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The Elder Scrolls Online |OT| of THE MOST HYPED GAME EVER


Worships the porcelain goddess
I realize this is a theme park mmo, but for some reason, I never feel like it is. I guess I just go off on my own all the time and I just run across quests seemingly at random that never make me feel like it is.


Self professed bad raider
Haven't used First Person for more than a few seconds since I started. Third feels great.

Usually use FP for single player Bethesda titles though.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
After 20 hours /played.... I finally made it out of the first zone. Yay!

I'm pretty hooked. But not hooked in the way that WoW of FF XIV hooked me. Those are games that burned brightly but burned me out. I played them intensely for a short period of time.

ESO I'm content to log on, clear a few quest lines, then log back off once I hit a good stopping point or level up.

I can see myself sticking with this game for a long time.


I want a tag give me a tag
Now i've not spent more than 30 minutes in PvP...

but I just set my home "server" or what ever it is.

and, correct me if i'm wrong.

but... I've picked a good one (I'm dominion)

I never once said the game wasn't linear, nor not a theme park. Pretty sure I even called it a theme park.

What makes this such a bad thing anyway?

EDIT: Actually I can see it being a let down if you were coming in expecting a true ES experience where the entire world is yours to explore. That would've been refreshing to see. I like their take on quest hubs though and the game does an alright job at giving you that feeling you're exploring each zone.

It does bum me out that I'm playing yet another theme park MMO, but honestly unless a MMO comes out and tells me it's not a theme park I always assume it is.

They could offer more freedom if the leveling experience was a bit more open that a person could avoid doing majority of the quests in an area. Instead of just going your own way and doing the quests you want, in this game you keep hitting area lvl walls that force you to go back and search for more quests.

The illusion of freedom could have been more opened up by not requiring so much quests before one could progress to the next area.


Server was down for like 6 hours for maintenance on Easter Friday...now is done again on the Monday?!?!

It's like they know when I have no family around and could actually play for a while


I want a tag give me a tag
Server was down for like 6 hours for maintenance on Easter Friday...now is done again on the Monday?!?!

It's like they know when I have no family around and could actually play for a while

or they know when Australians are playing and hate us. 3 days a week :(


or they know when Australians are playing and hate us. 3 days a week :(

assuming it went down at 8am est like it did on friday (came back at 2pm?), this is pretty prime time for people who are off for the holidays.

I was loving this game starting out but between the extreme linearity,my dungeon PVE complaints and constant downtimes this might be the first MMO when I do not level at least one character to max.

I was hoping to tackle PVP today to see if it breathes new life into the game for me lol


assuming it went down at 8am est like it did on friday (came back at 2pm?), this is pretty prime time for people who are off for the holidays.

I was loving this game starting out but between the extreme linearity,my dungeon PVE complaints and constant downtimes this might be the first MMO when I do not level at least one character to max.

I was hoping to tackle PVP today to see if it breathes new life into the game for me lol

Oh no server was down for an hour to patch broken quests! You do realize Fridays downtime was to stop a dupe bug before it wrecked the economy right? It was 100% needed.

This game has not had THAT much downtime, its very comparable to every other major mmo launch. Have some of the maintenances gone longer than expected? Sure, but at least they are fixing broken things.

If they didn't fix these main story broken quests instead of whining about maintenance you'd be complaining about the quest and THEN also whine about the server going down to fix said quest, they're in a no win situation.


If they didn't fix these main story broken quests instead of whining about maintenance you'd be complaining about the quest and THEN also whine about the server going down to fix said quest, they're in a no win situation.

Why is it MMO's that bring up such a fanatic defense force?

