The Ray Ray and Pooky epidemic will not go away until BW choose not to get with those guys. When BW start raising the bar on who they get with ONLY then will these guys start to die off. A BM will not have a choice but to get his shit together if BW are only getting with guys with their shit together.


Junior Member
Big Baybee said:
You wanted this discussion, so please...............continue.

"Thick" isn't the same as being fat.

And btw, if you're fat, you're not a "Diva", you're just a fat chick with an attitude problem.
SSJ1Goku said:
Only BW can fix their issues. BW first of all would have to start addressing other BW about their negative behavior. They refuse to do this for some reason. But at the same time they still want to complain about their negative reputation. BW are also going to have to start making better choices in the men that they get with. You can't complain about what Ray Ray and Pooky aren't doing if you are still sleeping with those guys. Don't complain about a motherfucker that YOU choose to be with when he was not on-point, did not jhave a job, did not have an education, really you could not even defend the guy to a jury in a court of law. The Ray Ray and Pooky epidemic will not go away until BW choose not to get with those guys. When BW start raising the bar on who they get with ONLY then will these guys start to die off. A BM will not have a choice but to get his shit together if BW are only getting with guys with their shit together.

Measley said:
"Thick" isn't the same as being fat. And btw, if you're fat, you're not a "Diva", you're just a fat chick with an attitude problem.
lol (this was a legit lol)


SSJ1Goku said:
Only BW can fix their issues. BW first of all would have to start addressing other BW about their negative behavior. They refuse to do this for some reason. But at the same time they still want to complain about their negative reputation. BW are also going to have to start making better choices in the men that they get with. You can't complain about what Ray Ray and Pooky aren't doing if you are still sleeping with those guys. Don't complain about a motherfucker that YOU choose to be with when he was not on-point, did not jhave a job, did not have an education, really you could not even defend the guy to a jury in a court of law. The Ray Ray and Pooky epidemic will not go away until BW choose not to get with those guys. When BW start raising the bar on who they get with ONLY then will these guys start to die off. A BM will not have a choice but to get his shit together if BW are only getting with guys with their shit together.


Master Z

MWS Natural said:
From your link:

There are many other factors to consider than the ones you and SlanderingSistasGoku are bringing up. If every black woman in the US was a perfect wife 1 out of ever 12 would STILL be single if she was looking only for a black partner. Many black women don't date out of their race so that is a MAJOR factor right there.
This woman I used to work with and whom I asked out on a date responded with "Oh I don't deal with white guys..." (I'm mixed black/white with a mocha complexion) In my mind I was like WTF LULZ but I just shrugged it off, laughed about it and stayed friendly. Funny thing is, now whenever I see her around she's so friendly and I'm feeling that "come and get me" kinda vibe. She feels my energy and she likes it. :) Moral of the story...the energy you emit is what shapes the world around you.


SSJ1Goku said:
I don't think you fully grasp how this works. When it comes time for praise BW line up to get their medal:
"Black women are beautiful"
"Educated BW"

At that time BW have no prob with over generalizations, I don't hear BW standing up and saying, "Not all BW are X."

But when it comes time for BW to receive their critisism or when it is time for a BM to choose a BW, ONLY then they want to disperse. That is the problem with subscribing to a culture. You can't be high-fiving from the top rope for all the positives and then want to wonder why you get labled when a person looks out at the masses. Also what really makes BW look bad is the fact that they are so damn vocal about what they will and won't do. But then they want to try to turn around and claim, "WHITE WOMEN DO IT TOO!" LMFAO That shit gets me everytime. I don't care about white women, I want to know what is up with your funky behind.
No, I do fully grasp how this works.

You've been in this thread talking shit about me and my mother and my grandmother and my aunts and my sister and my nieces, as if this shit is predestined for us. I get it, you think black woman have a problem, and it is primarily according to our behavior, according to you.

But you willfully ignore the countless other factors contributing to your statistics, as pointed out by MWS Natural.

I could probably post in this thread numerous times, as a black woman, and say exactly what you say we won't say. All black women are not like that. There, I've said it. Are you pleased?

And yet, I know what you're going to say. You're going to read my post and say I'm also part of the problem. That I am victimizing the black male, and am doing so because of an ego.

My brother, none of my family members that have developed into living the life of a single black mother have done so with the hopes of living the life of a single black mother. They have done so because they thought that a man loved them, and would be there for them when the times got tough. And when a baby came along, the dude turned tail and ran for the hills and made more babies so he could do it again. That's how I was born.

I've seen your posts. You only sign in to NeoGAF to make posts about how villainous the black woman is. I get it. You don't like us. Be gone, my brother. I hope you find much pussy amongst the various cultures of women in the world.


