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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge

You can craft Dragon Bone or Dragonscale Armor, with the bones and scales respectively... but you need to be a high level smith.

Is this the best armor in game or can I get better one through quests/loot? My smithing is extremely low, I don't want to put in time/money to get it high and compromise the auto-leveling system if I can get better gear through other ways.
Is this the best armor in game or can I get better one through quests/loot? My smithing is extremely low, I don't want to put in time/money to get it high and compromise the auto-leveling system if I can get better gear through other ways.

It is the highest level armour yes, but you can find Dragon armour as well.
I have completed the main quest! Took me 158hr 57min.

Haven't touched Civil War or Dark Brotherhood, started College and Thieves, finished Companions. Think I finished at lvl 48.

I loved it, which you can no doubt tell from the hours I put in, but the sequel is going to have to seriously raise the bar and take advantage of next-gen hardware, I don't want to play another TES game where cities have about 10 inhabitants and a battle consists of 6 soldiers going at it. I want TES on a properly epic scale.

Oh, and a few less bugs plz.


So my Thieves guild quest was bugged quite early on,just after the bee hives thing but with the recent beta patch,it automatically unlock so I could proceed but it seems bugged again,wth...

I'm at the part now,without spoiling anything,where I have to talk to Calcermo in Makrath so I can learn...ah just in case
how to decipher the Falmer language,I killed the spider for him a long time ago but he still wont show me his book to learn how to read,I have to go and find it in his lab,I get attacked in there at some point but even if I make it to the slab with all the writing,It tells me I can't copy what's on it because I don't have the item to that?...
,so It seems I am stuck again for finishing the Thieves Guild...Am I missing something or is this a known bug again?


So my Thieves guild quest was bugged quite early on,just after the bee hives thing but with the recent beta patch,it automatically unlock so I could proceed but it seems bugged again,wth...

I'm at the part now,without spoiling anything,where I have to talk to Calcermo in Makrath so I can learn...ah just in case
how to decipher the Falmer language,I killed the spider for him a long time ago but he still wont show me his book to learn how to read,I have to go and find it in his lab,I get attacked in there at some point but even if I make it to the slab with all the writing,It tells me I can't copy what's on it because I don't have the item to that?...
,so It seems I am stuck again for finishing the Thieves Guild...Am I missing something or is this a known bug again?

You need a roll of paper and charcoal in your inventory to take the rubbing. Do you have both? IIRC there is some laying around the area.
Is this the best armor in game or can I get better one through quests/loot? My smithing is extremely low, I don't want to put in time/money to get it high and compromise the auto-leveling system if I can get better gear through other ways.
Daedric is the best Heavy Armor in the game but not by much and it's much heavier if you don't have the perk to reduce the weight. Dragonscale is the best light armor though.

It all has a chance to drop randomly but it's extraordinarily rare. I'm level 41, played 85 hours and have never seen a piece of Dragonscale armor drop and the only piece of Dragonplate armor I've seen was the shield (my companion uses it now)


You need a roll of paper and charcoal in your inventory to take the rubbing. Do you have both? IIRC there is some laying around the area.

Damn,that sure came out of nowhere,I don't have that but yeah I saw some a lot lying around in the rooms before that,thanks I will try.


Is this the best armor in game or can I get better one through quests/loot? My smithing is extremely low, I don't want to put in time/money to get it high and compromise the auto-leveling system if I can get better gear through other ways.

Certain unique armor (from quests etc) can have better stats or enchantments than the normal leveled loot, but there aren't a lot of them.


°Temp. member
I just
joined the Bard college and retrieved the three instruments.
Is there anything else to do here or is that all I can do for this guild?


Oh my god, when amazing moments happen, it puts this game tiers above other RPGs. I was wandering around Riften and go up a mountain.
I get greeted by an Imperial Captain to go in and kill a Dragon Priest. I only had 2 left going into the dungeon, so naturally I go in. I clear through the dungeon, and have an intense battle with Rahgot. I kill him and can only select his ash pile(which was silly and took me about 3 minutes to find after I killed him). I grab the mask and go through the chest. I then leave the temple and am told to return to the Imperial Captain. My quest is then updated to kill the impostor Captain. Out of nowhere, a Frost Dragon decides he wants to show up. It eats the goddamn Captain, and I start laughing causing me to almost die.