I'm not telling anyone that they should quit the game or I am going to ask for my money back. Right now I'll get my 30 days out of it

Single player
- Story quests are great compared to MMO's
- Game literally forces you down a specific path in order to progress to the next zone. Exploring is nice but you HAVE to to find quests that will allow you to level

- PVE story dungeons are one shot affairs that you run every 5 (?) levels
- Public dungeons are easy and so far have at least have a dozen bots that camp each boss making it a chore to get a single hit before the boss is dead to get credit much less trying to get loot

I have not tried PVP and am just starting to get into crafting It is a ok single player experience, I am just questioning the whole MMO aspect of it

The duping bug you mentioned was brought up to them in Beta, so it is not like they are champions of getting the game in order


Why is it MMO's that bring up such a fanatic defense force?

I'm not telling anyone that they should quit the game or I am going to ask for my money back. Right now I'll get my 30 days out of it

Single player
- Story quests are great compared to MMO's
- Game literally forces you down a specific path in order to progress to the next zone. Exploring is nice but you HAVE to to find quests that will allow you to level

- PVE story dungeons are one shot affairs that you run every 5 (?) levels
- Public dungeons are easy and so far have at least have a dozen bots that camp each boss making it a chore to get a single hit before the boss is dead to get credit much less trying to get loot

I have not tried PVP and am just starting to get into crafting It is a ok single player experience, I am just questioning the whole MMO aspect of it

The duping bug you mentioned was brought up to them in Beta, so it is not like they are champions of getting the game in order

I am not championing them, they do a lot wrong and have some of the worst customer service I've seen in an mmo. I was stuck unable to get to Vet zones for 4 days, trust me I am no "fanatic" as you say. I am just pointing out about the downtime doing a necessary evil and has to be done, also the fact there hasn't been THAT much compared to other mmo's. Your other issues I agree with, but I'm mainly a PVPer.


I am not championing them, they do a lot wrong and have some of the worst customer service I've seen in an mmo. I was stuck unable to get to Vet zones for 4 days, trust me I am no "fanatic" as you say. I am just pointing out about the downtime doing a necessary evil and has to be done, also the fact there hasn't been THAT much compared to other mmo's. Your other issues I agree with, but I'm mainly a PVPer.

That's cool and all, but please don't treat legitimate gripes about the game's uptime during oceanic hours as just whining.


Quick question.. does this game come with any trial passes? I'm kind of curious to check it out, but don't want to have to buy the game yet, incase i don't like it.


Loving Ebonheart - I've actually heard DC is amazing for questing from mates.. I guess they all have their pluses/minuses.

Yeah, I dig Ebonheart too. I like the zone variance all the way up to Shadowfen. If I had my druthers I'd faction transfer to Dominion, though. The questing areas (that I've been in) are much brighter...less gloomy if you will. And it appears that it's going to be the far dominant faction in regards to #'s.

After 20 hours /played.... I finally made it out of the first zone. Yay!

I can see myself sticking with this game for a long time.

That's cool to hear. Nice change of pace post! I'm in a strange spot with my guys. I've got every class to at least 10 attempting to figure out what I really want to do. I'm now at 40, 24, 10, and 10. If you're in EP (and going to Deshaan), prepare to get your fill of the Llodos plague!

Why is it MMO's that bring up such a fanatic defense force?

The better question is why is it that MMOs are endlessly trashed on GAF regardless of IP? (Also, MMOs with a fanatic defense force? Try console threads or sales threads. THAT is fanatic.)

It's simple. There is not an MMO that has dropped in recent memory that doesn't have the majority of gaming side GAF shitting all over it. When you regularly play MMOs and participate in these threads, you get tired of hearing the same complaints about different games. Most of it boils down to folks just not liking MMOs. Another huge portion boils down to people expecting it to be the same as the single player version of it's franchise (see SWTOR and ESO) and being disgusted when changes were made or with the multiplayer aspect, which again goes back to folks just not liking MMOs. Go read back through the original SWTOR OT for a primer on blind hatred of a thing because it's not the exact thing you wanted it to be.

