A few friends who I played a lot of GTA with were very excited for it but I simply wasn't sure I would enjoy the game so I pre-ordered to get a beta code. After a few trials and tribulations to actually get hold of that beta code I managed to spend a couple of hours playing Sunday and Monday evening and enjoyed it enough to keep my pre-order for now.
The PvE stuff in the beta is pretty simple but assuming it ratchets up in complexity and difficulty in the main game I think it might be fun. The PvP dark zone seems like it also holds some promise depending on how weapon balance plays out and what kind of community meta becomes established. Broadly though I think it has legs.
My main complaint is largely about a single tweak to the gun-play which is fundamentally solid with a decent amount of variation in the way guns feel and play. Just an option to turn off or at least lessen the horrific auto aim that at times actively drags your reticle around the screen would be a Massive improvement.
I also had a few issues with the the "hold square" prompts which seem a little picky about the length of the button press and your position in the world when you are holding down the required button.
I like the environment but I wonder if it will end up feeling a little samey after a while? It's also the kind of environment that make me look forward to the next (maybe even next after that) generation of open worlds as it has so many objects in it which can't currently be interacted with but really would be good to be able to use in a game like this. Not being able to move dumpsters or other environmental objects to create your own ambush or choke points. Not being able to hide under cars, in buses or amongst the huge piles of trash in some areas.
I guess it's a symptom of environments starting to look more and more real and having more and more stuff in them without having much actual substance to back-up that realistic look and feel.
Last but not least, when I shoot out a light, can it bloody well stay out please, at least for a minute or two? Shooting a bulb and having it flicker back into life immediately is jarring. Oh and whilst I'm doing picky, why does the top half of a mannequin fall apart but the legs remain indestructible?
Anyway, all in all, pretty solid stuff. I hope the full game turns out to be good.