I love this game. Most of the time.


The Laid to Rest quest was a good idea, but boy is it badly executed.

I never did find the kid on my first game, only to learn from my daughter that you just need to ask the Jarl where she's hiding. So much for hide and seek.

I break into Alva's house, as instructed, and some dude attacks me inside. Thinking I've been caught breaking in, I head back out. He follows, and shows as hostile on my compass. I wander over to the town guards, hoping they'll jump in and finish him off for me. Nah, they just sit back and watch as I hold up a shield and absorb blow after blow.

I retaliate, dropping him in two swings of my newly forged orcish fire mace. Instant 1,000 gold bounty and arrest attempt. WTF, he was trying to kill me!

I reload, and this time just kill the bastard in his house, so there are no witnesses.

Reporting the contents of the journal to the Jarl, she tells me she'll round up some townfolk to help with the vampire raid. I step outside and am greeted by a dozen guys with torches. Word gets around fast in Morthal...

I sprint to the cave ahead of them, assuming they'll join in once I get inside. Naturally, I'm halfway done clearing out the cave when I realize I have no backup. Probably should have waited I guess, especially considering I died a half dozen times at the hands of the master vampire. (Of course, five of those were because I'd summoned a flame atronoch and the HDR lighting swings meant I couldn't see shit, Captain.)

On the way out I find Alva', the master vampire's co-conspirator on the plan to turn the citizens of Morthal into blood slaves. I strike her, and get a 40 gold bounty put on me. By who? For what?

I kill her and the last vampire, and then head back outside to find the townfolk arguing about who should go into the cave first. I want to tell them I already did, but that's not an option. I do talk to them about their own troubles, though. It was odd chatting up the alchemist about her shop while she's holding a torch.

Returning to town, I expect to be greeted like a hero. Instead, the guards are trying to arrest me over a 40 gold bounty for striking that murderous vampire Alva. The one that was plotting to kill everyone in town, and whom I slew with no witnesses since the town folk were still outside arguing over who should go into the cave first.

I have it on pause debating whether to bust out the Wabbajack for its inaugural usage. What a shitty town. :\


So I haven't gotten any better hand weapons forever. I have a glass dagger and mace, and have had them for a long time now. I'm level 36. Should I be finding better stuff soon?

Also, why does destruction magic seem to suck? My best spells do like 40-50 points of damage, which is nothing when trying to kill things...

You should start seeing ebony stuff soon enough in the hands of Draugr deathlords, but that's about it. Improve them on your own(you don't need smithing to improve) and then enchant them, that's the only way you're gonna get better stuff... unless you go for deadric quests.


The Laid to Rest quest was a good idea, but boy is it badly executed.

That quest is messed up for me as well. Overall how it's carried out, even without the glitches, is bad. The part with girl is the only part I liked.

This goes to what I think is my biggest issue with Skyrim outside of bugs/glitches. That's the lack of logical conclusions to some events. Sometimes what happens doesn't make any sense. What should happen at times is so clear but the game's writers try to force something else just ruining the whole event, at least for me. There is a serious lack of acknowledgement for certain actions yet other actions, that couldn't possibly be known, are acknowledged.


Jesus christ is the fucking Ps3 patch out yet??? I mean goddamn didnt they say january?

I want to play this like a crazy mofo but hell I dont want to play a shitty unpatched version that might cause later problems.. also stuttering issues ffs Bethesda you shitty ass company.
Fuck you disarm shout, I liked that bow, now I can't find it down in some nordic ruin :(.

(Fun fight against a deathlord, then a boss, the coming topside to go against a snowbear and dragon once I left the dungeon. Barely made it through alive without my ranged attack!)


