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The Executive Leadership at 343 Needs to Go

"Waaait a minute what does some random GAFer know about the internal workings at 343?"
*scrolls over post*
*pictures of female employees*
"Ah, ok."


I don't know what 343's internal initiatives and policies are, but I do know Ross has spent a lot of time in the past year or two on the diversity circuit talking up her grrrl power.

She was too busy hiring MORE WOMAN! MORE TRANS! MORE DEERS! to parade them around for articles and photo ops instead of actually doing her job and manage a talented team of developers for the biggest project in Microsoft portfolio.

All the SJWs will come here to defend her and say it's a TOTAL coincidence if all these studios failed. Like Bioware, DICE, ArenaNet etc.

I won't be surprised if Jason article say the studio was full of misogyny, harassment, racism etc and they will blame the few white males left. These people are always victims, always under attack by society.

You reap what you sow, Bonnie.
This is what happens when a studio is never held accountable, and makes "diversity" hires so every country and coloured person is represented. Are they hiring based on talent? Extremely doubtful from what we have seen so far. (I'm definitely not saying talented people do not work there)

If as a studio you need to signal your diversity all the time, then you aren't working, and neither is your team. Theyre spending half their time on twitter, screeching about something.

This shit starts at the top, and always poisons everything at the bottom. 343i needs needs a major restructure, and they need to get rid of the average talent, and start hiring based on how good their CV is, and not their skin colour, ideologies or 50 previous tweets making sure they post a black square.

Im sure nobody here in their job could keep fucking things up for 10 years and still keep working.

If this is what 500 million gets you, its time to shut that shit down and start again.


cull the lunatics and embrace better souls who know how to make quality shooters

take your time, it's not like halo is your flagship



Something is happening at 343i and unfortunately we will never find the truth. If Halo Infinite doesn’t see a huge improvement when it eventually comes out, 343i is in serious trouble.


lol, this reads like football transfer season. Should Woodward step down? Should Sarri be sacked (he was).

The person overseeing the 343 disaster is Bonnie Ross. Microsoft would never, ever fire her, since she's a woman, unless they can find another woman for the role.


Gold Member
Something is happening at 343i and unfortunately we will never find the truth. If Halo Infinite doesn’t see a huge improvement when it eventually comes out, 343i is in serious trouble.

Theory: The game has been in development for so long, is way over-budget, with too many different shifts in direction, and too many people leaving the company, combined with a complete lack of passion of those who are left over.

Why have MS not just pulled the plug and started over? See: Sunken Cost Fallacy
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You and I agree.

Personally I felt the need to reorganize was needed after Halo 4 (still baffled they decided to kill the Didact in such a bitch-ass way).

Oh god the Didact.

Yeah Halo 4 definitely felt pretty wrong in a lot of places, and at the time I was willing to chalk that up to 343i getting their bearings, so to speak. The gameplay changes and issues were certainly not good, but something else that really bugged me as someone who enjoyed the story but not enough to read the books or anything was how they shoved so much necessary info into books and comics and stuff. I’m playing the game and they’re talking about shield worlds and composers and librarians and nobody’s really all that surprised to meet a living forerunner and I just tuned out.

Then Halo 5 comes along and it’s even worse in that regard.

I mean it wasn’t a masterwork or anything like that before, but it was easy enough to follow in just the games and it worked and the characters were memorable and I liked it. Now you have to do homework, and the story is nonsense anyway

"Waaait a minute what does some random GAFer know about the internal workings at 343?"
*scrolls over post*
*pictures of female employees*
"Ah, ok."

I mean if you wanna ignore the op and all the other posts talking specifically about the studio’s output and all the stuff wrong with that so you can latch on to something like this and write the whole topic off, I dunno what to tell you.