MMO threads here are very negative in general. A lot of jaded folks who hold fast to an MMO long past. A lot of random folks popping in and just trashing the game and never responding. It's cool in a real game OT because there's plenty of other posts giving actual impressions alongside those criticisms, but in these MMO threads things are relatively slow moving and we pop in and post about a thing bothering us (quest bug, servers down, whatever) but rarely pop in with a beautiful screenshot or bragging about some loot we found or group we had.

It bothers me because a prospective player pops into the thread and all they see is folks complaining. Too much downtime. 'X' is bugged, why don't they take the servers down? Game is too linear. I can't find quests. PVP is too big. PVP is too small. Endgame sucks, it's not the endgame I wanted. There is no endgame. That's every thread and some of us get tired of it, I guess. That's a major reason why I think a lot of people who play don't post in here. It's not very inviting. I know I've began pulling back over the past few days as well as there is no use in beating my head against the wall.

Almost everyone posting in this thread has said something positive about ESO, unfortunately it seems it's generally only the first time or two a lot of us post in the thread. Like any MMO, a game wears on you and you get bored or burnt out or frustrated. Over time, the posts stop saying anything positive (even though you theoretically are enjoying something since you are still playing) and devolve into complaint after complaint and nitpick after nitpick. Go read back through this thread and you'll see the turning point in the last 10 or so pages. It was glowing after launch for the most part, but over the past few days the thread has devolved into what MMO threads typically devolve into on GAF. A lot of criticism and very little love.

This game deserves some criticism for sure. The customer service is piss poor. I've had a ticket in for 5 days now and still no resolution - just a bunch of e-mails back and forth and confusion. They seem to not even know the details of their own game better than me, who has played all of two weeks. Though I've not ran into quest bugs, I've heard about them a lot so I imagine they are fairly common. That's an issue. Dungeons being unrewarding are a major issue as well, but that is not unlike how FFXIV:ARR started out with dungeons giving no incentive to run them EXP wise (though you did at least get gear). The reused assets on single player dungeons and public dungeons is disheartening, as well. When everything is criticism, though, that is not very genuine.

There is also a lot to love if you like playing MMOs. The questing experience, linear or not, is a nice change of pace. Wildstar will be out in a few months if you want to go back to straight up easy to find quest hubs. In the meantime, you can work on your rotation and grind a few mobs in any zone and get two levels in about an hour if you need to catch up or want to leave a zone instead of hunting obscure quests. The money is excellent and you get tons of blues (and at 35+ purples). The customization of your character is 'A' level, from the cosmetics to the skill sets. While vampires and werewolves (particularly werewolves) are not the most fleshed out ideas, the ability to make a choice like that in an MMO is wonderful and adds a neat aspect. The thrill of the hunt to get bitten is awesome as well. The PVP is more or less everything people who hated SWTOR PVP clamored for as it is in essence world PVP but in a contained zone. Battles are epic, and if you link up with other parties in chat it's quite fun.

I'm not attempting to be the MMO or ESO champion of GAF. I'm just stating the other side, here. I'd just like to see a little more optimism is all. It's only week two (or is it three?). It would be nice to see a little more positive in these threads. I know those players are out there, but I think the negativity drives a lot of it away and that is why you see folks like me defending every MMO in existence.


Maybe I've just been lucky, but on the American server I've only ran into extended maintenance twice.

Out of 3 weeks, that's pretty good.


What's the consensus on Templars? I initially rolled a Nightblade, but re-rolled a Templar at lunch. I'm only ~20 minutes in or so. I usually play Elder Scrolls games as a stealth assassin type character, but thought it may be fun to try something new.

I don't really want to take the healer path, it seems like the Ardric Spear and Dawn's Wrath trees allow me to just be a damage dealer.
Until they clean up all the bugs. I consider any complaints about downtime whining. :)

I really feel like people should be compensated for the buggy late game zones. A few days of game time or something.


That's cool and all, but please don't treat legitimate gripes about the game's uptime during oceanic hours as just whining.