Finally picked up this game on 360! I have returned to the world of the Elder Scrolls, and it seems familiar. So far liking the simplified leveling system and the Shout stuff. Also liking the variety of big creatures that can be found randomly in the wild. I was on the path over to Windhelm when I encountered a giant, a mammoth and a dragon circling overhead! I shot an arrow into the mammoth to enrage him, then did the same for the giant and ran in between them to get into fight. About then, the dragon landed and started busting out the flames! It was really cool until I accidentally let the giant club me and had to start over. I was never able to successfully able to get them to kill each other off, and since I was only level 6 I had to move on.

For the most part, this feels a lot like a Oblivion, but that's a good thing. I'm appreciating the greater variety in voice acting as well as the improved graphics. I'm going to be trying not to do too much, as there's really way more than I will ever be able to do. If it's not that interesting, I'm going to skip it. Next up, Dark Brotherhood missions!


Fuck you disarm shout, I liked that bow, now I can't find it down in some nordic ruin :(.

(Fun fight against a deathlord, then a boss, the coming topside to go against a snowbear and dragon once I left the dungeon. Barely made it through alive without my ranged attack!)

A large proportion of the time, Disarm causes my weapon to skitter into/behind geometry where it cannot be retrieved. For my two archer characters, they didn't have a secondary weapon on hand, so watching my only weapon disappear inside a pot or under the stair geometry was infuriating, and was the source of many reloads.

I wish the high level Draugr had a wider variety of shouts, such as fire or ice breath, and did NOT have disarm. Even when my bow didn't get stuck or disappear somewhere, it's incredibly hard to spot weapons laying on the ground in the middle of combat in a dark dungeon. I think it was a pretty poor decision to let enemies use that.
The Laid to Rest quest was a good idea, but boy is it badly executed.
My experience was almost the opposite of yours in terms of jank, which I find kinda interesting because I thought I had broken the quest at one early point by doing something out of order. Various differences:

- I started doing things because someone in the inn complained about Alva and for some reason I went to her place to investigate.

- her thrall was there and attacked like for you, so I killed him, noticed that everything in the house was "steal", and looked around before noticing the stairs down to the basement. Broke in there and found Alva and her coffin, she attacked me and I killed her. Read her journal.

- then I did the stuff with the ghost kid/investigating the fire, which led me back to the journal which I picked up and handed to the Jarl.

- I stuck around with the group to make sure that they came with me. You only get one person to tag along. Went through, killed vampires, finished quest. Cave doesn't say "cleared", though, which bugs me.

I don't recall why but for some reason I learned early on that if I have NPCs tagging along, unless they say they'll meet me somewhere (one of the mid-early main quests has this happen, starting in Riverwood and ending on the east side of the map) I just follow them, even if I can run faster.


Are you supposed to get masks from all Dragon Priests? I've found Krosis and Volsung, but nothing else, and I've killed a bunch of other Dragon Priests too (though those two may be the only named ones).

EDIT: Nvm, Google answered for me.


Press - MP1st.com
So, is the PS3 version all patched up or still borked as hell? I remember reading that a patch was supposed to fix all the lag issues...anyone with first-hand experience can attest to this?

Retailers in my area aren't even restocking on Skyrim for the PS3...yes, it's that bad.


hide your water-based mammals


Update 1/30: A third beta update (1.4.21) is now available on Steam. The update features one new change:

Fixed bug related to hitching between cell boundaries.

A big fix for those on PC who have noticed that the last patch caused much more frequent frame drops outdoors.
Does any one else have a problem with the "boss characters"? The only way I've been able to take down a deathlord or dragon priest is to land a sneak attack and spam magic until I have to run away until they lose interest and we repeat the process. I feel like I'm playing the game wrong.


GAF parliamentarian
Dragon Priests were tough before I activated the Lord Stone. Now I'm breezing through most enemies. Groups still get me though.


°Temp. member
I've done:
main quest
civil war
mages college
bards college
companions guild
thieves guild
forswan conspiracy
Are there any other major quest lines to do or is it all just exploring on my own for now?

when I joined the companions, my follower was replaced with a companion. Now that I've finished it, is there any way to get her back? (Illiad)


I've done:
main quest
civil war
mages college
bards college
companions guild
thieves guild
forswan conspiracy
Are there any other major quest lines to do or is it all just exploring on my own for now?

when I joined the companions, my follower was replaced with a companion. Now that I've finished it, is there any way to get her back? (Illiad)

Looks like you still need to do the Dark Brotherhood.


