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The Division Beta Thread: Make Manhattan Great Again

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Very likely, what we can hope for is that it's based on later build. This way we would get more realistic look into what optimisation is looking like for PC version.

If the open beta means downloading another 30GB client, I'm out. Hopefully they allow us to patch the closed beta client to the open beta client (assuming they are different)


i'm hoping in final game i can make a good looking lady. the small amount of faces in the beta are fugly. doesn't seem like a big deal until i see her in the cutscenes...

I know too well what you are talking about. Some... prettier face options would be welcome. I also wonder if there will be any hairstyles involving long hair, braided hair would be neat.

Edit: Tainted above reminded me. People, don't delete your betas. If there is open beta there is also that slim possibility of patching this client to that.


I played 6 hours of the beta and that would have ben half of the destiny main campaign.

I really liked what I played, but I am curious as to what the real "hooks" of the game are going to be.

Are we going to be replaying missions on hard? Will their be "dailies?" Raids? More of a Diablo style loot drop?

I mean, I enjoyed walking around and shooting stuff, but the above question will dictate whether I play this game for 30 hours or play it for 100.
Just got to sit down and play it tonight and my early impressions are positive. The shooting is meh but you can definitely tell they were going for more of an RPG than a 3rd person shooter, combat is reminding me of Mass Effect. I like the cover system.

Visually it's nice, it's not one of the best looking PS4 games but I wouldn't call it ugly either.

This is all very early impressions as I've only done the first couple main missions and a couple side missions and haven't even touched the dark zone yet. Unfortunately that's probably all I'll have time to do in this beta but I'd say I'm more inclined to buy it now than I was before, though I'm still on the fence.
So hey did anybody read the Intel stuff you can pick up? I guess the virus has the nickname "Dollar Bug" and looks like to be a form of smallpox.

Also I at least can read this stuff in game lol.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'm sure the game will boil down to grinding for purple loot and Dark Zone, at least at the start before DLC.

Even with DLC that's how I feel it'll go down. Hell, doing Hard with the default guns with mods (M4 and the MPK5 SMG with the M9 Pistol? Forgetting) was hard as hell even with like 30 armor in the story mission. People are pretty much going to grind for hours to get Purple stuff to have the "best" loadout they can have for any Hard or above unless the difficulty curve is at least gradual and takes in account item rarity in regards to drops on higher difficulties.


Man I really loved my time with the beta, but hot damn this last day has soured my taste with the DZ. Not because of bad design, but just because I sucked =/

It might be a case of git gud, but damn I felt completely powerless against everyone I came up against. And this was in a team of four mind you. Dying constantly and being booted to a DZ entrance just didn't seem like a whole lot of fun.

Here's to hoping the single player/co op stuff is a lot more engaging that I maybe might not feel that compelled to venture into the DZ, or maybe once it's bigger, there might be more stuff to do?

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah so the beta has totally unsold me on the game. The Dark Zone is wonky as fuck - I'm trying to shoot a rogue agent and someone else runs through my line of fire for a second, I turn rogue, and he kills me. Like, what the hell? Plus if you're not grouped up in the Dark Zone you're basically just going to get griefed. The PvE missions are fun but I doubt there will be enough of them to keep me occupied for very long considering they all take 5-10 minutes to complete.

Anyway fun game while it lasted, but looks like I'm skipping this one.


The type of people who get too attached to their loot and/or deal with people, or dont ever play a game with friendly fire wont enjoy the Dark Zone period. going rogue is easy if you dont know how to check your fire, simple as that. After playing a lot of DayZ from back in the day, dark zone is cake.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Man I really loved my time with the beta, but hot damn this last day has soured my taste with the DZ. Not because of bad design, but just because I sucked =/

It might be a case of git gud, but damn I felt completely powerless against everyone I came up against. And this was in a team of four mind you. Dying constantly and being booted to a DZ entrance just didn't seem like a whole lot of fun.

Here's to hoping the single player/co op stuff is a lot more engaging that I maybe might not feel that compelled to venture into the DZ, or maybe once it's bigger, there might be more stuff to do?
You're not bad, these people have double your DPS and health. They're basically twinks just trolling because they have nothing better to do and some people get real satisfaction griefing without repercussion. Hopefully most of it is just temporary beta behavior, but I suspect this community will be frigging toxic. I wonder if Massive realizes how gross people are. Or maybe that's their fetish. lol. Idk.

Day 1. Even with the Douche Zone at maximum.
Yeah so the beta has totally unsold me on the game. The Dark Zone is wonky as fuck - I'm trying to shoot a rogue agent and someone else runs through my line of fire for a second, I turn rogue, and he kills me. Like, what the hell? Plus if you're not grouped up in the Dark Zone you're basically just going to get griefed. The PvE missions are fun but I doubt there will be enough of them to keep me occupied for very long considering they all take 5-10 minutes to complete.

Anyway fun game while it lasted, but looks like I'm skipping this one.

I'm still interested in the game, but not the Dark Zone, mostly because I also feel like it's really poorly executed. If there's plenty of other stuff I still may give it a shot but if Ubisoft is pushing DZ as the main game I'm out too.


Yeah so the beta has totally unsold me on the game. The Dark Zone is wonky as fuck - I'm trying to shoot a rogue agent and someone else runs through my line of fire for a second, I turn rogue, and he kills me. Like, what the hell? Plus if you're not grouped up in the Dark Zone you're basically just going to get griefed. The PvE missions are fun but I doubt there will be enough of them to keep me occupied for very long considering they all take 5-10 minutes to complete.

