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The Coronavirus Cover-Up



In December, Li Wenliang, a 33-year-old ophthalmologist in Wuhan, the site of the outbreak, told his friends on a private online chat group that patients exhibiting symptoms akin to SARS—severe acute respiratory syndrome—were in quarantine at the emergency department at the city’s central hospital where Li worked. When SARS first flared up in China in 2003, Beijing covered up the scale of the horror for four months. The upshot of that concealment was 774 fatalities at home and abroad. Li warned his friends—all of them doctors—to be careful this time. China’s internet police intercepted the exchange. And three days later, Li was berated by his bosses, accused by the police of “making false comments” and coerced into signing a statement expressing contrition for disturbing “social order”.

After forcing Li to return to work, where the young doctor immediately contracted the virus, the local apparatchiks of the Communist Party of China ordered labs to stop testing and destroy the existing samples and proceeded with a potluck banquet for 40,000 families in a precinct of Wuhan. As patients proliferated, Taiwan notified the World Health Organisation before the end of December that the virus spread from human-to-human. But rather than ring the alarm bells, as late as 14 January, WHO was parroting Beijing’s line that there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission”. The genome of the virus, mapped as early as 2 January, was withheld from the world for a week. Information that might have averted a global catastrophe was studiously suppressed. And by the time President Xi Jinping properly acknowledged the crisis, on 20 January, three people had died. That number rose to above 200 by the end of the month. Li died in early February.

Once the virus made its inevitable outward march, claiming lives beyond China’s borders, the CPC mounted a major public relations exercise that exploited common human decencies to evade accountability. Criticism of the Chinese government was equated with racist prejudice against ordinary Chinese people. The result: rather than confront China, precious energies were exerted to avoid the trap set by China. In February, the Mayor of Florence launched a campaign encouraging Italians to “hug a Chinese”, describing it as a “fight of solidarity and unity against virus”. The People’s Daily, a mouthpiece of the CPC, applauded young Italians advertising their virtuousness on the Internet with photos of themselves hugging Chinese tourists without mentioning a word about the mortal perils of human contact.

1- China lied, destroyed evidence, and silenced whistleblowers
2-China did nothing to stop its spread at first, including having a banquet of 40K people in the epicenter of the outbreak
3-China used its influence on the WHO to block informing the world in December that this was Human to Human transmission.
4-China is using the media ans social justice to rewrite history and paint anyone who wants to blame them for their crimes as racist

Time to wake up people. CCP fucked us all.


Gold Member
Yeah it’s crazy that this isn’t a bigger story.

The virus had so much time to spread before any real action was taken and we’re supposed to believe only 80k people are infected? And all new cases are “imported”? Give me a break.

If the world doesn’t become less dependent on China after this blows over I’d be shocked
I see it like this:

1) Climate change is a big if, IF it is bad, then we're fucked
2) Recession coming. Meant to be worse than 2008 and 1921. If it is, we're all fucked
3) Cornoa virus could kill loads of people. If it does, we're fucked
4) Politics and the divide between the left and right is bad, if it gets worse and ends in civil war, were all fucked
5) people getting fat, lazy, aggressive and diabetes and heart disease is the biggest killer in the west

How to fix?

Take cars off of the roads, planes out of the sky and stop all movement apart from supply line. Lay people off but give them a pay cut to stay at home with their family, encourage them to walk in the parks every day. Isolate people to stop spreading the disease. Unite the people against a common enemy; the virus.

Whether or not this virus is man made, doesn't matter. What matters is, we've been able to kill 4 birds with one stone. Problem solved.


I still don't understand why we (Europe) didn't shutdown air travel to china in January.

simple. Because the WHO said it was racist, and then the paid CCP propagandist parroted that line.

Even Italians fell for that BS and had a hug a chinese day. Then Bam a few weeks later thousands dead and infected. But hey at least those dead people weren't called racist.

Maybe the question should also be why didn't China shut down air travel outside its country?
Can't trust Western media, can't trust Chinese media, can't trust Taiwan (American-lapdog) media.
The truth is in between Yoga woke CCP MSM Military Industrial Complex Oil Pedophile Oath! ☯

EDIT: Although both Taiwan and Japanese news media have reported on their theory of the virus originating from America in 2019, though obviously Western MSM does not report on this. I feel just like 911 we will not know the full truth until decades later once the smoke settles... and I hope this incident does not get used by either side to escalate tensions.

