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The Black Culture Thread

Some weeks ago, I posted a NYT article about the great reverse migration that's happening (been happening), and, today, through Michel Martin's NPR program, Tell Me More, I just found out that there's a documentary on this subject in the works:



Speaking of radio shows, anybody got any black culture and politics podcast recommendations? Aside from Tell Me More, I'll recc these:

The Michael Eric Dyson Show
This Week In Blackness
Over a god damned seat, BlackGAF. Over a GOD DAMNED SEAT.

nydailynews said:
Nothing could get in the way of these two women and their beef - not even a baby.

Straphangers watched in disbelief as two passengers viciously attacked each other on an L train recently, as a baby stroller belonging to one of them rolled out the door onto the platform.

The fight, captured on a cell phone and posted on YouTube and Animal New York Tuesday, showed the duo having an argument over a seat which quickly turned ugly.

One of the women swung her bag over her shoulder, rocking the stroller back and forth with a sleeping child inside.

She appears to be getting ready to exit the train at the next stop when the verbal war of words turned physical.

As the women brawled and tore each other's hair out, passengers ran for cover and the stroller rolled out the doors.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
I'll just say it straight.
Working with a young black woman is the most stressful thing in the world. I've worked with a lot of them. And out of the seven I've had the privilege of getting to know through shared work schedules; only one (who was absolutely lovely to work with) did not make a fuzz out of the smallest things.

One of our first get togethers last year, we've had 2 black women shouting at each other as the rest of the group ( which consisted of Asians and whites) looked at each other in absolute fascination. It's as if they hadn't been taught the 'keep something's to yourself' rule that most other people apply to their work relationships.

And now, I have the 'privilege' of working with another black woman. She isn't a horrible person, but dammit if she isn't a know it all and a nutcase.

I playfully asked her 'hey, what are you doing?' while looking over at her screen. I would have thought that after working together for some time now, we've established some sort of work relationship.
A couple of minutes later, she asks me to come with her because she needs to ask me something.

I go.
"This is something that's been bothering me. And I have to tell you now before I start to go mad and punch something. Dont look at my screen. You don't know me."
She said the same thing to another guy I work with. " Why is he asking me what I'm doing? He doesn't know me.."

" I worked hard to get to where I am. God put me here for a reason. He talks to me, and he can do whatever he wants to do to me."

Might I tell you;
She's a hardcore christian. She goes on about how wild she was, and how last year, she's been 'saved'. It's always these ones.

I can't wait until her contract is over next week.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Veidt said:
She's a hardcore christian. She goes on about how wild she was, and how last year, she's been 'saved'. It's always these ones.

shes gonna fall back into her wild ways. hell, it looks like she already has.
lightless_shado said:

I forgot to do this last time around.

- Where you're from

I was born in Lagos, Nigeria.

- Where you live

Northern New Jersey

- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy

Both of my parents are Nigerian. My dad is Yoruba but I don't know what my mom is.

- Do you know your roots?


- Your Age
19 years old.
- Favorite musical genre
- Least favorite musical genre


- Your profession/major/career interest

Starting art school this fall. Its a foundation year so I don't have a major yet.

- Your religious affiliation

My Mom is Christian.

My Dad is Muslim.

I'm neither.

- Hobbies

Art. Painting, drawing, etc.

Sports. I did track, football and wrestling in high school.

Ford Prefect

Just finished James Baldwin's Go Tell It on the Mountain, shit was fantastic. Will read more of his work.

Also, been listening to a lot of Duke Ellington-- classic black culture.
Veidt said:
I'll just say it straight.
Working with a young black woman is the most stressful thing in the world. I've worked with a lot of them. And out of the seven I've had the privilege of getting to know through shared work schedules; only one (who was absolutely lovely to work with) did not make a fuzz out of the smallest things.

One of our first get togethers last year, we've had 2 black women shouting at each other as the rest of the group ( which consisted of Asians and whites) looked at each other in absolute fascination. It's as if they hadn't been taught the 'keep something's to yourself' rule that most other people apply to their work relationships.

And now, I have the 'privilege' of working with another black woman. She isn't a horrible person, but dammit if she isn't a know it all and a nutcase.

I playfully asked her 'hey, what are you doing?' while looking over at her screen. I would have thought that after working together for some time now, we've established some sort of work relationship.
A couple of minutes later, she asks me to come with her because she needs to ask me something.

I go.
"This is something that's been bothering me. And I have to tell you now before I start to go mad and punch something. Dont look at my screen. You don't know me."
She said the same thing to another guy I work with. " Why is he asking me what I'm doing? He doesn't know me.."

