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The Black Culture Thread

spindashing said:
I may get flamed for this, but...

I find black superheroes to be bland as fuck. Design and personality-wise. The one black heroes that I did like growing up was Spawn and Blade (by a small margin).

Then again, I say this with little exposure to DC/Marvel.

What about this dude! He was so awesome, most people didn't realize there were other Green Lanterns and thought the movie was whitewashing the character by picking Ryan Renolds



Equus Bellator Apex said:
I just hate how the media keeps reenforcing this idea that "white" is the default race.

And every other race is just superfluous.

Do you guys know what I mean?
"white is right" lol

But seriously, if we want to be served any kind of justice or representation in the media, it's up to us to do it ourselves. That's a massive responsibility and a really, really difficult goal to achieve, especially considering white people are less inclined to buy a product with a black person (or any minority, really, though to varying degrees) on the cover. So the next question is: how do we get our voices heard when people are unwilling to listen before we're even prepared to speak, and what can we do about that, if anything?

Watch this. It's the late Dwayne McDuffie talking about how the comic industry and the readership react to black characters. I feel this relates to more than just comics, as well.

Satchwar said:
"white is right" lol

But seriously, if we want to be served any kind of justice or representation in the media, it's up to us to do it ourselves. That's a massive responsibility and a really, really difficult goal to achieve, especially considering white people are less inclined to buy a product with a black person (or any minority, really, though to varying degrees) on the cover. So the next question is: how do we get our voices heard when people are unwilling to listen before we're even prepared to speak, and what can we do about that, if anything?

Watch this. It's the late Dwayne McDuffie talking about how the comic industry and the readership react to black characters. I feel this relates to more than just comics, as well.


Absolutely. Very good video. I see the type of fans he was talking about ALL the time on various forums. This one included. RIP


I remember watching an episode of JL Unlimited featuring Hawkman. I was soooo pissed that they depicted the ancient Egyptians as white. Science, Ancient Romian writers, the Bible has said time and time again that the Ancient Egyptians where black. Closely resembling those from Sudan. Goddamn you Alexander!


perfectnight said:
Absolutely. Very good video. I see the type of fans he was talking about ALL the time on various forums. This one included. RIP

Yep see any thread where it's even suggested that a comic character could be played by a person of colour and see the reaction from certain quarters who would probably consider themselves 'open minded' in other matters.

Looking back at that Donald Glover for spiderman thread is the perfect example. This is what i said in that thread.

Dabanton said:
You know thinking about it.

Spiderman has no reason to stay as a white man. It's a role that the actors colour would have no bearing on in regards to the actual story elements. In fact when you think of a reboot that's what i would have expected.

Plus MJ is a redhead it just makes so much sense.:lol

As usual someone tried this old classic.

G_Berry said:
I wonder what people would say if a white guy was cast as the lead in a new Shaft movie?


The saddest part about that whole thing, was Spider-man was MY hero growing up. I identified with Peter Parker and later Ben Reily (R.I.P, you were way cooler than Parker ='/ ). It would have been cool to see a black Spidey.


When we have people like lil wanye and minaj representing blacks in the media, we will never get respect. But how can you control those type of role models? I do my very small part by never buying their CDs and turning the radio when their song comes on. Rihanna, always gets a channel turn.


Londa said:
When we have people like lil wanye and minaj representing blacks in the media, we will never get respect. But how can you control those type of role models? I do my very small part by never buying their CDs and turning the radio when their song comes on. Rihanna, always gets a channel turn.

Sad part is I was really happy with Rihanna when she 1st debuted, especially considering she is from my country, but lord knows now I just cant stand her. turned into another crappy pop star with nothing to say....

I really sometimes feel like I don't have much in common with "african americans" sometimes.. especially these last few years. The music/entertainment/movies just really don't speak anything to me. I know I've spent 1/2 my life here but still sometimes i swear I'm just going to buy that shirt.. you know.. "Black People Please Stop Embarrassing Me!"

And please don't take it wrong, its not that I feel I'm better(cuz to any person that see's me I look like any other random black person) its just that I feel like I'm different. The shit just doesn't speak to me.

