FuzzyNorman said:I played about 2 hours last night. It's great, but I have a few questions.
- I am playing as an Imperial, but aren't the Imperials the bad guys who are trying to rule over everyone? Am I just a rebel?
- I feel like my one-handed is leveling faster than my magic even though I am using the lightning and fire spells more often. Maybe it's because I am finishing off the enemies with the mace instead of the magic.
-There is a sidequest that asks to kill the bandits in a little base besides Whiterun, but I can't find the leader. I've killed everyone else. Where is he?
My only issue with the game so far is that I am somewhat underwhelmed by the size of Skyrim. I have almost walked all the way to Winterhold already, which is like half of the map. Anyone else feel this way? Besides that, however, I'm loving it!
Bootaaay said:Is that the dude that. If so, I had to resort to hiding behind a pillar on the platform near the centre of the room and shooting him with arrows repeatedly. Knocked my bow out of my hands about 20 times though, and each time you have to pick it back up and go back into the item menu to re-equip it, even if it's marked as a favourite. Fuck that guy.makes copies of himself, shoots you with arrows and shouts your equipped weapon out of your hands?
Thank youcyberheater said:Take you're time. Talk to all the characters. Read notes and books. Take on quests. Concentrate on a developing just a few skills to levelling them up as soon as possible.
Practise sneak and lock picking skills.
Keep away from a big creatures until you're pretty powerful. Trolls etc... will kill you with one blow.
Have fun.
FuzzyNorman said:I played about 2 hours last night. It's great, but I have a few questions.
- I am playing as an Imperial, but aren't the Imperials the bad guys who are trying to rule over everyone? Am I just a rebel?
- I feel like my one-handed is leveling faster than my magic even though I am using the lightning and fire spells more often. Maybe it's because I am finishing off the enemies with the mace instead of the magic.
-There is a sidequest that asks to kill the bandits in a little base besides Whiterun, but I can't find the leader. I've killed everyone else. Where is he?
My only issue with the game so far is that I am somewhat underwhelmed by the size of Skyrim. I have almost walked all the way to Winterhold already, which is like half of the map. Anyone else feel this way? Besides that, however, I'm loving it!
The Xtortionist said:2. Magic just takes a long time to level. Go back and pick the sign that increases magic leveling by 20%. One-Handed will still increase pretty quick.
Those arezlatko said:@maniac-kun. What robes are those? Any good stats? If they have good stats, where do I get them?![]()
You've probably passed a circle of three stones on your way to Riverwood, the first town you go to at the start of the game.FuzzyNorman said:What to do you mean by sign?
maniac-kun said:Those areRobes. They haveNecromancer.75% Magica regneration
Banzaiaap said:You've probably passed a circle of three stones on your way to Riverwood, the first town you go to at the start of the game.
What?! That orc sells the finest bud in all the landIlive1up said:last night, while playing, i came across an orc on a bridge selling "drugs."
I said no thanks.
Cryptozoologist said:Ugh, I've been playing all day long and now I'm stuck on a College of Winterhold quest.
There's one where you have to align a device with your spells, I can't figure it out for the life of me. Maybe I'm just too tired, anyone done this and know an easy way to explain it?
Dice said:Ah, found out I had Witbane. Now I have to stop playing till this afternoon.
"Anything you need?" she asked, ay?ay?ay?ay? /drunkenwarrior
zlatko said:Daddy LIIIIIIKES! :O
Where do I get them?![]()
maniac-kun said:I did the Mages Guild quest where you have to get 3 Books. The Necromancers that you encounter have them.
zlatko said:Oh I see. Where exactly is thelocated?Mages Guild
Sorry for all the questions, but I really want those robes.![]()
maniac-kun said:Winterhold
Bootaaay said:The guy tells you to shoot the crystal, but you actually need to shoot the focussing mirrors too - once you've hit the right ones, the light beams should line up with the panels on the wall.
Cryptozoologist said:I have no idea what I'm doing. I pressed those buttons so many times, and no matter what I hit with fire or ice it seems there are only 2 positions the beams go to, which NEVER line up with the things that the buttons control. What am I doing wrong?
blahblah...blah said:Add me to the long list of people who inexplicably can't find where the 7000 steps begin. I'm sure it's SO obvious, but it's eluding me for some reason. Help!
ashbash159 said:So I don't know if the quest "In My Time Of Need" works.
Description:"a group of men calling themselves the Alik'r are looking for a Redguard woman in Whiterun."
Objectives:"Find the Redguard woman."
What I think I have to do:Find Arcadia in Arcadia's Couldron. She is a Redguard woman. But nothing happens when I speak to her.
Bootaaay said:The town you have to go to (Ivarsted) is pretty much the exact opposite side of the mountain from Riverwood and there are roads that follow around the base of the mountain to the north and south. It really shouldn't be this hard to find for so many people, but I guess people try and and go over the mountain rather than around![]()
Thanks I'm so blind.blahblah...blah said:Try the helper in the inn...