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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT| Het Kos Dovahhe

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So I'm like 14 now and I've been mostly putting into 1 handed, heavy armor, and shield. I've gotten my destruction to around 31 as well but I've completely neglected smithing. Should I level up smithing? Which type of armor can I make with it? And are perks for it necessary?

I'm mainly a warrior but I wanted to throw in destruction for when I need it.


EviLore said:
-WYSIWYG loot system is only selectively enforced. There are basically no enemies walking around in lootable high level gear sets. Best I've seen is steel plate. Kill an extreme badass enemy, expect to loot an empty or near-empty corpse and be directed to the level-scaled chest of loot next to his body. This is just not nearly as satisfying even if you get something good in there. An example in Morrowind would be entering a remote dungeon and finding a Vampire Lord in full glass armor and weapons, having an epic battle with him, then having an ear to ear grin as you loot all that stuff for your character.
Can't this can be worked around using the advanced Pickpocket perks? Anyone have the 'Steal Equipped Weapon/Armour' perk yet?
thefil said:
Guys, everyone knows the real loot in an Elder Scrolls game is the story you find in each and every dungeon.

Or the map markers that pop up when you're going to fulfill a quest obligation. Jesus when 5 things pop up on my HUD I feel compelled to go find all of them.
mentalfloss said:
Quick question: Is most of the game snowy and grey?
There's tundras, bogs, forests, so there's a lot of colour. There are a lot of snowy mountainous areas as well, though. Can't really say if there's more or less of them.

BrodiemanTTR said:
Does anyone have a high-res file of the game's cover art? I'd like to make a clean custom cover sans logos and PS3 branding.
I've been looking for this, too. Maybe one for Oblivion and Morrowind, too.
TheExodu5 said:
That's quite ridiculous, then. Apparently you can make a sword that does thousands of damage. :|

1) Enchant gear that boosts alchemy
2) Make potions that boost enchanting
3) Repeat x3
4) Enchant gear that boosts weaponry
5) Enchant gear that boosts smithing
6) Make the strongest blacksmith potion possible
7) Augment ridiculously strong gear

This doesn't make any difference to PC owners since you can cheat to the high heavens via console commands. The type of person that would exploit this system is the same type of person that would just end up cheating with console commands.


FuttBuck said:
So I'm like 14 now and I've been mostly putting into 1 handed, heavy armor, and shield. I've gotten my destruction to around 31 as well but I've completely neglected smithing. Should I level up smithing? Which type of armor can I make with it? And are perks for it necessary?

I'm mainly a warrior but I wanted to throw in destruction for when I need it.

You can't make any armor above Iron without investing into the Smithing perks. Plus leveling it up lets you upgrade your gear significantly. It seems extremely necessary for any melee character.

On the other hand, Destruction seems almost useless at higher levels, and I'm already starting to feel that it's losing its effectiveness before reaching level 20.

Definitely use Smithing, I'm starting to wish I had.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
HTuran said:
Part of me hopes that this can be worked around using the advanced Pickpocket perks. Anyone have the 'Steal Equipped Weapon/Armour' perk yet?

Those perks are for pickpocketing NPCs you don't plan on killing, while still having full access to everything they have on their body instead of just the stuff they don't have equipped. It's not going to magically create items that don't otherwise exist. With those perks fully acquired, you'll just see the same exact list as what you'd see if you killed that npc.


This doesn't make any difference to PC owners since you can cheat to the high heavens via console commands. The type of person that would exploit this system is the same type of person that would just end up cheating with console commands.
Uh, it's not cheating at all. Not even abusing a bug. Working as intended.


mentalfloss said:
Quick question: Is most of the game snowy and grey?

For the most part, yes. There are some areas with a little color, but if you're expecting Oblivion with vibrant greens and reds, and yellows, you wont be seeing it. It reminds me a lot of Fallout 3 to be honest. Very desolate, dark, dreary. Usually the colorful stuff you see are pickable plants. Unlike in Oblivion where you couldn't really tell half the time.

Dungeons are another story. Usually purple, blue, or green. All the fungus is colored lighting.
I somewhat agree with the complaints about loot - though it seems enchanting and smithing have taken more of a priority if you really want great gear. I personally don't like the look of some of the armor and what not either, especially Glass. I just wish there was more variety, especially in Light armor. I also wish Armor wasn't considered upper/lower, because how god-damned ugly could the Dark Brotherhood Shrouded armor be? Even on a woman, looks like a wetsuit, Ugh. Also, why do I have to be a female and my armor is a skirt? Again, this would be remedied with upper/lower body designations for armor.

