Beat it last night, didn't really have fun at all. The Haunted House in particular is fucking impossible.
There were moments where I had to rewind back time 5+ times trying to fit my plane between bullets, yet they would repeatedly hit me, despite not being visually, anywhere near them.
It's really horrible playing games like these, after playing modern shooters and whatnot. Because if we consider the size of your characters hitbox in something like Resogun, or Jamestown, it's a single pixel wide. That gives the player a tremendous amount of leniency, and allows the designers to pack the level with bullet patterns that almost seem unfair.
But in Talespin, your hitbox is not only the size of your ship, but larger, so you're constantly trying to fit an invisible square between bullets, and hoping you don't get hit.
The difference can be summed up as favouring the player, over the game. Modern shooters allow the player to 'cheat', but as a result of this the game feels fair, and the player feels empowered, while retro titles like Talespin allow the game to cheat, making the game feel unfair. When coupled with the punishing difficulty, it really is just a mess of game design.
It makes me realise why people appreciate games like Megaman so much. I don't find the megaman titles especially remarkable, but if these were Capcom's other releases, then it's nice to play a game that (mostly) feels fair.