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The Elder Scrolls Online |OT| of THE MOST HYPED GAME EVER


Was fishing last night and caught some blue rare fish, I took it and it wasn't in my inventory. :(

How rare are those fish? It was like a flesh something or other.

I'm not sure about how rare those fish are, but that bug is a known issue :/
I really wish they would fix that AND improve fishing to make it more worthwhile like leveling and different fishing poles and fishing events, etc.


I'm not sure about how rare those fish are, but that bug is a known issue :/
I really wish they would fix that AND improve fishing to make it more worthwhile like leveling and different fishing poles and fishing events, etc.
Damn! What a shame. I actually got that fish twice in the same fishing spot (using worms as bait) and took it both times but it disappeared from my inventory twice. Hope that gets fixed. Though I'm not even sure what I'd use it for, it said it was a collectible.

Does the type of bait you use affect what you catch?
Apparently it's not a bug. If you rapidly hit shift the horse will run a lot faster but slow right down when the stamina runs out.

Or so someone told me anyway. Whenever I try it I get a warning about sticky keys that I somehow always forget to fix.
I've never heard that about hitting shift rapidly. I'll give it a shot, see if it's any different than just holding the key. But as I said, what makes me think it's a bug is that you continue at the faster speed regardless of being out of stamina.


Does the type of bait you use affect what you catch?

From what i understand certain bait works better for fishing in certain areas. Here's a quick guide

Swamps and sewers, bait to use: crawlers and fish roe.
Rivers, bait to use: insect parts and shad.
Lakes and pools, bait to use: guts and minnows.
Ocean, bait to use: worms and chub.

When you catch 'Used Bait" apparently you used the wrong bait.

Here's a good fishing guide. http://tinyurl.com/n82zfjd


Incase you missed it Matt Frior released a sort of "state of the game"

As it’s now two and a half weeks since we officially launched on April 4, I think it’s a good time to bring everyone up to date on The Elder Scrolls Online service, maintenance windows, and what we’re doing to add content, make the game better, and address some issues that are near and dear to the community.

First and foremost, please know that we are doing everything we can to combat the gold spammers and bots – especially ones that “camp” dungeon bosses – that you see in game. I play the game every day; I see them too, and yes, they drive me crazy. We have had a daily running battle with them ever since the game launched – moving them from global chat, to in-game email, to creating bogus guilds and inviting players – and we continue to take measures to keep them away from players, even when it isn’t always apparent that we are. Most of the battle has been on the back end of the game – we regularly ban accounts involved in spam and bot activity – our teams are working on better systems to identify those accounts and characters that are doing black market activities, and we’re also working on some game feature refinement to make it harder for them to acquire gold in the first place. Fighting black market activity like gold selling spam and farming bots is a marathon, not a sprint, but we will do whatever we can to reduce their impact on the game.

The scope of the black market activity accounts for up to 85% of Customer Service emails/calls. Because of this huge influx of contact relating to this one issue, our CS team has been slower to react to other problems than planned – our sincere apologies if you have been held up for a long period of time waiting for CS to respond to you. Again, our goal is to keep this activity away from you so you don’t have to contact Customer Service in the first place.

Also very visible was last week’s gold “duping” (duplication) bug – where players could manipulate stacks of items in their inventory to create copies. We fixed the problem and banned the accounts of the worst offenders And yes, we erroneously caught up some legitimate accounts in that ban, for which we apologize – all erroneously banned accounts were reinstated within about 8 hours. Contrary to some reports, exploitation of this bug did not result in destabilizing the ESO economy in any way. We did turn off guild banks to limit the spread of the problem, but that was only until we put up a new version of the game that fixed the exploit later that evening.

All of these fixes have resulted in several more maintenance periods than we planned for – we know that everyone wants to play the game and hates downtime – but please be aware that every time we take down the servers for maintenance, it is either to fix a problem or put up an update that makes the game better. We are working on shortening the length of maintenances, this will get better over time.