I get it, but no matter when they take the servers down its going to affect someone. Oceanic players knew going in they were on an American server and they will base their down time on least played for that audience. Instead complain about no Oceanic megaserver.


What's the consensus on Templars? I initially rolled a Nightblade, but re-rolled a Templar at lunch. I'm only ~20 minutes in or so. I usually play Elder Scrolls games as a stealth assassin type character, but thought it may be fun to try something new.

I don't really want to take the healer path, it seems like the Ardric Spear and Dawn's Wrath trees allow me to just be a damage dealer.

I think all 4 classes are fine and viable. At least up until level 20, I don't have anyone higher than that yet.

What is the cooldowns like on poisons and potions???

I plan on being an alchemist in the console version like I was in oblivion and skyim.

I'm just hoping the cooldowns arent like 5 friggin minutes like in final fantasy 14.
What's the consensus on Templars? I initially rolled a Nightblade, but re-rolled a Templar at lunch. I'm only ~20 minutes in or so. I usually play Elder Scrolls games as a stealth assassin type character, but thought it may be fun to try something new.

I don't really want to take the healer path, it seems like the Ardric Spear and Dawn's Wrath trees allow me to just be a damage dealer.

I did the exact opposite. I did templar to 12 so far with the spear tree, respecced to wrath to try it but got put off with having no skills leveled. So I started a Nord night made that is 2 hand, and ao far I'm liking it more. Started with bow, and lost some skill points to seeing how things work with stealth, but I'm really enjoying it. I cant to uppercut out of stealth/crouch, should be some crazy damage.

Working on blacksmithing and enchanting, but think I might drop enchanting and do medium armor instead. Getting mats for enchanting is a pain, but at least for the most part, compared to blacksmith at least, ip gain is much faster.

Just need to get some motifs and start researching stats and ill be good to go. Too bad researching take for freaking ever.


Neo Member

What is the cooldowns like on poisons and potions???

I plan on being an alchemist in the console version like I was in oblivion and skyim.

I'm just hoping the cooldowns arent like 5 friggin minutes like in final fantasy 14.

I don't think they're that long.. I've used multiple during a single fight before.



What is the cooldowns like on poisons and potions???

I plan on being an alchemist in the console version like I was in oblivion and skyim.

I'm just hoping the cooldowns arent like 5 friggin minutes like in final fantasy 14.

It starts out at 30 seconds, but (if the article is right) you can equip glyphs on your jewelry to knock it all the way down to 15 seconds. There are also passive racial and class abilities that enhance the effectiveness, and duration, of potion effects.

Check this for more information: http://tamrieljournal.com/alchemy-potions-are-extremely-powerful-in-eso/
What the heck? Just found a public dungeon that's entirely outdoors. Lion's Den in The Rift.

Another one of those harder dungeons. Just died on the first pull. Public dungeons are easy my ass.



What is the cooldowns like on poisons and potions???

I plan on being an alchemist in the console version like I was in oblivion and skyim.

I'm just hoping the cooldowns arent like 5 friggin minutes like in final fantasy 14.

For health potions it's not very long. I haven't counted but maybe 30 seconds


What's the consensus on Templars? I initially rolled a Nightblade, but re-rolled a Templar at lunch. I'm only ~20 minutes in or so. I usually play Elder Scrolls games as a stealth assassin type character, but thought it may be fun to try something new.

I don't really want to take the healer path, it seems like the Ardric Spear and Dawn's Wrath trees allow me to just be a damage dealer.

I did Nightblade to 10 (my first character), then Dragonknight to 40 before going Templar to 24 at the moment. Templar feels the strongest to me. Everything looks so good too, with all that shiny gold. I'd rather be playing a Nightblade, but I always felt weak with it.

I'm doing 2H with the Templar and it's great fun. Highly recommend it. Dragonknight too for that matter.

I really feel like people should be compensated for the buggy late game zones. A few days of game time or something.

