This arrow is still bugged in my head and it's slowly but surely driving me insane.
Do you have the PC version? The same happened to me and if you do, you can type in a console command and fix it.
Type "~" and then type "sexchange." Do it twice and it'll be gone.
And I found this for console users:
1) Run your game from the disk. Don't install it to your console HD
2) Get hit with arrows again
3) Transform into a werewolf (by drinking the blood of a werewolf. It's part of a quest in the Companions)
Was waiting for an epic ending. Didn't happen. lolWow, just did the Night to Remember quest, really awesome with a good ending and reward. I also had one of the craziest moments in the game during that quest. It was a foggy mid-afternoon with a light rain, and I was headed to Roarksted. On my way I see an Imperial so I decide to talk to him. Midway through the conversation, a blood dragon starts swooping down. So the Legate, Lydia, and I start fighting it, and I get it to about half health. It flies away and starts attacking something in the distance. I can't quite tell what, but when I get closer I notice that the dragon starts attacking these giants. So the giants are trying to get a shot at the dragon, but he stays in the air and breathes fire. Well when I get closer, Lydia aggros the giants and they start attacking her and me. As I try to distance myself from the giants, one of their mammoths rushes at me. I forget about Lydia and just decide to haul ass out of there to Roarksted. I'm chewing through my stamina, and when I run out I see two giants, a mammoth, and a dragon chasing me. I just start gulping any stamina potion I have until I get to the Legate, and he starts fighting them as well. I think I'm home free and they're distracted enough, but one giant is STILL following me. So I keep running to Roarksted with this giant chasing me, and I can't get far enough to lose him. When I get in the town, the guards decide to be cowards and run away instead of backing me up. I finally get inside a building, Lydia respawns inside, and when I exit the giant is gone.
This game is amazing.
Was waiting for an epic ending. Didn't happen. lol
What is the best weapon enchantment? I was about to put drain HP on my bow but didn't know if there was something better to use overall.
Paralyze. It doesn't even have to be long; I use 2s so I can get more swings per full charge. When they get paralyzed they drop to the ground and have to go through an animation to get up so even a short paralyze is extremely powerful.
Almost at 100 hours and I still haven't visited two cities, a handful of towns, tons of dungeons and have more than 40 active quests at the moment.
Almost at 100 hours and I still haven't visited two cities, a handful of towns, tons of dungeons and have more than 40 active quests at the moment.
111 hours and haven't visited 4 of the major cities, only done quests in 2. Haven't done any guild/group/main quests outside of getting dragons to spawn. Feels good man.
Though now I haven't been able to play due to appointments, getting ready for Thanksgiving (having in-laws over and I have to cook!), and some Christmas shopping already. Maybe tomorrow.
Just hit 75 hours and I haven't visited 2 towns either or picked a side in the civil war or progressed anywhere in any of the faction quests or the main quest. Enjoying doing countless miscellaneous tasks. It's a little frightening how much content is in this game.
Makes me wish there was a castle building section of the game...Personally i wish for additional landmass, if not whole provinces (though High Rock wouldn't be too large, nor Summerset Isles if it is scaled down) then at least parts of them. Visiting Morrowind would be nice, Vvardenfell especially. Seeing how it has changed over 200+ years...
Shivering Isles was pretty good but not more Planes of Oblivion please, unless it is just a visit for one quest.
Skyrim has a lot of content already so i don't think it needs more, other than allowing us to divorce, remarry and/or have multiple spouses, own stores and shops and stuff, fund building cities or some cool stuff like that.
Oh man... my dual wielding sword user is ridiculous. Even on master difficulty, he stuns and kills most things within a second or two. A whole group of mobs will fall quickly.
Only problem is, even with legendary dragon armor at master difficulty, I feel like a paper tiger - I get one or two shotted by powerful mages, forcing me to keep reloading to kill them before they kill me.
I've turned it down to expert again, because monsters weren't so much tougher as they were more killy. The sense of satisfaction gained wasn't greater... it just required more reloading. Even without reloading, it's just... yup, I caned them, again.
Still, feel like a total bad ass (especially with the wind walk shout), and am significantly more powerful like this than in my werewolf form.
Oh man... my dual wielding sword user is ridiculous. Even on master difficulty, he stuns and kills most things within a second or two. A whole group of mobs will fall quickly.
Only problem is, even with legendary dragon armor at master difficulty, I feel like a paper tiger - I get one or two shotted by powerful mages, forcing me to keep reloading to kill them before they kill me.
I've turned it down to expert again, because monsters weren't so much tougher as they were more killy. The sense of satisfaction gained wasn't greater... it just required more reloading. Even without reloading, it's just... yup, I caned them, again.
Still, feel like a total bad ass (especially with the wind walk shout), and am significantly more powerful like this than in my werewolf form.
Need to get on that magic resist man. Enchanting, alchemy, perks or even guardian stones; the Atronach in particular will help a lot against magic users. By level 30 my Breton would just sit there doin' the dougie while mages stood around lookin' real mad.
Need to get on that magic resist man. Enchanting, alchemy, perks or even guardian stones; the Atronach in particular will help a lot against magic users. By level 30 my Breton would just sit there doin' the dougie while mages stood around lookin' real mad.
Holy crap Dagon's Shrine. I'M RICH!
Bretons have 50% magic resistance by default. That is borderline cheating.
Does magic resistance guard against all elements or.. how does that work?
I was bored last night, so I decided to do a quick little "Misc"-quest. Turns out it was one of the earlier game. So I walk into the dungeon, dude yells that he's gonna kill me, I wack him on the head and he's dead. Entire dungeon went that way, basicallyDungeon did magic to my archery skill, every long distance bandit got one-shotted.
If you're playing on PC, I think there are commands you can type in that give you the max of everything right away.Alright, got some questions:
1. I've been buffing my Smithing skill with Iron Daggers and reached lvl 65 or something. Should I invest in any perks under that skill tree, such as Ebony Smithing or Arcane Smithing? Any suggestions?
2. I haven't used a bow during my entire run, so I have like lvl 15. What's the best way to increase that skill?
3. How do I buff my Enchanting skill most effectively?
If you're playing on PC, I think there are commands you can type in that give you the max of everything right away.
This arrow is still bugged in my head and it's slowly but surely driving me insane.
That's not what he's asking.
He sure fooled me then.2. I haven't used a bow during my entire run, so I have like lvl 15. What's the best way to increase that skill?
3. How do I buff my Enchanting skill most effectively?
Could have fooled me.
is there a way to disable the opening sequence? mainly the wagon ride lol. i want to start my unarmed khajiit named Cassius Clay, but i don't really wanna sit through the opening stuff/tutorial...
The game automatically makes save 001 right before you enter character customization. Unless you overwrote it, you should be able to load from there.
How do I have the time to be leader of BOTH the Companions as well as the College?
I'm an Arch-Mage.
I can do what I want with the fabric of reality if I so please to.
No. Why bother with the pretense of "playing" the game to level a skill if your goal in this game is to max out as fast as possible?Are you being thick on purpose?
No. Why bother with the pretense of "playing" the game to level a skill if you want to max out as fast as possible?