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The Black Culture Thread


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
This post made me sad. The fact that black americans are so hated they cannot explore the world. I will say dude that it is not as bad as you think. Britain and France for example are probably more accepting than the US.

I've been to:

England (live here)
Saudi Arabia
United States

I have to say, even countries where I was expecting racists like Russia was very warming. Very very few situations which I felt someone was racist to me and even then it was the kind you could just brush of and move on. I found it was the opposite in many cases. You wouldn't believe the amount of people that came up to me just to say hello and have a chat, because I was black. I'm not saying it's sunshine and rainbows if you live there but as a tourist, you should be fine. I got laid in most of the countries too. I'm planning to go to Japan in a few weeks and then hopefully South America later this year ^^

This may offend or come off as sort of racist but don't listen to the white people in your country regarding this (of course, not everyone). I remember when I used to make inquiries on forums or in real life and you'd get a few "You can't go there, they hate blacks" type of comments and it's bullshit. In general, when you have another race telling you you're not going to be welcomed somewhere, don't listen.

lol just noticed how much i've wrote. It's probably because i've heard so many black people say they're not going to go somewhere because of how they'll be treated which is a fair doubt to have but it's mostly unfounded. Don't let it hold you back =)

how was your experience in italy?

and sagging in them

man, i think that hate would be founded. such stupid logic to have skinny jeans and sag them. it irritates me to see it


Junior Member
how was your experience in italy?

I was born there, but left when I was around 1. I've been there about 5 times since (forgot the language =P)

Anyway since I became 'aware' of racial stuff which was my last trip a few years ago, it was great. Stayed for 3 weeks in Torino. The only potential racist thing that happened was me and my brother were in a cafe ordering some food. My brother didn't hear but behind me were 2 old men. All i heard them say was "something something somalians something something". No idea what they said but that was it.

Everyone else was extremely polite. Hooked up with a girl that worked on a market stall and another girl from a club. It was really chill dude. We used to go to the park almost everyday and play football with a bunch of Italian guys. Fun times.

I will say one thing, Black americans (hip hop) and Jamaicans (Reggae) have made getting women overseas piss easy. You don't have to change but play that aspect up and you'll be getting some guranteed. I pretended I was American on countless occasions.

Consider being an American an advantage. These guys wouldn't give Africans the time of day. Once they hear you speak English and know where you're from you're ok. So much so that if something racist happens, it'll be laughably pathetic and you'll brush it off.
I've never had issues in any Western European country. Ime, the people tend to be less ignorant than Americans. Or at least the racist ones generally keep it to themselves, which is just fine with me.


not licensed in your state
Spent some time in Japan and Mexico, had an awesome time. Especially in Japan when I was leaving, my host family sung "We Shall Overcome". That was just cute :D


actually they don't ime... put a bunch of different tribesmen together, even ones with bad blood, and bring a light skinned brother from the states in the mix and you will see how things operate..


Translation= "Look at this N right here."


Tyler Perry got into the position he's in *because* everyone else stopped doing it, not the other way around...

Pretty much he saw a massive gap in the market and a undeserved part of it, black women and has filled it nicely and become a multi millionaire in the process. Even though i don't watch his films he keeps a lot of black actors in work.

I do wish he would do more though but he obviously has his lane and his staying in it. I do agree with what critics like Spike Lee have said in the past.

Spike Lee On Tyler Perry's Movies Shows! Its Coonery Buffoonery


Why does it seem like some people are so against having a non-white guy be a protagonist in a game?
The thread is not even about the protagonist. Replicant isn't arguing for Leon or Chris to be taken out in favor of a colored character but for the new supporting characters to be a tad more diverse since the entirety of the regular/recurring cast (with the exception of Ada Wong) are white.
The thread is not even about the protagonist. Replicant isn't arguing for Leon or Chris to be taken out in favor of a colored character but for the new supporting characters to be a tad more diverse since the entirety of the regular/recurring cast (with the exception of Ada Wong) are white.

Couldn't say it better myself.
Why does it seem like some people are so against having a non-white guy be a protagonist in a game?
I don't get the argument for 'fan favorite' characters in these games anyway. Outside of maaaaybe Wesker (being generous) do any of them have a remotely unique personality? They could change every game, or even every chapter, and I wouldn't notice.
Pretty much he saw a massive gap in the market and a undeserved part of it, black women and has filled it nicely and become a multi millionaire in the process. Even though i don't watch his films he keeps a lot of black actors in work.

I do wish he would do more though but he obviously has his lane and his staying in it. I do agree with what critics like Spike Lee have said in the past.

Spike Lee On Tyler Perry's Movies Shows! Its Coonery Buffoonery

The TBS shows are really no different from all the white-lead family shows on Network tv. Namely, all the ones ABC has had.

Black people with influence are too insecure when it comes to certain comedy.

