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The Black Culture Thread

Veidt said:
So black-gaf or African gaf.
Has this ever happened to you?
I just got offered a marriage proposal ( as in, marry my daughter please), and this isn't the first time either.
My answer?
I just laugh it off and tell them to talk to my mom about it. "That end of the business is handled by my mom".

My mom talks to me, in a way where she's implying I should get married.
Actually, my mother told me just a few days ago that if I haven't settled down by the time I'm 23 ( that's 1.5 to 2 years from now), she will 'force' me to marry.

So black-gaf, I might not be in the game for long any more. :(
no, but when i talk to my mom, i usually get asked "so when am i gonna get some grandkids?"


Himuro said:
Can't think of nothing that rhymes with fifteen :lol



Dreams-Visions said:
I wonder if Baracka Flocka knows more than just "us" can see that video. :-(
Good, because I would like someone to give me travel instructions on how to get to here.


I would like to ski down those after the paper bag is applied.

spindashing, you can go after I've set the course record on that slope.
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