Junior Member
Satchwar said:
No, I do fully grasp how this works.

You've been in this thread talking shit about me and my mother and my grandmother and my aunts and my sister and my nieces, as if this shit is predestined for us. I get it, you think black woman have a problem, and it is primarily according to our behavior, according to you.

But you willfully ignore the countless other factors contributing to your statistics, as pointed out by MWS Natural.

I could probably post in this thread numerous times, as a black woman, and say exactly what you say we won't say. All black women are not like that. There, I've said it. Are you pleased?

And yet, I know what you're going to say. You're going to read my post and say I'm also part of the problem. That I am victimizing the black male, and am doing so because of an ego.

My brother, none of my family members that have developed into living the life of a single black mother have done so with the hopes of living the life of a single black mother. They have done so because they thought that a man loved them, and would be there for them when the times got tough. And when a baby came along, the dude turned tail and ran for the hills and made more babies so he could do it again. That's how I was born.

I've seen your posts. You only sign in to NeoGAF to make posts about how villainous the black woman is. I get it. You don't like us. Be gone, my brother. I hope you find much pussy amongst the various cultures of women in the world.

Birth control? I mean, I keep hearing these stories about how black women get saddled up with illegitimate children. Its 2011. There's numerous ways to prevent that shit from happening.
Satchwar said:
I've seen your posts. You only sign in to NeoGAF to make posts about how villainous the black woman is. I get it. You don't like us. Be gone, my brother. I hope you find much pussy amongst the various cultures of women in the world.
Seriously, this guy hates black women as much as I hate racism! lol


Londa said:
Just an fyi, watch 16 and pregant. There are more white mothers on that show than there are black mothers.

Also, I could sit and say most black men do not have a job so I will never date any black men from here on out. But since I am far from being like you, I would never do that.

Another thing is, you do come off has a self hater. Half of you is black. I bet if they released a pill that could flush out all african american from your person, you would take it. Just look at how you ask for a mix culture thread. Look at how you do not like people saying that ancient egyptians were black. You only believe them to be mixed. What is mixed culture anyways? Its it the two cultures your parents are put together? I'm really trying to wrap that one around my head...

To be fair, being mixed is a unique experience culturally. I'm Black, Spanish, Italian and Japanese, and in my case, it meant not really being completely accepted by any ethnic group I was composed of when growing up.


Junior Member
For the record, Esther Baxter is what I would consider "thick".

Gabourey Sidibe is what I'd consider fat, if not extremely obese.

harSon said:
To be fair, being mixed is a unique experience culturally. I'm Black, Spanish, Italian and Japanese, and in my case, it meant not really being completely accepted by any ethnic group I was composed of when growing up.

I had a somewhat similar upbringing. One thing I noticed is that I felt I was much more a global citizen than a member of an ethnic group when I traveled the world. It was a very liberating experience.


SSJ1Goku said:
Great responses Derwood and Baybee

It's not my fault, there are just simply no words....

You continue to have issue with an entire group of people. Its pathetic.

This is becoming extremely discriminatory now. Stop categorizing every fucking black women as some bitchy, loud mouth, angry women who dates the sleaziest guys she can find.

And then in the same post call out all black men as jobless failures that need to get their act together and that the Loldangryblackwomen get better taste in men, only then will this imaginary problem of yours change.


Satchwar said:
No, I do fully grasp how this works.

You've been in this thread talking shit about me and my mother and my grandmother and my aunts and my sister and my nieces, as if this shit is predestined for us. I get it, you think black woman have a problem, and it is primarily according to our behavior, according to you.

But you willfully ignore the countless other factors contributing to your statistics, as pointed out by MWS Natural.

I could probably post in this thread numerous times, as a black woman, and say exactly what you say we won't say. All black women are not like that. There, I've said it. Are you pleased?

And yet, I know what you're going to say. You're going to read my post and say I'm also part of the problem. That I am victimizing the black male, and am doing so because of an ego.

My brother, none of my family members that have developed into living the life of a single black mother have done so with the hopes of living the life of a single black mother. They have done so because they thought that a man loved them, and would be there for them when the times got tough. And when a baby came along, the dude turned tail and ran for the hills and made more babies so he could do it again. That's how I was born.

I've seen your posts. You only sign in to NeoGAF to make posts about how villainous the black woman is. I get it. You don't like us. Be gone, my brother. I hope you find much pussy amongst the various cultures of women in the world.

1. I fully admit that the majority of BM are also fucked up BUT BW have to understand that they played a heavy ass hand in that. Every Ray Ray and Pooky out here came from a single BW household because of the poor ass choice their mom made in a loser.

