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The debate: Do you "pass" or "beat" games?


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
First, I clear a level.

Then I beat the boss and go on to the next level.

If I repeat those first two steps about eight times, I beat the game.

Exactly the way it's done in Boston.


Tellaerin said:
In my part of New Jersey, it's like this.

First, I clear a level.

Then I beat the boss and go on to the next level.

If I repeat those first two steps about eight times, I beat the game.

Unless you beat a game without finishing it 100% cleared :) lol



You can pass a game by reaching the end, but to get all the secrets and everything's complete, you beat/rocked it.


Unconfirmed Member
You can't "pass" a game. It's not a fucking test. You can, however, pass certain events or places during the game. For example:

"Did you get to that horrifically bad laughing scene in FFX yet?"
"Man, I passed that a long time ago. WTF was up with that anyway?"

You can either "beat" or "clear" levels, though some genres lend themselves better to one word or the other. You can either "beat" or "finish" a game, though while speaking casually, I find "beat" to be the better word to use.

Oh, and you can only "beat" bosses.

So it is written, so it shall be.


I usually pass or finish my games, but sometimes, if i'm in the mood, I like to beat them too. I like to take care of my games so I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of flipping them at all, sounds reckless. I like boards as much as the next guy, but not in my games, that's just weird. Here on Earth we call levels, levels, or worlds, or even area's, depending on what fits. Pop? C'mon, my 90 year old grandparents say pop. Get with the times man, it is called soda.
Coin Return said:
Im still suprised at the whole "boards" thing. I still hear people on Live calling levels boards. Seems like such a dated word.

boards!? man that sounds like people who like to call controllers "paddles".


MIMIC said:
Some of my friends call them "boards."

I occasionally use "board," mostly in games where the action is confined to an area about the size of the screen (think old school games, like Burger Time). Every now and then I reference a stage in Smash Bros as a board, usually when I talk about dominating or controlling the level by hogging all the items and keeping enemies in unfavorable areas.

But, um, yeah. "Beat" all the way.
Err... I used to live in Southern California, been saying "beat" for as long as I remember. Also soft drinks are coke, people who say soda are obviously from Wisconsin. :)


wow, "board" really sounds that old fashioned to you guys? oh well, guess i'll go watch my stories on the television


Bay Area, I beat games. I beat levels. I don't "win them" as in "I won that game a long time ago!", my controllers are controllers, not "paddles" and levels aren't "boards"

Oh, and if we're playing against each other and I beat you, I didn't win you as a prize. Silly people
"Did you get that new tape for the PS2? I finally passed it but nearly broke my paddle on the last couple of boards."

If I ever hear someone say that, I will probably attempt to kill them with my bare hands.
When I was a kid, some people I knew would say they "clocked" a game, I never used it though, sounded kind of stupid to me.

I think this was when you finished a game it reset to 0, or something like that.

Yep I beat games since usually there is a final boss to beat the crap out of.
We always said "beat" when I was a kid. Only women say "pass". Which is fine, there's nothing wrong with that.

And the correct phrase is "finished" or "completed" the level. Assuming you don't just say "beat the level" which is also fine.


You finish or complete a game.

People who feel the need to "beat" an entertainment product to feel good about themselves have real self-image issues.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I beat/finish games, then I go back to complete (or completely finish) them.

One can beat Super Mario 64 without completing it, after all.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Everyone I know "Finishes" games, beats levels/bosses and passes gas.
Beat. I also "hundred percent" games when I do/get/unlock everything in them. And getting a 1up is simply getting an "extra guy" regardless of whether or not you're a "guy" in the game. :D

I used to know a kid who said "rescued." Not as in "I rescued the princess," but as in "I rescued that game." Of course in my neighborhood it was also common to use the word "bike" as slang for "penis," so I think we were all kinds of backwards around here.

As for the smoking nonsense, people definitely say "smoke out" here in Seattle, and I've always thought it was very stupid. But then, most drug-use slang is idiotic, so what can ya do?

my personal favorite is people who say they "flipped" the game

"Flipping" isn't the same as beating, though, and I doubt anyone uses it to mean that. Flipping is more specific - it's when you play a (point-based, usually old-skool arcade) game and are able to score so many points that the score display goes past its highest point (9,999,999 or whatever) and starts over at zero.


Jack Flack always escapes!
I usually say I "Finished" it. Back when I was a kid, whenever we passed an arcade game we would say we "Flipped" it.


bobbyconover said:
"Flipping" isn't the same as beating, though, and I doubt anyone uses it to mean that. Flipping is more specific - it's when you play a (point-based, usually old-skool arcade) game and are able to score so many points that the score display goes past its highest point (9,999,999 or whatever) and starts over at zero.