Like my sister, loves all that Tyler Perry shit, and somehow think that those are some of the best things as far as cinema is concerned. I just shake my head sometimes.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Satchwar said:
"white is right" lol

But seriously, if we want to be served any kind of justice or representation in the media, it's up to us to do it ourselves. That's a massive responsibility and a really, really difficult goal to achieve, especially considering white people are less inclined to buy a product with a black person (or any minority, really, though to varying degrees) on the cover. So the next question is: how do we get our voices heard when people are unwilling to listen before we're even prepared to speak, and what can we do about that, if anything?

Watch this. It's the late Dwayne McDuffie talking about how the comic industry and the readership react to black characters. I feel this relates to more than just comics, as well.


i wish i could say. it seems people like to see us at our worst. i mean, look at denzel washington. hes a great actor, that has been in many great roles, but only gets that best actor piece after he plays complete scum. which is also why it saddens me that the rap industry is such a fucking sinkhole when there are truly some intelligent players in the mix

ive had a heartburn for dc since that justice league thing. give him the book, but dont let him do anything with any characters and have him take the heat for the racially charged thing, then after he dies, theres no tribute by dc at all? jeph leobs kid got a fucking tribute, and the only connection he had to the comic world was that his dad was a soon to be failing writer. that was really bad form.

Dabanton said:
Yep see any thread where it's even suggested that a comic character could be played by a person of colour and see the reaction from certain quarters who would probably consider themselves 'open minded' in other matters.

Looking back at that Donald Glover for spiderman thread is the perfect example. This is what i said in that thread.

As usual someone tried this old classic.

i love when people try to use that tactic. i actually want to see someone that isnt black be shaft. so that shit could get laughed out of movie theaters. the thor thing bothers me because it seemed that people that didnt give a shit about thor(mythologically, or comically) all ofa sudden have a damn opinion about heimdall because hes the whitest of the gods. as if thats in regards to skin color when the whole of norse mythology appears white. its funny when people dont realize how racist they sound
Bajan32 said:
Sad part is I was really happy with Rihanna when she 1st debuted, especially considering she is from my country, but lord knows now I just cant stand her. turned into another crappy pop star with nothing to say....

I really sometimes feel like I don't have much in common with "african americans" sometimes.. especially these last few years. The music/entertainment/movies just really don't speak anything to me. I know I've spent 1/2 my life here but still sometimes i swear I'm just going to buy that shirt.. you know.. "Black People Please Stop Embarrassing Me!"

And please don't take it wrong, its not that I feel I'm better(cuz to any person that see's me I look like any other random black person) its just that I feel like I'm different. The shit just doesn't speak to me.

Like my sister, loves all that Tyler Perry shit, and somehow think that those are some of the best things as far as cinema is concerned. I just shake my head sometimes.
This is how I felt in high school. I was blasting Nine Inch Nails while everyone around me was cranking Soulja Boy and that whole craze. Though I was cool with alot of kids, I secretly felt pretty disconnected in high school. Luckily, college changed all of that.


Tokubetsu said:
2011 and for the most part, it still sucks to be a minority or woman in superhero comics.

There's something I'd like to say about your avatar, but...

Speaking of which, where the hell did mines go?
Tokubetsu said:
2011 and for the most part, it still sucks to be a minority or woman in superhero comics.

Amen. Also are there any mainstream minority superheros that aren't drenched in stereotypes or only fighting in certain styles like martial arts for asians?


Soulja Boy

This dude really has no business being on the radio. To people who think his music is good, I wonder if they are tone death, and not only tone death but brain dead. To be able to retain such idiotic music without feeling like you are losing brain cells is mind blowing.


Londa said:
When we have people like lil wanye and minaj representing blacks in the media, we will never get respect. But how can you control those type of role models? I do my very small part by never buying their CDs and turning the radio when their song comes on. Rihanna, always gets a channel turn.

Charlie Sheen doesn't represent white people & Carlos Mencia doesn't represent every Mexican. Just because a sloppy celebrity is a certain color doesn't mean they represent you. For every lil wayne there can be a lupe fiasco, for every minaj an alicia keys etc. Lil Wayne represents rappers before he represents blacks.

