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The Division Beta Thread: Make Manhattan Great Again

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Had a lot of fun screwing around in the dark zone. Killed one person 3 times after they killed me. Every time I saw them I opened up without worrying about repercussions.

My character appears to be stuck in an infinite loop of matchmaking failure. Hope that corrects itself when I try the Beta tomorrow. Otherwise I'll just report it and move on. Not going to do a second character.
I played way too much Division today.

Nice. Did that drop or was it from a DZ vendor?

The dude and his gun :D




I tried playing again today and I cannot identify a single facet in which I feel this game excels. Everything is mediocre. Its like everything is feels like a half step like everything is a shadow of what it seems like it should be. The presentation, the story, the acting, the gunplay, the AI, the quest design all of it feels off somehow. Its such a bizarre feeling I'm having difficulty putting it into words. But i certainly wouldnt call it "enjoyable" its more like a pervasive and all encompassing feeling of befuddlement mixed with a bit of disappointment.

Well, you're in the minority. It's very enjoyable and quite addicting. To each their own.


Think I'm going to upgrade my previous order from regular version to gold edition after playing for 4 hours yesterday...

It's a blast and I'm loving that the game looks like it will have some serious rpg elements..

Looks like 2016 might be Tom Clancy's year...


Okay so this was really weird. I booted up the beta on my PS4 after having a quick mess around on PC. I had a guy already made with around 4 hours played, level 7, decent gear and missions all done.

Whaaa? I definitely hadn't played the Alpha or anything, and on PC I didn't even finish the BoO mission.

Either way, had quite a bit of fun with a few friends shooting some stuff and getting up to crazy shenanigans in the dark zone. I don't know how long just doing the stuff we were doing would sustain my attention, so I'm interested to know what there is to do in the main game.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Eh, not sure if hes in the minority, most of my friends dislike it already or are bored and moved on :<

Talk about anecdotal.

It's a beta. It's not supposed to be brimming with content. Bored and moved on?

God the Internet is a silly place.
I really liked this at first. Up until I took a break and then returned I was like... meh. It's really cool, it's very urban, I like it because the jeans are faded etc but then when you just realize... that you're running around NYC more than doing anything else and it becomes boring.

Main missions are fun, side missions were fun at first until you realize every other mission is just another fetch/find/kill mission with no challenge. There's literally a save hostage mission that tells you to find a key, while the key is pretty much right in front of you in this glowing waypoint type of thing. Didn't think it would be that easy so I was looking around the store trying to find a small key somewhere, and then my friend goes "Dude, it's right there on the counter and it's glowing" and I'm like... Jesus H Christ.

Dark Zone, it's intense... but intense for what, what's the point? It's weird because there's not many enemies around to loot and find these great items. If you do happen to find something, there are these assholes that will most likely kill you and steal it. Then when you go rogue you have the entire online community chasing you and it's kind of a endless cycle? Who wins really and gets the oh so ultra very rare green item that lowers your guns damage but increases your health by 1,000....? It's not very rewarding. It's basically a troll mode.

So yeah, I'm disappointed. I had high hopes for this. Been looking for a game that just lets me escape and just have fun for hours and hours without getting bored etc... but I haven't found one in a long time now so idk... maybe it's not really for me anymore /csb.


I feel like they really needed to include one or two more main missions just to get a real good feel for what the real game will be like. It'll leave an impression that "there's not much to do" for many I feel, even though it's just because Beta.


I feel like they really needed to include one or two more main missions just to get a real good feel for what the real game will be like. It'll leave an impression that "there's not much to do" for many I feel, even though it's just because Beta.

Disagree, the beta isnt made for players to get a feel of the game or show of the content, it's there to make sure whatever game they are doing are as good as it can be at launch and obviously it will show players the game and what its like but its not the point of the beta.

But that aside, imo the beta shows exactly what kind of game this is aiming to be.


This game is brilliant in the Dark Zone. Had 5-6 distinct, fantastic encounters trying to figure out how to play. Wow.

Favorite one was deciding in our party that we would always assist this guy, even if he redskulled, because of some of our encounters with him. Impromptu alliance, basically.

