So in other words, neither of you have ACTUALLY gone rogue or considered what it's like to play one. Because almost none of this is how it works in reality. "going rogue" isn't just shooting someone right before extraction and extracting their shit, that's an option that anyone has, rogue or not. BEING rogue is not rewarding at all, it is a way for everyone to come hunt you down, and all you get out of it is a very small bonus if you survive (which is almost impossible if you do more than gank 1 person off in the middle of nowhere, as I outlined on the last page).
"It should be dangerous", sure, but it has to be actually winnable. If it's not none of the reward you guys are bitching about exists. If I kill you, and take your amazing legendary item, all you have to do is hit respawn and come kill me in the next minute and a half to get your shit, and my shit, and a quarter of my credits, and like 5 keys, and a ton of xp. Who comes out ahead? the non-rogue. by a mile. If I survive and drop my rogue status? Nothings tops you from still killing me and taking your stuff back.
For the record, my PREFERRED playstyle is not to be a rogue, but I sunk close to 30 hours into the beta, I definitely tried everything, as it stands once you actually consider and play both sides you see how lopsided it is in favor of never going rogue except to occasionally gank someone and then run around like a headless chicken until it wears off. This is a pvp zone, it exists to encourage pvp, that incentive isn't there right now.