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The Division Open Beta Thread: Is it out yet?

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I really enjoyed the game, especially the barebone Dark Zone (DZ... Dayzee...). I hope there will be many different activities in the full version.

Btw, my friends are hyped, so day one for me.
-I need a crew my solo days can only go on for so long :(
The randoms through matchmaking I've seen so far are actually amazing human beings.
Hell, I ran through the subway mission with randoms to grind to 8 and I was giving out commands for the control room part like "Yo, this wave is here, this wave is here, this wave is here, and the boss comes out of the elevator" and they listened and we cleaned house


Yes, at running speed it takes about a third of the time. But this is also just the beta map. So crossing the map from left to right at sprint will probably take about 15min.

That's not small. At all.

I agree :)

I did a rough by-eye calculation and the full game area is almost 5x larger than the area in the Beta.

Considering the level of detail, that sounds fucking brilliant. I am hyped.


I only had one incident where someone on a team I joined went rogue, then we all ended up dead. But otherwise, everyone I saw in the DZ helped each other out guarding extractions against NPCs. DZ is pretty tense going in solo though.

I wasn't totally sold on this game before the beta, but it was really fun. I'll definitely pick it up when it releases.

I honestly think that the DZ will end up being a mixed bag for me. Sometimes it is going to be fun as hell, and other times it will devolve into a trolling clusterfuck. But again, the bigger map should help with the latter to some degree.


I finally went into the DZ yesterday and had a bit better of a time than I thought I would. Saw a rouge guy gun someone down so I went after the rogue. Actually felt good. Most people didn't really seem to want to fight, just wanted to run around and get their loot.

The idea of the DZ seems great I like the idea that you can have a group of people being rogues or kind of "policing" if anyone seems to be ganged up on. I guess we'll see how it turns out in the full game.
Aw man I did not expect myself to get interested in this especially with the whole bulletspongey human enemies but I... I like this game.... like really like it damn I may have to pick this up. Managed to reach level 11 in the DZ and got alot good gear (will post pics later) all in while going solo though I know I'll need to crew up in the future, so here's a few notes.

-The gameplay is like Splinter Cell x Gears of War so can we lean more on Gears mechanics like switching weapons while mid air.
-The near death screen is just too much fucking jelly smeared all over the screen can't see shit I already have to deal with those smoke grenades so it needs to be toned down imo.
-Someone mentioned it earlier but yeah the game can do with a tagging system (heck all multiplayer games should have that and arm switching)
-I need a crew my solo days can only go on for so long :(

So yeah this could be my next multiplayer addiction GG Ubisoft.


Since you mentioned the low health jelly. I also noticed you can't tell if there is a grenadethrown at you when your screen is red.
Most likely. All my weapons seem like poo, I definitely need to grab better ones. Just saying you don't always have the luxury of having gear to take out those kinds of enemies. At least in borderlands, I could accomplish things when I was under leveled for an area. Something about shooting human enemies in the face so many times and they don't stagger or even react breaks immersion for me. Maybe if they weren't just wearing hoodies and had armor or something on? I don't know. I am having fun planning attacks with friends and stuff, but it is more for the social aspect rather than the gunplay or mechanics

The different bullet power ups are good to stagger targets. Especially the fire rounds, want to see a charging character slow down.... Light him on fire.


The randoms through matchmaking I've seen so far are actually amazing human beings.
Hell, I ran through the subway mission with randoms to grind to 8 and I was giving out commands for the control room part like "Yo, this wave is here, this wave is here, this wave is here, and the boss comes out of the elevator" and they listened and we cleaned house

My worries are more for DZ as I got to lvl 10 I found it more difficult to extract somehow other teams just know I got some good gear and steal my shit.
Personally I love the dark zone conceptually. One or two items I extracted genuinely felt like they had a story behind them in the manner touted at the original Destiny reveal. I picked up a bobble hat in a drop in a fight with some level nine AI bads in the open multi-storey building with the indoor climbing wall type thing inside. The fight itself was enough of a challenge but when I left I was set upon by a group of four already rogue agents, I dodged, I weaved, I took down one but I was ultimately always going to lose. Respawning I thought "I am getting that damn bobble hat back" and went hunting. After some tailing I eventually took it back with a sneak attack at an extraction point where they'd just hit a competent twosome, taken a bunch of damage and were rushing to extract their stolen dark zone shizzle. Have it. No-one fucks with a hat of mine.

Completely agree with this. We had a little vendetta going against this other team we were playing, haha. Had a few back-and-forth firefights and steals.