So, here’s the list of our more prominent fixes since launch, as well as info about ongoing support that we’re doing for ESO:
Fixed the bug where a small percentage of players lost their expansion bank slots.
Fixed quest-blocking bugs, especially ones in Coldharbour, that prevented players from completing either a main quest step, or the Coldharbour zone.
Fixed many other quest bugs not related to the above where items/NPCs didn’t spawn properly.
Fixed the Greenshade (Aldmeri Dominion zone) problem, which caused the zone to crash every few hours. This one was fixed on 4/4, but was a problem during early access.
Fixed two dupe issues: the above one involving stacked items, and another (on a much smaller scale) involving crafting hireling emails.
Put many back-end fixes and procedures in place to block black market gold farmer activity.
We still have much to do – there still other quest problems on our fix list, most of them involving the situation where they become “de-synched” from the zone and don’t spawn their items or NPCs properly. We are in process of putting up our first major update to the game on our Play Test Server (PTS), which includes many updates to the game, including class and weapon ability tweaks, content fixes, and updates to almost all game systems. It also contains our new end-game Adventure Zone, Craglorn, with Veteran content aimed at 4 and 12-man groups. So stay tuned for PTS patch notes for all the other fixes that we’ve been working on. This is a major update to the game, so it will be on PTS for at least a week or 10 days for testing before we take it live.

We’re working on fixing problems, we’re combatting black market gold farmers, and we have a hefty new patch coming shortly. ESO is already an awesome game, and it will only get better from here. Thanks for your patience and support, and I’ll see you in Tamriel. - Matt

I'm happy to see them addressing alot of this pubicly finally, something they should have done a long time ago. I will post my impressions of Craglorn when it hits PTS, though I'm sure we'll get videos pretty fast.


IMO -- The two most annoying issues are the dungeon boss bots and the desync problems.

I hope those are first on their priority list.

I don't really care about chat spammers, that's a minor issue that exists in every MMO and doesn't affect actual gameplay.


From what i understand certain bait works better for fishing in certain areas. Here's a quick guide

Swamps and sewers, bait to use: crawlers and fish roe.
Rivers, bait to use: insect parts and shad.
Lakes and pools, bait to use: guts and minnows.
Ocean, bait to use: worms and chub.

When you catch 'Used Bait" apparently you used the wrong bait.

Here's a good fishing guide. http://tinyurl.com/n82zfjd
Thanks very much :)


Creating ESO Trials/Raids... Should be here in a couple weeks!

12-player Trials are coming with Craglorn. Find out what your group will face and learn how we created a new kind of adventure for ESO.

The gates of Hel Ra Citadel loom ahead of your band of 12 battle-hardened allies. Ancient Yokudan warriors, air atronachs, and even deadlier foes are prepared to repel your assault. All your careful planning, strategizing, and mastery of combat skills will be put to the test, and once the attack starts, you’ll have limited resurrections to use in an attempt to reach and defeat the Warrior. How will your group measure up in Trials?

One of the first things you’ll notice about Trials is that they bring a new experience to ESO designed to test even the toughest veterans. You’ll need a group of 12 to take them on, but they’re not just dungeons that require a large group—we’re applying additional pressure. Your team will only have a limited number of resurrections available, and additional rewards will be granted to those who defeat the weekly challenge with one of the top times across the megaserver.

Trials also feature the most complex and difficult encounters we’ve designed so far. They demand skill, adaptability, and coordination from every member of the group. We know you’ll be challenged by them, but we faced some hurdles to overcome while developing them, too. As we were creating the enemies and bosses you’ll face and attempting to test them, it became clear that we’d need a stable, solid team of testers with high skill—much like a raiding guild—to properly assess and tune them.

We asked for volunteers from our Quality Assurance team with a passion for difficult group content, and we got an awesome response. The group of experienced players that came together not only had great enthusiasm, but they put in tons of extra hours to hammer on the Trials, mastering the encounters, and giving feedback on tuning and the overall experience in the formidable battles.

As testing continued, we nailed down the specific mechanics for Trials, like how many resurrections groups would have available (what we call the “soul reservoir”) and how many players would be required. For the latter, we settled on 12 after extensive testing. We didn’t want to get into a situation where we demanded too much from an organizational standpoint; the challenge should be in the encounters, not in managing everyone’s schedules and struggling to field enough players. This number also means that individual performance and impact is important, and it makes the encounters easier to read with all the effects and telegraphs to consider.

In Trials, all 12 players have to be flexible and agile. By the time you reach the Veteran Rank you’ll need to be ready, you’ll have access to a large number of abilities, and Trials expect you to be prepared to face a number of situations. You’ll need to know what skills to bring for each encounter and be able to adjust your strategy and loadout to react to boss abilities.