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
343 has had some absolutely fantastic employees, and that includes women, that absolutely love Halo. Tashi, Chris Lee, Ske7ch, Dan Chosich, kornman, Bravo, GH057ayame, GrimBrotherOne, and Jessica Shea are just a few examples of current and former employees with a real love for and understanding of Halo. Great folks.

That said there is seemingly an issue with 343's vision for Halo.

First you have the FPS games. These titles feature drastically different art, story elements, and gameplay mechanics from the Bungie titles. In short, apart from characters and setting the games bear very little resemblance to the originals. Moreover every single FPS game has launched with less content than Bungie's games. Halo MCC, a supposed celebration of classic Halo, also launched with bugs that left the game unplayable for over four years. Even still today Halo MCC is not 1:1 with the original titles (a ton of respect for the new support team though they have pulled off the impossible with how they have improved and fixed that title). One issue that until the Halo Infinite reveal had flown under the radar was 343's development cycle-during Halo 4, 5, and Infinite they have seen numerous key employees leave and the vision for the franchise has changed countless times. I think Halo Infinite's rough showing was representative of the development hell that seemingly has accompanied each title. It is my belief that there is a bit of an ongoing internal conflict at 343 over what these FPS titles should look like-almost classic Bungie vs 343 Halo. I could write volumes about how these elements have impacted the games but I think I'll just let the games speak for themselves. Halo 4 and 5 were not well loved by the community, failed to capture the mainstream audience, and as a result pushed the series in a a state of mediocrity.

Second you have the spinoffs, transmedia, and merchandise. This has been a huge focus for 343. In the 9 years of 343 they have published 24 books, 8 comics/graphic novels, 6 reference books, a coloring book, 2 animated features, 2 live action features, two mobile games, an arcade game, Halo Wars, and countless toys-megablocks, nerf, action figures etc. There is also an upcoming TV show that is making major changes to several characters. The only original FPS titles released during this time were Halo 4 and 5. Contrast this with Bungie's 10 years; 4 full FPS titles plus ODST, one RTS, six novels, 4 comics/graphic novels, and a small action figure line. Some of 343's projects have been good; I for one, think Halo Legends is absolutely fantastic. The issue is the sheer quantity of Halo related content has resulted in many projects that fail to live up to the Halo name. Furthermore these stories have impacted the plot of the games resulting in stories that make little sense to anyone other than the most avid Halo reader. These stories have made major changes to establishes canon and story conventions in the universe frustrating fans like myself. This clear focus on merchandise has also impacted the tone of the games as they have shifted to a more "kid friendly" franchise with a focus on selling nerf toys and mega blocks. There are some interviews where 343 has talked about this; they view Halo like Star Wars and believe in treating the series as such. The difference is Star Wars earned all of the EU books, the action figures, etc over the course of 6 movies and 25 years. Halo could absolutely be huge and feature a ton of merchandise the issue is that 343 has gone with quantity over quality. There has been very little curation over the years and the story and integrity of the franchise has suffered as a result.

All of that to say, I think Halo, and to extent Gears, are suffering from the same problem as Disney's Star Wars-acquired IP that is rapidly firing off content with little regard for quality of content and impact that it will have on the franchise's story and reputation, both with long time fans and casuals alike.

Microsoft's two biggest franchises with incredible mass market appeal and potential are like ships sailing aimlessly with a clear destination.
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I am not onboard for demanding people get fired. Healthy criticism and acknowledging failings/shortcomings is fair game, but when you stray into requesting they lose their job, that's a line crossed IMO.

They are at executive level. This is not grunt level employees who would find it hard to get by.

Pretty sure they would land up with great positions even if fired, which is unlikely. MS is big company and some shuffling is possible.
Whenever a franchise is moved over to a new studio, I always kept a reservation to how the IP will be built moving forward, and usually it turns out to be generally worse than what itwas designed for.

There are countless examples of this: Hitman, Thief, Tomb Raider (Jesus, I just noticed it's all Eidos titles and even Deus Ex to some extent) and Halo is no exception to the rule.

