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The Expanse |S2| You guys look like shit - Wednesdays on Syfy


Just seems weird to me that some kind of liquid drug would be able to counteract those effects, but.... whatever :lol
From what I remember, it's a mix of amphetamines to keep them conscious, anti-nausea drugs to stop them choking on their on vomit, and anti-coagulants to help blood to move around the body.
- io9: The Expanse's Executive Producer Tells Us Everything That Made Last Night's Big Moment Work
Can you talk about Avasarala’s decision not to leave Earth, even though she can?

It’s such a great moment for her that she’s going to go down with the ship. You know, a great captain is always the last person to leave the ship and everybody else is kind of running and she’s still there. And that was a great character moment for her. You know one thing that was so great to write was this conversation that she has with Arjan.

The time delay part—I’m sure I’m older than you, but in the old days when you were talking intercontinental, you’d have that delay. It was so frustrating because you’d say something and the other person would be talking. You could never get a proper conversation going because of the delay. So it was very hard to play this emotional moment in the midst of this time delay and all the pressure of what’s coming. It was a cool thing to write.

How much does stuff like that realistic science play into the writing?

You know, the past episodes too, where things are happening deep in space where ships are about to attack each other and it takes 15 minutes for the signal to get there, so you’re sort of giving instructions and orders that are sort of old by the time they arrive there. So that adds to the drama because you don’t even know if the ships you are trying to talk to are destroyed or not and the situation may have changed completely by the time they get there.

But I think that really adds to the drama of the series. That gravity matters. If you’re going to go fast, it hurts. It might even kill you. All those things about the impossibility of living in space and having to contend of all those things really helps us ramp up the drama and push the stakes.

That really showed in the attempt to get to Miller in time. There was only so fast they can go. In other science fiction, the ships can just get there.

Yeah, we got rid of the hyperspeed button. If you go fast, your veins rupture. The ship might keep going, but you’re not going to be with it. The gravity has always been a great thing for us to explore and play with. It’s also been a pain in the ass—at least the microgravity—because you’re on set and somebody takes their seatbelt off and instead of it floating up, it clunks against the chair and you’re like, “Oh, we’ve got to get a fishing line in here.” You’re always looking for little things like that so you don’t screw up. There’s so many of millions of little intricacies that you have to think of that if you were shooting a cop show, for example, you wouldn’t. It’s this whole added layer. It does make it fun and we’ve got some incredibly smart technical people, and Naren as well is a PhD, and Ty [Franck, one of the writers of the Expanse books] is incredibly well-schooled in this stuff.
More via the link.


Avasarala's and Arjun's scene was a really lovely moment. <3

I just purchased the season 2 pass on amazon because i cant stream it on syfys website for some reason. weird.

To be honest even when it works, the Syfy site's streaming (live or not) can be pretty shit.


it's such a shame how few people watch this

that was a really good episode, I totally felt the end.

Book 2+3 spoilers
I don't think I remember a single thing that happens next until eros becomes Abaddon's Gate


Book spoilers about Miller:
I really wonder how they're going to solve that. Miller's presence is very on and off in the books and, at the show's pace, there'd be entire seasons without a Miller cameo, or maybe like once or twice in the whole season. That can't be very easy to work around for Jane, so I'm thinking they'll either have to bump up his screentime by a ton compared to the books or write him out completely. I'm thinking they might replace Miller with Julie as the protomolecule ghost.

Just seems weird to me that some kind of liquid drug would be able to counteract those effects, but.... whatever :lol
In the books, spaceships are outfitted with "crash couches", a seat made of space gel that helps absorb the pressure of high G's and stops their bones and organs from being crushed. The "juice" is just to keep them from passing out, really.

Really confusing to me that they're skimping on this in the show. It's a clever solution in the books and it can't possibly be very costly to execute in the show...




the best cheesefarts

Book 2+3 Spoilers
I hope Miller gets screentime the next season. I could see that he isnt in the next episodes, but a ghost appearance in the last episode and more in season 3 would be good. if not, we probably dont see him until season 4 or 5 if he isnt going to be written out.


Book 2+3 spoilers
I don't think I remember a single thing that happens next until eros becomes Abaddon's Gate
Book 2
introduces Bobbie, Avasarala, Ganymede, Prax, and the protomolecule doing bad things.