The flexibility of our skill system allows us to create plenty of interesting situations for Trial groups, and we can demand a high level of mechanical mastery. For instance, there may be encounters that require a heavy burn phase where everyone needs to contribute high damage in a short period of time. We can also force groups to deal with extreme incoming damage. In these situations, additional healing and damage reduction skills might be necessary for everyone.

The skill system also allows us to play with group fragmentation, both planned and spontaneous. There are times when you’ll need to coordinate to split up and accomplish two or more objectives at once, but there are other times when your group can be shattered unexpectedly. In those situations, every player on your team will need to be ready to react and forge ahead in the Trial. And, of course, everyone will be expected to avoid telegraphed damage, control enemies, and know their role thoroughly.

Though you’ll face powerful bosses in Trials, they aren’t the only serious threat. We created a special type of adversary called “bannermen” that your group will need to deal with. Bannermen are easy to spot on the battlefield, and each needs to be handled correctly if your team wants to survive. One of our bannermen, for instance, has a nasty power that turns your group’s area of effect heals against you, making them cause damage for the duration. On top of devastating abilities like this, you’ll often face more than one bannerman, and your group needs to recognize the greatest threats and handle them quickly.

That sounds like a lot to manage, right? Well, it is, but we have a new feature coming with the update that will give your team more combat information to help while you learn: death recap. Once Craglorn is released, any time you’re defeated (even outside of Trials) you’ll receive a recap screen detailing the last several sources of damage you took. You’ll also see a variety of tips tailored to help you understand your recent death more clearly. We want to provide this information to help everyone learn more about combat, but we think it will be especially useful to groups facing the Trials. You can see a screenshot of the death recap below.

OK, so Trials are tough. Really tough. But what do you get for putting in all the effort to overcome them? First off, we put a great deal of work into making Trials visually spectacular. You’ll visit some of the most stunning places in (and outside of) Tamriel through them, and the boss encounters are the most intense spectacles you’ll see in the game. You’ll see the culmination of Craglorn’s story as you face the Celestial Mage and Warrior. And, of course, there’s plenty of remarkable loot to be had.

Something worth mentioning is that Trials don’t have a lockout. Your group can go in and take on Trials as often as you’d like, and you’ll still receive items throughout, even if you don’t defeat all four bosses. You can earn the very best loot—special set pieces that only drop from the final bosses—once a week, and those with the top 100 completion times during the week can earn another piece of loot from the weekly Trial (selected at random from available Trials). It’s important to note that you won’t be required to finish the Trial within a time limit; you may run out of resurrections and have to start over, but your completion time only matters with regards to the leaderboard and bonus loot (the same kinds of loot you can receive once weekly for defeating the whole Trial).

Trials aren’t meant to be 8-hour crawls. While the entire Adventure Zone will bring many hours of exploration, quests, and dungeon-delving, you’ll eventually be able to complete a single Trial in about an hour to an hour-and-a-half with an experienced group. You’ll always be striving for faster completions to earn more loot, too. We want every attempt to be intense and (hopefully) exciting even as your group improves and masters the challenges.

As you can see, we’ve put serious effort into making Trials a unique experience that adds something new to the kinds of adventures you can choose to experience in ESO. We’re looking forward to seeing you take them on! Thanks for reading, and come back for a new Creating ESO soon!


Still no news about the European server, game is becoming increasingly unplayable with the EU server in the US, the latency is just not acceptable.

I have a feeling Zenimax will just say "screw them" to european players once they figure out that the cost is just not worth it to them.
Still no news about the European server, game is becoming increasingly unplayable with the EU server in the US, the latency is just not acceptable.

I have a feeling Zenimax will just say "screw them" to european players once they figure out that the cost is just not worth it to them.

Are you telling me the actual "European" servers are actually in the US? :O


Still no news about the European server, game is becoming increasingly unplayable with the EU server in the US, the latency is just not acceptable.

I have a feeling Zenimax will just say "screw them" to european players once they figure out that the cost is just not worth it to them.
They've been actively building a database in EU, why say screw it with so much work already done?
Are you telling me the actual "European" servers are actually in the US? :O
Its hosted in the US while they work on the EU database, which should be done soon enough.


I want a tag give me a tag
I don't get the big fuss.

enjoy your 200ms lag. It's what we deal with on every game ever in Australia.

at least your maintenance isn't during your peak hours.


How do the starting areas compare in this game? I feel like a major part of my lack of enjoyment in the beta was the Dunmer starting area was awfully boring. Are other areas better?