Blacks have had and continue to get respect, I doubt there are many white people that use lil wayne as an indicator of the black community.
FTH said:

Charlie Sheen doesn't represent white people & Carlos Mencia doesn't represent every Mexican. Just because a sloppy celebrity is a certain color doesn't mean they represent you. For every lil wayne there can be a lupe fiasco, for every minaj an alicia keys etc. Lil Wayne represents rappers before he represents blacks.

Blacks have had and continue to get respect, I doubt there are many white people that use lil wayne as an indicator of the black community.

Well white people worth listening to anyway. I'm sure plenty of racists and white people with agendas would.
FTH said:
I doubt there are many white people that use lil wayne as an indicator of the black community.
You would be surprised.

Fake edit: Thanks for the update on DY_nasty. I hope all is well with that silly negro.


Devolution said:
Well white people worth listening to anyway. I'm sure plenty of racists and white people with agendas would.
Of course, but then that's racism and shouldn't be taken seriously anyway. All races will have that. A small minority compared to the respectable majority.


Devolution said:
Amen. Also are there any mainstream minority superheros that aren't drenched in stereotypes or only fighting in certain styles like martial arts for asians?
Storm and the Green Lantern John Stewart are all I can think of. I'm pretty sure that they're also the only minority mainstream superheroes.
Bajan32 said:
Sad part is I was really happy with Rihanna when she 1st debuted, especially considering she is from my country, but lord knows now I just cant stand her. turned into another crappy pop star with nothing to say....

I really sometimes feel like I don't have much in common with "african americans" sometimes.. especially these last few years. The music/entertainment/movies just really don't speak anything to me. I know I've spent 1/2 my life here but still sometimes i swear I'm just going to buy that shirt.. you know.. "Black People Please Stop Embarrassing Me!"

And please don't take it wrong, its not that I feel I'm better(cuz to any person that see's me I look like any other random black person) its just that I feel like I'm different. The shit just doesn't speak to me.

Like my sister, loves all that Tyler Perry shit, and somehow think that those are some of the best things as far as cinema is concerned. I just shake my head sometimes.
Take it from someone very close to the industry: Pop is all that sells right now unless you have a dedicated underground following or something. It's just not economical in this climate.

That's why RiRi went Pop. The only female R&B act selling right now is beyonce.


Satchwar said:
Storm and the Green Lantern John Stewart are all I can think of. I'm pretty sure that they're also the only minority mainstream superheroes.
Black Panther's doing pretty well for himself these days.


Cage is doing damn well. Getting to lead his own Avengers team full of characters that are far more popular than he is. lol

Static was in the Teen Titans for a while. No idea what he's up to now.


Tokubetsu said:
Luke Cage isn't doing bad either for being a C string hero.
Hey! Luke Cage is the best character in the best written book Marvel has running right now! Plus, he's just a badass hero (for hire).
It still disappoints me that I can't think of game heroes worth noting that are of color. Not to mention anime I mean...Afro Samurai? I don't even think he's worth noting. Also let me mention I'm a big Afro fan.

Equus Bellator Apex

Junior Member
Satchwar said:
"white is right" lol

But seriously, if we want to be served any kind of justice or representation in the media, it's up to us to do it ourselves. That's a massive responsibility and a really, really difficult goal to achieve, especially considering white people are less inclined to buy a product with a black person (or any minority, really, though to varying degrees) on the cover. So the next question is: how do we get our voices heard when people are unwilling to listen before we're even prepared to speak, and what can we do about that, if anything?

Watch this. It's the late Dwayne McDuffie talking about how the comic industry and the readership react to black characters. I feel this relates to more than just comics, as well.


Yep that's some real talk right there and amazing video. I'm sad I didn't get to read any of his stuff before he died.

He brings up a great point.

How many mainstream shows on network or cable have more than 3 black characters?

How many movies?

And people keep trying to tell me rascism is dead.
Londa said:
This dude really has no business being on the radio. To people who think his music is good, I wonder if they are tone death, and not only tone death but brain dead. To be able to retain such idiotic music without feeling like you are losing brain cells is mind blowing.