When an argument tries to to assume some sort of "agenda" as the result of the franchise failure, it undermines the reality of game development itself; With barely any consideration to console generations, market tastes, sales expectations, revenue models, etc.

Instead, the blaming of SJW attitude is a convenient strawman as if games will magically become the ideal design hardcore fans had in their heads when in reality it could be console limitations, budget or the vision of the directors themselves or even the combination of all three.

If you look past the PS3 generation, you can see developers design has seemingly gone the way for alternative revnues aka microtransactions . Yes, we all want the true "Next-gen" design of whatever franchise we want it to be but when I see Shenmue 3 being dragged to the ground KNOWING the realistic expectations we fans expect for ourselves, the I can imagine the extent of the criticism to a major game franchise like Halo for deviating just a bit from it's core design. If Bungie's recent output is to be of any expectation I can safely say they do not belong in the top leagues this generation and at best make just a noticable improvement upon Halo.

But that's my two cents. Personally, Halo needs to be rebooted from scratch or MS should rely on building a brand new IP instead to define Xbox instead.
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I am not onboard for demanding people get fired. Healthy criticism and acknowledging failings/shortcomings is fair game, but when you stray into requesting they lose their job, that's a line crossed IMO.

Yep, I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels uncomfortable with this. It’s basically cancel culture disguised as caring for the franchise. Not a fan of that shit.


haha... one of those threads where oome GAFers identify diversity and women as "sureley, they must be at faut. I as a MAN know games, know my Halo. How could they?" Oh, you are ever delivering. Please keep being as toxic in the same way thar Reee is touchy with any topic. It would be unjust to have one of the two forums half-decent.

On the other side - sure. Management at 343 is to blame for the state of the game. But imho not by creating a workplace with dem women, but buy properly fucking up internal structures, processes, tools and culture. Read those glassdoor-revews of the companny. They are scathing. The project is a clusterfuck. And the moment this co-developer Sperasoft joined 343 early August, the writing was on the wall. A studio like this unfucks projects. But they cannot do miracles. I hope they help make the hard decisions - e.g. to cut XBO-versions. But man ... in dunno.

But yeah. Nice work with the pictures of the employees, GAF. You might become the worlds bigges incet-Gaming-Forum eventually!


They get 5 years to work a game? As one of few first party studios for a flagship title I assume they have unlimited amount of help and support from microsoft about anything and everything they might need.
They target more powerful hw than sony, they have better development tools than sony(talking out of ignorance but microsoft has been the king of development tools and pipelines since like forever. I refuse to think sony can build tools as good as microsoft can.)

And the result is so not great. Something must be very wrong internally at 343.
I think heads will roll at 343 because this was supposed to be a/the premium launch title to drive sales and that plan crashed and burnt very badly.
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They get 5 years to work a game? As one of few first party studios for a flagship title I assume they have unlimited amount of help and support from microsoft about anything and everything they might need.
They target more powerful hw than sony, they have better development tools than sony(talking out of ignorance but microsoft has been the king of development tools and pipelines since like forever. I refuse to think sony can build tools as good as microsoft can.)

And the result is so not great. Something must be very wrong internally at 343.
I think heads will roll at 343 because this was supposed to be a/the premium launch title to drive sales and that plan crashed and burnt very badly.

Look at Rare, Microsoft does something very wrong when it comes to vidya games.


I'm not surprised to see casual hostility towards the women. As if no awful game was ever presided over by a dude, lol!

This company is a classic example of trying to manufacture greatness. A bunch of the smartest guys in the room getting money thrown at them and told to recreate alchemy. We've all heard reports by former employees of awful creative and workflow conditions - you can just understand that this is all born of shit habits being made custom by the first high powered wankers who came into a room of mediocre talent and started swinging dicks.

Compare this to Bungie, or Ensemble Studios of Age of Empires, whose scripting was so immaculate that nobody seems to be able to make their games run as smoothly as they did 20 years ago~ those companies were built over a decade+ before they had the mojo to make their dreams come true. 343i didn't.

