The Division: Running Simulator 2016
kidding aside I'm keeping my preorder and will enjoy the game on console but don't see it lasting more than a week or two. It'll be fun to log in once in a while, zone into dark zone, and get into a clusterfuck of a mexican standoff though. Its too bad they didn't take an extra six months to put in a ton of finishing touches, it'd be nice to have more stuff to interact with and read in the PVE areas.
kidding aside I'm keeping my preorder and will enjoy the game on console but don't see it lasting more than a week or two. It'll be fun to log in once in a while, zone into dark zone, and get into a clusterfuck of a mexican standoff though. Its too bad they didn't take an extra six months to put in a ton of finishing touches, it'd be nice to have more stuff to interact with and read in the PVE areas.