JUDY WOODRUFF, CNN ANCHOR: Senator Miller, the Democrats are pointing out that John Kerry voted for 16 of 19 defense budgets that came through Congress while he was in the Senate, and many of these votes that you cited (in criticizing John Kerry in your speech), Dick Cheney also voted against, that they were specific weapons systems.
MILLER: What I was talking about was a period of 19 years in the Senate. I've been in the Senate for four years. There's quite a few years' difference there. I have gotten documentation on every single one of those votes that I talked about here today. I've got more documentation here than the Library of Congress and the New York Public Library put together on that.
JEFF GREENFIELD, CNN SENIOR ANALYST: You also were, I would say, almost indignant that anyone would possibly call America military occupiers, not liberators, on at least four occasions. President Bush has referred to the presence of American forces in Iraq as an occupation, and the question is: Are you not selectively choosing words to describe the same situation the president of the United States is describing?
MILLER: I don't know if the president of the United States uses those words, but I know Senator Kennedy and Senator Kerry have used them on several occasions.
GREENFIELD: Yes. So has President Bush.
MILLER: Well, I don't know about that.
GREENFIELD: Well, we'll...
WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: You know that when the secretary -- when the vice president was the secretary of defense he proposed cutting back on the B-2 Bomber, the F-14 Tomcat as well. I covered him at the Pentagon during those years when he was raising serious concerns about those two weapons systems.
MILLER: Look, the record is, as I stated, he voted against, he opposed all of those weapons systems. That, to me, I think shows the kind of priority he has as far as national defense. Look, John Kerry came back from Vietnam as a young man unsure of whether America was a force for good or evil in the world. He still has that uncertainty about him.
WOODRUFF: You praised him...
GREENFIELD: Then why did you say in 2001 that he strengthened the military? You said that three years ago.
MILLER: Because that was the biographical sketch that they gave me. This young senator -- not young senator, but new senator had come up there, and all I knew was that this man had won the Purple Heart three times and won the Silver Star and...
Look, I went back and researched the records, and I looked at these, and I -- when I was putting that speech together, I wanted to make sure, whenever I sat down with people like you who would take these talking points from the Democrats and who also have covered politics for years, that I would know exactly what I was talking about, and we don't have time to go through it on the air, but I can go through every one of those things that were mentioned about where he voted.
He voted against the B-1 Bomber...
BLITZER: A lot of--
MILLER:-- on October the 15th, '90, and on and on.
WOODRUFF: But do you simply reject the idea that Vice President Cheney, as Wolf said and as we know from the record, also voted against some of these systems?
MILLER: I don't think Cheney voted against these.
BLITZER: No, but he opposed some of them when he was the defense secretary, and sometimes he was overruled by the Congress because he was concerned, he was worried that the defense of the United States could be better served by some other weapons systems, not specifically those. I'm specifically referring to the B-2 and the F-14 Tomcat.
MILLER: I'm talking about John Kerry's record. I'll let Dick Cheney, the vice president, answer those charges. He knows what happened in the Department of Defense years ago. I don't know that.
But I do know, because I've looked it up and it's there for everyone to see, that he voted against those positions as far as those weapons were concerned. He voted against all the weapons that really won the war against Communism, the Cold War and that are now winning the war on terror.
BLITZER: I know you have to move on because you have other things to do, but when you were speaking tonight -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- you seemed very angry.
MILLER: Me angry?
BLITZER: Yes, sir.
MILLER: No, no. I'm sorry if I gave that appearance.
Let me go now to thego right now. Were going to joined right now as we speak, and stop speaking, with Zell Miller, the man who made the speech.
Senator, thank you. You have...
MATTHEWS: Well, dont listen to them. Dont listen to those people.
We want to hear from you, Senator.
Senator, let me ask you.
MATTHEWS: I want to ask you about the most powerful line in your speech. And it had so many.
No pair has been more wrong, more loudly, more often than the two Senators from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry.
Do you believe that John Kerry and Ted Kennedy really only believe in defending America with spitballs?
MILLER: Well, I certainly dont believe they want to defend America by putting the kind of armor and the kind of equipment that we have got to have out there for our troops. I mean, nothing could be clearer than that, than what John Kerry did when he voted against that $87 billion in appropriations, that would have provided protective armor for our troops and armored vehicles.
MATTHEWS: All right, let me ask you. Senator, you are the expert. Many times, as a conservative Republican, you have had to come out on the floor and obey party whips and vote against big appropriations passed by the Democrats when they were in power.
You werent against feeding poor people. You werent against Social Security. You werent against a lot of programs that, because of the nature of parliamentary procedure and combat, you had to vote against the whole package. Didnt you many times vote against whole packages of spending, when you would have gladly gone for a smaller package?
MILLER: Well, I didnt make speeches about them and I didnt put them in my platform.
Right here is what John Kerry put out as far as his U.S. Senate platform, was, he was talking about he wanted to cancel the M.X. missile, the B-1 bomber, the anti-satellite system. This is not voting for something that was in a big bill.