2. You should not be looking at me or any other BM about your complaints about your sorry ass father. Go to your mother and ask her what was your dad doing with his life BEFORE he got her pregnant.

3. The majority of BW out here can't date outside the race because of the BW culture. The majority of BW are fat, you can't take that over the fence. The majority of BW want to be all the nomenclature but can't take that stuff over the fence. So many BW have kids out of wedlock, you can't take that over there either. If BW want to be in a relationship and don't want to date outside of the race because they want to keep it black then that is the LAST reason.

Big Baybee said:
You just blamed black women for every problem in the black community, even saying that its their responsibility to change the mentality of troubled black men. How else am I supposed to respond to that?
OOOOOH I understand now! You don't get it:

1. I fully admit that the majority of BM are also fucked up BUT BW have to understand that they played a heavy ass hand in that. Every Ray Ray and Pooky out here came from a single BW household because of the poor ass choice their mom made in a loser.

And then in the same post call out all black men as jobless failures that need to get their act together and that the Loldangryblackwomen get better taste in men, only then will this imaginary problem of yours change.

You don't get it either. The problems inthe blakc community have been going on for 40 years. They have only gotten worse or time. The majority of BM out here are now of no value. Because they had no father in their life they go out in the streets trying to find some form of "manhood." What they found was nothing more than a bastardized version that women from the same environment were attracted to.
SSJ1Goku said:
1. I fully admit that the majority of BM are also fucked up BUT BW have to understand that they played a heavy ass hand in that. Every Ray Ray and Pooky out here came from a single BW household because of the poor ass choice their mom made in a loser.

2. You should not be looking at me or any other BM about your complaints about your sorry ass father. Go to your mother and ask her what was your dad doing with his life BEFORE he got her pregnant.

3. The majority of BW out here can't date outside the race because of the BW culture. The majority of BW are fat, you can't take that over the fence. The majority of BW want to be all the nomenclature but can't take that stuff over the fence. So many BW have kids out of wedlock, you can't take that over there either. If BW want to be in a relationship and don't want to date outside of the race because they want to keep it black then that is the LAST reason.

OOOOOH I understand now! You don't get it:

1. I fully admit that the majority of BM are also fucked up BUT BW have to understand that they played a heavy ass hand in that. Every Ray Ray and Pooky out here came from a single BW household because of the poor ass choice their mom made in a loser.
Jesus Christ.


Measley said:
Birth control?
Haha, this guy.

Look, my mother was stupid. And so was my father. She admits what she did wrong. He does not.

When my mother and father made me, they made an agreement to have me because they were stupid and "in love". And for the long term, looking back on it, my mother says she made a mistake because she couldn't give me the life she wanted for me, especially as my worthless excuse of a father decided to run away.

THEY, brother. THEY. That's two people doing stupid shit.

A man and a woman, together.


Man, LOL, my father had a steady job in a restaurant owned by his side of the family.


Satchwar said:

Man, LOL, my father had a steady job in a restaurant owned by his side of the family.
My bad, this part cofused me:

My brother, none of my family members that have developed into living the life of a single black mother have done so with the hopes of living the life of a single black mother. They have done so because they thought that a man loved them, and would be there for them when the times got tough. And when a baby came along, the dude turned tail and ran for the hills and made more babies so he could do it again. That's how I was born.

You used "my brother" and it confused what I was reading. I thought you were refering to your own family situation.
Goku, were you raised by a single mother? Its funny how you give the woman 100% of the blame in all the hypothetical situations you come up with. You are basically saying that BW should not only be responsible for themselves, but also for the actions of the BM they are involved with. Its kinda dumb.


Big Baybee said:
Goku, were you raised by a single mother? Its funny how you give the woman 100% of the blame in all the hypothetical situations you come up with. You are basically saying that BW should not only be responsible for themselves, but also for the actions of the BM they are involved with. Its kinda dumb.
Born and raised in a two parent household.
I agree it is dumb, good thing I did not say that. I said they need to make better choices in the guys they choose to get with. Make the choice on whether to lay down with the guy based on what he is bringing to the table BEFORE any sex takes place. Seems simple enough to me.

EDIT: Also they are not hypothetical situations. They are based on the complaints that I hear coming from BW:
"N did not have a job"
"N ain't about shit"
"N is a deadbeat"
"N did not have a car"
"N was sleeping on my couch"
"N played vid games all day"
"N isn't taking care of his kid"
"N was selling drugs"
These are all red flags for the type of guy a BW should not get with.


SSJ1Goku said:
Make the choice on whether to lay down with the guy based on what he is bringing to the table BEFORE any sex takes place. Seems simple enough to me.

