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The Black Culture Thread


StinkFist said:
Anyone of yous down with twitter? If so, I'm sunnyinbrooklyn.

Having the most boring weekend possible. Definitely need to make some more friends.

You should have ghost ride the whip in that picture.

Sorry about your boring weekend. I picked up a co-worker's shift since he has a basketball tournament today (which explains why I'm on GAF on a Saturday evening lol) I'm on facebook. I mostly use it to chat tho. I already have a few SRK/GAF friends on my facebook. PM me for first and last name.

edit: not gonna ghost ride a BMW. I "might" have done some ghost riding if I was a teen driving a crappy car lol


Londa said:
anyone draw?

I wish I could draw, but I do write 3D computer programs to create visual images:

This is my from lighting code. The pawn is receiving indirect lighting from the floor and wall. I modeled the pawn myself, I'm not a modeler (the shaky silhouette is a dead give away). fwiw, the scene renders in less than a millesecond.

And this is a godray effect I created. The scene is 3d, but the actual effect is 2 dimensional.

fixed link


Black Canada Mafia
I come here to ask a question that has been a topic of much heated debate for a very long time - for a while I was happy not caring, but a part of me has to know now.

GAF, am I black? I'm Ethiopian.
Kinitari said:
I come here to ask a question that has been a topic of much heated debate for a very long time - for a while I was happy not caring, but a part of me has to know now.

GAF, am I black? I'm Ethiopian.
Did someone tell you that you are not?


Kinitari said:
I come here to ask a question that has been a topic of much heated debate for a very long time - for a while I was happy not caring, but a part of me has to know now.

GAF, am I black? I'm Ethiopian.

Yes, why?


Black Canada Mafia
Dreams-Visions said:
Did someone tell you that you are not?

zero_suit said:
Yes, why?

People don't normally see me and think I am black, even with my dreads. I don't know if it's my demeanour, or something else, but the majority of people I discuss ethnicity with for the first time assume I am something else. When I ask them to describe it, they have no idea what to call me. When I tell them I am Ethiopian, a lot of people will say "Oh, so you're not actually black".

One time in an English class, identifying with ethnicity came up, I chime in and said "identifying with ethnicity isn't strictly something that you do personally, it's also being accepted by the people you are trying to identify with. This is why I try not to stress out about it - I always get mixed answers as to whether or not people consider me black".

At that exact moment, two different black girls in the back of the room:
"You're black"
"You're not black"

Like, at the same time. Then they started arguing. Most of the time, the concession people get to when it comes down to argument, is I'm "African". Which, I have no problem with, I just wish I understood it.

My older sister on the other hand, no one doubts she's black, not for one second.


Please help me with my bad english
Kinitari said:
I come here to ask a question that has been a topic of much heated debate for a very long time - for a while I was happy not caring, but a part of me has to know now.

GAF, am I black? I'm Ethiopian.
Of course you are.

Seems that for some people, you need to look a certain way in order to be classified as black, but I know better since I'm accustomed with people from East Africa.


Kinitari said:
I come here to ask a question that has been a topic of much heated debate for a very long time - for a while I was happy not caring, but a part of me has to know now.

GAF, am I black? I'm Ethiopian.
Yea, you're black. Same goes for Somalis.

Caucasion=/= white.
I put "black" in quotes to mean the stereotype of whats considered black.

Also consider that some Ethiopians are white (and various mixes in between). So tying being Ethiopian to being black gets tricky.


I believe you to be black. But people that aren't even black say they are black. I was confused when someone hispanic called themself black. But its out there. Just be how you feel.

Half-and-half: That's cool. Ive never tried 3D. But maybe one day I will play with Maya.


"Black" is just a label, nothing more. The skin does not make you who you are. Don't worry how those view others. How do you view yourself is the only question you need to ask.
Londa said:
Half-and-half: That's cool. Ive never tried 3D. But maybe one day I will play with Maya.

Do you have some work to show us? :)

From an employment standpoint, going 3D is a wise move imo. All you gotta do is produce work slightly better than the weaker artists out there and you'll have a job waiting for you.


Black just means you have African descent. So as long you fit that part, you're black. You can be American, French, Dominican, doesn't doesn't change anything as far as I'm concerned. Though I know some who will deny they are like you wouldn't believe hah
Just to clarify my position (I think it may have come out incorrectly).

Yes, you're black. I'm just offering explanations as to why people are confused.


Half-and-half said:
Do you have some work to show us? :)

From an employment standpoint, going 3D is a wise move imo. All you gotta do is produce work slightly better than the weaker artists out there and you'll have a job waiting for you.

Look on the page before this one. I posted one image.

Here is some line art

Londabandw by Londaluu, on Flickr


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Kinitari said:
People don't normally see me and think I am black, even with my dreads. I don't know if it's my demeanour, or something else, but the majority of people I discuss ethnicity with for the first time assume I am something else. When I ask them to describe it, they have no idea what to call me. When I tell them I am Ethiopian, a lot of people will say "Oh, so you're not actually black".

One time in an English class, identifying with ethnicity came up, I chime in and said "identifying with ethnicity isn't strictly something that you do personally, it's also being accepted by the people you are trying to identify with. This is why I try not to stress out about it - I always get mixed answers as to whether or not people consider me black".

At that exact moment, two different black girls in the back of the room:
"You're black"
"You're not black"

Like, at the same time. Then they started arguing. Most of the time, the concession people get to when it comes down to argument, is I'm "African". Which, I have no problem with, I just wish I understood it.