It's got fuck-all to do with gender politics
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Madness is repeating the same thing but expecting different results.

343 have a long history of failure and disappointments, I don't think it's overly hostile to expect Microsoft to have made top level changes by now, nobody should be shielded from criticism due to their sex, race or religion.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
She was too busy hiring MORE WOMAN! MORE TRANS! MORE DEERS! to parade them around for articles and photo ops instead of actually doing her job and manage a talented team of developers for the biggest project in Microsoft portfolio.

All the SJWs will come here to defend her and say it's a TOTAL coincidence if all these studios failed. Like Bioware, DICE, ArenaNet etc.

I won't be surprised if Jason article say the studio was full of misogyny, harassment, racism etc and they will blame the few white males left. These people are always victims, always under attack by society.

You reap what you sow, Bonnie.
They are just public figures, most like H1B doing all the work.



Thinking about it more.
There must be a real bad issue with culture at 343.

Just the fact that they showed this reveal at all, not even suspecting the massive pushback that followed.

Imagine a meeting with all the talent and management leading up to to the weeks before this reveal.
Upper management, who is clueless, want to push forward. Everyone else knows that is a really bad idea
and that the game is so far from being releasable it is a joke.

Still. Not a single person in that big meeting had the courage, authority, freedom to speak up, pull the emergency break and say
"guys come on. This is a joke, right. We are not really serious about doing a reveal and releasing in a few months, right?"

Not a single person dared stand up and raise this issue. Not one. That speaks volumes about the cultural problem they have.
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Madness is repeating the same thing but expecting different results.

343 have a long history of failure and disappointments, I don't think it's overly hostile to expect Microsoft to have made top level changes by now, nobody should be shielded from criticism due to their sex, race or religion.

Well said sir


Not a single person dared stand up and raise this issue. Not one. That speaks volumes about the cultural problem they have.
fair few people seem to have stood up after being fired from their short term contracts at least ^_^


Has 343i produced anything exceptional? Especially considering the budget they had?

Anyone at the helm of this ship for 13 years should be thrown overboard.

the forge mode of Halo 5... and I guess the MCC is now pretty decent? took em long enough!
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Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
343i serves as a shining example of what happens when you hire with a “diversity first” ideology. You get sub-par employees who were rewarded their positions because of their genitalia or skin pigment rather than diversity of thought or more importantly, their competence. Hopefully (but very unlikely) Microsoft will learn from this and hire only the best employees to make the best Halo games, it’s been an embarrassing and gruesome experiment to witness.
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Give me one Jason or Marcus or Marty for every twenty 343 employees. I'll take a Halo built by 25-50 elite over 500+ contractors thanks. Pure focused talent, perseverance and ambition beyond here's your employment contract and 40 hours work week so you get Halo on your CV after a year or two.

On track record alone heads should roll at 343, honestly after MCC the executive parts of the studio should have been gutted years ago.


