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The Cell Effect - How it affects launch dates, developers, and the Xbox

Boy, http://biz.gamedaily.com is really cranking out some nice articles. Up until a couple of week ago, all they did was post PR releases, some general numbers, and the like. Now they seem to actually have someone dedicated to actually producing content. Me likey

The Cell Effect
PS3 Hardware Ready?
As development on the CELL microprocessor nears completion, we look at the possible implications it could have on launch dates, developers, and the Xbox.

Toshiba president Tadashi Okamura recently confirmed that work on the next-generation microprocessor CELL—a collaboration between Sony, Toshiba and IBM—is very close to completion.

The nucleus of electronics
"[CELL] will be used in IBM's computer, Sony's game machine, and Toshiba's digital consumer electronics, among other things," said Okamura.

And while Sony has yet to make an official announcement regarding the PS3's (unofficial title) launch timeframe, the fact that the chip expected to power the next-generation console is all but finished is a good sign indeed. Sony has indicated that the first CELL-based workstations will become available at the end of this year, and the full-scale production of CELL processors for use in consumer electronics is expected to start in early 2005.

But will this announcement have any implications for Sony's launch plans or its competitors? And will the CELL technology "change the world," as Okamura claims?

Not concerned with the competition
Stewart Halpern, Managing Director at Digital Entertainment Equity Research, doesn't see this announcement as really having an impact on the PS3's debut. "Sony has indicated that they intend to show the machine at E3 in May '05 and in my mind that is consistent with a fall '06 launch." Some people in the industry, however, believe that the PS3 will be unveiled before E3, perhaps some time during the first quarter of Sony's fiscal year. If that's the case, could the PS3's launch date be moving up to meet the widely expected fall '05 launch of the next Xbox?

"Everything else Sony has said about their view of the lifecycle of game hardware being a 10-year lifecycle suggests that an '06 launch is the most likely time to look for the PS3." Rather than worry about Microsoft getting a head start, Sony "will go when they're ready and when they think it's right."

Pie in the sky
Chris Slate, Editor-in-chief of PSM, also thinks a fall '06 PS3 launch is likely, but he's a little bit concerned over Sony's "track record of promising a lot" and then "over hyping themselves." Thinking back to the pre-launch hype for the PS2, Slate reminded us of how it was "supposed to have Toy Story-quality in-game graphics...and then it comes out and it's just a prettier version of the PSone."

"Sony has moved mountains and done huge things in the gaming industry, but no matter how big the mountain is they move, they always want to make you believe it's going to be ten times bigger. When the CELL comes out, will it just make prettier graphics...or will they actually realize some grander vision?"

Developer's dream, or nightmare?
A key element of realizing that grander vision would be to make the jobs of PS3 developers easier by creating a platform that they can quickly get a grasp on and do some great things with. But will CELL enable this or hinder it? Obviously, no one knows for sure—except Sony—what the PS3 will be like, but Slate offered the following:

"The big concern is that here's yet another custom Sony job that people are going to have to learn from the ground up. Development costs are already at an all-time high. Small developers can't exist anymore; they've all been swallowed up by the big conglomerates and it takes a company like an Electronic Arts almost just to be able to be profitable in this business already. If the CELL chip really is this new kind of wonky, weird thing, it's just going to be even harder for people to make games...I really hope that Sony is focusing on lots of good APIs and lots of good tools for developers that are going to cut down on some cost and some time issues."

Content is key
And what about Sony's closest competitor, Microsoft?

Interestingly, Halpern doesn't agree with most of the industry when it comes to the Xbox 2 launch date. "I am in probably a very small minority at this point that believes that Microsoft is not as likely to go next fall as everyone else seems to believe." Why is that? Considering that Halo is their biggest franchise and that Halo 2 is nearing its release, he believes that content (or lack thereof) could be a problem.

"It's not clear to me that they'll have any content advantage in trying to launch next fall. In order to have a successful launch, you need proprietary content...and it would seem unlikely that they could have a Halo 3 next year."

Halpern believes that Microsoft "lost the battle for this cycle" because they didn't have enough content, not because they entered the ring after Sony.

He added, "By going a year earlier than Sony it probably complicates the [Xbox 2] development process for the third-party publishers."


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Of course Sony is going to overhype... who the hell doesn't.. but "a prettier version of the PSone" has Chris played his PsOne lately?
DarienA said:
Of course Sony is going to overhype... who the hell doesn't.. but "a prettier version of the PSone" has Chris played his PsOne lately?

Yeah, that comment just seems a bit out of place. He's teh biased.

It's unfortunate, but other than the 2600, the PSOne seems to be the system that time has not and will not be nice to. While many of the games looked great at the time, they now look like pixelated messes and I almost can't distinguish objects from each other anymore. The NES & SNES games still, for the most part, have that nice polished 2D look which can still look stunning.

I mean, Super Mario Bros still looks as good as it ever did.


I don't know, I don't have much trouble going back to MGS, RE2, Vagrant Story, most of Square's PS1 RPGs, or hell even Silent Hill. In fact I find them less painful than many 8-bit games to look at. SNES-era 2D still looks great because 2D hasn't really improved as much as 3D has.


DarienA said:
Of course Sony is going to overhype... who the hell doesn't.. but "a prettier version of the PSone" has Chris played his PsOne lately?