My older sister on the other hand, no one doubts she's black, not for one second.
The worst is when other black people don't even want to acknowledge that you're black :/
I remember we sat debating with some Caribbean girls as to what was black and what was not. I think Lebron put it best. If you're from Africa you should be considered black. Just because you have more Caucasian in you than sub-saharan, doesn't mean you are not black.
Although, if anyone were to make a caucasian culture thread, you have a pass to go across the pond and gather intel.


perfectnight said:
That's really cool. I specially like her eyes. Remind me of some old school anime I used to watch.

Yeah, I hate how anime is so loli now. I wish anime would go back to being all about action and awesomeness. Not loli lovin.

If anyone likes Zelda. The mask is like the bunny mask but covers the entire face. She also broke her glasses in half since her other eye is gone.

soundscream said:

What kind of stuff do you draw?
So many talented artists in here...I was never able to draw well at all. :(

I'm more about writing and playing music, myself. Anyone write? Anyone a musician?
Londa said:
anyone draw?
I do! A lot more before than now, though. Here's something I had drawn for a dorm wide contest to design a shirt. I made caricatures of each of the dorm's 9 floors. I only got 3rd but it was funny drawing it



Kinitari said:
People don't normally see me and think I am black, even with my dreads. I don't know if it's my demeanour, or something else, but the majority of people I discuss ethnicity with for the first time assume I am something else. When I ask them to describe it, they have no idea what to call me. When I tell them I am Ethiopian, a lot of people will say "Oh, so you're not actually black".

One time in an English class, identifying with ethnicity came up, I chime in and said "identifying with ethnicity isn't strictly something that you do personally, it's also being accepted by the people you are trying to identify with. This is why I try not to stress out about it - I always get mixed answers as to whether or not people consider me black".

At that exact moment, two different black girls in the back of the room:
"You're black"
"You're not black"

Like, at the same time. Then they started arguing. Most of the time, the concession people get to when it comes down to argument, is I'm "African". Which, I have no problem with, I just wish I understood it.

My older sister on the other hand, no one doubts she's black, not for one second.

The issue with color/race is that it's subjective because it's a social construct and it's tied in with centuries of pseudoscience that tried to legitimize a faulty concept.

You shouldn't be asking other people what you are. You should ask yourself, what do you identify as?

African's are the most diverse group of people in the world and vary in hair texture, color, height, craniofacial features, etc. So it's silly to think that these people will identify with each other based on features/color/race etc. when they vary so much.

Whatever view you have of yourself, know that you are not wrong because it is and always will be personal.


Zoramon089 said:
I do! A lot more before than now, though. Here's something I had drawn for a dorm wide contest to design a shirt. I made caricatures of each of the dorm's 9 floors. I only got 3rd but it was funny drawing it


That's great. Reminds me of the art in Scott Pilgrim. Wish I had a talent. Ah well, next month I pick up a guitar. Use to play the chello when I was younger.


captmcblack said:
So many talented artists in here...I was never able to draw well at all. :(

I'm more about writing and playing music, myself. Anyone write? Anyone a musician?

I've sort of started taking writing seriously this year. I write for a music blog (mainly just the rap stuff).
Zoramon089 said:
I do! A lot more before than now, though. Here's something I had drawn for a dorm wide contest to design a shirt. I made caricatures of each of the dorm's 9 floors. I only got 3rd but it was funny drawing it


Cool, nice and vibrant. Not sure exactly, but the style reminds me of educational cartoons from my youth or something.


Zoramon089 said:
I do! A lot more before than now, though. Here's something I had drawn for a dorm wide contest to design a shirt. I made caricatures of each of the dorm's 9 floors. I only got 3rd but it was funny drawing it


Very cool, and relates well to college life.
Zoramon089 said:
I do! A lot more before than now, though. Here's something I had drawn for a dorm wide contest to design a shirt. I made caricatures of each of the dorm's 9 floors. I only got 3rd but it was funny drawing it


Real talk I like that purple one...it calls to me...


Would be cool if you made Negro-GAF Avatars similar to these based off real pics :)
It would be a *in* thing.
What Negro-GAF say?
Seriously, I really want to get myself into drawing, and it seems like I kinda can draw some things... like eyes... but I always get so intimidated by other people's drawing that I think I'll never be as good as them.

I know you gotta draw more in order to get better but damn it's a really hard irrational fear to get over. :(


StinkFist said:
Would be cool if you made Negro-GAF Avatars similar to these based off real pics :)
It would be a *in* thing.
What Negro-GAF say?

I can use the green dude as my avatar. Would somebody kindly make it avatar sized for me?


Not much of a drawer, tried really hard at one point but gave up.

Okay Men and Women: introvert or extrovert?

Me? I lean heavily toward the introverted side of the spectrum. (probably can tell)
Mononofu said:
Not much of a drawer, tried really hard at one point but gave up.

Okay Men and Women: introvert or extrovert?

Me? I lean heavily toward the introverted side of the spectrum. (probably can tell)

Introvert, all the way.

As for art I liked it for awhile and took an AP class in high school then after that class I started to hate it and now I'm majoring in Computer Science. A complete opposite, lol.
Mononofu said:
Not much of a drawer, tried really hard at one point but gave up.

Okay Men and Women: introvert or extrovert?

Me? I lean heavily toward the introverted side of the spectrum. (probably can tell)
Introvert that often acts like an extrovert. I have my moments when i'm shy...I have my moments when i'm outgoing, talkative, etc.


Mononofu said:
Okay Men and Women: introvert or extrovert?

Me? I lean heavily toward the introverted side of the spectrum. (probably can tell)

Introvert, definitely. According to Myers-Briggs, my personality type was INTJ or something.


zero_suit said:
Introvert, definitely. According to Myers-Briggs, my personality type was INTJ or something.

I'm supposedly INFP. Knowing beyond "E" or "I" doesn't seem to matter much in the real world IMO, though I think the profiles can be scary accurate.
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