So I want to get married. I have bought the amulet from the guy in Riften, and I think I'll just settle for Lydia as my wife.
I wear the amulet and talk to her but there's no new conversation option. What do I do to trigger the marriage conversation?
Just met Ulfric Stormcloak for the first time.
For an alleged war-happy racist, I like his character quite a bit. When you first meet him he has a really long conversation with one of his men and sat through it all, I like what he had to say about the war and his reasons for fighting it. I think all of the racism you hear in the game, etc is meant to represent the extremism brought about by years of oppression, Stormcloak himself doesn't seem to give a fuck about who does what as long as Skyrim prospers. I'd say so far he's the most interesting character in Skyrim that I've met yet.
Plus, he hints that he trained with, so he's a badass in my book.the grey beards
I've ignored this part of the game for a long time, but now I'm gonna take a trip to wherever it is that the Imperials are headquartered and hear their side of the story, then pick a side.
you cant get the well rested buff in which gaining skills is increased by 10% if you snooze. also dont transform in front of ppl cos they will fine your ass
The "Marked for Death" shout really is a godsend for those difficult fights. I only have the second level of it but I used it in a huge fight with some Draugr Scourges and a Death Overlord and it hit them all. I proceeded to dismantle them with my enchanted Ebony Sword more easily than I would've by spamming my Expert level fireball without using the shout.
Just met Ulfric Stormcloak for the first time.
For an alleged war-happy racist, I like his character quite a bit. When you first meet him he has a really long conversation with one of his men and sat through it all, I like what he had to say about the war and his reasons for fighting it. I think all of the racism you hear in the game, etc is meant to represent the extremism brought about by years of oppression, Stormcloak himself doesn't seem to give a fuck about who does what as long as Skyrim prospers. I'd say so far he's the most interesting character in Skyrim that I've met yet.
Plus, he hints that he trained with, so he's a badass in my book.the grey beards
I've ignored this part of the game for a long time, but now I'm gonna take a trip to wherever it is that the Imperials are headquartered and hear their side of the story, then pick a side.
Once 11.11.11 hits, Skyrim will be on the minds of many for weeks and months on end. To help with those awkward moments when youre away from the game (work, driving, going to the gym), weve got just what you need: The Elder Scrolls® V: Skyrim - The Original Game Soundtrack 4-disc set!
Available through DirectSong, the four-disc set is a fantastic collectors item for fans of The Elder Scrolls. The compilation will begin shipping the week after the games release. As a bonus to anyone that orders by December 23rd, copies of the soundtrack will be personally autographed by the games composer, Jeremy Soule!
The four-disc CD compilation can be pre-ordered now for $29.99.
Details on the music being made available on iTunes will be announced at a later date.
I'm on the PS3, so I don't think I can edit any settings. But this suddenly started happening today - the arrows literally fall down after a foot. It's gotta be a poison or something?
This happens so rarely though that I don't find it worth complaining over. Usually a Master locked has more valuable items/more gold.I just lockpicked 2 chests. An aprentice one gave me 52 gold and a magic circlet, then I spent like 5 minutes and broke 20 lockpics to open a master one, that gave me 3 gold.
So I just found out tthat I'm boned out of the Oblivion Walker achievement (obtain 15 daedric artifacts) because I didn't get thebecause I didn'tSkull of Corruption. At first when I looked at the elder scrolls wiki I saw there were 16 daedric artifacts in the game, so I figured as long as I get all the others it would be good, but apparently one of them (kill Erandur but chose to let him live) doesn't countSkeleton KeyOh well, after I've finished the game I will have to go back and reload an earlier save, still sucks tho.
finishing the main quest first makes some side missions hilarious as beating the main quest gives you two interesting summon ally shouts.Should I just finish the main quest first? I haven't been playing much (no time) and I haven't even joined a guild yet, despite having the game for almost 2 weeks.
Going from the Dark Brotherhood to the Thieves Guild was a culture shock. I can't kill anyone? No one?
finishing the main quest first makes some side missions hilarious as beating the main quest gives you two interesting summon ally shouts.
And yet I slaughtered everybody on the Goldenglow estate for a Thieves Guild mission in which they specifically mentioned don't kill anybody but it didn't seem to be a problem.
I didn't plan to kill them but during my sneaking around a dragon decided to pay me a visit and all hell broke lose.
Is it me or are the shouts kinda dissapointing? I didn't go to the Greybeards until level 20-ish but all the shouts so far haven't been really useful.
Quick question: for some reason, whenever I try to fire an arrow from a bow, it just dies after a few feet. Am I poisoned or retarded or what?!
Man, I was walking around somewhere north of Whiterun and saw this guy on magician clothes with a staff, trying to get some magic going. I talked to him, and he had this really sad story about how he was trying to become a magician using his grandfather's staff. I let him alone and decided to go back, sneaking, and steal his money. I then decided to steal his staff even though he was holding it... and he noticed me. Out of surprise, I accidentally put my long sword right across his spine and killed him.
It made me feel horribly bad afterwards. He seemed like a nice guy![]()
I have a question regarding the master spell quests for the College of Winterhold.
I hit lvl 90 in conjuration and completed the master spell quest for that no problem. Flame Thrall spell was my reward. Shortly there after I reached lvl90 in destruction. Feralda in the college will NOT give me the master destruction spell!? Are you only allowed to master one school of magic or is it bugged?
For destruction you have to hit 100 for master spells
So just so I'm clear, when I hit 100 in destruction, then Feralda will give me the master spell quest?
Saw this on a forum..DO WANT!
When exactly does the Civil War questline start? I don't think I've done much of it yet...if any
Can anyone tell me what are the quests that may break other quests?
I suppose the end quests of the imperial-stormcloacks factions will break the questsof the cities that you conquer
Also, i think that there is a quest of Dark Brotherhoodwhere you have to kill a butcher that is part of a quest
Anyone can confirm this?