It is what most other races do.........
SSJ1Goku said:
Born and raised in a two parent household.
I agree it is dumb, good thing I did not say that. I said they need to make better choices in the guys they choose to get with. Make the choice on whether to lay down with the guy based on what he is bringing to the table BEFORE any sex takes place. Seems simple enough to me.
BUT WHY ARE YOU PLACING THE BLAME SOLELY ON THE BLACK WOMAN? You are refusing to place any responsibly on the male in the situation. You keep skirting around that and saying "Well, BW should watch who they fuck."



Rhythmic said:
It is what most other races do.........
Based on my interactions with other races of women and the state of the other communities and the stats for out of wedlock kids in other communities that is a big fat yes.


Big Baybee said:
BUT WHY ARE YOU PLACING THE BLAME SOLELY ON THE BLACK WOMAN? You are refusing to place any responsibly on the male in the situation. You keep skirting around that and saying "Well, BW should watch who they fuck."

It's because we wimminfolks gots da uterus hyuk hyuk hyuk


Big Baybee said:
BUT WHY ARE YOU PLACING THE BLAME SOLELY ON THE BLACK WOMAN? You are refusing to place any responsibly on the male in the situation. You keep skirting around that and saying "Well, BW should watch who they fuck."

Do you understand what Ray Ray and Pooky represents in the black community? They are the definition of irresponsible. They CAN NOT be held to the same standard as black men with their heads screwed on straight. Ray Ray and Pooky is the same as a person with brain damage. THEY WILL NEVER BE "NORMAL." You are not the first person I have seen try to put traditional standards on these guys. They were never raised to be a complete man mentally. It is just not on their harddrive. How they think is based off of primative hyper masculinity.


Big Baybee said:
BUT WHY ARE YOU PLACING THE BLAME SOLELY ON THE BLACK WOMAN? You are refusing to place any responsibly on the male in the situation. You keep skirting around that and saying "Well, BW should watch who they fuck."


Because women being the ones who hold sexual power out of the genders make the rules. Men adapt to them in order to try to best attract women. If more women out there decided to choose better men then more men would step their game up.

Being a ghetto thug with multiple babies gets you laid in the black community. Majority of the time when a black male tries to be a decent person and gets an education and acts like a decent citizen he is seen as too weak and "acting white" unless he gets successful enough to make decent money. By then of course most of them are picked up by women of other races who long saw his potential leaving black women to cry about it.

SSJ1Goku said:
Do you understand what Ray Ray and Pooky represents in the black community? They are the definition of irresponsible. They CAN NOT be held to the same standard as black men with their heads screwed on straight. Ray Ray and Pooky is the same as a person with brain damage. THEY WILL NEVER BE "NORMAL." You are not the first person I have seen try to put traditional standards on these guys. They were never raised to be a complete man mentally. It is just not on their harddrive. How they think is based off of primative hyper masculinity.

What is worse is that these type of men in general are the type of men that are in demand.


Junior Member
Rhythmic said:
Because women being the ones who hold sexual power out of the genders make the rules. Men adapt to them in order to try to best attract women. If more women out there decided to choose better men then more men would step their game up.

Being a ghetto thug with multiple babies gets you laid in the black community. Majority of the time when a black male tries to be a decent person and gets an education and acts like a decent citizen he is seen as too weak and "acting white" unless he gets successful enough to make decent money. By then of course most of them are picked up by women of other races who long saw his potential leaving black women to cry about it.



SSJ1Goku said:
WTF is this shit?! Before a child comes in to this world, before any sex takes place that woman has to make a choice, yes or no. Also what was that guy doing with his life before he got the girl pregnant? If he was not about shit then why did she CHOOSE to lay down with him. These things are what a woman has to look at before she starts trying to spread blame. SHE MADE THAT CHOICE!
To put all the blame on the woman is typical if you are a boy who doesn't feel they need to take responcibitlity for any of their actions. Everyone is at fault but you. Please stay away from ALL women not just black women. Because your mind set is poision for ANY relationship.


Londa said:
To put all the blame on the woman is typical if you are a boy who doesn't feel they need to take responcibitlity for any of their actions. Everyone is at fault but you. Please stay away from ALL women not just black women. Because your mind set is poision for ANY relationship.
Read the last post I just made


Big Baybee said:
I'm done. Lets talk about BBQ sauce or some shit.

Nah, I have a watermelon and a corner on the street with my name on it. The heatwave helps too, now that I can walk outside shirtless without people looking at me funny....


SSJ1Goku said:
Read the last post I just made
I just read everything you said and I still think you are a sad little boy who claims to know so much about other cultures and people.

But what really happened is that you had a crush on a black girl and she didn't give you the time of day.
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