Definitely this. There should be two or three days for sure just for the hassle of the bugs, let alone the downtime. It wouldn't hurt them at all, really, and would benefit their PR a great deal.
Just finished Lion's Den and it has probably the most amazing experience I have had in this game and solidifies how awesome this game is to me. It feels very much like Skyrim in a MMO world.

This is a public dungeon and it is HUGE, as big as half a zone really and full of things to discover. There are 2 quest lines that occur here and the area is filled with large groups of mobs that you need at least another person to tackle.

I came in here solo. Died to the first wave of mobs but ran into another tank, a DK, and we decided to tag along and do the quests (we never spoke, just followed each other). Eventually we met a templar that also tagged along.

The 3 of us continued on, didn't talk, just helped each other. The area went from a large wooded outdoors to a snowy mountain in a blizzard. We were nearing the ends of both quests and I was worried I had missed the skyshard, so I asked them if they knew where it was. It was nearby and we all snagged it and continued on the quests.

We got back to the start and came back to this:


The area was designed for us to come across this. We came out the dungeon on a small platform with this exact view over the rest of the dungeon, and it's amazing.

We turned in the quests and finished up when one of the guys asked if we wanted to kill a troll he saw. So we went back into the dungeon to take down the troll.

We ended up stumbling upon a door we hadn't seen before. Led to "Giant's Crush". Inside we found this guy:


A giant boss surrounded by 2 mammoth's. We killed him, got an achievement and a skill point.

We never found our troll but We all friended each other. I made 2 friends completely through a public dungeon. A makeshift group of 3 that was created through the game's design. I was playing completely solo up until this public dungeon. No parties were formed at the start, no queueing. Just exploring and following quests.

If they can keep this kind of immersive content in this game. It's going to go places. This is why the game is so different from other MMOs.


We never found our troll but We all friended each other. I made 2 friends completely through a public dungeon. A makeshift group of 3 that was created through the game's design. I was playing completely solo up until this public dungeon. No parties were formed at the start, no queueing. Just exploring and following quests.

If they can keep this kind of immersive content in this game. It's going to go places. This is why the game is so different from other MMOs.

I love those kind of things, that's the best part of being in on the ground floor. I've actually even made 4 or 5 friends in this game from the AOE grinding I've done. It's most efficient when done grouping, so even that forces people together which is good.

Unrelated...one feature this game needs very badly is a heads up about what item you actually sold on the guild store. I continually get mail that things sold and get my money, but without going into the listings or memorizing the payout price I have no clue what people bought. Keep in mind I'm saying this as someone who sells only gear and found mats, not anything like stacks and stacks of something.


That's cool and all, but please don't treat legitimate gripes about the game's uptime during oceanic hours as just whining.
I live in Brisbane, Australia and haven't had that big of a huff with the downtimes. Sure its annoying having MMO maintenance constantly put in our prime time, but we aren't the majority when it comes to the population. This is a fact that many Oceanic gamers need to come to terms with in the MMO genre, and one that won't be fixed until we get our own servers (and even then probably won't change to ensure servers don't get flooded).

This is the norm when it comes to MMO's on their first month or so, its not an easy thing to predict and stuff is literally breaking constantly. Maintenance will happen at random times until things calm down and the majority of bugs are fixed. Don't get me wrong, its annoying having the game I enjoy playing drop out, but if it means fixing stuff I'm all for it. I've had plenty of time playing the game, a few hours of maintenance is nothing compared to the potential playtime from ESO's life cycle.
Has anyone figured out what all the map icons mean?
Yeah I've figured out all of them, what's up?
I like that people complain about immersion being broken because of so many people around you, but don't make note of how some effort is made to keep immersion intact.

I am in one of the final Mages Guild areas and there are others around me. One of the key NPCs to the story follows you around. However only your NPC is the main character, everyone else's is just "Guild Battlemage". Kinda neat.

That was one of my irks with SWTOR. The 229012910 clones of your companions around the galaxy makes zero sense.