Love the Ebony weapons, though; I am primarily using an Ebony flame/shock dagger for stealth kills. There's so much I love about the game though, and I really can't wait for the many refined aspects of the game that come from mods. It will be really nice to see what they come up with later on. I'm overall really pleased with the game.

I have a question for ES vets, was there ever a game based in the realm of the Khajiit? The first game I played was Morrowind. I'd love to see them do a game based in the desert/arid badlands of Elsweyr. When I think of the Khajiit, I can't help but think of Quest for Glory 2...
I have a question regarding

If you cure Lycanthropy after completing the Companion quests, its stated that you can never get lycanthropy again. Is this still true if you possess the ring from Hircine acquired from the Ill Met By Moonlight quest

Mobius 1

Its the little things that bring it to life.

I went into a store and casted a shout by accident, sending all wares flying around the place, while the shopkeeper gave a hearty "Ha ha har, Id sell you my sister too!". Just amusing coincidence.

Running helplessly from a dragon to take shelter in a ruin, only to get help from two brave guards that were walking by. Now elboldened by their help, I slay the dragon. Afterwards the three guards are just there talking to each other about it, overlooking the giant carcass.

Going into a seemingly simple search quest and finding a two hour dungeon with its own little storyline.

So good.


richiek said:
I'm just getting started in this game, but I've already noticed there's quite a bit of Resident Evil style puzzles in this game. I just got the golden claw, and couldn't solve the puzzle of opening the door, so I called it a night. I hope these aren't a common occurance.

Well the game tells you that,
the truth is in the palm of your hand
or something like that, so just
go to your inventory, look at the golden claw, look at the palm, the answer is there.
Philthy said:
For the most part, yes. There are some areas with a little color, but if you're expecting Oblivion with vibrant greens and reds, and yellows, you wont be seeing it. It reminds me a lot of Fallout 3 to be honest. Very desolate, dark, dreary.


That's exactly what I didn't want to hear. Based on some walkthrough vids, the game does look very pretty, so maybe I'll warm up to it (no pun intended).


Question about the quest "The Only Cure"
Is that just a name or does it actually cure something? Im a werewolf and I dont want to cure myself.


EviLore said:
Those perks are for pickpocketing NPCs you don't plan on killing, while still having full access to everything they have on their body instead of just the stuff they don't have equipped. It's not going to magically create items that don't otherwise exist. With those perks fully acquired, you'll just see the same exact list as what you'd see if you killed that npc.
Aw, that sucks. Cheers for the clarification. The loot system is probably the most prominent way to see the seams of the game world, and how it's all structured.
mentalfloss said:

That's exactly what I didn't want to hear. Based on some walkthrough vids, the game does look very pretty, so maybe I'll warm up to it (no pun intended).

I'm about 35+ hours in and the art direction is nothing like Fallout at all. There are some very vibrant and colorful environments and a lot of variation between the different cities and dungeons.


mentalfloss said:

That's exactly what I didn't want to hear. Based on some walkthrough vids, the game does look very pretty, so maybe I'll warm up to it (no pun intended).

Well, it is the frozen north. When you find areas with hot springs there are some nice colors and such. Some grottos, etc. But most of the game feels like fall, and others full on middle of winter. All the northern cities basically exist in non-stop blizzards. The middle and southern are usually wet and raining. I spent the past three days playing non-stop and disagree with anyone saying this game is 'colorful'. At least compared to Oblivion. Just look at the videos. Case closed.
Philthy said:
Well, it is the frozen north. When yo find areas with hot springs there are some nice colors and such. Some grottos, etc. But most of the game feels like fall, and others full on middle of winter. All the northern cities basically exist in non-stop blizzards. The middle and southern are usually wet and raining.

I'm about 35+ hours in and the art direction is nothing like Fallout at all. There are some very vibrant and colorful environments and a lot of variation between the different cities and dungeons.

Fair enough.

I should probably just suck it up and enjoy it for what it is.


The loot isn't great but it still hasn't destroyed my excitement at what I'll find in each dungeon. I don't know why, it should kill the excitement but it just doesn't.