This tag is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance...
Staff Member
I don't get the big fuss.

enjoy your 200ms lag. It's what we deal with on every game ever in Australia.

at least your maintenance isn't during your peak hours.

Yeah so you'd be used to the lag too I gather. I don't imagine Hammonds infrastructure accounted for MMO servers.

As all MMO i play :/

Anyway i never felled big lag on TESO


Are you telling me the actual "European" servers are actually in the US? :O

Not "servers". Server, one megaserver. I guess it was too expensive to build new megaserver in EU :p I'm from EU and little lag is almost always present... Most noticable in PvP. That's a real shame.
Man. I really hope alchemy and its OP potions make me a little cash end game. I've never commit to a consumable craft in a MMO before because their profitability usually gets nerfed.

Though I don't know if you can make anything special in the end.

But man, pots that boost all offenses (resource/crit/power), pots that heal all three resources, pots with CC immunity + movement speed + stamina regen... vanish.

Plus I'm Argonian and get an increase to potion effectiveness.

Glug, glug, glug.


I've seen some screenshots where people are tracking multiple quests on the right side of the screen but I haven't figured out how to do that. I can only track one at a time. Is that a UI mod?


I've seen some screenshots where people are tracking multiple quests on the right side of the screen but I haven't figured out how to do that. I can only track one at a time. Is that a UI mod?
Yeah, there are a few but Multi-Quest Tracker seems to be the most common used.

Also, Francis seems rather angry about general MMO shortcomings. Bugs, maintenance, exploits are all part of the MMO experience, one I wish that developers would try to improve on but its to be expected. Also he complains about Elder Scrolls itself, and that he doesn't like voice acting when the two go hand-in-hand.


Yeah, there are a few but Multi-Quest Tracker seems to be the most common used.

Also, Francis seems rather angry about general MMO shortcomings. Bugs, maintenance, exploits are all part of the MMO experience, one I wish that developers would try to improve on but its to be expected. Also he complains about Elder Scrolls itself, and that he doesn't like voice acting when the two go hand-in-hand.

Sounds like his main complaint was the game is boring. I think he mentions the voice acting as an example of how they mis-managed their resources... ie how can you spend 200 million on things like making even squirrels talk but forget to make a fun game in the process.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I don't get the big fuss.

enjoy your 200ms lag. It's what we deal with on every game ever in Australia.

at least your maintenance isn't during your peak hours.

I know right?

Jesus, it's a temporary problem for pete's sake... EU is getting a megaserver in it's cozy back yard. We get 200ms errr' day, we just lap it up and move on.

...and I don't want to hear analogues about modern cars vs push bikes (a reddit fubar).


After playing (fairly extensively) Dragonknight (42), Templar (35), and spending forty-ish levels side-by-side leveling with a Sorcerer, I have to say I am pretty disappointed with the Nightblade's current state. Probably more than I should be since it was my first choice and I abandoned it at a lowly level 10 (which I realize is a small sample size). It just feels so lackluster compared to the other classes in the leveling sphere. Groups of three mobs when questing are just a major obstacle, IMO, at least when compared to how a Dragonknight or Templar mow through them with their AOE or how a Sorcerer burns things down so rapidly. This is also personal observation so your mileage may vary.

The whole concept of the Nightblade is sweet. I'd love to make a Nightblade healer and see how legitimately viable it could be. Veiled Strike is probably the coolest ability in game...but man do they really need a bit of tuning (and some bug fixes) to match up with the other three classes. I don't think they are super far off, but it's far enough to where very few are playing them past level ten and the ones I run into do not seem particularly enthused.

It really seems like every other person you see is a Templar and Dragonknights are not far behind. Honestly, that doesn't mean as much in this game because everyone can go tank, heals, and dps in the same class, but it is pretty damning if you correlate it (as most MMOs are correlated) with the fact that the strongest class typically has the most users. That said, inevitably the buff will come and one of the others will get knocked down a peg, but for now I think it's no small wonder they are few and far between.

EDIT: Oh, and for those into the pretty screenshots, I found this Tamriel Geographic on reddit. Pretty good stuff.