Weird bug when trying to interact with objects, character just kinda bounces around doing nothing.
I really like the game but there is too much walking and not enough fighting, they need to increase the random encounters, specially outside the DZ.


I really like the game but there is too much walking and not enough fighting, they need to increase the random encounters, specially outside the DZ.

I believe they said that they intentionally reduced the encounter rates in the beta. Though I haven't read a source on that myself, may be the case of he said she said. Does anyone know about this?


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I really like the game but there is too much walking and not enough fighting, they need to increase the random encounters, specially outside the DZ.

Games really can't win.

"There's too many bad guys, you can't appreciate anything because it's always cranked to 11"

"It needs to be constant firefights, there is too much time to explore and reflect!!!"

Not to you in particular, just in general.


the level of detail of the interiors....

absvdakgfab qwkduvkjasbcsacllhcsbakcs kcsvcsjk

and walking around outside at night during a snowstorm is honestly one of the most immersive moments in my recent gaming memory
The only issue I see with this is potentially repetition/lack of content but everything else is top notch. The attention to detail is incredible. I love how seamless going in and out of save zones/PVE/PVP is. The gunplay is great. The constant stream of loot makes every encounter meaningful.

Very strong first impression.
The Division...Beta

I will say this. Damn is it really freaking pretty, given how much is going on and how much will be going on when its released; the fog, the weather, the lighting is immersive as hell. Great job by Massive in keeping that stuff in, although after looking at the EGX/Snow engine 2014 and early 2015 footage recently,some very god like graphics will not be showing up in march (Character models included). But maybe its for the best given what a hog this game is already for most people.

But is it the watchdog "you suck ubi" downgrade level? not even close. Despite what some numb nuts may say.


Now the game play is a little janky at times, with the camera and aiming in battle. An the cover system is wonky but not enough to piss me off. Still i think i will wait until release to see if it becomes a bigger issue at higher levels. Regardless i enjoy the combat and the wonky is not enough for me to cancel the game. And If there is some type of update on that front to smooth it out in the future then awesome.

Though where the hell is slow, fast couching, no kicking? and jumping?....among other human motions. Come on now ubi this Tom Clancy.

On to the Darkzone's, Missions and Atmosphere.

For Missions i like them more or less but it would be nice to have more variety, when it comes to the type and outcome. With actual rescue elements, need more feels.

(More mission type's need more flavor and subtext)

The Atmosphere is really great, but i would like to see more subtle reactions from the civilian npc's (Since i can't put my gun away) and the JTF especially when it comes to the thugs..etc. They don't seem to be living in the same world and seem only to be enemies for me to take care of. When it should not be the case. Hoping to see a far better representation come release.

Like there should be more ways to help needy civilians other then just giving them food and water or meds (?).

The Dark zones i like to a certain degree and maybe its because i don't have friends that have the game yet and maybe its because randoms don't really do a good job of helping you. But other then pvp, bounty, rogue and some high level loot the zone. Not much is going on in these martial law areas. I expected more chaos,because the zone is lacking the full on tense. Expect when you are either attacking a group or defending a extract.

I want to see more going on with npcs because right now there is not a lot, meaning there is a lot of aim less walking around. Matter of fact I'm surprised that enemy npcs don't roam around, instead they just stick to their spawn point. Which kind of sucks. Other then that i honestly cant really give to much mind to the Dark zones right now, the potential is there, but it needs more meat, more missions, more dynamic enemies and spawn points need to be a little quicker and more pva elements. Also more pvp group tasks other then just extracting personal items.

Overall it turned out way better then i thought.

Good thing i got it as a gift, so I'm playing it either way. :)



Can someone recommend a good PS4 performance video? I played the Alpha on Xbox and now the Beta on PC but since all my friends will be on PS4 I'd like to see how inferior the performance will be and if I'd rather play with Gaffers. Thanks.