We openly laugh at all the stupid shit Jim Carrey has done over the years. I'ma share some laughs with Tyler too.
I don't get the argument for 'fan favorite' characters in these games anyway. Outside of maaaaybe Wesker (being generous) do any of them have a remotely unique personality? They could change every game, or even every chapter, and I wouldn't notice.

Leon had a pretty unique personality in 4. He was wise-cracking and silly.


The thread is not even about the protagonist. Replicant isn't arguing for Leon or Chris to be taken out in favor of a colored character but for the new supporting characters to be a tad more diverse since the entirety of the regular/recurring cast (with the exception of Ada Wong) are white.

It makes me think of that Dwayne McDuffie video when he talks about a character of a different ethnicity taking the place of a previous white character in a team.

Which of these fictional characters is losing a job?


Why does it seem like some people are so against having a non-white guy be a protagonist in a game?

That's not really what's going on in that thread, at least for the most part. The real problem with that thread is that Nirolak took Replicant's comments from another thread and made them into their own topic. So you have an OP that is very vague/not descriptive enough, along with a joke topic title and a bunch of posters responding to these two things alone. If the thread had started with a post like this...

I'll get to this in a minute, because it's so stupid, so ignorant, so bereft of anything resembling fact that, well, I had to knock back some vodka first.

And I was out of vodka, so a trip to the liquor store was in order. But now I'm back. Vodka.


GTA San Andreas
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Chronicles of Riddick
Resident Evil 5 (heh)

These are all multimillion selling games (with the possible exception of Riddick, which I believe is around 980K lifetime) that have minority characters either as the main protagonists, or playing central, major roles. In the case of San Andreas, it was the #3 selling game of all time for years.

Certainly there could be more. There are studies that suggest that videogames are a powerful gateway for interest in maths, computer sciences - and seeing yourself represented in a medium is a surefire way to see it as a pathway for you and others like you. I lucked out, my dad saw computers as the way of the future back in the 80s. Bought a C-64, insisted that me and my siblings learn how programming works and I took it from there. But I still didn't see many folks like me in gaming, and it blew my fucking mind to find out that not only did Jerry Lawson exist, he's the guy who invented the videogame ROM cartridge. That felt...good. Visibility matters, and it makes a difference.

Listen, from a pure gameplay POV, it doesn't matter at all what the character's race is. Jumping on turtles or shooting zombies is jumping on turtles or shooting zombies, period. So if it doesn't matter, who does it hurt to provide more diverse characters? It's not affecting the gameplay, so why the uproar and dismissiveness of Replicant's thread?

What exactly are you scared of?

Please note that I'm not arguing for pluralism. Segmenting the market into "Latino games" and "black games" and "white games" makes no sense. It doesn't seem to me (and feel free to correct me, OP) that the argument is being made for establishing a bunch of race-based silos. What I believe is being said is that having more diversity represented onscreen that matches how the world, y'know, actually is - might be

1. a very nice thing to have, and
2. not affect your bottom line, as noted in the examples above.

Now, DaBuddaDa, we've established that you don't know what you're talking about. That's okay. It's not your fault and I won't hold it against you. Par for the course around here as a general rule (unless you're Phisheep, whom I dearly want to be when I grow up). When you want to masquerade your ignorance as fact...well, then you and I have an issue. But you - and others like you - have a glorious opportunity. Time to study! Research! Build an opinion based on something other than your ass and then release it

like a butterfly

to the world upon your return.

I believe in you and your ability to rise above. Make us proud.

tl;dr - stop being a fuckwit; vodka is good

...I doubt you'd have as many stupid comments in that thread. There would still be a few (GAF Defense Force) but not as many.


The TBS shows are really no different from all the white-lead family shows on Network tv. Namely, all the ones ABC has had.

Black people with influence are too insecure when it comes to certain comedy.

We openly laugh at all the stupid shit Jim Carrey has done over the years. I'ma share some laughs with Tyler too.

They really aren't, but black people are held to a different standard by everyone. And no one has a clear rulebook.
Chris in RE5 looked nothing like himself. If Capcom changed him to a big black dude to skirt the controversy instead of populating the area with as many arabs as black people...

The backlash would have been delicious.
The TBS shows are really no different from all the white-lead family shows on Network tv. Namely, all the ones ABC has had.

Black people with influence are too insecure when it comes to certain comedy.

We openly laugh at all the stupid shit Jim Carrey has done over the years. I'ma share some laughs with Tyler too.

it's the fear of being typecast into coonery and buffonery if you do it once.


No Limit Soldiers: The New Generation

If they use those dope ass covers like this, bring it on.



actually they don't ime... put a bunch of different tribesmen together, even ones with bad blood, and bring a light skinned brother from the states in the mix and you will see how things operate..

Can't agree with this at all, and I've seen enought from West Africans and East Africans alike.
The reason for The Wire's modest ratings should be clear cut to anyone, it's a slow-paced show.

The reason for The Wire's awards? I have no clue. But before you blame white people and their prejudice remember that The Wire never won any NAACP awards either.

Award shows always get it wrong anyways, regardless of the race of the cast involved.

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