Did anyone ever have the unfortunate event where your turret drone just starts randomly attacking non-hostile players, which then makes your group Rogue? We were at an extraction zone with other players and had already put up our loot for extraction. Some NPCs appeared, so I tossed my turret out...and it starts shooting a non-hostile. COMPLETELY fucked us over.

That's what I said though, dude - it looks small on paper, but once you're actually on the ground, walking the city, you look at that map and are sort of like "Yeah, that's big enough".

For instance, the Beta area alone was nearly big enough for me. It took a long time to traverse, it was intricate, and it was packed with detail. There was a lot of content in there - enterable buildings, scalable rooftops, randomised enemy placement, side missions, Skill Tree missions, Containment Zones...

I totted up the area in the game's full map and it looks like it's about 4-5 times bigger.

4-5 times bigger than what's in the Beta makes me very excited. The Beta along probably contained about 60% of what Destiny had in its full release. That would mean the full Division release will have at least twice as much as Destiny. And we know they're better at story content than Destiny from the Beta, too.

You better be right...considering a pre-order today.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
There's nothing to decide here in my opinion. Either do PVE content (Do it first preferly) or get destroyed in the Dark Zone. Everything is locked behind PVE! Skills,Talents,Perks and the Crafting System are all locked behind the PVE content and it would be foolish to not take the time to unlock those things before jumping on to the Dark Zone.


Oh, shit.

It's 24 between all DZ areas?

That sucks... Gonna be pretty scarce in player population.

I think that would be good. Now in beta I thought that the area was a bit overpopulated - with players around every corner the only way to go rogue was to have a well-equipped team of 4 members to camp and hold off attacks. It's impossible to escape because there's nowhere to run and people keep respawning all around in this small area.
In my experience, going rogue solo is almost impossible now. Because of that, there are too little players going rogue. Allowing easier escape would increase the tension - currently you know that no one will shoot you since they are afraid be immediately killed.
The only thing you can do while playing alone is to wait until someone goes rogue and hunt them down first, but that happens very rare and as I said in previous post, it gets boring.


I had a lot of fun with the beta. Especially playing with some friends. Hard Mode Mission 1 was actually a lot of fun, although myself being the only Level 8 at the time forced me to bear the brunt of the work.

- really liked running around the city.
- Dark Zone was a ton of fun
- Missions were ok - at the very least it wasn't like Destiny where every mission was "get to point B and hold it against wave after wave of enemies."
- Marksman rifles kick ass.
- I liked the waypoints. Non-intrusive way to show the direction you want to go.
- Gun modding was lots of fun, too.

- It is too fucking difficult to see anything to pick up in the city. Yes, I know the little squares appear on your minimap, but I still think there should be something that distinguishes a cache from being grey-on-slightly-other-monochromatic-color.
- People purposefully forcing you into Rogue status. There's gotta be a way to stop my turret from shooting people who step in front of it.
- one thing that I think Destiny has over TD is the gunplay. Shots fired at enemies don't "feel" like they did anything other than damage. Not a lot of reaction from the enemy.

Overall I really enjoyed it. It probably won't be a Day 1 purchase, but I can see myself getting it eventually and sinking a bunch of hours into it. I also hope there is s lot more to explore inside of buildings.
Everyone will have to get better with selecting what gear they want to pick up rather than picking up everything. But in the heat of the moment you should always just take all and then delete afterwards.


TLOU + DayZ + Destiny + Gears of War + (place random military shooter here) = The Division

I think I know why I'm addicted now.

I think the random military shooter you're looking for are the more recent Splinter Cell games. The cover-system-movement and aiming feels almost 1:1 from the Splinter Cell Conviction and Splinter Cell Blacklist (both of which are awesome, btw).

I'm addicted for all those reasons... It's like a really nice mix of several really good franchises.

Also the overworld is amazing. Once you start exploring it, just for fun, you find loads of seemingly very high quality side content.

A map can be as big as it wants but if it's the same thing over and over again it's useless. I watched that time lapse video skipping every 30 seconds and every single snapshot looked exactly the same. Beyond my problems with the Dark Zone that is the second biggest hurdle this game is facing.

I disagree. If you read my other posts on the topic, I was actually impressed by how unique and well designed most of the areas are. I had a great half hour exploring the bottom quarter of the map, south of the game-start area. "Every snap shot over 10 blocks" doesn't really do any game justice. I found plenty of unique looking nooks and crannies and streets and parks throughout the Beta map. If someone walked Fallout 4, AC Syndicate, or The Witcher 3 end-to-end, and you took periodic snapshots - I bet they would look samey throughout, too.

