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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |OT|


Mehunes Blade: Awesome dungeon, just finished it. Took about 3 hours.

Steve, Vark, I think I ran into a bug in the Wizard's Tower. :(:(:(

After creating an atronach familar at the altar, I summoned another atronach with a spell to see what would happen. It seems that you can only have 1 at a time, so the one you summon overwrites the one you created.

Unfortunately after the spell wore off the game won't let me create another familar because it says I can only have one at a time... but I don't have even one now! :'( :'( :'(

Can you guys make it so when you try to create an atronach familar at the altar, it just overrides the old one instead of blocking creation? :( Is there a workaround?

(This is the 360 version.)


GAF's Pleasant Genius
‘Mehrunes’ Razor’ for Oblivion is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace. This premium content is 250 point and is available in the following Xbox Live regions: Canada, United States, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Great Britain, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan,Australia and New Zealand.

Now you all (Take 2/2K Games + Microsoft + <you know who you are :p>) are really mocking us Italians (and Germans).


NO PATCH!!! (only 10 days after you released it for all other regions)
Vark said:
It's just how our plugin system works. All of the 'data' for Oblivion (not art or voice related, but the actual game, layout of the world etc) takes up ~ 250megs.

If the plugin didn't add any new art the plugin will be even smaller.

That is so cool. Only 250 megs? Amazing. DVD9 lives on! :D Steve and Vark, it's insights like this that you guys offer that make me really appreciate the fact that you have time to post here on GAF.

Now get to work on the expansion! ;)
Confidence Man said:
The plugin is awesome. I love the whole layout of the caves and ruins, it lets you play more like a Thief game than most dungeons. It really pays off to be sneaky too, otherwise you'll have a dozen guys on you at once. The interfaction fighting was another nice touch, and I appreciated just dealing with humanoids and not having to wade through daedra or other 'monsters'. Good job!

Saying that this plays more like a Thief game is a sure fire way to get me to buy it. The first Thief game is amongst my favorite games of all time, and I enjoyed the other two quite a bit as well.

I think I'll have to grab this dungeon sometime over the weekend. (Yes, my opinion is fluctuating all over the place on this one, but I can't hide my love for this game! :D)


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Saying that this plays more like a Thief game is a sure fire way to get me to buy it. The first Thief game is amongst my favorite games of all time, and I enjoyed the other two quite a bit as well.

I think I'll have to grab this dungeon sometime over the weekend. (Yes, my opinion is fluctuating all over the place on this one, but I can't hide my love for this game! :D)
Buy it. You know you want to. Everyone else is.

The weapon itself, the titular Razor, sucks ass. I've used it on several guys and it's just a regular blade. One of the effects is "Daedric Banishing" which I assume is a chance at instant-kill, but I used up all 40 strikes in the charge and nada. Regular weapon, and since it's just a dagger, not a good one at that. Definately not the reason to get the dungeon.


AlanHemberger said:
Gah! I cannot beat the last fight in the arena. they keep kicking my ass! does anyone have any tips? that damn hog just gets in the way.
I ran to the other side of the arena from my entrance. The hog distracted one or two of the minor guys and I focused on Brunhilda or whatever her name was.

Oh, and I was a vampire who had not fed in four days. :p

(chug healing potions like mad)
AlanHemberger said:
Gah! I cannot beat the last fight in the arena. they keep kicking my ass! does anyone have any tips? that damn hog just gets in the way.

I had the pig distract them some, while I stayed back and used destruction magic spells and marksman from a distance. Fairly easy to stay away from them, and if you get rid of one, it's pretty easy to take the others down.

And as GhaleonEB said, heal up. A lot.


Hang out with Steve.
GhaleonEB said:
Buy it. You know you want to. Everyone else is.

The weapon itself, the titular Razor, sucks ass. I've used it on several guys and it's just a regular blade. One of the effects is "Daedric Banishing" which I assume is a chance at instant-kill, but I used up all 40 strikes in the charge and nada. Regular weapon, and since it's just a dagger, not a good one at that. Definately not the reason to get the dungeon.

You should ONLY use it against daedra, because it will only "reclaim" daedra. Not only is it a chance to insta-kill them, it also keeps track of how many daedra you've dispatched in that manner.
AlanHemberger said:
Gah! I cannot beat the last fight in the arena. they keep kicking my ass! does anyone have any tips? that damn hog just gets in the way.

Or do what I did: Get the totally unbalanced Alchemy skill and chug a potion that gives something like 32% shield, 5 health regen, 27% fireshield, and 50 or so fortify health.

When you have a ton of extra, regenerating hitpoints and only take half-ish damage, everything suddenly gets much easier =P
SteveMeister said:
You should ONLY use it against daedra, because it will only "reclaim" daedra. Not only is it a chance to insta-kill them, it also keeps track of how many daedra you've dispatched in that manner.

That's kinda what I was thinking, but since I didn't have the item, I wasn't sure if that's the way it worked.


