I'm playing this game at a much slower pace than most of you, so a lot of you have probably already ran into this dude (I'm not going to mark it in spoiler text since I don't even think he's part of a quest, just some random guy), but here was something that happened today:
I was walking out of that major city in the west with a companion (who'd followed me there from almost the other side of the map... he was apparently really grateful for me robbing his ancestor's grave in a failed attempt to save his aunt) when I ran into three men. Two of them had almost all of their clothes off and were staggering around dancing and drinking. The third was a balding guy who told me to drink some of his special honey beer.
Now not only 20 minutes earlier, I had been in a completely different city that I just discovered, when someone got me into a drinking contest. I accepted, and suddenly wound up in the western-most city, which I had also never been to. So I was wary on drinking by this point.
So I wasn't sure and said that I preferred some dark beer or something, and all of a sudden he gets really pissy (and his naked dancing men stop dancing) and he tells me that he's leaving because I've made him mad and he calls me a dick for not drinking his beer. So I'm all fuck that, I bet those naked men have some great swords or something and I fucking smack one of them in the head with a club. He dies right away (armor rating sucks when you don't have any clothes on I guess), his naked twin dies moments later.
I turn around to attack the main dude and he's staggering around with an arrow right through his fucking eye and it's hilarious. He's wavering saying, "Please, I yield, I yield!" And this makes me really happy, because EVERY TIME someone's yielded to me, they do it RIGHT when I'm swinging my death blow, and I've never been able to see what actually HAPPENS if you let them yield. So I put my weapon away and watch to see if he's going to talk to me or stagger away or
My companion puts an arrow right into his other eye and the guy dies.