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The Division Beta Thread: Make Manhattan Great Again

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This beta actually got me to stay up two nights in a row before work. Only 4-5 hours of sleep each because of it, but man, it's so worth it as I have very little time these days. Managed to do pretty much everything in this and had a lot of fun.

How Dark Zones are is really great to me. I hope that it gets expanded a lot in that aspect. Destiny's PvP being balanced(guns) the same as PvE was way too offputting alongside with the shitty matchmaking and P2P lag. So glad that it feels a lot better in The Divison.

Caduceus was great. I wish I had time to try the shotgun was well. Anyone who did, how was it? My second gun was a double barreled shotgun most of the play-through.

It is broken haha. Didnt like any shotguns and think smg outclass them. Until i used that one. Has crazy range. But i think they will nerf it.


Play time:


Yeah i think i will buy this game lol.

What's everyone's playtime? you can check in the main menu.

I think I hit 12 hours. It would have been more, but I have so many games I want to get through that I stopped. Though, I'll probably play in the DZ for a couple more hours tonight.


Played 20 hours.

Dark zone with three friends is insane, most fun I've had in multi-player in the last couple of years at least.

Playing the pve mission on hard was dope too.

Really hope ubi will not screw this up, I guess they have a winner in their hands.

Great great great coop experience. Excellent.


Anyone playing this and recommending others not buy it?

I am waiting for reviews to see if there is enough content to be worth full price even though I put in over 12 hours into the Beta and loved it. Also on PC I am afraid of Dark Zone cheating being rampant if they don't shore up the client side holes.


Can side missions be reset? I've been running around the DZ and ran the hospital mission like 30+ times. I want more to do! I know it's just a beta and I'm having a blast! Just wondering if there's anything more I can repeatedly run...
Put in another 3 hours or so tonight. Think I'm sold on it

Atmosphere in the DZ was very different tonight. Far fewer manhunts and rogues.

My team of 3 decided to be good citizens too. Spent a lot of the evening guarding other teams as they extracted gear. Resulted in many jumping jack parties.

It was cool watching groups approach us. Warily, as we were camped by the EZ with no gear. They clearly though we were hunters. Slowly though my team took up perimeter positions and turned our backs to the guys in the H with packs on.

They eventually call it in and get their stuff out.

A good change of pace.


Can side missions be reset? I've been running around the DZ and ran the hospital mission like 30+ times. I want more to do! I know it's just a beta and I'm having a blast! Just wondering if there's anything more I can repeatedly run...

I'm pretty sure you can't. You could always start another character though.
I dont understand what gear people are extracting. None of the chests have opened for me for days, and the mobs drop shit...

Best gear is from the vendors which doesnt have to be extracted
I dont understand what gear people are extracting. None of the chests have opened for me for days, and the mobs drop shit...

Best gear is from the vendors which doesnt have to be extracted

some drop Blue items...sometimes

I played some DZ today and unless it was a Blue item I didn't even pick it up (no Blues dropped then)


The shotgun was okay. You only have two shots before you reload so you have to make them count otherwise you're screwed. I bought a purple shotty with 8 rounds from a DZ vendor that has 1k more DPS and heals you 4% when you get a kill.

Yeah, you can't miss with double barreled shotguns and if you do, you can be screwed really easy. I don't think I came across that one even though I checked most places, and it sounds really good too. o.o

It is broken haha. Didnt like any shotguns and think smg outclass them. Until i used that one. Has crazy range. But i think they will nerf it.

So close to full damage beyond a bit more past 10meters? Nice. Doubt that it will be nerfed. Seems most people went for the Caduceus first. Also, I used an SMG+Shotgun combo unless I needed to snipe. So any enemy that came to melee me or was around the corner got a buckshot in the face.


So last night we caught some people trying to gank us by sending in a player to pretend as friendly while his buddy sniped. The problem his buddy didn't check his surroundings.

You really dont see this type of stuff in many other games lol



Can side missions be reset? I've been running around the DZ and ran the hospital mission like 30+ times. I want more to do! I know it's just a beta and I'm having a blast! Just wondering if there's anything more I can repeatedly run...

I think if you group up in the sp area all the side missions reset.


I went to the create a character screen again and I had completely forgotten that you can be female. I don't think I've seen the female character model the entire time I've been playing the beta.