Also 1 shotting a master vampire with a stealth kill is great fun. That guy would have destroyed me if we actually fought.


EviLore said:
Those perks are for pickpocketing NPCs you don't plan on killing, while still having full access to everything they have on their body instead of just the stuff they don't have equipped. It's not going to magically create items that don't otherwise exist. With those perks fully acquired, you'll just see the same exact list as what you'd see if you killed that npc.

Seems to not even show you their full inventory all the time, either. There's a few NPCs that I try to pickpocket that show off absolutely nothing to grab, even with all the perks :(


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
scy said:
Seems to not even show you their full inventory all the time, either. There's a few NPCs that I try to pickpocket that show off absolutely nothing to grab, even with all the perks :(

Notably at the mage college all the NPCs are totally empty, for some reason.


EviLore said:
-No scarcity of crafting materials, again with the merchants level scaling and providing you with infinite materials for making glass/ebony/etc. Why can you even go out into the game world and gather 2-4 ores per mine when the merchants have infinite stacks? Wasted opportunity for resource scarcity, at least for the rare materials. Also an immersion-breaker and specialness eradicator to see podunk town smiths with a full stock of ebony and malachite ingots later in the game.

That one really bothered me this weekend.
Had no idea where to get the stuff for the dwarven armor. Turns out all I needed to do was go to the merchant next to the forge and he already had enough ressources for a whole set. Kinda silly.


While Skyrim's leveling/loot is >>>> Oblivion, I wouldn't mind a mod that gives static levels to shopkeeps and other things that EvilLore brought up. Still, I also will keep playing it vanilla happily for a long time. =D

Most important mod that needs to be made: lighter goddamn potions. 0.2 or something, just not "why do these dungeons give me a ton of potions that rival the combined carry weight of my dwemer armor?"


Won said:
That one really bothered me this weekend.
Had no idea where to get the stuff for the dwarven armor. Turns out all I needed to do was go to the merchant next to the forge and he already had enough ressources for a whole set. Kinda silly.
If that's the kind of experience you want, I'm sure there will be mods soon enough. The mining is so dumb and boring that I just wouldn't bother with any of it if that's how it worked.


Derrick01 said:
The loot isn't great but it still hasn't destroyed my excitement at what I'll find in each dungeon. I don't know why, it should kill the excitement but it just doesn't.

Also 1 shotting a master vampire with a stealth kill is great fun. That guy would have destroyed me if we actually fought.
My god, stealth sniping with archery is one of the best things this game has - it really feels like something taken from FO3 stealth kills.


Crazetex said:
While Skyrim's leveling/loot is >>>> Oblivion, I wouldn't mind a mod that gives static levels to shopkeeps and other things that EvilLore brought up. Still, I also will keep playing it vanilla happily for a long time. =D

Most important mod that needs to be made: lighter goddamn potions. 0.2 or something, just not "why do these dungeons give me a ton of potions that rival the combined carry weight of my dwemer armor?"
I pretty much started selling most of my mana and stamina potions since I'm not that magic-heavy yet.
Derrick01 said:
The loot isn't great but it still hasn't destroyed my excitement at what I'll find in each dungeon. I don't know why, it should kill the excitement but it just doesn't.

Also 1 shotting a master vampire with a stealth kill is great fun. That guy would have destroyed me if we actually fought.

The dungeons are just so well designed, there's such a great sense of adventure that the exploration is reward enough. That's the way I feel anyways.


I've never gotten into crafting with these games. It just seems like too much hassle. too many steps to find and then refine materials.

I was wondering if Skyrim would change my attitude about it, but nope. I can't be bothered to mine, forge, enchant or do any of that stuff.


EviLore said:
Notably at the mage college all the NPCs are totally empty, for some reason.

Dark Brotherhood
seems to be as well, if I recall; I wanted multiple copies of the set damn it. Off-hand, I don't remember if the other guilds were the same case or not.

Arde5643 said:
My god, stealth sniping with archery is one of the best things this game has - it really feels like something taken from FO3 stealth kills.

Stealth killing Bandits lost some of the charm when they took like 5+ Arrows to drop :( Before that, it was good times! Also seemed kind of silly just how blind they were when I was sneaking basically right in their face and they'd run around looking for me still; kind of took the cool factor out of some of the stealth kills when it was basically hitting a body walking back and forth.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
40 hours in and I finally find a dungeon that's been using repeated design structure! In Oblivion, this would've been the 50th time :p


Dice said:

bengraven said:
3) Whoa, where is she? Who is she?