Wow, flashback. I haven't used that term since I had Pinball on my Atari 2600. I used to be able to "flip" it 9 or 10 times before I finally lost.


BlackTyrano said:
Err... I used to live in Southern California, been saying "beat" for as long as I remember. Also soft drinks are coke, people who say soda are obviously from Wisconsin. :)

Dude, I own So Cal, and I never understood this "all soda is coke concept". If it is indeed coke, then fine, but if your drinking 7up or root beer, don't let me catch you calling it coke.
I hate being at a friends house and being offered a 'coke', I say sure, only to be handed a stinking pepsi. :(
bobbyconover said:
"Flipping" isn't the same as beating, though, and I doubt anyone uses it to mean that. Flipping is more specific - it's when you play a (point-based, usually old-skool arcade) game and are able to score so many points that the score display goes past its highest point (9,999,999 or whatever) and starts over at zero.
you think i just said it for kicks? i know people who actually literally say things like "i flipped megaman 2" as in they finished the game... some of 'em also call guile "gulley"... oh, and a few of 'em even say "p2" and "p1" instead of "ps2" and "ps1"
Jumpman said:
Dude, I own So Cal, and I never understood this "all soda is coke concept". If it is indeed coke, then fine, but if your drinking 7up or root beer, don't let me catch you calling it coke.
I hate being at a friends house and being offered a 'coke', I say sure, only to be handed a stinking pepsi. :(
oh man i really hate that...


I have a friend who always says "wrap" the game. Ie. Did you wrap the game yet? I wrapped that game a long time ago.

Kinda like you wrapped it up or something...it makes me laugh every time he says it.


If I was Chinese, I would say "I totawy queered it."
...both pass and beat are fine for games, no?

However, Smoke OUT is proper. Just like Hang OUT and Pass OUT.
"Carbonated beverage" is not alright... no matter what.


"Beat" - completed the main story mode of a game

"Finished" - got/completed all the serects and unlockables the game has to offer

"Mastered" - playing the game inside out has become a braindead task like tying your shoelaces or jerking off
Dude, I own So Cal, and I never understood this "all soda is coke concept". If it is indeed coke, then fine, but if your drinking 7up or root beer, don't let me catch you calling it coke.
I hate being at a friends house and being offered a 'coke', I say sure, only to be handed a stinking pepsi.

Heh of course in a case like that last one I would either be more specific or offer a "drink". "Coke" is just used when the brand makes no difference. For instance, "Put your coke bottles in the trash, you bum" or "Who gives a crap if the coke I'm drinking is REALLY Coca-Cola." :D Btw, it's been years since I've lived in California, so I'm in no way trying to represent the speaking trends there.

Err to get back on topic and to be more specific:

"Beat" - "Bosses/last bosses/levels/games"
"Get Through" - "Levels/Missions"
"Finish" - "Levels/missions/games"



I "beat" levels and for the entire game I say "I finally beat" or "I beat" or "I finished"

After those three chicks wanted me last week... I am not going to lie "I beat my meat"


But do you understand, I am old, married, and was hit on by 3... yes 3 chicks...

That doesn't happen everyday... let me enjoy it for at least 3-4 months... PEACE!


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
ok, I guess you're right... but you're not old, you're in your prime, at least I'd like to think so, that way I have those years to look forward to still.


Games are beaten.

Levels and bosses are beaten or gotten past: "Yeah, I finally got past that boss."

Stages are cleared. All stages are levels, but not all levels are stages. Any level in a fighter or a shoot-'em-up is a stage.

Old-school retro-gamers clear "boards" or "screens." All boards and screens are levels, but not all levels are boards or screens. In order for a level to be designated a board, it has to be in 2D and fit entirely on one monitor without scrolling. Pac-Man has boards, for example, but 1942 does not.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
The Faceless Master said:
my personal favorite is people who say they "flipped" the game

How come I can only think of "Usual Suspects" when I hear that?


"flip me?"

"yeeah, flipya fo' real"

I beat games..... And on the west coast we "smoke out"....But we also "toke up" ... or just hit it


Great movie. Anyway...

People use the "coke" as soda reference on the east coast, too, and I'm not really fond of it (I'm more of a Pepsi guy). "Pop" is also unacceptable.

And "smoke out" just sounds plain wrong. :p


"I said he'll flip ya.

He'll what?

Flip ya. Flip ya for real."
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