Cooter said:
Are you seriously arguing that Al-Qaeda is not actively trying to acquire chemical, biological and nuclear weapons?
If no then I really have nothing further to say but if yes then who do you think they are planning to use them on?
Why would they want to attack us, though?
Why? Why, why why why motherfucking
"The terrorists hate freedom."
Sure they do. They hate it so much that the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, Canada and all the other countries that are actually have more freedom than us have been hit hard by these "freedom hating terrorists".
No, I think it might have something to do with interventionist foreign policies. Like unilateral support for Israel. Like our relationship with the Saudi family. Like the military bases that we have in Saudi Arabia and the dozen plus we plan on building in "liberated" Iraq.
So I can't possibly fathom why these people would want to fuck with us. Or Iran, where we installed the Shah. And then when the Shah fell, we backed Saddam against Iran. Or in Afghanistan, when we gave training and supplies to the mujahideen(amongst them Osama Bin Laden). And I don't know where North Korea would get any animosity towards the US- it's not like we've ever tried to interfere with the direction of their nation.
Maybe you're getting the point I'm trying to make. I seriously doubt it, as you've consistently proven to be one of the densest posters on these forums(worse than many Nintendo zealots, in my opinion). So I'll come out and say it plain.
OTHER COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES DON'T LIKE IT WHEN THE US FUCKS AROUND WITH THEM. If you want to have your cake and eat it too, there's gonna be problems. Sooner or later, someone needs to take a serious, hard look at the positions the US has taken and continues to take and realize that what got us here isn't our freedom, it isn't our liberty or democracy. It's America's tendency to want to put it's nose and hands in the business of other countries. They need to realize that
THAT is what got us here. And that if you want to win "The War on Terror", then you need to remove the root causes of terrorism.
Now, I'm sure you're clapping at this point and saying, "All right, let's kill all the muslims! Why didn't you say so in the beginning?" No. What I'm saying is, someone needs realize that our foreign policy is the direct cause of terrorism against our country. And that that policy must change. Sadly, neither of the two idiots picked to carry the standards of their parties this year has that capacity, in my opinion.