Just killed my first random dragon. I am most displeased.
I turned off all the quests and decided to just to explore a few interesting places I passed early in the game. I was almost to the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon when I ran into it (appropriately enough, next to a shout wall).
I tagged it twice with arrows, and it took off and flew away. I saw it in glimpses, fighting snow trolls or something down the mountain a ways. It flew back to me a minute later - having feasted on troll, I assume - and landed directly in front of me.
We locked eyes. I drew my bow, did the dramatic slow-mo zoom in, and fired. Then I did it again, and again, and again, while it still just sat there. I'm thinking it just glitched out. When it was about 2/3 of the way down it took of circled around, and crash landed in dramatic fashion.
Directly into my goddamn horse.
The last thing I saw of poor Nall was her sailing down the mountain side. I landed the killing arrows into the dragon - it was secondary at this point - and looked down the cliffside as its flesh melted away.
Nall is gone.
So, there's this other reason I didn't push dragons into the world for so long. For years, the Panzer Dragoon games were my favorite ever. They still dot my top 10 of all time. I saw the dragons in this game and they reminded me a bit of them, and I couldn't get myself to hate them, or be afraid of them. They look cool. I didn't want to have to kill them.
Whatever goodwill I had for these fuckers is now gone. They killed my horse, my trusted steed for over 50 hours of play and upon whom I roamed all of Skyrim with a dozen times over. Those bastards are going to burn and their husks litter the mountains like confetti after a parade. Motherfuckers.