SteveMeister said:
You should ONLY use it against daedra, because it will only "reclaim" daedra. Not only is it a chance to insta-kill them, it also keeps track of how many daedra you've dispatched in that manner.
So it's basically useless if you've gotten far enough in the game to close all the gates and had explored the "world" enough that you've pretty much cleared out all the Daedra already (ie to me). Great... :(

Still haven't dl'd it yet though. Picked up Hitman: BM recently, so I'm taking a break from Oblivion. I'll probably get it next week or so.
raYne said:
So it's basically useless if you've gotten far enough in the game to close all the gates and had explored the "world" enough that you've pretty much cleared out all the Daedra already (ie to me). Great... :(

Yeah, Im in the same boat. Not a whole lot of Daedra still running around the world I'm playing in. How much is it worth to sell? :D


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Yeah, Im in the same boat. Not a whole lot of Daedra still running around the world I'm playing in. How much is it worth to sell? :D
Yeah, I plan to just keep it in my weapons locker at home. Selling stuff isn't that appealing to me since I have too much money as is (as do you I'm sure :p).

Hell, I have three baskets (the tall ones the npcs use as "trash cans") in my bedroom that I've filled with jewels from various conquests. I could probably buy and upgrade three more Skingrad homes if I sold 'em off. :lol
raYne said:
Yeah, I plan to just keep it in my weapons locker at home. Selling stuff isn't that appealing to me since I have too much money as is (as do you I'm sure :p).

Hell, I have three baskets (the tall ones the npcs use as "trash cans") in my bedroom that I've filled with jewels from various conquests. I could probably buy and upgrade three more Skingrad homes if I sold 'em off. :lol

:lol Yeah, I've got so much crap in my chests, shelves, and closets in my Skingrad home, it's crazy. Last time I checked, I was at 180+ Welkyand Stones, and something like 40+ Varla Stones. :D That's not counting a ton of other items that have been given me on quests and such that I set up as trophies and don't ever sell. :lol


Kung Fu Jedi said:
:lol Yeah, I've got so much crap in my chests, shelves, and closets in my Skingrad home, it's crazy. Last time I checked, I was at 180+ Welkyand Stones, and something like 40+ Varla Stones. :D That's not counting a ton of other items that have been given me on quests and such that I set up as trophies and don't ever sell. :lol
Hmm.. Oblivion money = Microsoft points! Make it happen MS!



Hang out with Steve.
raYne said:
So it's basically useless if you've gotten far enough in the game to close all the gates and had explored the "world" enough that you've pretty much cleared out all the Daedra already (ie to me). Great... :(

It's not USELESS -- it does have
disintegrate armor
on it. But it's best for
banishing daedra
so I prefer reserving it for that.


SteveMeister said:
It's not USELESS -- it does have
disintegrate armor
on it. But it's best for
banishing daedra
so I prefer reserving it for that.
I've never found that function to be particularly usefull. I'm powerful enough that I'm taking guys out in a few blows as it is, before any benefit is achieved from that enchantment.

Bummer, since I've close the gates and no daedra to be found. The weapon LOOKS cool...but on the shelf it goes.


SteveMeister said:
It's not USELESS -- it does have
disintegrate armor
on it. But it's best for
banishing daedra
so I prefer reserving it for that.

So, what happens if you
use the Razor on Mehrunes Dagon himself in the endgame sequence? Alternate ending?

So what's next on the DLC schedule? I'm sure we'll be seeing more, as they appear to be fairly successful for Bethesda, who seem to have this microtransaction thing down to a science.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
So what's next on the DLC schedule? I'm sure we'll be seeing more, as they appear to be fairly successful for Bethesda, who seem to have this microtransaction thing down to a science.
I definately approve of the trend. Horse armor to epic dungeon in a few months, and only 50 points apart. :lol

I'm hoping this is the start of some more meaty content.


Hang out with Steve.
gblues said:
So, what happens if you
use the Razor on Mehrunes Dagon himself in the endgame sequence? Alternate ending?


QA tried that. He doesn't have a ragdoll, so it was kind of like he melted. But that's what QA is for. So to answer your question, nothing happens when you hit Mehrunes Dagon with the Razor :)


SteveMeister said:
QA tried that. He doesn't have a ragdoll, so it was kind of like he melted. But that's what QA is for. So to answer your question, nothing happens when you hit Mehrunes Dagon with the Razor :)
SteveMeister said:
QA tried that. He doesn't have a ragdoll, so it was kind of like he melted. But that's what QA is for. So to answer your question, nothing happens when you hit Mehrunes Dagon with the Razor :)

Pretty cool none the less! :)


A little help please I got a shield of Anumis and I can't equip it for some reason. It just says "You cannot equip this enchanted item right now." Any ideas?


Don't remember hearing of that item at all... Are you sure that it's a "useable" shield and not some kind of artifact?

If it's the former, it may be broken. Broken items are identified on the menu with a red mark on their pic FYI. If it is broken, just repair it.


raYne said:
Don't remember hearing of that item at all... Are you sure that it's a "useable" shield and not some kind of artifact?

