I was prepared to hate it.
I hated the cast (for the most part, loved the casting of the wizards), I wasn't sure of Peter Jackson's ability to do an epic fantasy, the first darkened pictures of art design looked horrible, the CGI in the first trailer looked shitty. At best I was expecting a B- trashy flick to watch every few years when it was on Cinemax while I waited for the remake by a crew and cast I actually appreciated.
I went to it alone because my girlfriend at the time agreed: "that looks fucking terrible and worse, I've only read the Hobbit and that was just okay".
So I go to it opening night just because, I mean, it's LOTR, it can't be that bad. I disliked the prologue at first, feeling it was a bit overdramatic and the CGI in the Mount Doom part is still, to this day, the weakest in the trilogy. I was worried it was setting the scene for terrible. The Frodo intro, eh, the Gandalf part, decent and sets up the relationship but kind of uncomfortable and THEN FUCKING "CONCERNING HOBBITS" KICKS IN AND THEY LOOK OVER HOBBITON AND MY EYES WELL UP WITH TEARS.
I ran out after the show. I got in my car and stumbled for my cell phone. "You have to see it," I told my girl, "You have to fucking see this movie. You have to. I...I was wrong."
I took her to it the next night because we both have, even to this day, fairly similar tastes in films.
I wasn't looking at her and her reactions. At Gandalf's last scene she hands me a tissue and I roll my eyes and give her a look of disdain, thinking she's mocking me. But when I look over, she's sobbing. "What the---you like it?" I whisper to her. "This is the most beautiful movie I've ever seen". When the film ended she stood up and screamed "that was IT?".
We bought the soundtrack that night at Walmart and played it on repeat. She said that for months afterwards I would still tear up during certain songs involuntarily.
Great film. Greatest trilogy.
I hated the cast (for the most part, loved the casting of the wizards), I wasn't sure of Peter Jackson's ability to do an epic fantasy, the first darkened pictures of art design looked horrible, the CGI in the first trailer looked shitty. At best I was expecting a B- trashy flick to watch every few years when it was on Cinemax while I waited for the remake by a crew and cast I actually appreciated.
I went to it alone because my girlfriend at the time agreed: "that looks fucking terrible and worse, I've only read the Hobbit and that was just okay".
So I go to it opening night just because, I mean, it's LOTR, it can't be that bad. I disliked the prologue at first, feeling it was a bit overdramatic and the CGI in the Mount Doom part is still, to this day, the weakest in the trilogy. I was worried it was setting the scene for terrible. The Frodo intro, eh, the Gandalf part, decent and sets up the relationship but kind of uncomfortable and THEN FUCKING "CONCERNING HOBBITS" KICKS IN AND THEY LOOK OVER HOBBITON AND MY EYES WELL UP WITH TEARS.
I ran out after the show. I got in my car and stumbled for my cell phone. "You have to see it," I told my girl, "You have to fucking see this movie. You have to. I...I was wrong."
I took her to it the next night because we both have, even to this day, fairly similar tastes in films.
I wasn't looking at her and her reactions. At Gandalf's last scene she hands me a tissue and I roll my eyes and give her a look of disdain, thinking she's mocking me. But when I look over, she's sobbing. "What the---you like it?" I whisper to her. "This is the most beautiful movie I've ever seen". When the film ended she stood up and screamed "that was IT?".
We bought the soundtrack that night at Walmart and played it on repeat. She said that for months afterwards I would still tear up during certain songs involuntarily.
Great film. Greatest trilogy.