For those who always say the CCP is the enemy and not the Chinese people, and they did nothing to lift Chinese people out of poverty... the government is the main body that coordinates the economic planning. You guys are just hiding your own bias in indirectly supporting American imperialist regime change aka "human rights" charade.
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On one hand fuck China on another China has gave a lot to the world.

Chinese people yes (love me some Tao and Chow mein), CCP no.

If anything CCP probably pushed China back 100 years. The great leap backwards and cultural deevloution cost China decades of prosperity.

And before anyone says the CCP lifted millions out of poverty, no the CCP didn't do that, Chinese people did. Only as the CCP opened up to economic freedoms did China start growing.

CCP is the enemy not China. Imagine if the ROC instead of the PRC was in charge on the mainland. At least Taiwan tried to warn the WHO about China's lies.


I love china, and we can't blame anyone for the current situation, if it wasn't China it would have been someone else, a virus is a virus and it will exploce in the place with more population, I could spend a day talking about China but... I'm drunk and in quarantine, I wonna love everyone and we don't need ppll trying to blame someoneelse for stuff. This is the moment to stay togheter not to fight.


Gold Member
So let me get this straight. China had 2 massive hospitals being built and ready to go in "9 days of the outbreak", such a coincidence, they were ready to purchase the collapsing stock in the US and Europe markets, and somehow they are "perfectly contained" like they had an "antidote"?

Saw a picture of Xi visiting the sick with just a paper mask on, yet when Putin or anyone else does it, they look like a damned astronaut about to launch into space.





Neo Member
I love china, and we can't blame anyone for the current situation, if it wasn't China it would have been someone else, a virus is a virus and it will exploce in the place with more population, I could spend a day talking about China but... I'm drunk and in quarantine, I wonna love everyone and we don't need ppll trying to blame someoneelse for stuff. This is the moment to stay togheter not to fight.
#hugachinese amirite?

I think we should enact punitive damages on China for fucking everything up.


#hugachinese amirite?

I think we should enact punitive damages on China for fucking everything up.

I know ppl love to mock on China, I couldn't care less, but if I have to choose beetween China or america it is China all the Day... also we say China but in reality is quite a bit chink of earth to call it with one name, I guess 90% of people fail to see that.


Neo Member
I know ppl love to mock on China, I couldn't care less, but if I have to choose beetween China or america it is China all the Day... also we say China but in reality is quite a bit chink of earth to call it with one name, I guess 90% of people fail to see that.
Ever been there? I have. If you ever went there you’d probably think better of your post.


Ever been there? I have. If you ever went there you’d probably think better of your post.

I'vee been there, in November for 30 Days, I've been in Shenzen, Hong Kong and Shangai, also been in a desolate region to visit a shaoling temple. I stil think it is awesome, and they have a story, a story of millennials not 500 years like America. I'd go to live there in a second if I had the chance


Neo Member
I'vee been there, in November for 30 Days, I've been in Shenzen, Hong Kong and Shangai, also been in a desolate region to visit a shaoling temple. I stil think it is awesome, and they have a story, a story of millennials not 500 years like America. I'd go to live there in a second if I had the chance
The CCP would be proud.

Also you consider Hong Kong as China. Lol

and your reason for saying China is great is because it is old? What do you think of the prison camps, the suffocating way they deal with speech, and blatant human rights issues? I don’t see why you think china is this innocent child that does no wrong.


The CCP would be proud.

Also you consider Hong Kong as China. Lol

and your reason for saying China is great is because it is old? What do you think of the prison camps, the suffocating way they deal with speech, and blatant human rights issues? I don’t see why you think china is this innocent child that does no wrong.

I didn't say China has done nothing wrong, but not even America. Not even europe, every place has its bullshit.

I don't consider Hong Kong to be China, it will be, that's it.

Btw, let's blame Comunist!!!! Capitalism is awesome!!!


Neo Member
I didn't say China has done nothing wrong, but not even America. Not even europe, every place has its bullshit.

I don't consider Hong Kong to be China, it will be, that's it.

Btw, let's blame Comunist!!!! Capitalism is awesome!!!
Yeah Europe did the wrong thing by being worried about being labeled racists at the costs of their health.

The US has been shoving its thumb up their asses instead of doing what they need to.