Book 2+3 Spoilers
I hope Miller gets screentime the next season. I could see that he isnt in the next episodes, but a ghost appearance in the last episode and more in season 3 would be good. if not, we probably dont see him until season 4 or 5 if he isnt going to be written out.
No Miller = RIOT!


Damn that was an intense episode, this show continues to deliver big time. This season has been moving at such a breakneck pace.


I wonder why, in the credits, there's a "young Miller" and a "young Sematimba". There wasn't any flashbacks were there? I don't remember any.
Did it bother anyone else that the writing move on RADAR (How?) and Eros going stealth was bullshit, both in reality and within the diegesis?
I can tolerate stealth ships and bases to some degree on account of some unknown technology (even if realistically that would not be possible), but the only way to go stealth on radar would be to change the physical shape of the asteroid. That was previously established to not be used by the protomolecule, so there is no mechanism by which it could become permeable to the lightwave used as radar (I presume, since you wouldn't use the terrestrial sound based system in the same term as one for space, and the only way to see anything in space is to shine a light on it).
What I think was probably supposed to happen was Eros becoming 'stealth' by speeding up, thereby controlling the fold of space and the lightwave that is supposed to reflect on it. But the show did not combine those two things, instead having the asteroid (again, dumb brick object, stands out like a sore spot) just 'go dark' for some reason.

Other than that the episode was great, but that was my "bullshit!" moment on it.

well, if we ignore that nothing would survive the explosion on impact of an asteroid on Venus, with it being Venus and all, but I'm ignoring that one for story sake.

I really liked the arcade + bird callback to S1 though, regardless of whether that was in the books or not. So long, Miller.


Oh shit I completely forgot about this show. I wonder if season 2 episode are on Netflix uk

it is not, and most likely won't be until at earlist in April (but likely even later).

Regarding the "juice", isn't it more like a sort of adrenaline, to make it so you don't pass out for one, and for the other, to boost your heart so it can pump blood around your body, more like a performance enhancing drug. The belter that suicided by not taking the drugs didn't die due to crushing, but most likely heart attack or stroke.


How did this episode do raitings wise. This show can't leave me!

600k viewers, so i guess it's doing alright. Maybe one day this will break that one million club. Let's hope.

This episode though. Man, i wasn't prepared for that. Just when Thomas Jane was doing all the right moves with his character they do that. Epic television, but this will really hurt.


After reading a detailed summary of the first book (almost where the last episode ended, guess there's still a spoiler in the epilogue), I have to say I'm so glad they went with the pretty blue lights and crystalline structures instead of black goop and Halo-esque zombie gore.

Chris R

Are the books worth getting into?

Also, does the series have a planned ending already? I hate getting into things when I don't know how much longer someone might try to drag them out. This show is pretty much the only non-reality show I'm watching that hasn't already finished other than GoT at this point :(


Are the books worth getting into?

Also, does the series have a planned ending already? I hate getting into things when I don't know how much longer someone might try to drag them out. This show is pretty much the only non-reality show I'm watching that hasn't already finished other than GoT at this point :(

- yep. It's pretty decent scifi, altough pretty straight forward most of the times. It's no Ian M Banks or Alastair Reynolds tier; but they're fun.

- according to the writers, yes.


This just went from hard realistic sci fi to... silly fantasy to be frank. Very dissapointing.

Easily the worst episode yet.

I like all the other episodes however, I'm gonna keep watching and see where they go with this.

I haven't read the books, maybe that is why.


Did it bother anyone else that the writing move on RADAR (How?) and Eros going stealth was bullshit, both in reality and within the diegesis?
I can tolerate stealth ships and bases to some degree on account of some unknown technology (even if realistically that would not be possible), but the only way to go stealth on radar would be to change the physical shape of the asteroid. That was previously established to not be used by the protomolecule, so there is no mechanism by which it could become permeable to the lightwave used as radar (I presume, since you wouldn't use the terrestrial sound based system in the same term as one for space, and the only way to see anything in space is to shine a light on it).
What I think was probably supposed to happen was Eros becoming 'stealth' by speeding up, thereby controlling the fold of space and the lightwave that is supposed to reflect on it. But the show did not combine those two things, instead having the asteroid (again, dumb brick object, stands out like a sore spot) just 'go dark' for some reason.