Looks like Windheim. I know from her cleavage and having seen lots of barwenches in my time.


scy said:
Dark Brotherhood
seems to be as well, if I recall; I wanted multiple copies of the set damn it. Off-hand, I don't remember if the other guilds were the same case or not.
Thieve's Guild members have items, IIRC.

By the way, any archers should get the Power Shot perk. You can take people on one-on-one and they can't even touch you due to the knockback.


KingK said:
You can't make any armor above Iron without investing into the Smithing perks. Plus leveling it up lets you upgrade your gear significantly. It seems extremely necessary for any melee character.

On the other hand, Destruction seems almost useless at higher levels, and I'm already starting to feel that it's losing its effectiveness before reaching level 20.

Definitely use Smithing, I'm starting to wish I had.

I haven't had any problems using destruction magic like you're indicating; it seems fairly effective on all things I've encountered. Fire is definitely the way to go for almost everything; the extra damage from burning makes a big dent on the tougher enemies. I just found expert level destructionspells and there are a set that seem almost too powerful even without having the expert skill perk.

Lightning is useful on mages, ice seems really weak as stamina draining isn't really meaningful at all on enemies.

EDIT: I'm on the hardest difficulty also.

EDIT 2: As for some tips for going pure casting, I'd suggest going 3 perks into restoration for the improved magicka regen (And alchemy as well). Being able to use wards will also help a lot against enemy casters. For sword/spell I'd probably try to pick up some illusion or conjuration because you're going to lack one on one defenses with that setup.


mentalfloss said:

That's exactly what I didn't want to hear. Based on some walkthrough vids, the game does look very pretty, so maybe I'll warm up to it (no pun intended).
I thought Fallout 3 was very dreary, and I seem to recall New Vegas shots and Dragon Age 2/whatever environments not being attractive to me. I think Skyrim has awesome atmosphere though. I haven't even got down to the swamplands or the areas with nicer trees, but even the snowy blizzard areas are like walking through Narnia or something, plus there are nights with auroras and double moons, and sunny days that add color. I think some of the areas near rivers or lakes may be a nice change if you're tired of mountains.

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Unconfirmed Member
Norante said:
Its the little things that bring it to life.

I went into a store and casted a shout by accident, sending all wares flying around the place, while the shopkeeper gave a hearty "Ha ha har, Id sell you my sister too!". Just amusing coincidence.
I was in a store with Lydia, and walked behind the counter. Lydia followed, I got stuck, and started to run around, hoping she will clear the path eventually. During all of this, I accidentally the whole racks and stuff on the counter, and the storekeeper yelled "What on earth are you DOING?!" and I laughed my ass off.

This game!
syllogism said:
Uh, it's not cheating at all. Not even abusing a bug. Working as intended.
Exponential, game-breaking alchemy growth has always been a trademark for TES games. Go look at videos of people beating Morrowind in five minutes. They do it by making stronger and stronger potions until they fly to red mountain and one-shot Dagoth Ur at level 1.


Norante said:
Its the little things that bring it to life.

Running helplessly from a dragon to take shelter in a ruin, only to get help from two brave guards that were walking by. Now elboldened by their help, I slay the dragon. Afterwards the three guards are just there talking to each other about it, overlooking the giant carcass.

So good.

Awesome moments galore indeed. I had a similar scenario last night when I was leaving this fort after a Companions Guild Quest. Aela was still inside investigating and told me to go on ahead. However, a not long after I get out the door a frost dragon starts stalking me and proceeds to attack. A few minutes into fighting it, here comes Aela to help. As if she heard the dragon from inside. Together, we sent the beast to it's ruin.

Epic is a term that is far too often overused, but it is the only word that is truly fitting for this game. Large in part due to the fact that this random, non-scripted Radiant AI stuff is actually the real deal. Bethesda was not bullshitting with this. You never know what is going to happen, and as massive and ridiculously replayable as the game would still be without it, this only serves to add to it even more. No funny animations, glitches or quirks can even come close to putting a scar on what Skyrim achieves on the whole.


Why is everybody using Lydia? Vorstag all the way. He and Farengar Secret-Fire have the best names and the best voice actor in the game
except random guards voiced by Gideon Emery
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