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The Black Culture Thread

Haha, I didn't really expect this reaction to my pic. Thanks! Anyway, here they are, avatar sized...I had to cut off some of them because I hadn't really made them with avatars in mind



Oh, to answer that other question, I'm probably mostly an introvert. I'm not way too outgoing, but I don't really have a hard time talking to people if they're social
Zoramon089 said:
Haha, I didn't really expect this reaction to my pic. Thanks! Anyway, here they are, avatar sized...I had to cut off some of them because I hadn't really made them with avatars in mind



Oh, to answer that other question, I'm probably mostly an introvert. I'm not way too outgoing, but I don't really have a hard time talking to people if they're social

Oh whoops, sorry Zoramon, I was in a rush and thought you were asking for the avatars.

I wouldn't dare mess with someone else's stuff w/o permission.
I draw a little bit. I can't really draw off the top of my head though. I haven't really draw in a long time but really want to get back into it. I'm also into writing poetry a bit.

I'd say I'm in between introvert/extrovert also, maybe more introvert though. I'm pretty quiet and kinda shy but don't have much problems starting up a conversation with someone and being outgoing. Also, I'm usually the one to break the ice when meeting someone for the first time which catches some people off guard sometimes.
StinkFist said:
Would be cool if you made Negro-GAF Avatars similar to these based off real pics :)
It would be a *in* thing.
What Negro-GAF say?
I will probably go back to my Black History Month avatar anyways (funny how that was the month the thread was MOST dead) once they take away the animated ones.
Londa said:
What kind of stuff do you draw?

I actually should have said I used to. When I was in high school I mainly did still life's and would take inanimate objects and transform them into something else, like turning a faucet into a building.

I really kind of became disillusioned with it at school while studying Architecture. It really wasn't what I thought it was going to be and kind of killed my creative desires. I do the odd doodle here and there but nothing major. Dont even know where portfolio or supplies are (probably with my parents or in storage), but I think I want to try and get back into it.

Edit: Thats not all completely true. I still do some creative work.

Forza designs using the livery editor

Tattoo I designed for myself

Mononofu said:
Not much of a drawer, tried really hard at one point but gave up.

Okay Men and Women: introvert or extrovert?

Me? I lean heavily toward the introverted side of the spectrum. (probably can tell)
Introvert, although I can be an extrovert around certain people.


not licensed in your state
I'm more extroverted, than anything else. Funny thing is, I don't post often here on GAF, but I have no problem talking to people on the street...
I'm somewhat introverted. But I do make an effort to be socialable sometimes.

@soundscream, much respect for designing your own tatoo. I'm working on the design too, maybe I'll throw it up here when it's all said and done.

Also, never heard of the livery editor before, but I'm digging your designs.
well why break the trend? introvert here, no idea how though, everyone else in my family is pretty outgoing and loud. Thinking bout posting some art I'm close to finishing, but I'm self conscious about my art ( and everything else ) so I'm a little uneasy about doing so........
Mononofu said:
Not much of a drawer, tried really hard at one point but gave up.

Okay Men and Women: introvert or extrovert?

Me? I lean heavily toward the introverted side of the spectrum. (probably can tell)

Introvert, but I'm definitely trying to break out of this. I've only ever really had one good friend (from my age group, and isn't family) all my life.



soundscream: I'm happy to hear that you will give drawing another shot. Architecture isn't a good field for being creative unless you are a world renown Architech who gets paid millions to make a crazy sculture-like building for a muesum or whatever. Try to experiment with the adobe suite, I know a free version of Open Canvas if you want to try that.

Thats cool that you can edit dats like that. I wish I had the technical know-how for that. I always wanted to make dats for The Sims2, but it looked too hard to do.

Lebron: Doesn't he have like a ton of look-a-likes?
Londa said:

soundscream: I'm happy to hear that you will give drawing another shot. Architecture isn't a good field for being creative unless you are a world renown Architech who gets paid millions to make a crazy sculture-like building for a muesum or whatever. Try to experiment with the adobe suite, I know a free version of Open Canvas if you want to try that.

Thats cool that you can edit dats like that. I wish I had the technical know-how for that. I always wanted to make dats for The Sims2, but it looked too hard to do.

Lebron: Doesn't he have like a ton of look-a-likes?

Yeah school broke every creative bone I had, and it fucked me up in other ways. I got really lost for awhile and took 6 years off after I dropped out. I finally got my degree and got a decent paying job but I really wasted my 20's.

I have been looking into getting a tablet, any recommendations?


Pro Tip

When using pencil you can use your finger to blend away those pencil lines.
Dreams-Visions said:
I'm an introvert for about...10 minutes. Then I quietly start to take over. lol
Yup. I'm not even sure what it is. I'm incredibly shy but once I befriend you, I'm a whole different person lol.

lightless_shado said:
Just like me. We are now friends.