" I worked hard to get to where I am. God put me here for a reason. He talks to me, and he can do whatever he wants to do to me."

Might I tell you;
She's a hardcore christian. She goes on about how wild she was, and how last year, she's been 'saved'. It's always these ones.

I can't wait until her contract is over next week.
damn brah. I'll be happy for you when you upgrade the caliber of work you're doing so that you can be around some slightly classier black folk.

Of the last 2 black women I've dated,

1.) Works as a Mechanical Engineer at NASA.

2.) Is one of the assistant city managers in College Park, MD.

I've never dated a crazy woman, black or otherwise. Nor would I. The only slightly "off" sistas I ever knew were as such because of daddy issues or past molestation.
Veidt said:
I'll just say it straight.
Working with a young black woman is the most stressful thing in the world..
At my last job I had a female black manager, who did her to stunt my career progress where I was. Despite always finishing with the top numbers I wouldn't get a major raise or promotion because she said I needed to work twice as hard because I was black.
Dreams-Visions said:
At 9:30 am, no less. At Jefferson St.
naturally, the youtube comments are priceless.
I love how in that one thread about the "epic" las vegas fight GAF tried to act like youtube fights between white people and those between black people weren't viewed or treated differently.
Lv99 Slacker said:
Some weeks ago, I posted a NYT article about the great reverse migration that's happening (been happening), and, today, through Michel Martin's NPR program, Tell Me More, I just found out that there's a documentary on this subject in the works:



Speaking of radio shows, anybody got any black culture and politics podcast recommendations? Aside from Tell Me More, I'll recc these:

The Michael Eric Dyson Show
This Week In Blackness
Good post, I checked a few of those out. I am from NJ but have lived in the south for about 10 years now.


Junior Member
Veidt said:
I'll just say it straight.
Working with a young black woman is the most stressful thing in the world. I've worked with a lot of them. And out of the seven I've had the privilege of getting to know through shared work schedules; only one (who was absolutely lovely to work with) did not make a fuzz out of the smallest things.

One of our first get togethers last year, we've had 2 black women shouting at each other as the rest of the group ( which consisted of Asians and whites) looked at each other in absolute fascination. It's as if they hadn't been taught the 'keep something's to yourself' rule that most other people apply to their work relationships.

And now, I have the 'privilege' of working with another black woman. She isn't a horrible person, but dammit if she isn't a know it all and a nutcase.

I playfully asked her 'hey, what are you doing?' while looking over at her screen. I would have thought that after working together for some time now, we've established some sort of work relationship.
A couple of minutes later, she asks me to come with her because she needs to ask me something.

I go.
"This is something that's been bothering me. And I have to tell you now before I start to go mad and punch something. Dont look at my screen. You don't know me."
She said the same thing to another guy I work with. " Why is he asking me what I'm doing? He doesn't know me.."

" I worked hard to get to where I am. God put me here for a reason. He talks to me, and he can do whatever he wants to do to me."

Might I tell you;
She's a hardcore christian. She goes on about how wild she was, and how last year, she's been 'saved'. It's always these ones.

I can't wait until her contract is over next week.

Had roughly the same experience.

That's why I married a white woman.
Veidt said:

While going through college and working at various fast food joints, I would run into hood rats all the time and man was it annoying. Then I graduated and got a real job. Just get a professional job and you won't have to worry about hood rats, white trash etc. and you won't have to run online and dog black women.

Measly said:
Had roughly the same experience.

That's why I married a white woman.

Cool story, bro.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Bay Maximus said:
While going through college and working at various fast food joints, I would run into hood rats all the time and man was it annoying. Then I graduated and got a real job. Just get a professional job and you won't have to worry about hood rats, white trash etc. and you won't have to run online and dog black women.

It's a pretty professional job, and she is an intelligent lady.

Don't know why people presume that black women can only work on non-professional jobs. :p
Veidt said:
It's a pretty professional job, and she is an intelligent lady.

Don't know why people presume that black women can only work on non-professional jobs. :p

Hood rats. Not black women. I work with professional Black/Asian/White women daily.

And yes, hood rats can be intelligent but I'm not a huge fan of the self-destructive 'hood' culture.
There are ignorant people in every race sas I'm sure you understand. I understand where you are coming from but to cite your claim as a reason for marrying a white woman seems a little much to me.

On the one hand you're writing off black woman as hood rats and on another somebody else is writing off white woman for being white-trash.

You're taking an experience and labeling it as fact. I've never been called a "nigger" at my predominately white school so can I now say that no one there is racist?