I think he meant early on in the PS2's lifespan where only Madden really stood out graphically from the PSOne... With that said, Microsoft could learn a thing or two about spreading lies... errr *hype*


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
open_mouth_ said:
I think he meant early on in the PS2's lifespan where only Madden really stood out graphically from the PSOne... With that said, Microsoft could learn a thing or two about spreading lies... errr *hype*

You don't think SSX and TTT stood out graphically compared to PSOne titles?


they all did, sure, but not anywhere close to the extent that Sony promised (early on, at least). I'm just saying that's what the writer is likely implying. And anyone who had a dreamcast would emphatically say the following when you showed him or her a PS2 launch title: "MEH"


All okay looking titles but none were Toy Story graphics were they?
what I remember well about the launch of the DC and PS2 showed exactly how Sony worked (and very good it was to for PR). Sega led with the Tower of Babel demo, basically running off a DC the camera was controlable and it gave a real idea on what to expect from DC. The PS2 demo I saw here in the UK was the GT demo with ridiculously shinny and detailed cars for the time. We were told it was running off a PS2 Development unit. It was of course running off some workstation that Sony reckoned would be the equivalent of PS2. a Little white lie if you like. Fact is Sony's PR machine was on the ball and way in advance of Sega and Nintendo.


Pug said:
All okay looking titles but none were Toy Story graphics were they?
what I remember well about the launch of the DC and PS2 showed exactly how Sony worked (and very good it was to for PR). Sega led with the Tower of Babel demo, basically running off a DC the camera was controlable and it gave a real idea on what to expect from DC. The PS2 demo I saw here in the UK was the GT demo with ridiculously shinny and detailed cars for the time. We were told it was running off a PS2 Development unit. It was of course running off some workstation that Sony reckoned would be the equivalent of PS2. a Little white lie if you like. Fact is Sony's PR machine was on the ball and way in advance of Sega and Nintendo.

Bullshit. The GT, Reiko, FFVIII, etc. demos have all been surpassed by PS2 games.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
You're over generalizing... of course they didn't look like Toy Story graphics... but the launch and early titles that stood out... like SSX sure as hell didn't just look like prettier PSOne games.
"The PS2 demo I saw here in the UK was the GT demo with ridiculously shinny and detailed cars for the time."



That was just GT with a bunch of special effects...They didn't even bump the polys for the car. There's no way Polyphony could've released that without people complaining about the lack of detail in the cars (and backgrounds).



Beleive I was there in a PR capacity. The PS2 demo were running off big computers (which I was told were workstations) I watched them being set up. I said there was nothing wrong with it, in fact Sony have led the way both on a marketing level and certaintly with regard to PR. As for the demo what I can remember which isn't much I still think it looked better than any game I've played and it certaintly looked better than any lauch PS2 game. But hey that was history and look where Sony are!


I don't know what they were running off, but the playable Tekken demo was surpassed by TTT. and GT demo by GT3. The FF dance scene and the Reiko scene have been equaled or surpassed by cut-scenes in PS2 games, such as the RRV intro (which Opa famously claimed was pre-rendered).

What I'm trying to say is that Sony did not show some pre-rendered stuff that no game has yet to come close to. And I don't think they ever said it'll have Toy Story-caliber graphics, either.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
"It's not clear to me that they'll have any content advantage in trying to launch next fall. In order to have a successful launch, you need proprietary content...and it would seem unlikely that they could have a Halo 3 next year."

What a stupid comment. MS can't rely solely on Halo, nor will they. They could launch next year with Perfect Dark Zero, PGR3, whatever that Unreal Engine 3.0 game is, Splinter Cell, graphically superior Madden and NFSU and who knows what else, and still get Halo 3 out before the PS3 hits, if they really want to (or at least at the same time, they will have had time to build hype for it either way).

However you look at it, to base the idea that the Xenon will launch 2006 just on the fact that a Halo sequel couldn't make it for next year is ridiculous.


Oh, and I'm not saying did not hype the PS2 to hell and back, because they did. But they didn't deceive anyone who didn't want to be deceived. People were willing to believe anything that Sony as much as hinted at, and the media exaggerated every spec and feature.



"supposed to have Toy Story-quality in-game graphics...and then it comes out and it's just a prettier version of the PSone."

Not this BS again

you're right, this is BS.

but you know something? before Sony unvieled PS2 in March 1999, Sony was talking all kinds of crazy shit about the next playstation. things like, 'we're creating a machine that goes beyond computer animation. 'games will look better than the best CG there is' 'games won't look like animated CG movies that you see today' and blah blah blah.

then when the PS2 chipset was shown in 1999, Sony was saying it could do games that rival movies, DVD, real life. (thus, FAR beyond Toy Story).

Sony *is* full of so much BS.... just far more than most people remember.



I don't know what they were running off, but the playable Tekken demo was surpassed by TTT. and GT demo by GT3. The FF dance scene and the Reiko scene have been equaled or surpassed by cut-scenes in PS2 games, such as the RRV intro (which Opa famously claimed was pre-rendered).

What I'm trying to say is that Sony did not show some pre-rendered stuff that no game has yet to come close to. And I don't think they ever said it'll have Toy Story-caliber graphics, either.

these statements are pretty much true, as far as I know, and IMO.

although, Sony *was* hyping their next gen playstation, in 1998, before PS2 unvieling, far beyond Toy Story.
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