Goodbye, Divison Beta, you have given me good times.

I can't wait till the open beta and then the release.

Gonna be great!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Kane and I spent around an hour in the Dark Zone looking for "the Cleaners" AI bosses he wanted to see. We got nothing out of the 06-07 range but green items. Not even a blue or purple.

:/ We did run into a few rogues but with us two and "Markfu7" we met-up with randomly off Uplay, we were able to hold out with the rest of the instance rarely going rogue. That was pretty refreshing.
Overall, the game felt very underwhelming to me. I think it has the potential to be really good, but the beta did not leave a positive impression on me outside of the visual presentation of the game and being competent in its combat aspect.


This game, this f***ing game :D so intense and so much fun! I've been playing dark zone solo and been doing fine, no chance of survival tho when a group of 3 or 4 people decide to straight out slaughter me. Haven't played a game that kept me on the edge of my seat like this in a while.

Hunting rogues and looting chests got me a ton of DZ funds so I got my gear pretty fast. I just hope it's not that easy/fast in the final version


wow an 83% armor!!! I could do some serious damage with that thingy! Truth be told I'm already causing havok in the dark zone! I've taken out 5 enemies solo. They're rated 6 - 8 level. I'm level 12 in dark zone, and level 7 in the normal region.


Such a love hate relationship with the Dark Zone. People suck. Extracting alone is too hard because you just get surrounded by people who haven't gone rogue yet but are just waiting to jump you and grab your loot - obviously can't make the first move because then you're marked as rogue.
Such a love hate relationship with the Dark Zone. People suck. Extracting alone is too hard because you just get surrounded by people who haven't gone rogue yet but are just waiting to jump you and grab your loot - obviously can't make the first move because then you're marked as rogue.

People sure get caught up in the extraction minigame when you can't even get the top two tiers of gear from it.


Not going to lie. Being hunted across every friggin extraction with a canister full of loot is pretty fun. At one point I had a group of 4 coming straight at me after I fired off my flare. I ran back down the subway and waited. Sure enough they came right at me. I took off running, but four people shooting down a straight line will be able to kill me eventually. To slow them down I popped off a grenade that would be pre-cooked to explode as soon as they rounded the corner. This bought me enough time to get to the rooftop extraction were another group turned rogue as they were tackling rogue snipers from across the way. I ran all the way back to the gas station LZ where I started in the first place. Popped another flare in the back corner then ran for the containers. Only AI attacked me and I dealt with them pretty easily.

Good times. Game leaves a good impression.
guess I've been lucky so far in the DZ...I think I've only been killed by another player once and haven't had anyone kill me at the extraction point


Well I don't want to be too much of a Mr. Grumpypants so I'll keep it short. Barring some significant changes, I wouldn't recommend it.

If you like destiny you will most likely like the division. If you don't like destiny or thought it had too little content whelp.....
I have decided once the full game is released that I'll make it my duty to become a vigilante enforcer of justice in the dark zone and hunt down every rogue agent I see.


People sure get caught up in the extraction minigame when you can't even get the top two tiers of gear from it.
Yeah it's practically all you can do starting out - especially with how unbalanced the Dark Zone is in this beta. Hopefully not so much of an issue with the full release because I do enjoy it.


after playing the beta extensively i can say my expectations for the game were met and even surpassed, is everything i wanted the game to be and more, day 1 for me


Have anyone else randomly encountered these two large, highly armored flame-throwing enemies in the dark zone? That was amazing, and unexpected! They died like anyone else that encounters me thou...


I have decided once the full game is released that I'll make it my duty to become a vigilante enforcer of justice in the dark zone and hunt down every rogue agent I see.
And I will make sure that I will destroy your heroic idealism and bring injustice to our new Democracy! ;)


Wow people really putting in a whole games worth of play into this beta? crazy!
I played for 7 hrs did all the side missions which were actually pretty good and ran some Dark zone decided to stop playing before I wore myself out on too little content.
I Am envious of some of the gear that I see y'all with...... too bad im on call for the next 12 hours
Have anyone else randomly encountered these two large, highly armored flame-throwing enemies in the dark zone? That was amazing, and unexpected! They died like anyone else that encounters me thou...

I tried to find them (or one of them) today where someone said they spawned at...never saw them
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