Speaking of people who don't belong on the radio: Just stop thinking for a minute, and listen. Primarily the reason why he and other people get airplay because it's something fun to dance to. Nobody dances to Nas, maybe a diddle or a two step, but that's about it man.


FTH said:

Charlie Sheen doesn't represent white people & Carlos Mencia doesn't represent every Mexican. Just because a sloppy celebrity is a certain color doesn't mean they represent you. For every lil wayne there can be a lupe fiasco, for every minaj an alicia keys etc. Lil Wayne represents rappers before he represents blacks.

Blacks have had and continue to get respect, I doubt there are many white people that use lil wayne as an indicator of the black community.

I don't think Charlie is Caucasian, but whatever.

I know they don't represent me. But they are heavy in the media, it wouldn't be shocking that people who believe that is how some African American are. Alicia Keys aint nothing to hold up high. Also I don't see rappers as anything to hold a fire to. When do you ever read about a black scientists winning a noble piece prize? These are the type of people that do not get any coverage or even a opportunity to get there. Which was a main point anyways.

Blacks have had and continue to get respect, I doubt there are many white people that use lil wayne as an indicator of the black community

Thats rich XD!!

FTH said:
Of course, but then that's racism and shouldn't be taken seriously anyway. All races will have that. A small minority compared to the respectable majority.

Racism should be taken seriously. I think you are living in a sheltered neighborhood or something. o_O Racism is not minor, it happens all the time. Its much more indirect because no one wants to get their ass sued.


notworksafe said:
Hey! Luke Cage is the best character in the best written book Marvel has running right now! Plus, he's just a badass hero (for hire).

Don't mind me, I'm just bitter Marvel cancelled Immortal Iron Fist.


Londa said:
I don't think Charlie is Caucasian, but whatever.

I know they don't represent me. But they are heavy in the media, it wouldn't be shocking that people who believe that is how some African American are. Alicia Keys aint nothing to hold up high. Also I don't see rappers as anything to hold a fire to. When do you ever read about a black scientists winning a noble piece prize? These are the type of people that do not get any coverage or even a opportunity to get there. Which was a main point anyways.

Thats rich XD!!

Racism should be taken seriously. I think you are living in a sheltered neighborhood or something. o_O Racism is not minor, it happens all the time. Its much more indirect because no one wants to get their ass sued.
Charlie Sheen isn't white? My apologies, I just assumed.

You said representing blacks, are you not black? Then lil wayne and minaj represent you, no? Once you start to use skin color alone to group people into categories then you yourself are profiling, no? Unless you know them personally as bad people, in which case I am wrong here.

So then what is racism?
How do you propose we take racism seriously if no one shows direct signs of racism? Mel Gibson sucks blah blah pack of niggers comment blah blah, but what do you propose we do about that? Ban him from making movies? He's harmless and ignorant, you can't change that. Until he causes harm to a black person he's a little racist butterfly.

Alicia Keys ain't nothing to hold up high? She's been reported as having done several humanitarian efforts in Africa towards AIDS relief and overall well-being of the black ethnicity at large. Sounds like a pretty good person to me. Maybe you've done more?
Londa said:
That's rich XD!!
Again, there's ignorance in every race, not just blacks. I would ignore the sheltered neighborhood comment you made, but I've seen racism and IMO there's not much you can do from a peaceful standpoint IMO, other than ignore them. They don't harm me and I'm no saint so I can't play Superhero.


FTH said:
Charlie Sheen isn't white? My apologies, I just assumed.

You said representing blacks, are you not black? Then lil wayne and minaj represent you, no? Once you start to use skin color alone to group people into categories then you yourself are profiling, no? Unless you know them personally as bad people, in which case I am wrong here.

I said representing blacks in the media. That has nothing to do with me as a black person. But you have to be kidding yourself if you think people don't think you listen to him because he is black. He is a bad person, he is in and out of jail for gun charges, the other female I mention is making black women look bad. The typical big booty slut persona is all she is about.