^Sorry, forgot to mention that I've also done that one

Looks like you have completed all the official quest lines.

While not a formal quest line, I had a lot of fun rounding up the Dragon Priest masks, and am currently working on the Daedric quests, of which there are many.


I love this game but some of the stupid glitches I'm getting lately are hurting my OCD tendencies!! lol

I suddenly got assigned a couple quests that I already completed, however now I can't even complete them because certain doors are locked and require keys - which I didn't need during the time of the quest the first time. It seems I'm perma-locked out now and so I have these dead glitch quests in my agenda and that pisses me off.

I've had a relatively bug-free experience on the PC but yesterday I was going back and forth between Breezehome and the blacksmith and suddenly all (or most of) my ore/ingots were gone. Has this happened to anyone? Are they just gone or have they moved somewhere. I really don't think I sold them, although I was interacting with the two vendors.
Haven't had a chance to play in about a week. I hate it when life starts to get in the way. I have so many things I still want to do in the game, but simply haven't had the time to devote to it that I'd like.

I need to jump back in ASAP to work on improving my gear as well. Have some decent stuff, but I feel like I had far better gear in Oblivion than I do here. Maybe its because I could pay to have something built, while in Skyrim you need to do it yourself using your skills. My smithing and enchanting skills aren't great and I think I've only spent one perk on enchanting thus far.

I have a ton of gold! Why can't I just pay someone to craft dragon armor or a bad-ass flame sword for me! :)


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I just finished the College quests. I thought the Companions guild was the worst, but the College quest line was way too short. For such little effort,
I'm already the freaking Arch-Mage?

I'm just getting started on the Dark Brotherhood, hope it doesn't disappoint.
The Laid to Rest quest was a good idea, but boy is it badly executed.

Yeah, this quest is wonky. It seems to be that the intended way to do it is to
break into Alva's house during the day. That way she is there in her coffin and will turn hostile.

If you don't fight her there, then for whatever reason she doesn't seem to give a shit that you just killed Movarth when you see her in the cave. When I went in there she was taking a nap and I went up and talked to her (she just says the generic "need something?" stuff). So I guess I'll let her live, see if she comes back to town and everyone pretends nothing ever happened. I guess since she's non-hostile and a villager, the bounty appears if you strike her down.

I didn't have any problems with Hroggar (used calm spell on him since his pitiful attacks made me feel sorry for him), or the torch mob (followed them, then talked to Thonnir at the cave entrance and told them to go home).

Seems like another quest that doesn't quite cover all it's bases concerning the way different people will approach it.

Edit: Ha yep,
here she comes, strolling back into town.
These villagers must be pretty forgiving.
Right, so my new enchanted blade has been born. I got bored of the look of my Daedric Sword, and kept wanting to go back to Anguish, my old enchanted Blades Sword, which I'd smithed to oblivion and back so it dealed 142 damage.

Now, I also felt like I needed to make the most of my Extra Effect-perk... But because the Blades are assholes, the second time I went to their armory all their extra swords were labeled stolen.
I nicked 'em, stole some of Esbern's books and used Fus Ro Dah to scatter the contents of their dinner table all over Sky Haven Temple. Bitches shouldn't have asked me to kill my buddy Parthuurnax.

So now I'm stuck with seven stolen Akaviri katanas, a few custom-enchanted swords that lost their name because of a bug, and no way to actually get rid of the 'stolen' tag yet, nor actually smith those katanas to be on par with Anguish. It took me equipping the Notched Pickaxe and downing a fortify smithing-potion to finally get another blade up to 142 damage (but for some reason, I couldn't further improve my Dragonplate armor). Put health absorb and fiery soul trap on it and called it Affliction. Tremble, Tamriel. As long as I don't commit any crimes, at least: the thing's still marked stolen.