If it's the former, it may be broken. Broken items are identified on the menu with a red mark on their pic FYI. If it is broken, just repair it.

I'm pretty sure I was able to equip it, but then I accidently sold it and bought it back, now I can't equip it. And i've repaired it to 125, so I know it's not broken.


raYne said:
Hmm.. and "Shield of Anumis" is the correct name? 'Cause it's not showing up on any search I do...

Shield of Animus.

It's a daedric heavy shield with a reflect enchantment on it.


Vark said:
Shield of Animus.

It's a daedric heavy shield with a reflect enchantment on it.
Don't answer my question, answer his. :p

*shrugs* I'm guessing that somehow you glitched yourself with the sale/repurchase...


Well its just a regular shield, doesn't look like it has any scripts on it. but its effect is constant. What else do you have equipped on your character?

Try unequipping everything and just equip the shield and see if that works. Are you playing on the PC or the 360?


SteveMeister said:
QA tried that. He doesn't have a ragdoll, so it was kind of like he melted. But that's what QA is for. So to answer your question, nothing happens when you hit Mehrunes Dagon with the Razor :)


I'll still probably get it at some point...


Vark said:
Well its just a regular shield, doesn't look like it has any scripts on it. but its effect is constant. What else do you have equipped on your character?

Try unequipping everything and just equip the shield and see if that works. Are you playing on the PC or the 360?

I'm playing on 360, and I tried taking everything off and then equipping it, but no go. I really wanna use this shield too :(
I've got a question. Is Vampirism, can't remember the proper name for it, not considered a disease? I think I used a Cure Disease potion to get rid of it, but I have an item that protects from disease 100%, but I have contracted Vampirism while having the item equipped on two occasions.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
I've got a question. Is Vampirism, can't remember the proper name for it, not considered a disease? I think I used a Cure Disease potion to get rid of it, but I have an item that protects from disease 100%, but I have contracted Vampirism while having the item equipped on two occasions.
It is, but I think it's one you can only cure by visiting an altar in town. Until it fully sinks in, at any rate (three days); then you're screwed.

erikevrhrd said:
Ah. Just finished all four guilds and main story.
Without spoilers, could you rank those five quest lines? I've only beaten the main quest and Dark Brotherhood, but DB > main quest for me. I'm plowing through the Mage's Guild next.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
GhaleonEB said:
It is, but I think it's one you can only cure by visiting an altar in town. Until it fully sinks in, at any rate (three days); then you're screwed.

Without spoilers, could you rank those five quest lines? I've only beaten the main quest and Dark Brotherhood, but DB > main quest for me. I'm plowing through the Mage's Guild next.

I've finished everything, and this is how I'd rank 'em in terms of enjoyment and how well written/designed they were:

Dark Brotherhood (no question the best)
Main Quest
Thieves Guild
Mage Guild
Figher's Guild


Big Nate said:
I've finished everything, and this is how I'd rank 'em in terms of enjoyment and how well written/designed they were:

Dark Brotherhood (no question the best)
Main Quest
Thieves Guild
Mage Guild
Figher's Guild

Quoted for mother****ing truth. Though the MQ and TG are a bit tied on my part.


Big Nate said:
I've finished everything, and this is how I'd rank 'em in terms of enjoyment and how well written/designed they were:

Dark Brotherhood (no question the best)
Main Quest
Thieves Guild
Mage Guild
Figher's Guild
Thanks. Everyone said the Dark Brotherhood was the best, and I intended to save it for last, but I kept gravitating towards it. I'll save the rest of the Thieves Guild for the end and wrap up FG and MG. FG hasn't been much fun, lately.


slept with Malkin
yeah, I definitely found the fighters guild questline to be very bland. The Dark Brotherhood quests were awesome, and I didnt want it to end. I thought the Mages Guild had some cool twists aswell.


formerly "chigiri"
Vark said:
Well its just a regular shield, doesn't look like it has any scripts on it. but its effect is constant. What else do you have equipped on your character?

Try unequipping everything and just equip the shield and see if that works. Are you playing on the PC or the 360?
I got 2 items that I "can't equip right now", the Boots of Springheel Jack(sp?) and the Ring of the Viper (I think it was called that, I can't check right now).
I had both equipped at one point or another but had them force-unequipped during quests, in the Mythic Dawn cave and the Sanguine Shrine quest respectively. I can't equip either item now, and I can't sell them because they're "quest items".

360 version.
Fighter's Guild and Mage's Guild Quests were both rather average. Each had some good missions, and each had some boring missions. They're worth doing, but they can get tedious at times.

Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood are both great, especially the DB. Definitely the best questline over all. So well written, and nice twists along the way.
Anyone else get a sense of dismay when the guy who recruited you was strung up and had his skin pulled off?

Oh, and still wondering why my 100% Protection from Disease Ring doesn't protect against Vampirism.


Have we all already discussed the patch that came out? I just booted into Oblivion for the first time in a week or so and saw it had a game update..

How's the patch?
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