MATTHEWS: Which of those systems was effective in either Afghanistan
or Iraq? The M.X. certainly wasnt, thank God, nor was the other
MILLER: Look, this is front andwait, this is front and back, and its two pages. I have got more documentation here than they have got in the New York Public Library and the Library of Congress.
MILLER: I knew you was going to be coming with all of that stuff.
And I knew that these people from the Kerry campaign would be coming with all this kind of stuff.
Thats just baloney. Look at the record. A mans record is what he is.
MATTHEWS: I agree.
MILLER: A mans campaign rhetoricwhat?
MATTHEWS: Im just asking you, Senator, do you mean to sayI know theres rhetoric in campaigns. I just want to know, do you mean to say that you really believe that John Kerry and Ted Kennedy do not believe in defending the country?
MILLER: Well, look at their votes.
MATTHEWS: Im just asking you to bottom-line it for me.
MILLER: Wait a minute. I said I didnt question their patriotism.
MATTHEWS: No. Do you believe that they dont believe in defending the country?
MILLER: I question their judgment.
MATTHEWS: Do you believe they want to defend the country?
MILLER: Look, I applaud what John Kerry did as far as volunteering to go to Vietnam. I applaud what he did when he volunteered for combat. I admire that, and I respect that. And I acknowledge that. I have said that many, many times.
MILLER: But I think his record is atrocious.
MATTHEWS: Well, let me ask you, when Democrats come out, as they often do, liberal Democrats, and attack conservatives, and say they want to starve little kids, they want to get rid of education, they want to kill the old people...
MILLER: I am not saying that. Wait a minute.
MATTHEWS: That kind of rhetoric is not educational, is it?
MILLER: Wait a minute.
Now, this is your program. And I am a guest on your program.
MATTHEWS: Yes, sir.
MILLER: And so I want to try to be as nice as I possibly can to you. I wish I was over there, where I could get a little closer up into your face.
MILLER: But I dont have to stand here and listen to that kind of stuff. I didnt say anything about not feeding poor kids. What are you doing?
MATTHEWS: No, Im saying that when you said tonightI just want you to...
MILLER: Well, you are saying a bunch of baloney that didnt have
anything to do with what I said up there on the
MILLER: No, no.
MATTHEWS: OK. Do you believe nowdo you believe, Senator, truthfully, that John Kerry wants to defend the country with spitballs? Do you believe that?
MILLER: That was a metaphor, wasnt it? Do you know what a metaphor is?
MATTHEWS: Well, what do you mean by a metaphor?
MILLER: Wait a minute. He certainly does not want to defend the country with the B-1 bomber or the B-2 bomber or the Harrier jet or the Apache helicopter or all those other things that I mentioned. And there were even more of them in here.
Youve got to quit taking these Democratic talking points and using what they are saying to you.
MATTHEWS: No, I am using your talking points and asking you if you really believe them.
MILLER: Well, use John Kerrys talking points from thefrom what he has had to say on the floor of the Senate, where he talked about them being occupiers, where he put out this whenever he was running for the U.S. Senate about what he wanted to cancel. Cancel to me means to do away with.
MATTHEWS: Well, what did you mean by the following.
MILLER: I think we ought to cancel this interview.
MATTHEWS: Well, I dont mean...
MATTHEWS: Well, that would be my loss, Senator. That would be my loss.
Let me ask you about this, because I think you have a view on the role of reporters in the world. You have said and it has often been said so truthfully that it is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press. Was there not...
MILLER: Do you believe that?
MATTHEWS: Well, of course its true.
MILLER: Do you believe that?
MATTHEWS: But its a statement that nobody would have challenged. Why did you make it? It seems like no one would deny what you said. So whats your point?
MILLER: Well, it evidently got a rise out of you.
MATTHEWS: Well, I think its a
MILLER: Because you are a reporter.
MATTHEWS: Thats right.
MILLER: You didnt have anything to do with freedom of the press.
MATTHEWS: Well, you could argue it was not nurses who defended the freedom of nursing. Why did you single out freedom of the press to say it was the soldiers that defended it and not the reporters? We all know that. Why did you say it?
MILLER: Well, because I thought it needed to be said at this particular time, because I wanted to come on...
MATTHEWS: Because you could get an applause line against the media at a conservative convention.
MILLER: No, I said it because it wasyoure hopeless. I wish I was over there.
MILLER: In fact, I wish that we lived inI wish we lived in the
MATTHEWS: Ive got to warn you, we are in a tough part of town over here.
MATTHEWS: But I do recommend you come over, because I like you.
Let me tell you this.
MILLER: Chris.
MATTHEWS: If a Republican Senator broke ranks andall right, Im sorry.
A Republican Senator broke ranks and came over and spoke for the Democrats, would you respect him?
MILLER: Yes, of course I would.
MILLER: I have seen that happen from time to time. Look, I believe...
MATTHEWS: What does Jim Jeffords say to you?
MILLER: Wait a minute.
MATTHEWS: Jim Jeffords switched parties after getting elected.
MILLER: If youre going to ask a question...
