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The CIA Released 321 Gigabytes of Files From Bin Laden's Computer, Which Had a Copy of Final Fantasy VII


"The file collection excludes some of the content recovered, including "materials that are sensitive such that their release would directly damage efforts to keep the nation secure; materials protected by copyright; pornography; malware; and blank, corrupted and duplicate files," a CIA spokesperson said in a prepared statement. "

So he had porn on his 'puter.


This is an old story right? Both articles are from 2017. I remember reading about it back then.

Still pretty funny. I wonder who was in Bin Laden’s regular FF7 party.


Unconfirmed Member
What's this doing in offtopic? Should be in gaming, ffs!


hmm... you start the game as new member of a terrorist group called Avalanche


Bin Laden also played Counter-Strike on his Steam account, so more than likely people were fighting against him for years.
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Diddy X

But how? I thought he was pure evil and that he didn't even look human anymore.

Now in all seriousness, he was a person wanting to have fun, he probably googled 'best videogame of all time' and ff7 poped up.


are in a big trouble
So FFVII is a recruitment tool for terrorists trying to take our freedom. Time to ban all Final Fantasy games as well as anything made from this company. #Freedom



What's he up to in it? Also did he change Cloud's name to Osama? OMG what if
Aeris' (Aerith for him?) death caused 9/11.
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