Plus, every block has enterable buildings, scalable rooftops, loot hidden behind environmental/platforming puzzles. I spent about 7 hours playing the Beta, and only 20 minutes of that was in a Dark Zone.

I judge by screens that the full game is almost 4 times larger than the Beta, in terms of PVE content alone. I'm happy with that.


Everyone will have to get better with selecting what gear they want to pick up rather than picking up everything. But in the heat of the moment you should always just take all and then delete afterwards.
I wish they'd allow us to drop public items. I guess they want to have that tension for loot like in that video posted above. One day I helped kill a rogue with some randos and I ran up to the loot and held ⬜, realized I took all of it and booked it. They all started chasing and shooting at me lol
Got a chance to play the game single and in co-op. It's OK as a single player game, nothing to write home about, though it is nice to have skills (i think abilities and perks were locked), guns that you can upgrade and a lot of armor and stuff to change out. The world felt pretty barren unless you do an actual mission and I know there will be more fast travel points in the main game (I hope) cause it was a pain to keep running around everywhere and only have one encounter (maybe) before making it to your destination point.

Co-op though was a lot of fun (and i'm sure the way Ubi wants you to play), being able to create tactics, setting up different loadouts in skills and weapons, and having up to 4 people on a team is nice (though I only got to do a 3 man team). I liked the DZ a lot more than i thought i would, the tension is real when you're waiting it out for an extraction and you see a bunch of people rush over, then you see 2-3 people who don't have anything to extract and have no clue if they're there to help you or take your stuff. My one complaint is i went rouge a couple times on accident, when I was shooting a rouge agent and someone else chasing the same agent ran in front of my fire, it sucks and I hope there's a way to reverse your actions somehow.

I played enough destiny and did enjoy it, but this game seems to offer more of what I'm looking for (though I do like the shooting in Destiny a lot).
I wish they'd allow us to drop public items. I guess they want to have that tension for loot like in that video posted above. One day I helped kill a rogue with some randos and I ran up to the loot and held ⬜, realized I took all of it and booked it. They all started chasing and shooting at me lol

I did the same a few times but never even fired a shot... i'd follow a group of "bounty hunter players" going after Rogues and make sure i was right next to him/them when they took him/them out and i'd spam "square" as soon as they fell to a knee and take all the loot... then i'd either stand there wait for them to go Rogue and shoot me and then my team who was following all them farther back would ambush and kill them... or i'd simply make off with the loot and trade it out using an AI death and have my team pickup whatever they want out of my haul.
I just picked this up for 43$ from GreenManGaming. My first pre-order ever, but I know exactly what I'm getting into since I played ~20 hours in the closed beta and ~25 hours in the open beta. It was glorious. Me and my friend were hunting rouge agents in the DZ today and every time we killed one we stood over his body and I said in the voice chat: "We are the law!" and my friend said: "LAWWWW!!!!". GOTY 2016.



- It is too fucking difficult to see anything to pick up in the city. Yes, I know the little squares appear on your minimap, but I still think there should be something that distinguishes a cache from being grey-on-slightly-other-monochromatic-color.


hell NO. If it's one thing that really is not necessary it's some neon green loot chests or some fancy blinking hud icon. The minimap icon can be too much too.

I want to explore and find stuff by mistake and not have something like in Tomb Raider with it's "secret" tombs to explore...


hell NO. If it's one thing that really is not necessary it's some neon green loot chests or some fancy blinking hud icon. The minimap icon can be too much too.

I want to explore and find stuff by mistake and not have something like in Tomb Raider with it's "secret" tombs to explore...

Need loot vision bro


Turret making people go rogue should ideally be fixed by launch I'd imagine. That shit is so broken. Also would like to see that ladder spot near the entrance either redone or taken out.


Got a chance to play the game single and in co-op. It's OK as a single player game, nothing to write home about, though it is nice to have skills (i think abilities and perks were locked), guns that you can upgrade and a lot of armor and stuff to change out. The world felt pretty barren unless you do an actual mission and I know there will be more fast travel points in the main game (I hope) cause it was a pain to keep running around everywhere and only have one encounter (maybe) before making it to your destination point.

The world only feels barren until you:

1. Roam about. Doing so fills the world up with icons - material areas, Skill tree missions, Intel collectibles, Side quests. It's worth picking a corner of the map and walking to it. Also explore every rooftop you find - lots of them actually have emergent little puzzles to collect loot or groups of bad guys milling about (including high level bad guys for better shit). Also watch out for apartments you can explore - they always contain lots of good shit, mainly apparel.

