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The Division Beta Thread: Make Manhattan Great Again

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Don't like the UI. I don't know why that women was trying so hard to get me emotionally invested.

Everything else was fine.


Uhh. For February.



It's definitely not going to be as groundbreaking as it first appeared (who'd have thought eh?) but this was a pretty solid beta imo. Very few bugs or glitches, ran reasonably well and I got a good indication of what the full game is going to entail.

The biggest bug/hack I came across was a dude in the dark zone who wasn't turning rogue even after attacking people. He was sort of shooting at people to bait them into attacking him, then attacking and killing them using other people's help when that person went rogue.

Eh, pretty ignorable, heals in seconds. I put that right next to a guy following your around doing jumping jacks behind you when you are tying to hide in cover.


Never trust a team of 4 running up to your extraction zone.


Hilarious. How did they not hear you talking about how you're going to take their stuff? I'm always able to hear others around me if they're talking in their mic and I take off if I hear it mentioned even a little bit. Or are you only able to hear other people around you if they're not in a group? Some of the online stuff just isn't explained at all


Just booted Division on PS4. My god its like night and day on PC (still looks pretty damn good), also I see why people complain about bullet sponges on console. Cant hit fo shit :D

PC version it is!

Uhh. For February.


What am i looking at?

30% OFF! Pre-purchase The Division for £28 with 30PERC-JANUAR-SAVING over at GreenManGaming


Don't like the UI. I don't know why that women was trying so hard to get me emotionally invested.

Everything else was fine.

Yeah, it's irritating.

Like the side mission where you find her sister.

"This...meant a lot, agent" - Yeah, I get it, you're close to your sister. You don't need to keep telling me this mission has "emotional priority."
I ran around the dark zone for 20 minutes and saw no "rogue" agents or NPC bad guys, only saw friendly players...what am I supposed to do out here?


Last night I linked up with 3 other guys to hunt rogues at extraction points, it was pretty satisfying. Everyone in the area got their loot away for about an hour.


Hilarious. How did they not hear you talking about how you're going to take their stuff? I'm always able to hear others around me if they're talking in their mic and I take off if I hear it mentioned even a little bit. Or are you only able to hear other people around you if they're not in a group? Some of the online stuff just isn't explained at all
Game chat seems to be screwed up on PS4. It usually works for the first 15min or so after initially starting up the game and then just stop, so we went into party chat.

There was also a moment where we could hear another group talking while we were in party chat. It would only happen around a certain land mark. Weird stuff.


I ran around the dark zone for 20 minutes and saw no "rogue" agents or NPC bad guys, only saw friendly players...what am I supposed to do out here?
KOS everything and everyone :D
Open beta 16-21. in february with 24h Xbox exclusivity before hand

Looks like an open Beta possibility mid february.

February release calendar?

Oh right. I hope they offer some more stuff by then.

Also i figured out the plot of this game, its a TV show;

Division was a secret U.S government organization. During its time as an official govenrment organization, Division was responsible for operations such as sabotage, espionage and assassination. The government was seemingly protecting Divisions illegal activities when it went rogue under Percival Rose's management and began doing under the table murder for hire services. Many notable assassinations have been of people with political ties and high up in the government.
I ran around the dark zone for 20 minutes and saw no "rogue" agents or NPC bad guys, only saw friendly players...what am I supposed to do out here?

I approve of this!

Would the DZ be slightly better balanced if, during an extraction, Rogue agents couldn't immediately attach loot dropped by players they've just killed to the same chopper called in by now dead player?


Does anyone know if proximity chat works if you're in a PS party? I was playing with my brother yesterday and we were in a PS party chat not using the in-game chat. Couldn't tell if people heard us as we were running around.


Neo Member
Just booted Division on PS4. My god its like night and day on PC (still looks pretty damn good), also I see why people complain about bullet sponges on console. Cant hit fo shit :D

PC version it is!

Agreed. Played on X1 and then on PC. Not even close to being the same.


There was also a moment where we could hear another group talking while we were in party chat. It would only happen around a certain land mark. Weird stuff.

I thought proximity chat was always on. Do not think there is a way to turn it off in the DZ so be careful what you say and where.
The biggest bug/hack I came across was a dude in the dark zone who wasn't turning rogue even after attacking people. He was sort of shooting at people to bait them into attacking him, then attacking and killing them using other people's help when that person went rogue.

Not a bug. If you have good enough silencer and "threat reduction" you can fire atleast once against people without turning Rogue. Great/shitty way to bait them into going rogue by shooting back.


Would the DZ be slightly better balanced if, during an extraction, Rogue agents couldn't immediately attach loot dropped by players they've just killed to the same chopper called in by now dead player?

But isn't this, like, exactly the point of the DZ? This constant feeling that you cannot safely extract stuff while other supposedly "non hostile agents" are still in the area. I kinda like it!


But isn't this, like, exactly the point of the DZ? This constant feeling that you cannot safely extract stuff while other supposedly "non hostile agents" are still in the area. I kinda like it!

