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The Division Beta Thread: Make Manhattan Great Again

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The Division: Running Simulator 2016

kidding aside I'm keeping my preorder and will enjoy the game on console but don't see it lasting more than a week or two. It'll be fun to log in once in a while, zone into dark zone, and get into a clusterfuck of a mexican standoff though. Its too bad they didn't take an extra six months to put in a ton of finishing touches, it'd be nice to have more stuff to interact with and read in the PVE areas.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
The Division: Running Simulator 2016

kidding aside I'm keeping my preorder and will enjoy the game on console but don't see it lasting more than a week or two. It'll be fun to log in once in a while, zone into dark zone, and get into a clusterfuck of a mexican standoff though.

I hope the final game has some form of rapid transportation. Even just a bicycle.


I find the Dark Zone to be pretty damn fun with friends. It's like Destiny meets DayZ when you're running around trying to survive in an open world while looting all the goodies at the same time.

I'm looking forward to the full game so the talents and perks trees are available and I really hope they have more cosmetic options in character creation.


The reviews are in

Cool bro. What a statement you made.

Who are you trying to kid? That was the result of receiving the "promotional code" email from Amazon.

I'm glad you made this gif though....as otherwise I would have had no idea what you meant if you said "I cancelled my pre-order"

Detecting a lot of jealousy of my freshness in this thread.



Anyone know how to turn off the audio from the PS4 controller? I'm talking about the Beta, not through the PS4 settings.


So I preordered today, got my preorder code and entered it into the beta website and now I'm hearing that they might not be sending actual beta codes anymore cause the beta is full?

WTF Ubi!?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Met a random in DZ and teamed up with him for the better part of two hours. It was a good time, wish the beta would expand the DZ.


As someone looking at this for a single player game I was as hoping the beta would be more then just a short demo. It seems like a good game but I just don't think the story and missions are really going to hold up. I don't see how an intro section can make sense out of gangs taking over NYC after an attack. Hard core criminals Tony and Sully are wandering the desolate streets of NYC taking hostages for what exactly?

Some of the little things are great like a dog pissing on cars.

Hip Hop

Those playing on PC, are you using M+KB or a gamepad?

Yeah, M+KB is a huge upgrade from controller in this game, really necessary imo with headshots. But, if you're inclined, gamepad works good too here, with aim assist and all.


Game is beautiful in 4k on pc. I am leaning towards passing on the game though. I just can't see it sustaining a good size population and there doesn't seem to be an end game alternative to pvp which I am not interested in.


I switched to an alt account to ditch my embarrassing tag so I could be an embarrassing Naughty Dog fanboy in peace. Ask me anything!
Yeah the game is not for me. Would be nice to play in a group though. The UI is borderline obnoxious.


What I really didn't like was the lack of alleys/buildings to cut through in the city. Whenever I needed to get to a mission or an encounter I always had to follow the main road as there was no shortcuts or alternate paths to use. Made it feel really cramped.


Neo Member
I guess i am one of those few who had a blast with the game today!
7 hours ago my buddy came with his PS4 and we started playing together in the same room. He used my 42" TV and i hooked my ps4 on my 22" monitor. It was freaking awesome!
We loved dark zone! That feeling when you attack people while extracting, kill them and use their call in order to excract what you stole from them is fantastic!
Graphics are ok and yes the city could use some more life and activities but the core gameplay is phenomenal.
Of course those fools who camp the dark zone entry points ruin it for others but my friend experienced a situation where the campers had been killing him and others non stop until the "victims" grew in number and they chased down the campers, without fighting each other.
I:m definetly gonna buy it.

OMG that's awesome! Me and a buddy did the same thing! He came over first thing in the morning and we are still playing it now! Can't wait or the full release


Game is beautiful in 4k on pc. I am leaning towards passing on the game though. I just can't see it sustaining a good size population and there doesn't seem to be an end game alternative to pvp which I am not interested in.

In fairness we have no idea what their plans for endgame are. There are still rumors of raids...


I'm not really having as much fun with this as I thought I would, it feels pretty repetitive so far. I guess i'm finding this game to be kind of boring right now and thats not so much the fault of the game as we only have access to a tiny bit of content right now. I think i'll just wait until I see some gameplay footage of the final to make any judgements. Game is pretty good looking though.
I feel like I would appreciate the game more if I could run it above medium settings.

As it is, just feels pretty grindy and basically a more realistic looking version of Borderlands with free-roam and instances. Doesn't really bring anything new to the table in terms of gameplay for me.
I enjoyed my time with the beta, and the dark zone most of all. But I'll be cancelling my order. I definitely need to see the content in the final game. As fun as it was, I don't see it having a pull on me if the dark zone is it, as far as end game goes.


In fairness we have no idea what their plans for endgame are. There are still rumors of raids...

That might change my decision. I can't justify pre-ordering though before knowing for sure. The game itself is beautiful and I love the medic skill tree.
I was initially very meh on the beta yesterday. Felt like the single 'mission' in the Beta wasn't enough to really get an idea of what the single player game was going to be like. Wasn't looking forward to the Dark Zone PVP either.

But I gave it another shot - and I'm super glad I did.

There is actually a lot more content to play through in PVE - it's just not a proper 'dungeon' type experience and is more in line with one off quests. Not ground breaking in execution, but those side quest are still a lot of fun. The ones where you have to track down an echo and piece together what happened in the past is a welcome change of pace form the usual "go here, kill a bunch of dudes" quests. I'm also finding that the random collectibles are actually pretty fun - specifically the one off 'Missing Agent'.