But China created the virus, lied about it, still lies about it, and they still refuse to accept responsibility. They learned nothing at the cost of thousands and portentously millions of innocent lives. This is 110% China and the west was too retarded to react to their lies.


My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
It was apparent in early January where this was going to go. Our "fearless leaders" didn't do shit about it. Even if China fully disclosed this from the getgo, nobody would have initiate a 2 week lockdown/quarantine in the West pre-emptively. This doesn't change anything, and it doesn't absolve the shitty reactive leadership we have in the West whatsoever.

Completely agree. China is a known quantity. Me, a dumb shmuck in the street can tell that, yet the people in my government responsible for my safety were completely asleep for months.

How was there not even an online portal set up and ready to go should a worldwide/nationwide emergency like this happen? People had to get their info from the news media and those fuckers love to scare the hell out of everyone.

Then the government is telling everyone off for hoarding toilet paper, that's cos you did nothing to calm the people so they wouldn't panic!

Again, China are deceptive fuckers and you know that before they even start talking. Buy I relied on my government not to be this useless.

That said we are finally doing shit. So I'm optimistic for the future. But I will be voting differently next election.


It was apparent in early January where this was going to go. Our "fearless leaders" didn't do shit about it. Even if China fully disclosed this from the getgo, nobody would have initiate a 2 week lockdown/quarantine in the West pre-emptively. This doesn't change anything, and it doesn't absolve the shitty reactive leadership we have in the West whatsoever.

The WHO didn’t declare a pandemic until mid-March and were parroting CCP propaganda in mid-January. Leaders in the West need evidence and justification to enact measures that limit the freedom of their constituents. What evidence were they supposed to act on?

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I know ppl love to mock on China, I couldn't care less, but if I have to choose beetween China or america it is China all the Day... also we say China but in reality is quite a bit chink of earth to call it with one name, I guess 90% of people fail to see that.
But why? It's commie land. And they eat bats.


On one hand fuck China on another China has gave a lot to the world.

You’ve got it completely backwards. The world gave to China, not the other way around. They were suffering extreme poverty due to Mao’s failed Great Leap Forward and the West foolishly gave them their economic engine room (manufacturing) and invited them into the WTO. The communist scum have shown zero gratitude and instead have gone about stealing IP, manipulating currency, and being generally dishonest, untrustworthy scummy cunts. We need to kick them out of every global organisation and send them back into third world status where they belong.



In December, Li Wenliang, a 33-year-old ophthalmologist in Wuhan, the site of the outbreak, told his friends on a private online chat group that patients exhibiting symptoms akin to SARS—severe acute respiratory syndrome—were in quarantine at the emergency department at the city’s central hospital where Li worked. When SARS first flared up in China in 2003, Beijing covered up the scale of the horror for four months. The upshot of that concealment was 774 fatalities at home and abroad. Li warned his friends—all of them doctors—to be careful this time. China’s internet police intercepted the exchange. And three days later, Li was berated by his bosses, accused by the police of “making false comments” and coerced into signing a statement expressing contrition for disturbing “social order”.

After forcing Li to return to work, where the young doctor immediately contracted the virus, the local apparatchiks of the Communist Party of China ordered labs to stop testing and destroy the existing samples and proceeded with a potluck banquet for 40,000 families in a precinct of Wuhan. As patients proliferated, Taiwan notified the World Health Organisation before the end of December that the virus spread from human-to-human. But rather than ring the alarm bells, as late as 14 January, WHO was parroting Beijing’s line that there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission”. The genome of the virus, mapped as early as 2 January, was withheld from the world for a week. Information that might have averted a global catastrophe was studiously suppressed. And by the time President Xi Jinping properly acknowledged the crisis, on 20 January, three people had died. That number rose to above 200 by the end of the month. Li died in early February.

Once the virus made its inevitable outward march, claiming lives beyond China’s borders, the CPC mounted a major public relations exercise that exploited common human decencies to evade accountability. Criticism of the Chinese government was equated with racist prejudice against ordinary Chinese people. The result: rather than confront China, precious energies were exerted to avoid the trap set by China. In February, the Mayor of Florence launched a campaign encouraging Italians to “hug a Chinese”, describing it as a “fight of solidarity and unity against virus”. The People’s Daily, a mouthpiece of the CPC, applauded young Italians advertising their virtuousness on the Internet with photos of themselves hugging Chinese tourists without mentioning a word about the mortal perils of human contact.