I think it is time for Phil Spencer to take a very hard look at 343's leadership team and consider replacing them. 343i was founded in 2007 shortly after the Bungie separation. Since then they have made the following games:
*Halo Combat Evolved: Anniversary 2011: Outsource project by Saber Interactive, it was fine except for questionable artistic style choices. Turning Reach's multiplayer into the CE:A multiplayer was lazy.
*Halo 4 2012: In house game. Wide negative reception of Multiplayer, Universe Building, and Art Style but it holds a special place in my heart. Solid first attempt in my opinion. Spartan Ops was stupid and very poorly thought out. No campaign theater. The Multiplayer was greatly fixed via a title update about 6 months after launch but by then it was too little too late. The player base had left.
*Halo Master Chief Collection 2014: Outsource project by Saber Interactive/Certain Affinity and numerous other studios, widely regarded as the biggest technical disaster in gaming history, took 4+ years to fix, is pretty amazing now. They are still adding titles to MCC on PC and doing lots of quality of life updates along the way. It's just a shame it took them so many years to get to this point.
*Halo 5 2015: In house game. God awful horrendous single player campaign with maybe the most misleading marketing campaign I have ever seen for a video game. Split opinions on multiplayer. Shipped missing LOTS of features that were eventually added over a few years. Forge and Firefight were missing at launch. No true 8v8 Big Team Battle Maps were ever made. Awful art style and map design. Almost killed the franchise for me.
*Halo Wars 2 2017: Outsource project by Creative Assembly. Ok game. Best art style choices in Halo since 343 took over. Dreadful character recasts (Anders and Cutter)
*A few mobile games but I'm not gonna bother with those.
*Halo Infinite which had its divisive game play reveal last month. I'd call it under cooked and as a result of fan feedback the game has been pushed back until sometime in 2021. This is a colossal failure given the amount of time they had to develop this game and just how important this project was to the success of the Series X launch and of the Halo Franchise itself. This was supposed to be their soft reboot, and their time to make things right. The game play seems good and looks reminiscent of Halo 3. The art style is hit/miss, it probably has the most beautiful Master Chief suit design ever. I agree with the decision to delay but I won't praise them for it. This shouldn't have been necessary in the first place.

They have also made countless Books, Comics, and a couple of episodic movies/radio plays. These range from Amazing (Hunt the Truth) to atrocious (Halo: Nightfall). Each one of these also contributes to Halo's current standing in their own way.

Keep in mind that the last Halo FPS was in 2015. It will be over a 5 year gap in Halo mainline entries. Has anyone of these games been considered a success? Has anyone of these games matched Halo's incredible legacy? COVID aside, 343 is not renown as a developer that is successful in delivering complete/ready products at a predetermined deadline. If this was their first major mess up I'd be more inclined to give them a break because of COVID but Halo Infinite is just another in a long list of managerial failures from 343.
If I was Phil Spencer I'd be looking at least the first 3 people on this list and maybe number 4 and reconsidering their positions in the company.
Simply put; 343 has displayed nothing but incompetence and frankly a complete and fundamental misunderstanding of what Halo is since the near beginning of their stewardship of the series. It has been set back after setback with them, every game they have launched has had some sort of problem or a "We will fix it after launch" approach. Each one of those games was shy of key features at launch or just simply not up to the quality expected of Halo and at the end of the day, Halo's reputation has suffered greatly underneath their leadership and I think it is time for accountability.

Bonnie Ross: Founder and Head of 343 Industries (Head Feminazi)


Frank O'Connor: Franchise Development Director/Part time Janitor (If he'd spent more time grooming the franchise and less time shitposting on REEEE then we might not be here.)


Kiki WolfKill: Head of TransMedia (Badass name, currently responsible for making a surely awful Halo SJW TV Show)


Chris Lee: Studio Head of FPS Development (Assumed role after Josh Holmes famously departed. Seems like a good guy in over his head. I can't imagine what his support structure is like so I'd probably give him the benefit of the doubt)


I have zero confidence in the leadership at 343. I am so sick and tired of thinking "Oh my god, maybe they have learned from their previous mistakes and THIS time they will get it right!" I am sure that the majority of the regular employees at 343 are competent and hard workers that love the franchise but the people who are calling the shots are not. It has been a decade of Bonnie Ross and co. ruining Halo. Enough is enough.
100% they are bad leaders


343 shows that you simply want the best people for the job, not diversity for the sake of it. And Diversity means to be an even spread, this Bonnie woman seems to want 100% female workforce. Fine, but deliver. Get the best people, men or women.

The problem is that if you have legit criticism about this franchise now, you'll likely be shot down with remarks about bigotry. Even though their game sucks. Hell, I never knew about their diversity push until a year ago or so, and thought Halo's been shit since 4.
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