Maybe you've just experienced some level 10 hoodrats bro, i dunno...


Junior Member
Door2Dawn said:
Come on. Really?

Unfortunately the black women where I live carry ridiculous amounts of baggage, whereas women from other ethnic backgrounds tended to not have ridiculous amounts of baggage.

Simply my experience, nothing more, nothing less.


Y'all know how I met her
We broke up, got back together
To get her back, I had to sweat her
Thought she rolled with bad boys forever
In many ways them boys made it better to grow I had to let her
She needed cheddar and I understood that
Looking for cheese that don't make her a hood rat
In fact she's a queen to me, her light beams on me
I love it when she sings to me, it's like that


Junior Member
DragonKnight said:
There are ignorant people in every race sas I'm sure you understand. I understand where you are coming from but to cite your claim as a reason for marrying a white woman seems a little much to me.

On the one hand you're writing off black woman as hood rats and on another somebody else is writing off white woman for being white-trash.

You're taking an experience and labeling it as fact. I've never been called a "nigger" at my predominately white school so can I now say that no one there is racist?

Maybe you've just experienced some level 10 hoodrats bro, i dunno...

Yeah, but if you're a single guy with options, are you going to sit back and wait to find the right black woman when there's the right white, Hispanic, and Asian women all around you?

There's no point being miserable because of the shortcomings of someone else.

And yeah, it wasn't just hoodrats. There are some educated black women with serious issues. Issues I couldn't imagine dealing with on a day to day basis.
SonnyBoy said:
Most black chicks be mad, just because.... That's it, just because. lol
"Why are you angry?"


"Because what?"

"Just because."


Had this happen with a white girl too. It's not only with black chicks.


eternaLightness said:
Wow, didn't see this thread on the front page in awhile. Got my fresh cut and everything. Feels good to not have all that hair anymore.
The summer is a good time to get your hair cut. :)


That being said, I'm glad my girl isn't like that. I can't cope with it. Although, she does have a smart-ass mouth... LOL But that's just standard equipment for the model. You just gotta know when to ignore their ass. If you have a level-headed chick, she'll even admit that sometimes she needs to be ignored.


Measley said:
Yeah, but if you're a single guy with options, are you going to sit back and wait to find the right black woman when there's the right white, Hispanic, and Asian women all around you?

There's no point being miserable because of the shortcomings of someone else.

And yeah, it wasn't just hoodrats. There are some educated black women with serious issues. Issues I couldn't imagine dealing with on a day to day basis.
thank you for doing all black women a favor and dating other races. I know from experience that dating insecure men can be emotionally draining. Who wants to baby a grown man?


Junior Member
Londa said:
thank you for doing all black women a favor and dating other races. I know from experience that dating insecure men can be emotionally draining. Who wants to baby a grown man?

Considering the sheer number of single black women out there with children out of wedlock, I did myself a favor.

Oh and btw, thanks for proving my point. :)


Junior Member
Londa said:
Don't forget the black men who helped create them

I didn't, which is part of the reason I refused to date any woman who had kids already. That reduced the number of black women I could date dramatically after college.
Measley said:
I didn't, which is part of the reason I refused to date any woman who had kids already. That reduced the number of black women I could date dramatically after college.
Where do you live again? I know more latina single mothers than I do black single mothers. And the single mothers that I do know are by far the strongest women that I've ever seen in my life, especially if they're currently in college trying to get a better future for their kids.


Junior Member
Dreams-Visions said:
If you could only see his post history.

It all makes sense.

Yeah, my post history where I've constantly defended blacks and other minorities from racist crap here on GAF. But of course, you only remember my posts that you disagree with. :-(

spindashing said:
Where do you live again? I know more latina single mothers than I do black single mothers. And the single mothers that I do know are by far the strongest women that I've ever seen in my life, especially if they're currently in college trying to get a better future for their kids.

The midwest, and yeah, there were a lot of Latina single moms too. Didn't date many of them after college either.
Measley said:
The midwest, and yeah, there were a lot of Latina single moms too. Didn't date many of them after college either.
I don't know, you definitely have to see more of the world. Not all black/latina/insert minority here women are as you paint them. I understand that there are girls as you and others have described but it sounds completely ridiculous to me that you have eliminated them from your preferences in such a way and you happen to be black yourself.

It's coming off to me as a sort of self hate. I mean, you do realize that you yourself came from a black woman, correct?

Edit: Actually, if you're mixed, I apologize. But the point still stands that the uppity attitude isn't only in the black woman community.
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