Then, once I hit Level 8 after wrapping up all of the side missions and encounters, I noticed that Camp Hudson includes matchmaking for the Dark Zone. As someone coming from Destiny, this kind of straightforward matching making damn near blew my socks off. I quickly joined up and found a group almost instantly.

We rolled through the Dark Zones taking down random NPCs, initiating extractions, defending said extractions and occasionally going rogue to take down the random solo guy who crossed our path. It was extremely fun... and allleviated my concerns of being primarily a solo player in these PvP environments. Finding a group is extremely easy, and the added tension of working through the Dark Zone is really enjoyable.

Basically, after 24 hours my tune has almost entirely changed about the Division. Pretty excited to see what the full release will be - and now just trying to decide if I should pull the trigger on a PS4 or Xbox One version.


I think I'm going to preorder

the darkzone was really fun, lucky some 3 random guys add me to their party and I got a lot of loot.
And enemies aren't that bullet sponges.
The only things that bothers me is that:

- the AI of the civilians is to dumb
- that even when the hud is really pretty, some times it gets too convoluted, mostly when you get a lot of new missions at the same time.
- and that I dont know how to talk to my party trough the chat lol, but that my fault.


Really enjoyed this Beta. I have a lot to do with it still but I've gone ahead and preordered the PS4 version despite note really being interested at all prior to this.

Edit: Keep getting dropped from the server at the moment though - I really do wish that it was playable offline if necessary.


when choosing between weapons, is a higher DPS more important or a higher Level?...for example I have certain weapons with a high DPS but lower Level versus lower DPS and higher Level...which is best?


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Servers dying for anyone else? (Xbox)

Keep getting delta error codes.

when choosing between weapons is a higher DPS more important or a higher Level?...for example I have certain weapons with a high DPS but lower Level versus lower DPS and higher Level...which is best?

Higher DPS. But sometimes it's better to take lower DPS if the gun has higher damage per shot. (ex: marksman rifles)


I was initially very meh on the beta yesterday. Felt like the single 'mission' in the Beta wasn't enough to really get an idea of what the single player game was going to be like. Wasn't looking forward to the Dark Zone PVP either.

But I gave it another shot - and I'm super glad I did.

There is actually a lot more content to play through in PVE - it's just not a proper 'dungeon' type experience and is more in line with one off quests. Not ground breaking in execution, but those side quest are still a lot of fun. The ones where you have to track down an echo and piece together what happened in the past is a welcome change of pace form the usual "go here, kill a bunch of dudes" quests. I'm also finding that the random collectibles are actually pretty fun - specifically the one off 'Missing Agent'.

Then, once I hit Level 8 after wrapping up all of the side missions and encounters, I noticed that Camp Hudson includes matchmaking for the Dark Zone. As someone coming from Destiny, this kind of straightforward matching making damn near blew my socks off. I quickly joined up and found a group almost instantly.

We rolled through the Dark Zones taking down random NPCs, initiating extractions, defending said extractions and occasionally going rogue to take down the random solo guy who crossed our path. It was extremely fun... and allleviated my concerns of being primarily a solo player in these PvP environments. Finding a group is extremely easy, and the added tension of working through the Dark Zone is really enjoyable.

Basically, after 24 hours my tune has almost entirely changed about the Division. Pretty excited to see what the full release will be - and now just trying to decide if I should pull the trigger on a PS4 or Xbox One version.

Lol same here. I felt same way day one and after trying dark zone which I thought I would dislike, I loved it. Still hope there is raids and different end game content out side DZ.
Those playing on PC, are you using M+KB or a gamepad?

Gamepad! I bought an Xbox Elite controller, and rarely get to use it since my friends play stuff on PS4, haha.

I love this game, its outstanding!! Im running max everything at 1080p and fuck does it look good. I ran into a night time snow storm a few minutes ago, and it blew my damn mind.


Yup i just got totally mugged of 4 good loots after single handedly clearing out the sporting goods store of enemies including 2 stars and a named. 1 dude acted friendly and called in extraction then as soon as i start extracting his 2 friends roll in guns blazing.. Oh well lol back to sniping with my m44 carbine and 3359 damage headshots but not tonight I sick of getting mugged same as you by packs.

I'm buying this because I have friends who are going to play but if I was a solo gamer, I wouldn't touch this game with a ten foot pole. It's God aweful solo in my opinion.


Jumped into the Dark Zone and holy hell did I have a blast. Teamed up with a couple other randoms and had a great time.
Definitely getting this day one.

Any real reason to get the Steam version? You have to go through U-play no matter what and all the deals are on the U-play only version.
Wasn't sold on dark zone until today..Teamed up with a friend, and we did it all..Literally just played for 9 hours, and didn't realize that shit lol..Best thing ever. Theres a 300 level rouge out destroying people with the legendary darkzone rifle, a group of 3 and my buddy and I went hunting for his ass. It took us almost 15-20 minutes to finally get him cornered to be able to down him fully, got a shit ton of bounty DZ coins and blue loot off him. We then all proceeded to do jumping jacks in a circle around his dead body lol!!! Saved up to get the nice DZ rifle which hits really hard, and heals on damage too! Im excited to see what else is in store with the gold edition. Gonna go all in, and hope for the best with my Best buy GCU discount+gitcards. Massive has a chance to get this right. I wish games would copy of the borderlands 2 formula more than the destiny one. Now thats a game with a shit load of content and expansions, we'll see though.

Also..What the hell does the suppressor actually do? I'm confused about the threat state.
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