Just finished Lion's Den and it has probably the most amazing experience I have had in this game and solidifies how awesome this game is to me. It feels very much like Skyrim in a MMO world.

This is a public dungeon and it is HUGE, as big as half a zone really and full of things to discover. There are 2 quest lines that occur here and the area is filled with large groups of mobs that you need at least another person to tackle.

I came in here solo. Died to the first wave of mobs but ran into another tank, a DK, and we decided to tag along and do the quests (we never spoke, just followed each other). Eventually we met a templar that also tagged along.

The 3 of us continued on, didn't talk, just helped each other. The area went from a large wooded outdoors to a snowy mountain in a blizzard. We were nearing the ends of both quests and I was worried I had missed the skyshard, so I asked them if they knew where it was. It was nearby and we all snagged it and continued on the quests.

We got back to the start and came back to this:


The area was designed for us to come across this. We came out the dungeon on a small platform with this exact view over the rest of the dungeon, and it's amazing.

We turned in the quests and finished up when one of the guys asked if we wanted to kill a troll he saw. So we went back into the dungeon to take down the troll.

We ended up stumbling upon a door we hadn't seen before. Led to "Giant's Crush". Inside we found this guy:


A giant boss surrounded by 2 mammoth's. We killed him, got an achievement and a skill point.

We never found our troll but We all friended each other. I made 2 friends completely through a public dungeon. A makeshift group of 3 that was created through the game's design. I was playing completely solo up until this public dungeon. No parties were formed at the start, no queueing. Just exploring and following quests.

If they can keep this kind of immersive content in this game. It's going to go places. This is why the game is so different from other MMOs.

I remember reading from the dev's that there are actually a lot of these type of things, then there will be things that will be added. For example a previous cleared dungeon could have a NPC next time with a quest that takes you to previously locked out areas of the dungeon or separate area all together.

While I have not paired up with many people since I am doing more solo stuff, working on my crafting (Woodworker), I still have come across some "oh wow moments" in this game and I am still starting in the starter area (Level 13). I am really digging this game and have really enjoyed it immensely.
IGN's review is out for the game: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/03/31/the-elder-scrolls-online-review


To be explicitly clear, if you don’t enjoy MMORPGs, you probably won’t enjoy The Elder Scrolls Online. Its strong character progression and combat systems better suit the offline Elder Scrolls games than in most MMOs, but it’s very much a game about adventuring with other players. As a fan of both MMORPGs and the Elder Scrolls series, I found it to be one of the most rewarding games in the genre in years. Even while it’s troubled by some extremely annoying bugs and will probably never look great, I’ve loved my time questing through Tamriel, and I look forward to logging back in soon.


I think it's a great review that is worth reading. Don't know if it warrants another thread.


IGN's review is out for the game: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/03/31/the-elder-scrolls-online-review


I think it's a great review that is worth reading. Don't know if it warrants another thread.

Dont really agree in regards to the graphics complaints. Looks pretty decent to me. It is a MMO. The comment about the game having Morrowind trees is gamefaqs tier. Argonian males phoning in their voice work also seems to be a huge sticking point. LOL.

Thanks for posting that but I have got to resist the urge to read reviews. They usually seem so hyperbolic or needlessly nitpicky. You can review something without going down that route.
Dont really agree in regards to the graphics complaints. Looks pretty decent to me. It is a MMO. The comment about the game having Morrowind trees is gamefaqs tier. Argonian males phoning in their voice work also seems to be a huge sticking point. LOL.

Thanks for posting that but I have got to resist the urge to read reviews. They usually seem so hyperbolic or needlessly nitpicky. You can review something without going down that route.

Ya, I can see that. Overall, it's going to be someone's opinion. All I ask for is that the reviewer actually did their due diligence and gives their honest impression, and not something they threw together because of time constraints.

Leif said he would have given the score above an 8 if it weren't for some of the troubling bugs.
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