Yeah i'm having a lot of fun this morning fucking around at the extraction points. Didn't get too into it when I played through at first but it is super fun
Maybe i'm missing something obvious but there isn't a way to sort/delete the appearance items is there?

In the beta I've already racked up massive amounts of stuff and scrolling all the way through a long list is going to get tiring in the main game when there are hundreds of items
...which for me, stands for DOUCHE ZONE.

Protip - if you see anyone from a distance coming up to the extraction point holding a grenade you are about the be ganked by that guy and his friends right behind him.

Protip 2 - if you see a guy's GT/PSN Name/whatever who five minutes earlier was shooting you in the back as a rogue walking up to the extraction point waving and his GT/PSN Name/whatever is white and clear, you are about to be ganked by that guy and his friends coming from the other way.

Protip 3 - want to extract with relative safety? Have one member of your party with the least to lose trigger one extraction while the rest of your squad triggers on the other side of the map thirty seconds later. That way, by the the time the rogue douches hit the first spot, your squad can get their gains out at the other spot. And if the rogues split up then at one point you will out number and hopefully out gun them. YOU'RE WELCOME.

Rogue douches killed my fun in no time flat tonight. Ubisoft needs to seriously put some safeguards in place for people who do nothing but gank other people. The worst tactic, besides being invisible (oh good lord...), or abusing the beta boundaries to snipe at people, or camping at the entrance points to the DZ (the latter two I encountered tonight on the XB1), was a group of rogues who would only attack you from behind once you were in combat with high level AIs. At this point they now know where the tougher AI spawns at
(HI THRASHER and BONNIE and their level 9 AI thug buddies!)
, so they wait about a block over until you are engaged in combat, then come running up from behind and help the AI gun you down. I was getting Gears 1 "Target Firing"* flashbacks tonight because of the severe imbalance never ending rogue douche hounding was bringing to my game play.

*"Target Firing" -
as described by me back on Major Nelson's blog back in the early days of Gears 1 MP, a clan member from a large clan group would join your side, and then proceed to fire over your head during the multiplayer match to basically show his clan mates on the OTHER TEAM where you were so they could kill you over and over again. Does that sound like fun to you?

I managed to team up with a couple of other randoms who could not get anything done alone either and together we managed to achieve our personal goals together. We wound up using our scopes to look down the street to see if anyone was coming, and if we engaged any AI, one of us would hang back and watch our rear for running, roving packs of rogue douches who had no intention of letting us have any fun. If they did, we popped smoke and booked it. We even came up with that misdirection tactic for extractions that worked well for us, but made the rogue douches come after us even more because we actually got stuff extracted like five whole times. Yeah, awesome game type there.

[Sarcasm] I love not being able to properly level up and instead yo-yo between level 9 and 10 for two hours tonight because of players like that. Especially when my DZ armor requires level 10 to actually wear. GOODY GOODY GUMDROPS! CAN I GET NEW DOUCHE PLUS AS A FREE DLC GAME MODE UPDATE PLEASE [/Sarcasm]

The single player/co-op/PvE/etc. is nice and feels right, and I got better at the game because of it when I had to do the hospital mission solo on hard several times to level up. But like Destiny, all the good stuff seems to be tucked away in a game mode that is more work and hassle than fun and accomplishment. DZ is a borderline joke now 4 days into the beta and unless there is something to counter that, just wait until a month or so after release where the DZ will be pretty much NO FUN because it will be nothing but rogue douche squads ganking people over and over because you know that is coming if it was happening 4 days into the BETA. I sincerely hope there is a plan to keep a lid on that because if not, the mode will die and die fast and there will be very little left but rogue douche gankers running around to the "Hee Haw" theme in the background with no desire other than to make other player's experiences miserable. This mode could really use a version of Oblivion's guards here - so rogue douche gankers can get a taste of that medicine too. Might I suggest a special DZ for those guys that is nothing but auto turrets and large heavily armored AI every 100 feet? Thank you.

I eventually got to level 11 in DZ and will try to finish at the max of 12 today, but it took more time and effort than it should have because DZ really does stand for DOUCHE ZONE.

Do not get me wrong - this beta was a blast and I had more fun with it than I have had with some full featured commercial titles recently. But the single player had better be more beefy or else I feel this game will go down the roads of other recent multiplayer centric games that pretty much ignored the single individual player who would want to truly enjoy the game, but finds very little to do in relation to the multiplayer side of things

Protip Extra - if you on the XB1 and see GTs with the names "ObamaIsAMeanGirl", "oo Kaptain Krunch oo", "IAmTheCigBreak", "Comaamaa", and anyone else roaming with those guys, you are about to be attacked no matter what you are doing. I know this first hand because that is all they were doing to me, the other members of our party, and anyone else within scope sight tonight every chance they got. Book it and pop smoke if you have to to get away as fast as you can from those kinds of players - at no point are they around to help you whatsoever. May this advice allow you to live longer and not yo-yo between DZ levels like I had to do tonight.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
DZ end game will probably be like the beta now, everyone will just stay in the same zone doing nothing.
So i have to say, i really enjoyed it. But some things bothered me.