Also the new avatar is perfect


It's a placeholder till I can get a Viewtiful Joe one again, but I think I'm getting attached to this one. Meshes well with my name and tag lol.

Speaking of which, you guys ever remember some of these "racist" portrayals in old cartoons? I remember seeing these as a kid and never saw them as offensive. It's only until I grew up did I realize how grim the subject matter is. (I still laughed lol)

edit: Also, nice drawings, guys! I used to draw a little myself, but I stopped for no apparent reason.

Equus Bellator Apex

Junior Member
soundscream said:
When using pencil you can use your finger to blend away those pencil lines.

No, don't do that.

It makes the picture look muddy and destroys any contrast you have going.

Cross hatch, and go over it lightly with an eraser to even it out.

Get yourself one of these

Urban Scholar said:
Wow, I didn't even think of anything when I was younger...now yikes. Et tu Bugs Bunny?

Dont bother bringing this up elsewhere cause you will get people claiming the love for the animation, I dont give a fuck how good it is its some vile shit.

There was a thread about song of the south about a year ago and I gave up the fight cause they were all get over it its great.
Equus Bellator Apex said:
No, don't do that.

It makes the picture look muddy and destroys any contrast you have going.

Cross hatch, and go over it lightly with an eraser to even it out.

Get yourself one of these


If he was doing serious work yes, I used it as well but for just fucking around bust out the index finger.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
soundscream said:
Dont bother bringing this up elsewhere cause you will get people claiming the love for the animation, I dont give a fuck how good it is its some vile shit.

There was a thread about song of the south about a year ago and I gave up the fight cause they were all get over it its great.

was it a thread here?


spindashing said:
I'm an introvert with new folks but with people that I know/love, I will not shut up.

<3 BlackGAF

Pretty much the same, just to add in things I'm really into, like comedy and certain types of music.
spindashing said:

They do the exploding black-face thing in Tom and Jerry too, I remember picking up on it when I was a little older like, "hey...wait a minute!"

I busted out laughing at Yosemite Sam, "Hey, it's one of our boys!"


soundscream said:
Dont bother bringing this up elsewhere cause you will get people claiming the love for the animation, I dont give a fuck how good it is its some vile shit.

There was a thread about song of the south about a year ago and I gave up the fight cause they were all get over it its great.

Being a girl on gaf is worse.

Oh yeah, what is up with those racist memes like the chargin mah lazor one? Why do people find racist stuff like that funny?

soundscream said:

I like how someone actually said "it is part of animation history". Was real cute.


Londa said:
Being a girl on gaf is worse.

Oh yeah, what is up with those racist memes like the chargin mah lazor one? Why do people find racist stuff like that funny?

I like how someone actually said "it is part of animation history". Was real cute.

They live in a different America then we do. Historically speaking, those that come from a line of oppressors don't really get what's considered racist naturally. Not surprised at how the black characters where depicted. Was taken a back by the Murder Japs for free text.

Londa, I love the avatars you've been using. Just you need to class it up like mine. ;)


Here is another quote:

they're silly enough to overlook the differences between race-based caricature and racist caricature.

Heh I wonder how many black people he has been exposed to.

StinkFist said:
They live in a different America then we do. Historically speaking, those that come from a line of oppressors don't really get what's considered racist naturally.

Londa, I love the avatars you've been using. Just you need to class it up like mine. ;)

hmm I wouldn't know how to class it up. Put a boarder around it?


StinkFist said:
Naked = classy art
j/k btw

I hope you know that my avatar is Locke from Final Fantasy lol

NotebookJ2 said:
...there's a difference?

Seems to be that the later one is a hateful exaggeration of a race while the other is exaggeration of a race from just observing them. Meaning that the first type is based on reality. Which Coal Black is far from. So that person must have never been exposed to anyone black.
Equus Bellator Apex said:
Does anyone remember the donald glover/spider-man thread?

It was probably the frustrating thread I've read.
I may have missed the other thread, but I do remember the Donald Glover thread being aggravating. I avoided it after going through it once.

Equus Bellator Apex

Junior Member
spindashing said:
I may have missed the other thread, but I do remember the Donald Glover thread being aggravating. I avoided it after going through it once.

I just realized I completely forgot about that "white washing" thread.

I almost broke my laptop.

Londa said:
Seems to be that the later one is a hateful exaggeration of a race while the other is exaggeration of a race from just observing them. Meaning that the first type is based on reality. Which Coal Black is far from. So that person must have never been exposed to anyone black.

Oh, I guess I was kinda getting it mixed up with the definition of caricatures, which aren't really hateful in itself.

Still... yeah.
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