So then what is racism?
How do you propose we take racism seriously if no one shows direct signs of racism? Mel Gibson sucks blah blah pack of niggers comment blah blah, but what do you propose we do about that? Ban him from making movies? He's harmless and ignorant, you can't change that. Until he causes harm to a black person he's a little racist butterfly.

Funny how when some actors diss Jews they have to apologize, but if someone talks about niggers, we have to just accept it. Oh he just a ignorant racist butterfly. XD

Alicia Keys ain't nothing to hold up high? She's been reported as having done several humanitarian efforts in Africa towards AIDS relief and overall well-being of the black ethnicity at large. Sounds like a pretty good person to me. Maybe you've done more?

I believe she was a mistress of Swiss beats before she married him (Swiss beats is also a questionable character), also she has tons of money. Why do you think I would be able to do more than her?

Again, there's ignorance in every race, not just blacks. I would ignore the sheltered neighborhood comment you made, but I've seen racism and IMO there's not much you can do from a peaceful standpoint IMO, other than ignore them. They don't harm me and I'm no saint so I can't play Superhero.

Its fine that you think that way. But to dismiss bad role models in the media and racism as ho-hum, no big deal. Is wrong. Maybe you like to shut your eyes and ears to everything. But not everyone wants to live with a cardboard box on their head.


Londa said:
I said representing blacks in the media. That has nothing to do with me as a black person. But you have to be kidding yourself if you think people don't think you listen to him because he is black. He is a bad person, he is in and out of jail for gun charges, the other female I mention is making black women look bad. The typical big booty slut persona is all she is about.
But that's just it, they don't represent you in the media. In pop media maybe, but in science media I'm sure you can find black scientists that win prizes. Music is just one piece of entertainment out there. If you watch BET all day, then yeah I could see that. Mainstream HipHop culture is garbage nowadays anyway. No doubt he was probably guilty of those charges, but I don't think every person that goes to jail is necessarily bad. That's just my sheltered perspective though. I separate music from the artist, until he gets arrested for firing his guns on an innocent I don't really care about his moral code.

Londa said:
Funny how when some actors diss Jews they have to apologize, but if someone talks about niggers, we have to just accept it. Oh he just a ignorant racist butterfly. XD
I don't care if he apologizes or not, because I don't care about him personally. I believe he did apologize for it, doesn't mean he's sorry. But you know living out here in Beverly Hills I just learn to accept the PR lies I'm fed.

Londa said:
I believe she was a mistress of Swiss beats (Swiss beats is also a questionable character), also she has tons of money. Why do you think I would be able to do more than her?
Do you know Swiss Beats? I hold her on a high status because of what I heard she's done in humanitarian aid, much higher than I hold you for things you could've mentioned here.

Londa said:
Its fine that you think that way. But to dismiss bad role models in the media and racism as ho-hum, no big deal. Is wrong. Maybe you like to shut your eyes and ears to everything. But not everyone wants to live with a cardboard box on their head.
I don't use pop media personalities as role models, if other people do then fine. Nothing to do with me. Indirect racism is a joke to me and should be ignored yes. Direct racism is different, if I didn't respond to that I would be a horrible human being, but out here in these Palm Springs suburbs I don't really have to experience that much.


FTH you are going around in circles and it seems you have no clue what is really going on in the world. Kind of pointless to continue anymore with this.

To you, your experience is universal.

Anyways, changing topic.

Don't you hate it when people talk slag to teachers in a school environment?
Londa said:
Anyways, changing topic.

Don't you hate it when people talk slag to teachers in a school environment?

I don't like it when people talk to teachers in any way that can't be considered formal/serious. Maybe its because of my upbringing and how much my family stresses education. Even in university I shake my head when people call their professor by his or her first name or pretend that they're having a casual conversation with him/her while wasting everyone's time.


lightless_shado said:
I don't like it when people talk to teachers in any way that can't be considered formal/serious. Maybe its because of my upbringing and how much my family stresses education. Even in university I shake my head when people call their professor by his or her first name or pretend that they're having a casual conversation with him/her while wasting everyone's time.
Agreed, it can be really annoying. I think coaches can be an exception though, I remember back in HS we'd talk to with our Weight Training coach like any other random dude.


