Where is the warriors guild at? I'm about 5 hours in or so and I haven't come across it
Where is the warriors guild at? I'm about 5 hours in or so and I haven't come across it
Don't know what you are talking about. I just came across a HUGE challenge:
I believe I'm on the very last part of the Thieves' Guild quest. I just returned the skeleton key, and now I'm stuck. Karliah is stationary and spinning around uncontrollably in the room. I'm unable to even speak to her because she is so busy spinning...in the same spot. Nocturnal went back into her Goonies wishing well and won't come back out. My waypoint is apparently still telling me to go after her though. What a challenge! I can't progress any further now! This game is too damn hard.
In all seriousness...I tried replaying the events before many times, but I still came back to the same results. I dunno what else to do. Can someone explain to me what the three different moons on the floor are here? There's a half moon, a full moon, and no moon. Nocturnal was facing the half moon one, and I was wondering if that's because I said earlier in the quest chain that I was returning the key on behalf of my honor to the Guild, rather than doing it directly for Nocturnal (full moon) or doing it for myself (no moon). I was thinking maybe if I went back far enough and chose a different option that I may find different results in the end so that I can actually complete the damn thing. Anyone else run into this bug on this quest?
They're called the Companions in this game. They're in Whiterun.
something strange just happened. i quicksaved before sneak attacking a guard, just to see if i could kill him before being seen. i failed, miserably, so i tried to quickload. no go. i go to load from the menu, no go. i quit to main menu, only have option to start a new game. yet all my saves are located at Docs\My Games\Skyrim\Saves. is that the wrong directory? they all just corrupt? thats like 80+ hours gone if so, not a big deal what with master and i can just insta-level my guy if needbe, but still thats 2 weeks of fulltime work lol.
Whatever helps you sleep better at night, champ.So you're just being thick. You could have said that.
I about 16hrs in or so, haven't killed a dragon yet.Is it possible to kill a dragon with just the two handed battleaxe that I've put most of my skills into? ( I don't use magic)
If I recall correctly they're in the water surrounding the "island".Has anyone here done a misc quest in Ivarstead called "locate Graydas remains" or something like that?
I went through the entire dungeon and foughtat the end, got some loot, but I didn't find any remains. Does anyone know where to look for them? I feel really bad for that crazy dude asking about her as well, so I want to help.the dude that shouts your weapons out of your hands
Has anyone here done a misc quest in Ivarstead called "locate Graydas remains" or something like that?
If I recall correctly they're in the water surrounding the "island".
That definitely sounds bad. Try just taking the quicksave file out of the directory and re-launching the game.
Hey guys, did anyone do the pale lady quest. Just completed it, Loving the sword at level 24
Soooo for the Thieves Guild Quest lineKarliah isn't showing up at the standing stone and I don't know what to do. I've already waited a several times to see if it's different times of the day or something. Anyone else have this issue? the arrow is right on the rock, but she isn't there.
That's not what he's asking.
1. Buy the perks that lead to daedric smithing, skip the rest (arcane smithing is your choice, with smithing and enchanting you can usually make better stuff than you can find as loot).
2. Shoot people. I'd save the 5 training points per level for something like alchemy.
3. Buy all the petty and lesser filled gems you find off of vendors (magic and general vendors have these, check the court wizards and Winterhold).
And general tip for leveling skills: Make sure you have the rested bonus from sleeping, as well as the relevant guardian stone effect on (The Thief for alchemy and archery, The Mage for enchanting, The Warrior for smithing etc.)
Finally fucking done with my mountain of homework. Been away from Skyrim for too long. Dying to play some more.
Edit - Question : Is there a trick to doing special assassination animations with daggers? The one time it happened for me it was a one hit kill... Was that just luck, or is it a move you can consistently use?
This sucks, man. I haven't been playing a whole lot because of this storm here in the NW, which was regularly causing power interruptions and I didn't want to keep losing progress since they were causing PC reboots. But this fucking storm hasn't ended for two days! What is this shit, seriously. Fuck off, wind. I want to play video games without being disturbed.
This sucks, man. I haven't been playing a whole lot because of this storm here in the NW, which was regularly causing power interruptions and I didn't want to keep losing progress since they were causing PC reboots. But this fucking storm hasn't ended for two days! What is this shit, seriously. Fuck off, wind. I want to play video games without being disturbed.
Shout at the sky, surely the storm will clear up.
They should've done a Skyrim ad campaign that riffed off of Apple's "There's an app for that" and instead had "There's a shout for that".
Try fast traveling away, and then back again.
Maybe it's time for a new hero-god. Maybe it's time for a new Empire.![]()
Lmao @ this. Thalmors are assholes.I also ran into some Thalmors wandering around, the first time I saw them. I talked to the main guy and he told me to F off, and then I talked to one of the warriors and she asked me if I believed in Talos. I was just silent but she decided to pick a fight with me. THEN SHE WAS DECAPITATED.
Lmao @ this. Thalmors are assholes.
Does decapitation consist of just getting the perk in the 1H tree? I got the perk a while ago, but this never seems to happen for me.
Hey guys, any tips on increasing cool down speed on shouts.
I thought the blessing of Talos was supposed to help. on my game it comes up as 0 %
Oh, interesting. Then I bet I'm not seeing it because I'm always doing the attack where you hold down both triggers.You need to do a standing power attack, so a power attacking while standing still. Then there's a 25% chance your weapon will decapitate the enemy.
Not sure if it happens with maces, though, but definitely with swords.
Where shall I go today, Windhelm or Markarth?
Awesome, if you get a Talos Amulet, can you learn that enchantment effect?Cause that would be cool to get your regen up to 100%
Awesome, if you get a Talos Amulet, can you learn that enchantment effect?Cause that would be cool to get your regen up to 100%
Soooo for the Thieves Guild Quest lineKarliah isn't showing up at the standing stone and I don't know what to do. I've already waited a several times to see if it's different times of the day or something. Anyone else have this issue? the arrow is right on the rock, but she isn't there.
I don't think you can disenchant Amulets of the Divines, sadly.
There's only one true way to enter Markarth:All other ways are for pussies.piss-drunk and with no recollection of what happened the night before.