Other than that the episode was great, but that was my "bullshit!" moment on it.

well, if we ignore that nothing would survive the explosion on impact of an asteroid on Venus, with it being Venus and all, but I'm ignoring that one for story sake.

I really liked the arcade + bird callback to S1 though, regardless of whether that was in the books or not. So long, Miller.

It's Sci-fi, you're trying to argue against things that don't exist.
Like absorbing all the radiation so radar cannot find a target by a extra-solar organism.

As for nothing surviving the impact, did you forget that Miller didn't experience any increased g-force when eros accelerated? He should have been pinned to the walls unconscious or dead. Who's to say part of it didn't stay intact.?

I'd bet money it did and I haven't read the books.

Just seems weird to me that some kind of liquid drug would be able to counteract those effects, but.... whatever :lol

Again, it's sci-fi. The first problem with survivable high sustained G's are loss of conciousness due to lack of blood and oxygen to the brain, this substance may aid in slowing/stopping or increasing the limit to a point like a G-Suit does.
In fact the chairs orient I think, with the head toward the rear so it's more likely blood trying to rush to the head.


Why is everyone sure Miller is dead? We didn't see anything after the kiss (yea he said let's go to Venus but we'll find out if we get a shayamlanteist next episode) and more importantly we don't know what protomolecule actually does. And we certainly shouldn't be believing that considering we saw Julie who had shit all over her body and presumed dead...come back to life with an apparently new body in this very episode. Maybe he'll come back as a post human/transhuman ala David Bowman.

The funny thing is that at first Miller for a major part of last week's episode Miller seemed screwed until Eros moved and there's hope. But Eros starts to move fast butsince the the crew follows him it felt like there was hope again. Then he seemingly gets screwed once more at the end of last episode.


Just seems weird to me that some kind of liquid drug would be able to counteract those effects, but.... whatever :lol
It doesn't counteract high G effects but rather makes your body more resistant to the effects caused due to high G by thinning the blood to make circulation easier, giving adrenaline and other substances etc. They are still experiencing that force all the same.


- Sneak peek scene from next week's episode (please spoiler tag any discussion)

I love Amos.

This just went from hard realistic sci fi to... silly fantasy to be frank. Very dissapointing.

Easily the worst episode yet.

I like all the other episodes however, I'm gonna keep watching and see where they go with this.

I haven't read the books, maybe that is why.

Well, the series is a space opera. I think the protomolecule is an interesting wrench in things.


This just went from hard realistic sci fi to... silly fantasy to be frank. Very dissapointing.

Easily the worst episode yet.

I like all the other episodes however, I'm gonna keep watching and see where they go with this.

I haven't read the books, maybe that is why.

No, it's a big jump. But they don't stray from the hard sci-fi when it comes to human capabilities and limitations. It's not like this stuff is happening all over, the characters are in just as much disbelief as we are. I guess it doesn't bother me so much, the focus is still really on the characters and factions. With Eros targeting Earth a lot of peoples true colors came out fast.
Episode was good, just... I don't know, it seemed like the plot stumbled over itself.
As in, it felt like the end of a show/season episode that rushes things.

We went from not-pushing a contaminated asteroid into the sun to asteroid-being-turned-into a ship by an intelligent alien lifeform (that can counter pretty much anything on the fly) and life on Earth will end. Literally the apocalypse.
But not only the stakes suddenly jumped sky-high, everyone was suddenly interacting directly with each other which felt weird. But I guess it needed an event like this to have that happen.


Episode was good, just... I don't know, it seemed like the plot stumbled over itself.
As in, it felt like the end of a show/season episode that rushes things.

We went from not-pushing a contaminated asteroid into the sun to asteroid-being-turned-into a ship by an intelligent alien lifeform (that can counter pretty much anything on the fly) and life on Earth will end. Literally the apocalypse.
But not only the stakes suddenly jumped sky-high, everyone was suddenly interacting directly with each other which felt weird. But I guess it needed an event like this to have that happen.
It felt like a finale because this is the ending of Book 1.
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