Anyway fun game while it lasted, but looks like I'm skipping this one.

Don't mean to sound like I'm picking on you, but that happens to me all the time and I can stop firing. They give you plently of "accidentally shots" before u become rouge. You just gotta learn better trigger control. It sucks when someone steps in front of you, but you just gotta have the instincts to stop firing and possibly let the original rouge player go. It might help I play a lot of games with friendly fire active. I just tend to like that type of game more. Adds more tension to everything (for me at least)


So a guy in my server said he got a special blue drop that was a key you keep going into the main game, allowing your character to start with 1x dark zone key. Has anyone heard about this?


Fuck Dark Zones bugging the hell out of me now.
I'm just having bad luck with that lately.

Either spawn, when i first turn on the game into the dark zone (when i should've been in normal part of the city), and instantly die by being a rogue. wtf.
And then, you got the wankers.
You help them when they're down and/or low on health, only to be met with a wave and shoot in the back and taken down. ffs.

If i went around and shot every cunt that'd i'd see, i'd be a prick....lol
i'm not like that.
I'll try and help when i can, but fuck it. Dark Zone sucks!


Played some Dark Zone last night with a friend, first instance we got was great, everything was lootable, alot of npcs.
Second one everything was barren, NPCs were dead the whole time, barely no rogues, one rogue was spraying from the scaffolding to the extraction zone and went rogue, we went for him but his rogue status dropped mid-firefight(???) which turned my friend into a rogue and got shot while I ran away and hid.
That's something they really need to fix and come up with a better solution.


I seem to suck in the Dark Zone pvp...I can shoot somebody 50 times and he won't die yet all it takes is a few shots to kill me...does everyone doing pvp have advanced weapons/gear?...I'm still using basic green/blue weapons/gear...what sort of gear do you need in there?


Played some Dark Zone last night with a friend, first instance we got was great, everything was lootable, alot of npcs.
Second one everything was barren, NPCs were dead the whole time, barely no rogues, one rogue was spraying from the scaffolding to the extraction zone and went rogue, we went for him but his rogue status dropped mid-firefight(???) which turned my friend into a rogue and got shot while I ran away and hid.
That's something they really need to fix and come up with a better solution.

the timer ran out. If he's not shot or is getting shot, i dont think the timer resets. Been playing on PC and we would get level 5 and it was some of the funnest shit out there. lol

Im loving the DZ. Im not a huge pvp guy, but as long as im having fun, i dont care if i lose dz cash or whatever.

Im all in on pc when this game drops.


I seem to suck in the Dark Zone pvp...I can shoot somebody 50 times and he won't die yet all it takes is a few shots to kill me...does everyone doing pvp have advanced weapons/gear?...I'm still using basic green/blue weapons/gear...what sort of gear do you need in there?
Something like this is not uncommon:

I'm not a PvP fan but I tried the DZ and it's quite fun. Plus, I had the chance to play, most of the time, with nice players (of course I ran into some assholes that pretended to be friendly when waiting for the chopper for extraction and then killed me).

But, there was this weird glitch I encountered on PS4 where I was killed by something invisible. Not sure if it was a player or an NPC as there was no "xxx killed xyx" in the feed when I died.

Anyway, I'm not sold on the game as I think the beta has less content that Destiny's beta so I'm little concerned (talking about PvE stuff cause, again, not very interested in PvP).

Edit: Also, where does people find purple gear? I played quite some time in the DZ and never even saw one.
I spent about 8 hours of the beta playing entirely solo . Didn't even enter the dark zone but I still had a blast.

I still feel like there were parts of the map I never explored , I often got lost so I can only imagine when the whole map opens up


Edit: Also, where does people find purple gear? I played quite some time in the DZ and never even saw one.
The Dark Zone vendors at the checkpoints will occasionally sell purple gear. You can acquire to orange/yellow guns from the safehouse in the Northeastern corner near the Library.


I'm hoping the retail version will have a some sort of proper 4v4 arena pvp... you feel like an asshole for initiating PvP in the Dark Zone, and letting people initiate on you to avoid rogue is not ideal either. It's also heavily punished/not rewarding if you're a solo player.


how did people get so geared up with Purple/Gold weapons and gear so fast?...I thought item drops/vendors were random?
each server has vendors with different gear. intentionally switch servers and check every vendor and then repeat until you have the gear that you need.

It is dumb that that works but whatever it is basically over.
how did people get so geared up with Purple/Gold weapons and gear so fast?...I thought item drops/vendors were random?

The High End items are/were available for purchase from a Safe House in the Dark Zone once you met the level requirements (max Beta level and just a smidge over 3k DZ currency). The purple stuff shows up on the Dark Zone vendors in the Checkpoints after you hit Level 8.


Why wouldn't you pick the items up to sell? I guess in the DZ they're worthless but if you get a full stash and are able to zip out quickly to sell the stuff it's not bad cash.

In fact, that's one complaint I have. I wish they'd have a in-menu option to dump your extra stuff into junk or outright selling it a la Torchlight. Would make for less tedium and allow people to get rich quick picking up ERRYTHING that isn't bolted down and not worth their time.
There is a button you can press in your inventory that sends gear into a junk folder. On ps4 you press L2 when highlighting gear and then you'll see a trash can icon on your item. When you then go to a vendor, just press L3 and it sells all your junk.


Have not stepped into the DZ but the game seems pretty sweet otherwise. I will check out the launch reactions for sure, I am currently in a "seems very cool, but not entirely sold" state.
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