They should have put the first tech and security missions in there as well I think. Beta is definitely too low on content for solo player. YES we know it's a beta but they are trying to sell people the game. Dark zone is fun as hell with a group but it is nothing but frustration for the solo player (9 out of 10 you will get murdered at extraction) and a lot of my friends who played this solo is turned off as a result.
sorry if this has been asked/answered already but what is max player count for a group? I always assumed it was 3 but it looks like there's a slot for a 4th person


Was on my own for a short time and joined up with a friend and had a blast. Really fun so far and the dark zone was way more enjoyable than I thought it was going to be.

Daffy Duck

I enjoy the idea of the game after a couple of hours last night, but the controls feel pretty janky and the cover system isn't that great.

The dark zone is good and annoying in equal measure of you die and get separated from your friends.

Didn't have the best introduction to missions because I started last night with a friend who was level 7 and he did the medical mission on hard whilst I was trying to learn the controls and get comfortable with the game I think it soured my initial impression somewhat.

Overall I like what I see though. PS4 graphicsloed pretty bad though.


Permanent Junior Member
I'm not sure if it's the framerate or input lag but something on the PS4 version is making me feel disconnected during battle.
When it comes to gameplay, it's good. I've enjoyed just walking around and doing stuff and exploring. Gunplay is also good. While it isn't too hard to figure it out by yourself, the stats could use a bit of explaining.

But then I come across a dude in a hoodie with a rag wrapped around his face that takes 3 headshots with a .357 Magnum to kill. A few minutes later I come across an identical looking dude, just with a higher number floating above his head that takes even more.

I really have a problem with the theme and aesthetic they went with. Why did they strive for realistic aesthetics and graphics and then do weird game-y stuff like that? It just clashes with one another.


When it comes to gameplay, it's good. I've enjoyed just walking around and doing stuff and exploring. Gunplay is also good. While it isn't too hard to figure it out by yourself, the stats could use a bit of explaining.

But then I come across a dude in a hoodie with a rag wrapped around his face that takes 3 headshots with a .357 Magnum to kill. A few minutes later I come across an identical looking dude, just with a higher number floating above his head that takes even more.

I really have a problem with the theme and aesthetic they went with. Why did they strive for realistic aesthetics and graphics and then do weird game-y stuff like that? It just clashes with one another.

It's been an RPG since day one.


So , I spent some time in the darkzone, got some loot, extracted some loot, killed some people and ran around a lot in a very sparsely populated city.

There isn't really a great deal to do, and what there is to do isn't very interesting it's just a bit too sparse between fights.

Maybe to full game will have more to do?
When it comes to gameplay, it's good. I've enjoyed just walking around and doing stuff and exploring. Gunplay is also good. While it isn't too hard to figure it out by yourself, the stats could use a bit of explaining.

But then I come across a dude in a hoodie with a rag wrapped around his face that takes 3 headshots with a .357 Magnum to kill. A few minutes later I come across an identical looking dude, just with a higher number floating above his head that takes even more.

I really have a problem with the theme and aesthetic they went with. Why did they strive for realistic aesthetics and graphics and then do weird game-y stuff like that? It just clashes with one another.

It's very much an RPG in that regards. I'm not playing the game for realism I'm playing to find the perfect hat that compliments my .357
In the bottom left hand corner of my screen it says "server restarting in: 26 mins" and it's counting down, is this gonna wipe all my progress?


God damn the itch is real to keep playing. Had to work until now and I want to just jump straight back in. Fuck this is gonna be a good game.


After a few hours in the PS4 beta, I think I will be purchasing the game via GCU. I did the main hospital mission, all the side missions, and some DZ play. Now I feel that I have done everything in the beta. I will go back and play some more DZ.


I'm going through the thread but does anyone know if its still possible to get a code from amazon if I pre-order today. I'm only really going to play on today and maybe some on Sunday but I'd like to get a feel for the game if possible.

I was on the fence about picking it up but a lot of the coverage and screens of the beta have made me really interested.

Also what's the weapon variety like, are Shotguns a valid option in this? Seems like a lot of the videos I have seen are people play more ranged with Auto rifles.

KC Denton

Had a lot of fun playing this with friends, but I'm not sure about how well this will pan out on release given the stuff we were doing over the past few hours. If endgame is all Dark Zone, I'm not sure if I'd go forward with buying this.
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