MATTHEWS: Well, its a tough question. It takes a few words.
MILLER: Get out of my face.
MILLER: If you are going to ask me a question, step back and let me answer.
MATTHEWS: Senator, please.
MILLER: You know, I wish we...
MILLER: I wish we lived in the day where you could challenge a person to a duel.
MILLER: Now, that would be pretty good.
Dont ask medont pull that...
MATTHEWS: Can you can come over? I need you, Senator. Please come over.
MILLER: Wait a minute. Dont pull that kind of stuff on me, like you did that young lady when you had her there, browbeating her to death. I am not her. I am not her.
MATTHEWS: Let me tell you, she was suggesting that John Kerry purposely shot himself to win a medal. And I was trying to correct the record.
MILLER: You get in my face, I am going to get back in your face.
MILLER: The only reason you are doing it is because you are standing way over there in Herald Square.
MATTHEWS: Senator, Senator, can I speak softly to you? I would really like you to...
MILLER: What? No, no, no, because you wont give me a chance to answer. You ask these questions and then you just talk over what I am trying to answer, just like you did that woman the other day.
MATTHEWS: Well, Senator...
MILLER: I dont know why I even came on this program.
MATTHEWS: Well, I am glad you did.
MATTHEWS: Let me ask you this about John Kerrys war record.
MILLER: Well, are you going to shut up after you ask me?
MILLER: Or are you going to give me a chance to answer it?
MATTHEWS: Yes, sir.
MATTHEWS: I am going to give you a chance to answer.
You used very strong words tonight about the Democratic candidate, much stronger than you are using with me. And they will be remembered a lot longer than anything you say to me now. So I am not really worried about what you say now, except that this country was promised unity after the last election by the president that you are supporting. And he urged the country to come together. Do you think you helped that cause tonight?
MILLER: I think I helped the cause of trying to tell the American people why John Kerry is unfit for the presidency and why we need to keep George W. Bush in as the president, because its the way that we can keep this nation more secure and my family more safe.
MATTHEWS: Did I ask you about your role in the Democratic Party, because you have caused such a hit tonight, because you are a man of the Democratic Party? Long before this election, you had to watch as a Southern conservative the nomination by your party of people like George McGovern, Fritz Mondale, Jimmy Carter, liberal after liberal after liberal, including Mike Dukakis, perhaps the most liberal of them all. What caused you to cross the aisle tonight?
MILLER: By coming to Washington and seeing firsthand what a mess it is and how far out the Senate Democrats are.
They are off the chart as far as being with the mainstream of America. I think the straw that broke the camels back was the homeland security measure, when, time after time, John Kerry and the Democrats put collective bargaining above homeland security. That did it for me.
MATTHEWS: Well, that did it for Max Cleland as well, didnt it?
MILLER: It surely did. And probably Jean Carnahan.
And nobody is to blame, exceptwell, they are to blame because they voted that way. But who is really to blame is Tom Daschle for insisting that they do it 11 times over a four-months period. It was dumb.
MATTHEWS: And, well, you could argue that it was politically dumb of Max Cleland to support the labor unions in Georgia against what looked like the national interests. My question is, is it good for America to impugn that vote as a vote against the security of this country?
MILLER: That vote was not impugned. He did not get defeated because of that ad that you like to talk about. You cant vote with Tom Daschle 85 percent of the time and be expected to be able to be reelected in Georgia. You know that much about Georgia and the South.
MATTHEWS: Well, sir, I also know theand I completely agree with the need to get reelected as a statesman. Jefferson said the first order of a statesman was to get elected.
I am just wondering if you think tonights speech and advertisements that show people like Max Cleland standing next to Saddam Hussein are helping bring this country together?
MILLER: That didnt have anything to do with Max Clelands defeat.
We have alreadywe have already beat that dog to death.
MATTHEWS: Well, maybe the war did that, too.
But thank you very much for coming here tonight. I hope we can have a more civil conversation in closer terms. I would love you to come tonight. In fact, you can meet with Joe Scarborough, who will probably be nicer to you.
MATTHEWS: But we will both try to get the truth out of the conversation.
And I feel bad that you are upset with me, Senator. I have never had this kind of a fight with you before.
MILLER: I know it.
MATTHEWS: I think you misheard me. But please come over tomorrow night. Weve got a convention ending.
And, by the way, you will help our ratings tremendously if you come over tomorrow night, because everybody thinks you are going to beat me up.
MATTHEWS: But since somebody tried to do that last night, I dont think its going to be a surprise.
WATTS: Hey, Chris, can I say
MATTHEWS: J.C. Watts wants to talk to you, Senator.
MILLER: All right.
WATTS: Hey, Senator, this is J.C. Watts.
WATTS: You can put your feet under my dinner table any day of the week.
MILLER: Thank you. Thank you.
MATTHEWS: Well, I guess everybody loves the senator.
MILLER: Good to be with you.
MATTHEWS: Hey, its great having you on. Lets be friends. Lets be friends.
MILLER: See you later.
MATTHEWS: Thank you.