The Division...Beta
I will say this. Damn is it really freaking pretty, given how much is going on and how much will be going on when its released; the fog, the weather, the lighting is immersive as hell. Great job by Massive in keeping that stuff in, although after looking at the EGX/Snow engine 2014 and early 2015 footage recently,some very god like graphics will not be showing up in march (Character models included). But maybe its for the best given what a hog this game is already for most people.
But is it the watchdog "you suck ubi" downgrade level? not even close. Despite what some numb nuts may say.
Now the game play is a little janky at times, with the camera and aiming in battle. An the cover system is wonky but not enough to piss me off. Still i think i will wait until release to see if it becomes a bigger issue at higher levels. Regardless i enjoy the combat and the wonky is not enough for me to cancel the game. And If there is some type of update on that front to smooth it out in the future then awesome.
Though where the hell is slow, fast couching, no kicking? and jumping?....among other human motions. Come on now ubi this Tom Clancy.
On to the Darkzone's, Missions and Atmosphere.
For Missions i like them more or less but it would be nice to have more variety, when it comes to the type and outcome. With actual rescue elements, need more feels.
(More mission type's need more flavor and subtext)
The Atmosphere is really great, but i would like to see more subtle reactions from the civilian npc's (Since i can't put my gun away) and the JTF especially when it comes to the thugs..etc. They don't seem to be living in the same world and seem only to be enemies for me to take care of. When it should not be the case. Hoping to see a far better representation come release.
Like there should be more ways to help needy civilians other then just giving them food and water or meds (?).
The Dark zones i like to a certain degree and maybe its because i don't have friends that have the game yet and maybe its because randoms don't really do a good job of helping you. But other then pvp, bounty, rogue and some high level loot the zone. Not much is going on in these martial law areas. I expected more chaos,because the zone is lacking the full on tense. Expect when you are either attacking a group or defending a extract.
I want to see more going on with npcs because right now there is not a lot, meaning there is a lot of aim less walking around. Matter of fact I'm surprised that enemy npcs don't roam around, instead they just stick to their spawn point. Which kind of sucks. Other then that i honestly cant really give to much mind to the Dark zones right now, the potential is there, but it needs more meat, more missions, more dynamic enemies and spawn points need to be a little quicker and more pva elements. Also more pvp group tasks other then just extracting personal items.
Overall it turned out way better then i thought.
Good thing i got it as a gift, so I'm playing it either way.