After playing (fairly extensively) Dragonknight (42), Templar (35), and spending forty-ish levels side-by-side leveling with a Sorcerer, I have to say I am pretty disappointed with the Nightblade's current state. Probably more than I should be since it was my first choice and I abandoned it at a lowly level 10 (which I realize is a small sample size). It just feels so lackluster compared to the other classes in the leveling sphere. Groups of three mobs when questing are just a major obstacle, IMO, at least when compared to how a Dragonknight or Templar mow through them with their AOE or how a Sorcerer burns things down so rapidly. This is also personal observation so your mileage may vary.

Just to be clear, what current level is your NB?


Just to be clear, what current level is your NB?

I said that in there. He is 10, he was my first character to 10 and I said that was a small sample size (of personal use) and that this was basically personal observation. Grouping with them, talking with them about Nightblade, and mainly observing them at work. Repeated bug threads like this on the official
forums also played a part. Then again, you have others who swear by their bow wielding Nightblades. Maybe every one that I run into is just bad.


Nightblade rotation:

Strife, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA,Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike.

Basically, what I'm saying is...Veiled Strike.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Have to recommend the new graphics launcher to everyone, no more fog and oh so sweetFX now... also, first-person FOV adjuster - BOOM!

Grab it here if you're keen.


Nightblade rotation:

Strife, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA,Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike, AA, Veiled Strike.

Basically, what I'm saying is...Veiled Strike.

So I take it you are not a fan? :p

Have to recommend the new graphics launcher to everyone, no more fog and oh so sweetFX now... also, first-person FOV adjuster - BOOM!

Grab it here if you're keen.

I'm scared to use this because I dunno what it will do to my FPS. It's smooth as silk right now...I'd be afraid I'd start chugging like an overeager freshman at his first dorm party.


Actually, at low levels at least, I think Nightblades are crazy good. Veiled Strike is cheap, has a quick animation, and does insane damage. You can take out enemies 2 levels above you in like 2 seconds.

I've had the opposite experience which is what I was getting at. Compared to the other classes they kill slower for me. Or maybe slower is the wrong word...maybe it's just the downtime between fights is longer. At either rate, pretty much every class doesn't get going til 15 but I have found them very lacking when the other classes so easily tackle two and three mob groups.


I guess everyone is different, but I have 18 NB / 14 Temp / 11 Sorc / 10 DK

The NB is definitely the most fun for me (dual wield + bow). Not necessarily most powerful, but most fun.
I guess everyone is different, but I have 18 NB / 14 Temp / 11 Sorc / 10 DK

The NB is definitely the most fun for me (dual wield + bow). Not necessarily most powerful, but most fun.
How do you find Dual Wielding working for you? I'm debating between that and Two-Handed for my second slot, and I'm not sure which one would be best. I'd love something good for AoE since that's the biggest Achilles Heel of NB Archers

all archers all the timeeeeeeeeee


So whats the deal with PVP? I've been to the zone a few time, but I've never been able to really get into a fight. I never have any 'battle markers' on my map. No one replies to my LFG requests. I feel lost.
So whats the deal with PVP? I've been to the zone a few time, but I've never been able to really get into a fight. I never have any 'battle markers' on my map. No one replies to my LFG requests. I feel lost.
People don't really invite based on LFG.

If you want to join a zerg on a keep, look for callout numbers in zone chat. Someone will say something like "BRK assault 555" and just type 555 and you'll get an invite. You can also look at the map and see what keeps are underattack and where scrolls are.

Aside from that you are free to roam the entire zone doing whatever you want. Zerg, quest, scout, dungeon, etc.


How do you find Dual Wielding working for you? I'm debating between that and Two-Handed for my second slot, and I'm not sure which one would be best. I'd love something good for AoE since that's the biggest Achilles Heel of NB Archers

all archers all the timeeeeeeeeee

LOL that was crazy bro!! Admit it, you were scared when we started =P

Dual-Wield is definitely fun to me so far, but I don't really AoE with it. It's good for single target damage for sure though.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Hmmmm...getting weird artifacts and discoloration with that ESOlauncher graphics extender... maybe I'll head back to vanilla town - feels.... safer :D
Sooo..... did they just nerf boss respawn timers in public dungeons? Second dungeon in Coldhabour I've been in with long repop timers... been nearly 20 minutes.


Sooo..... did they just nerf boss respawn timers in public dungeons? Second dungeon in Coldhabour I've been in with long repop timers... been nearly 20 minutes.

probably to combat the bots that just sit in the dungeon and kill the boss over and over and over

shit like that is what's really ruining the experience for me... hope they continue to combat things like it.
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