Londa said:
FTH you are going around in circles and it seems you have no clue what is really going on in the world. Kind of pointless to continue anymore with this.

To you, your experience is universal.

Anyways, changing topic.

Don't you hate it when people talk slag to teachers in a school environment?
oooo the cold shoulder exit, nice. I'll let you continue to win and stay out of this thread from now on. FTH? More like FTIgnorant right
lightless_shado said:
I don't like it when people talk to teachers in any way that can't be considered formal/serious. Maybe its because of my upbringing and how much my family stresses education. Even in university I shake my head when people call their professor by his or her first name or pretend that they're having a casual conversation with him/her while wasting everyone's time.

We're told to call our professors/instructors by their first name. That's how they introduce themselves at my college. >_>


FTH said:
oooo the cold shoulder exit, nice. I'll let you continue to win and stay out of this thread from now on. FTH? More like FTIgnorant right

Its more like, I see a pointless circle of arguments from you so I'm done.

I go where ever I please.

I called you FTH because that is your user name. o_o
Devolution said:
We're told to call our professors/instructors by their first name. That's how they introduce themselves at my college. >_>

Most professors I've had never introduce themselves formally. They just hand out a syllabus that has their name on it, some say "you can call me _____". Either way I prefer to just call them "professor" or "doctor" or sometimes "doc" like I'm Marty mcfly.
Dabanton said:
Yep see any thread where it's even suggested that a comic character could be played by a person of colour and see the reaction from certain quarters who would probably consider themselves 'open minded' in other matters.

Looking back at that Donald Glover for spiderman thread is the perfect example. This is what i said in that thread.

As usual someone tried this old classic.

Again, you'd be going against decades of history. That kind of jarring is not how you spend 150 million in hopes of making 300+ million.

I understand the argument, but there's some shit that won't change. We won't even get into international markets and how they react.

How many mainstream shows on network or cable have more than 3 black characters?

How many movies?

And people keep trying to tell me rascism is dead.

It isn't, and never will be.

But again, if you're in the business of making money, it's more the nature of the beast. Past Blade, and I think Spawn, there aren't really a lot of options that show a black superhero making a fuckton of money and proving the market.
Londa said:
Anyways, changing topic.

Don't you hate it when people talk slag to teachers in a school environment?

My school is really liberal so they don't usually care and neither do I as long as they still hold some kind of respect.
Urban Scholar said:
It still disappoints me that I can't think of game heroes worth noting that are of color. Not to mention anime I mean...Afro Samurai? I don't even think he's worth noting. Also let me mention I'm a big Afro fan.

Cole from Gears of War...though he's kinda corny, CJ in GTA: San Andreas..wait maybe that's not a positive example, 50 Cent in Bullet proo..

nm, you have a valid point.

Funky Papa

Urban Scholar said:
It still disappoints me that I can't think of game heroes worth noting that are of color. Not to mention anime I mean...Afro Samurai? I don't even think he's worth noting. Also let me mention I'm a big Afro fan.
Sin's John Blade was pretty awesome, although he looked mixed in the first game (either that or they depicted him as very light brown).


Badass to the bone. The game is not particularly well known, tho.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Boombloxer said:
Again, you'd be going against decades of history. That kind of jarring is not how you spend 150 million in hopes of making 300+ million.

I understand the argument, but there's some shit that won't change. We won't even get into international markets and how they react.
Truth of the matter is that the position Africa is currently in, is solely responsible for how black people are perceived across the world. Poor, uneducated and violent. Simple, harsh truth. Seeing a black man act any different to this stereotype is not only surprising, but just seems utterly implausible to people across the world.
I'd like to point out that this stereotype was one that has been deliberately propagated for centuries. The age of colonialism was not the first instance of the phenomenon, but it was most notably different from all of the other versions preceding it. Africa was divided, torn and deliberately reconfigured so as to benefit the colonialist empires. This was so meticulously crafted, that to this day, Africa and black people in general, are in a state of imbalance.
This imbalance coupled with the propagated image and subsequent utter disgust against black people, is root of all our problems.

I say disgust, because let's face it. Black people are despised all across the globe. It doesn't matter where you go.
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