2. Use the big noticeboard. This reveals all of the above for you, but doesn't reveal materials/apartments or Intel collectibles (some of which are pretty great) which you have to explore for.


You have to understand it's a no holds bar area guys, no rules , learn to expect everything, trust no one

You got that shit right. I am not going to be as helpful in the full game because I found that it bites me in the ass more times than not. If I see you laying there about to go out, I might stop and clap before going my merry way. No more healing someone, only for them to unload on my ass as soon as I turn around.


I wonder how rewarding the crafting system will be. If it's a viable route to get 'higher level gear' (as in, it will always be higher than your current equiped stuff) that would be great for singleplayer / PvE, if it results into stuff that is comparable to regular drops I could do without crafting and grinding the necessary materials.
As much as I have faith, I also had faith in Destiny - and look how that turned out.

I'm keep to get this game, but I'm holding off purchase until I see reviews and read the OT for at least 10 pages.

Yeah, I think I'm going to take advantage of Amazon Prime's 20% off within first two weeks of a release.

I really enjoyed playing it and the base mechanics--I just need the content to be there.


crap :( I was sick this weekend and slept a lot so I completely missed out on trying out the beta

interested in the game and was hoping this would get me off the fence

I needed more time with the game.. I played the closed beta for only an hour or two and was on the fence.. I played about 8 hrs with the open beta and will now be getting day one. My first experience with the game I was a little lost I think with all the UI and things going on but then it just clicked after some time.
Turret making people go rogue should ideally be fixed by launch I'd imagine. That shit is so broken. Also would like to see that ladder spot near the entrance either redone or taken out.

Oh, the ladder spot. I saw a team of four rush 3 manhunt rogues at that spot. The team that rushed all had riot shields. You know what happened. Everything works itself out....hahaha


I disagree. If you read my other posts on the topic, I was actually impressed by how unique and well designed most of the areas are. I had a great half hour exploring the bottom quarter of the map, south of the game-start area. "Every snap shot over 10 blocks" doesn't really do any game justice. I found plenty of unique looking nooks and crannies and streets and parks throughout the Beta map. If someone walked Fallout 4, AC Syndicate, or The Witcher 3 end-to-end, and you took periodic snapshots - I bet they would look samey throughout, too.

I guess the war torn zombie apocalypse theme doesn't really do enough for me. There are certainly differences, residential areas with trash piled up instead of the more urban areas with cars piled up. But in the end it was all too samey for me, I fully explored the map as well. Just a gripe I have, all the better if they can vary the environments in the full game more. A game like Fallout 4 still has islands, coasts, historic districts, urban centers, small towns, wooded areas, the radioactive sea, etc. This so far is just buildings and cars. They may be different buildings and cars, but still just buildings and cars. No central park planned, etc.

The mass grave site at Camp Hudson was the most unique and cool thing.


Do you guys think Ubisoft played it smart by keeping a lot of features close to the chest? No story, crafting or perks in the beta and they made it sound like the DZ will be a lot more populated too.

It might have soured some people on the robustness of the gameplay loop but I feel they left a little room to still surprise and impress reviewers and buyers at launch. Or worst case scenario it's a Destiny situation where we've really seen it all.


A map can be as big as it wants but if it's the same thing over and over again it's useless. I watched that time lapse video skipping every 30 seconds and every single snapshot looked exactly the same. Beyond my problems with the Dark Zone that is the second biggest hurdle this game is facing.

So you were watching video where player stands in same spot for X seconds as he records timelapse and you were surprised that it looked exactly the same throughout of whole video? Sure it's "generic city, NYC, in modern time" and it will restrict creative environment somewhat, but it doesn't mean there isn't a lots of nice detail and places with their own stories.

I wonder when the game comes out if they will continue allow people to change worlds to check vendors for different weapons and gear.

Best way to fix need for DZ instance hopping is to have best items to be available through exploring, doing missions and crafting. They also should make it so that deconstructing cheap DZ gear doesn't give you high quality crafting materials like they did in betas.

- one thing that I think Destiny has over TD is the gunplay. Shots fired at enemies don't "feel" like they did anything other than damage. Not a lot of reaction from the enemy.

Enemies would stacker, stumble and even fall to the ground from hard hits, especially when using something like DMR. Not all the time, but it does happen. I think stagger effect in Destiny is overdone and makes already simple and vulnerable AI even more vulnerable. Removes a lot challenge from most of encounters.
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