1- China lied, destroyed evidence, and silenced whistleblowers
2-China did nothing to stop its spread at first, including having a banquet of 40K people in the epicenter of the outbreak
3-China used its influence on the WHO to block informing the world in December that this was Human to Human transmission.
4-China is using the media ans social justice to rewrite history and paint anyone who wants to blame them for their crimes as racist

Time to wake up people. CCP fucked us all.

Then all our governments kept fucking us by telling us it was not a big thing to be worried about, and evacuating citizens by airplane all over the world, when we knew what was going on.

Pointing fingers at China, would make sense, if we as a world, had shutdown travel from China after januari 12th, we didn't.

"The cluster was initially reported on 31 December 2019, when the WHO China Country Office was informed. The Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus (novel coronavirus, nCoV), which was isolated on 7 January 2020. Laboratory testing was conducted on all suspected cases identified through active case finding and retrospective review. Other respiratory pathogens such as influenza, avian influenza, adenovirus, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) were ruled out as the cause. "

We willingly spread this crap, all over the globe, with the thinking "it won't happen here".

We also did know about the virus way earlier than people are reading:

"We learned about this particular virus shortly after a cluster of severe pneumonia cases were reported on New Year’s Eve 2019 in Wuhan, which is in the Hubei Province of China. " (https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/prevention-and-screening-articles/wuhan-coronavirus)

The true cover up are other nations pointing the blame fingers at China, while they don't do enough to halt the spread in their own nations. It's called gaslighting.
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Then all our governments kept fucking us by telling us it was not a big thing to be worried about, and evacuating citizens by airplane all over the world, when we knew what was going on.

Pointing fingers at China, would make sense, if we as a world, had shutdown travel from China after januari 12th, we didn't.

"The cluster was initially reported on 31 December 2019, when the WHO China Country Office was informed. The Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus (novel coronavirus, nCoV), which was isolated on 7 January 2020. Laboratory testing was conducted on all suspected cases identified through active case finding and retrospective review. Other respiratory pathogens such as influenza, avian influenza, adenovirus, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) were ruled out as the cause. "

We willingly spread this crap, all over the globe, with the thinking "it won't happen here".

We also did know about the virus way earlier than people are reading:

"We learned about this particular virus shortly after a cluster of severe pneumonia cases were reported on New Year’s Eve 2019 in Wuhan, which is in the Hubei Province of China. " (https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/prevention-and-screening-articles/wuhan-coronavirus)

The true cover up are other nations pointing the blame fingers at China, while they don't do enough to halt the spread in their own nations. It's called gaslighting.

China lied and attempted to cover up the virus. They murdered whistleblowers and destroyed testing evidence in December. The WHO was pushing Chinese government lies about testing showing no human to human transmission. The WHO didn’t even declare it a pandemic until mid-March. In light of these facts, pointing the finger at countries other than China who were beholden to the advice of the WHO — which itself had been corrupted by Chinese lies — is ludicrous.



Count of Concision
I'm fairly well-versed in science. I've heard (online, obviously) from several reputable, world-renowned scientists and epidemiologists that CV can conclusively be stated to not be man-made, both because they can somehow "trace" its lineage and when/where it made the cross-species jump as well as due to its biochemistry. Can anyone point me to any scientific analysis of the biochemistry of this and how we can be certain that it was not a genetically engineered virus?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
China lied and attempted to cover up the virus. They murdered whistleblowers and destroyed testing evidence in December. The WHO was pushing Chinese government lies about testing showing no human to human transmission. The WHO didn’t even declare it a pandemic until mid-March. In light of these facts, pointing the finger at countries other than China who were beholden to the advice of the WHO — which itself had been corrupted by Chinese lies — is ludicrous.

Was their evidence of human to human transmission at this point? And China downplaying the virus at first is exactly what every other nation did when they had their first cases.
Even if China had done everything right it would have made little difference - take a look at H1N1.
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I'm fairly well-versed in science. I've heard (online, obviously) from several reputable, world-renowned scientists and epidemiologists that CV can conclusively be stated to not be man-made, both because they can somehow "trace" its lineage and when/where it made the cross-species jump as well as due to its biochemistry. Can anyone point me to any scientific analysis of the biochemistry of this and how we can be certain that it was not a genetically engineered virus?

How do you do fellow GAFer
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