ZROCOOL said:You can start off playing me.![]()
i'm alright.
ZROCOOL said:You can start off playing me.![]()
i'm alright.
heero101086 said:WTH.
First it's wait 1 day.... stupid Canada and EBGames make us wait till Wednesday.....
Then its wait 1 more day ..... stupid Canada Day and no stores open..... make us wait till Thursday.....
Then its wait 1 more day..... stupid EBGames and their shipping to stores on Friday.....
Ok, its Friday................................................................29th? JULY29?????
WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!
A MONTH DELAY!!!! We're not European, WTF!!!!
heero101086 said:WTH.
First it's wait 1 day.... stupid Canada and EBGames make us wait till Wednesday.....
Then its wait 1 more day ..... stupid Canada Day and no stores open..... make us wait till Thursday.....
Then its wait 1 more day..... stupid EBGames and their shipping to stores on Friday.....
Ok, its Friday................................................................29th? JULY29?????
WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!
A MONTH DELAY!!!! We're not European, WTF!!!!
SaitoH said:A local store here (Halifax) got it in, but only for preorders. How annoying that It wasn't until I watched the Gametrailers review that I was interested and now I can't get it.
MoxManiac said:Just order it from amazon like I did!
MoxManiac said:Just order it from amazon like I did!
Mattlikewhoa said:I called two EB Games shops in Oakville and the three near my house and they all told me that it's July 27th-29th...
_dementia said:That late July date is for is when the 2nd printing/regular edition is released.
No LE for Canada?
You get rocked by my Yellow-Pink Bang for free son!Tokubetsu said:BLACK RAGNA ALL DAY SON.
Volcynika said:Am I the only one, when running through Bang's Arcade, uses his install every battle? :lol
FUCKEN BLOWS. :lolMattlikewhoa said:I donno, that's what it's looking like...
iconoclast said:Is there anything more satisfying than hitting 6C, 236CC, 2D, C, 8D, 236BB, C, 8D, 236BBBB with Tao? I think not!
The Take Out Bandit said:Back of the box says 720p/1080i.
This leaves only local mom and pop stores. All other big chains don't have them.Lostconfused said:The situation with Canadian releases for games is really getting ridiculous at this point. Guess stores that are not EB are the only option.
Answering myself, according to people on GameFAQs every character gets 4 new colors from the DLC, Thats 48 new colors total for 400 MS Points. Any confirmation?voodoopanda said:Has anyone gotten the new color DLC? Is it 1 new color per character or more?
SaitoH said:A local store here (Halifax) got it in, but only for preorders. How annoying that It wasn't until I watched the Gametrailers review that I was interested and now I can't get it.
Toshin said:What store was this?
We could raid the place? :lol
Japanese edition from YesAsia if you don't care about the soundtrack and tutorial discs.Gee said:Which site would you guys recommend to import to Europe?
VGplus.ca is out of stock :'(
SaitoH said:The Last Gamestore.
They didn't get enough for pre-orders and can't take additional orders. Guess I'm waiting 'till the end of July ... assuming I still want the game at that point.
The DVD was the reason I actually wanted to buy the game. I think I'll skip out on it entirely now, unless I can find the tutorials on youtube or something.Toshin said:Ouch that sucks : (
Oddly I've never been in there locations either. I should check em out for stuff like this in the future.
godamn and I really want to watch the DVD, I heard its produced really nicely
soultron said:Thanks for making what should've been an accessible product relatively inaccessible in one swift motion, EB Games.
I'm in Hamilton right now. At the risk of destroying my chances of getting the game, Play N Trade in Milton currently has 4 copies in (2 PS3, 2 360) right now, and is getting 4 more copies on Monday! The guy there is super nice -- he was offering to meet up with me in Hamilton (he lives here too) after he closed tonight to sell me the game. Do him a favour and buy his copies, guys!TheExodu5 said:Soultron, you're in Toronto aren't you? I'm sure there must be a mom n' pop somewhere?
soultron said:Fuck. My EB where I have it reserved isn't even picking up the phone now. I just called one where I used to work and my buddy who works there now is saying that EB is fucking over everyone in hopes that they can fill all of their preorders with the regular edition instead.
Christ. The only reason I wanted the game was for the strategy guide DVD. Guess it's SFIV for me then. Again, fuck.
soultron said:I'm in Hamilton right now. At the risk of destroying my chances of getting the game, Play N Trade in Milton currently has 4 copies in (2 PS3, 2 360) right now, and is getting 4 more copies on Monday! The guy there is super nice -- he was offering to meet up with me in Hamilton (he lives here too) after he closed tonight to sell me the game. Do him a favour and buy his copies, guys!
All in all, I think I might just wait until Monday and make my way home to Milton, where I can pick it up. Or I just might send one of my hometown friends to pick it up.
If you live opposite to Mac (I live near McMaster, in Main West.) he will probably offer to meet you tonight after he closes and sell it to you. Give him a call.BlackWaltz said:I'm in Hamilton too, sadly no way to make it out to Milton =\
soultron said:If you live opposite to Mac (I live near McMaster, in Main West.) he will probably offer to meet you tonight after he closes and sell it to you. Give him a call.
voodoopanda said:Has anyone gotten the new color DLC? Is it 1 new color per character or more?
BlackWaltz said:Unfortunately I'm on the Mountain(off Mohawk and Upper James), so unless he's able to make it up here, I guess I'm boned.
Volcynika said:Phew, beat Arcade with everyone. Now to run through Hell difficulty with Jin (fucking HATE Hakumen), and then I think I'm done with that mode...
Oichi said:Got to level 30 in ranked with Tager!
Kintaro said:What's that unlock?