I still have no idea how I managed to get that first Blades Sword so smithed-up, because nothing I did until now reproduced it.

Oh, and I also made en enchanted Ebony Sword called Antumbra. :lol


Pretty eager for more content. Come on with that CK. I want to try "fixing" a few things myself (remove item levelling, buff some artifacts) and starting a new play through.


I was really surprise how short the main quest is. I just wish the main quest was longer.

Was surprised by this as well. Part of why they seemed to make it so easy for you to get distracted by other content. If they wanted they could have tied the civil war and the dragonborn content together to make a longer main story. Looks like they should be connected in the beginning but then it seemed like someone changed their mind.


GAF parliamentarian
Was surprised by this as well. Part of why they seemed to make it so easy for you to get distracted by other content. If they wanted they could have tied the civil war and the dragonborn content together to make a longer main story. Looks like they should be connected in the beginning but then it seemed like someone changed their mind.
In the same vein, I'm trying to complete the main quest now but I don't know what the logical point would be for me to start and complete the civil war stuff. They seem like they should have some intertwining story elements unlike the guild stuff.

Huh, just 'earned' the Delver achievement while riding around on my horse.
Was surprised by this as well. Part of why they seemed to make it so easy for you to get distracted by other content. If they wanted they could have tied the civil war and the dragonborn content together to make a longer main story. Looks like they should be connected in the beginning but then it seemed like someone changed their mind.

In the same vein, I'm trying to complete the main quest now but I don't know what the logical point would be for me to start and complete the civil war stuff. They seem like they should have some intertwining story elements unlike the guild stuff.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought they did intertwine. I mean, I didn't do any of the Civil War stuff but at the end of the main quest does the outcome of the Civil War quest not effect the
meeting in bringing together the two factions at all or who gets what territory... do you even still have that meeting if you do the civil war quests - I can't imagine they'd ask so many questions if you actually completed one side of it since they treated me like a neutral party at the meeting when I did it.


I just got 100 Smithing and 100 Enchantment. I am about to make my definitive armour set and I have some questions for you kind folk.

Double Enchantment - I bought it. Are two enchantments on the same item at the same power level as just a single enchantment? Do I need to use two soul gems?

Enchantment Stacking - If I start giving the same enchantment to different pieces of armour, do they stack? In the Active Effects list I see two entries if I'm wearing two items with the same enchantment but the name of the second item doesn't come up. Instead the first item is listed twice. Is that just a glitch and the Active Effects are counting on my character like I want them to?


hide your water-based mammals
I love this game but some of the stupid glitches I'm getting lately are hurting my OCD tendencies!! lol

I suddenly got assigned a couple quests that I already completed, however now I can't even complete them because certain doors are locked and require keys - which I didn't need during the time of the quest the first time. It seems I'm perma-locked out now and so I have these dead glitch quests in my agenda and that pisses me off.


You should have bought it on PC (seriously, I know your PC could handle this game on settings much better than PS3+run smoother). On PC, console command TCL or TGM and you can go right through gates. You could even fly and walk on air and view the world from the mile high club. If you're missing an item you already used, you can look up the item number on the wiki and have it at the ready in seconds.
Is speech just totally useless this time around, or have I just not found the quests that use it yet? I remember using it quite a lot in Oblivion, but it seems like the answer to most questions in this game is just going out and doing a quest, that's kind of disapointing :|.


Is speech just totally useless this time around, or have I just not found the quests that use it yet? I remember using it quite a lot in Oblivion, but it seems like the answer to most questions in this game is just going out and doing a quest, that's kind of disapointing :|.

I've only ever gotten a few speech checks. In comparison to Oblivion (the little I did play) and the Fallout games it seems worthless in Skyrim. I did like in Oblivion how you had to work to make a npc like you in order to get extra information out of them. Wish they had kept that in.

The perks themselves seem kinda iffy as well. Having to unlock different types of crafting that way is annoying. Would have preferred being able to pay someone to train me how to make elven or dwarf gear instead of having to unlock it via a perk and magically know how to craft it. That doesn't even make sense in terms of immersion.
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