- Lack of a crouch button
- No bounties to select at base
- Will there be enough content?
- Variety with missions?

Other wise i thought the graphics were great, gameplay was fun and the city was great to explore. Love going into empty buildings and looting. Plus the coop aspect was great. Dark zone was cool too.

Really excited for march. Day1 for me. Easily replacing Destiny for me.

I'm listen to this and i feel like i've played a different game to what he's played, its a BETA most of the game complains can be addressed in this they aren't going to give you all the content its just to get a rough feel for the game and for the most part you had to pre-order to get access I didn't think they were going to try and get people to order it after playing the beta.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
After my first half hour into the beta I really really disliked it.

I didn't play the Alpha so I didn't know what to expect. At first it did not feel like a Tom Clancy game to me at all, enemies seemed to be bullet sponges and my character didn't feel lethal at all.

After about 6 hours of gameplay the game has clicked and I am really enjoying it. Very tactical and exploring the Dark Zone is a lot of fun and extremely tense.


I just want to say again how impressed I am at how cool most people in the DZ are. Most people will leave each other alone. There will be the occasional person who tries to ruin it for everyone, but that's as it should be...most people cautiously leaving each other be, with a few taking the risk, or just being jerks lol, and taking people out.

I just wish more people would actually use proximity chat. I think I've only heard it one or two times at most.


I'm hoping a lot of the DZ nonsense is people just bored with the beta. Though I'm sure there will be some dickery after the final release.


I'm hoping a lot of the DZ nonsense is people just bored with the beta. Thought I'm sure there will be some dickery after the final release.

Well there needs to be some as that adds to the tension. As long as the majority continue to cautiously leave each other alone, then it's working as it should, IMO.
I'm glad we get one more day.

This game even with this tiny of a slice is poised for best MP experience of the year right now.

As long as the developer can push out those DLC expansions in a timely manner to keep players hooked and a carrot in front of us, then this game will have long legs.
It'd be interesting to see what changes they make to prevent the perceived risk of ganking. It must be said, though, I do think roaming in packs and hunting other users is a deliberate part of the game, so is not a breaking/distortion of the game mechanic. Entering the DZ alone should be a much harder experience. That's what it would be like in a "real life" situation.

To keep people interested though, some rebalancing could definitely help.

1. Respawns for rogues deliberately further away from team-mates. You die rogue, you get separated from your team and have to spend longer on your own, making your way back. It will make it harder for packs to simply respawn and get back together and continue their rampaging.

2. A revenge mode, of sorts. Your killer appears on the map, letting you decide if you wanted to go for them. You don't appear on theirs for a short period.

3. If a rogue team has camped for over a fixed period and gained kills e.g. 20 minutes, tough AIs spawn in the area and make a bee line for them and them alone. Force them to scatter.

4. Greater rewards/incentives for supporting other players to get gear out successfully

5. Matchmaking regular rogue agents/campers with each other. Let them have a Machiavellian free for all, whilst the rest can play differently.

Disregarding his opinion (which I agree with for the most part even though I still enjoyed the beta), man, 60fps looks so good. Wish I had a better PC. Game looks fine on the ps4 but I'm in the camp of going for 60 in any shooter. It still would have looked great at 900p and I would have sacrificed resolution for 60fps in a heartbeat if they could have pulled it off. Oh well.


2 points

- give me a crouch option

- give me iron sight zoom on all weapons not just sniper rifles !!! Would love to see trough my scar red dot sight ....


I finally got to play last night. I did that first mission and then went to the Dark Zone. I had no idea what was going on. Seems cool.

I was having trouble reading the text though. I'd have to get much closer to the tv if I wanted to ready anything.
I'm glad we get one more day.

This game even with this tiny of a slice is poised for best MP experience of the year right now.

As long as the developer can push out those DLC expansions in a timely manner to keep players hooked and a carrot in front of us, then this game will have long legs.

I think I agree. I've not played co-op for ages as I was a bit jaded by them, but we spent hours last night just shouting and laughing our asses of, we were having so much fun.

Good impressions. In the end he really comes in saying that this might be on him because he has this "dissonance" with bullet sponge enemies.

I mean, that's the thing. That's the genre. It cannot be a one-shot-one-kill, and still have RPG elements solidified into it without enemies with a lot of health. It just wouldn't work.
It's great that he acknowledges that this is a problem for him, (and people who can't get over that).

He is also right, in that there is no Destiny-like game on PC. There are only things like Borderlands which are co-op only and feature limitede character customization and so on.


played on PS4 yesterday. really fun. only did the story mission solo and it was easy. nice introduction to the mechanics. I love the city. so detailed and atmospheric. I was pretty dismissive of it before playing it but this gave me major Watch Dogs feels and I loved that game. I preordered the Gold Edition because I can see myself playing this a lot. looks like I won't need to have to find friends like with Destiny just to enjoy it.

shame the CE is sold out. I kinda want that watch now...
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