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The First Descendant |OT| Co-Hop? Bunny Hop!


Luna is hilarious. Standing in the middle of the firefight, gyrating away like Vanessa Z. Schneider from P.N.0.3. She's probably not very useful but she sure makes the endless "Stand in the circle" set-piece battles more entertaining.
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Luna is hilarious. Standing in the middle of the firefight, gyrating away like Vanessa Z. Schneider from P.N.0.3. She's probably not very useful but she sure makes the endless "Stand in the circle" set-piece battles more entertaining.
Yea I think she needs a bit of a rework, and it's annoying that for most of the fight you ideally won't even be using any of the guns you built/farmed, but I still laugh when I'm in the middle of a defense objective and just jamming out/playing DDR. It's nice that they're willing to experiment with new playstyles. I was starting to think that every character was going to be "projectile/buff/alt weapon/leave something on the floor" for their kits. They proved me wrong there.


Neo Member
Yeah, that one is a bitch to farm and the tamer mg drops like candy.

The guide I am using tops out around 832k dps. That's placing it in EL zone.

The ultimate mg I was referring to in my post is the Albion Calvary which is a joke.
It sure is. I'm currently trying to get duplicates so I can enhance it, but the code has a 10% droprate.

Tamer is great for early game, but lacks crit chance and is only good for weak points, which isn't that good for intercepts. With the Enduring Legacy I can keep critting on those bastards without destroying their parts.

Right now I'm farming duplicates for Greg's Reversed Fate - a lot easier than Enduring and it absolutely slaps after the 1.0.5 patch.

Once you finish the story and check out hard mode to get level 100 gear there really isn't much worth farming for. Are the hard mode Colossus supposed to be the end game and the reason to keep farming? Not a very good incentive IMO. Would prefer end game dungeons like the operations but longer and harder. I guess you can tweak the difficulty of those in hard mode but they're still the same old dungeon. I've bounced off the game after unlocking all of the easy Descendants and I really don't see any reason to go back. I'm not too keen on farming to complete a collection. I need a reason to farm and get better gear.


So they just did an update. Fortress Upskirts has the mob density back but the blue brain drop remains nerfed.
Also suspect that gold drops are down a bit as well.

Edit: Actually after running it solo a couple of times, it seems fine. We're so back.
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Also they fixed some sort of Kyle bug that allowed him to 1shot the hardest Colossi. I'm not meta in this game whatsoever, so I don't really get it.


Also they fixed some sort of Kyle bug that allowed him to 1shot the hardest Colossi. I'm not meta in this game whatsoever, so I don't really get it.
Apparently it was letting him stack a bunch of skill modifers on weapons or... something?

The problem is nobody was sticking around for any Colossus battles unless there were a bunch of broken Kyles in the session. So the intercepts were getting pretty toxic.


Apparently it was letting him stack a bunch of skill modifers on weapons or... something?

The problem is nobody was sticking around for any Colossus battles unless there were a bunch of broken Kyles in the session. So the intercepts were getting pretty toxic.

The hard colossi fights are just bulletsponges and broken ass meta build checks everyone copies off Reddit and Youtube. The worst gameplay design imaginable.
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Neo Member
Done with my ult Ajax. Time to help those squishy bunnies through bosses lol



Neo Member
The hard colossi fights are just bulletsponges and broken ass meta build checks everyone copies of Reddit and Youtube. The worst gameplay design imaginable.
Right, for early late game. From Obstructor and forward all needs teamwork and are almost impossible to do in randoms playlists. Obstructor is pretty easy tho, but good luck with frost walker, molten fortress and gluttony.
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"RNG" fun.

Video says you can get Enzo in about 4 hours, reality says lol no. Took me 12 hours yesterday and I'd already been working towards him in the bits of time I played for days before that (just an hour here & there, half asleep, so nothing serious). But thank fuck I got that done and can hopefully now (soon) open those damn things without wanting to rage quit.

Last night farming a mod for my Tamers, came away with 4 red mods for descendants I don't have and a dupe for one I do. That's more than I've seen total since starting the game. Maybe they drop more than I thought on hard story missions, but went back to same mission today and the luck had left. None, and still not got the mod I wanted 🙃

I end up crafting crap I don't want or need just because the game gives me stuff, I know I'm wasting mats I'll probably need for proper things but can't stop myself... it's like removing the red check marks in every damn menu... if it's there I have to do it, lol.


Gold Member
Finally got the ‘Electric Condense’ mod after roughly 40 runs of Hard mode Sepulcher and holy crap I love it, it basically turns Bunny into a 100% AOE build…and it hits HARD even if you aren’t invested in fusion (was hitting for over a million).


I am a running nuclear detonation…that giggles.



New hotfix patch coming. Some good stuff:
Greetings, Descendants. This is the Director of The First Descendant, Minseok Joo.

Today, I am here to share preview about Hotfix 1.0.7. We're aiming to release Hotfix 1.0.7 on Tuesday, August 13th, as we need additional time to verify some issues. In the meantime, I'd like to share some key updates in this hotfix.

First, we’re adjusting the options for the Infiltration Operation on Hard Mode. The ‘Grappling Hook Disabled’ and ‘Jump Disabled’ options will be removed from the selection list. Additionally, the Select All option will no longer be deselected when changes are made after selecting all options. Moreover, we’re planning further improvements for the Infiltration Operation on Hard Mode in Season 1. These include removing Occupation tasks and focusing more on Eliminations. We’re also replacing the random combination of options with preset selections and expanding matchmaking parameters.

Next, let’s talk about content adjustments. We’re going to add some extra time for you to choose restart option after completing Intercept Battles, Special Operations, and Infiltration Operations. For your preference, ‘Restart with Squad’ and ‘Restart Alone’ buttons will be provided.

Additionally, we’re making characters invincible when standing on hazardous areas after intercept are done, making use of the ‘Reconstructed Device’ more convenient.
The difficulty of the ‘Frost Walker’ mechanism will be adjusted so you can enjoy this void intercept battle through public matchmaking more easily.

In Special Operation, AFK players will be moved automatically to the 'Abort' selection during Interim Review. Also, monsters’ HP will be reduced, and more ammo will be dropped easily in Void Fusion Reactors.

Monster spawn intervals are shortened in Void Fragments (Poison Attribute) located at 'Echo Swamp - Derelict Covert'.

We're also addressing the issue where weapon proficiency is not gained for equipped weapons when using Unique Weapons, such as during Luna’s ‘Stage Presence’.

Lastly, we have usability improvements. We will enhance your farming experience with several improvements. In Hotfix 1.0.7, we’re adding a feature that allows you to quickly identify key information about your equipment by looking at icons in the inventory. You'll be able to see how many ultimate options an item has without opening its tooltip and identify the attributes & Arche types of Reactors through icons. Additionally, we’re speeding up the tooltip display to help you sort valuable items more efficiently.

One last thing! From previous patch note where we discussed plans to support build diversity, we noticed discussions in the community about whether socket types need to be assigned eleven times for each loadout pages.

Rest assured; we aim to support build diversity in a more user-friendly manner. If you prefer to use the same socket type across Loadout Pages 1, 2, and 3, your current setup will remain unchanged. Socket type assignments will only be required if you want different socket types for each loadout.

The First Descendant aims to be a long-time beloved game. To achieve this, we’re committed to improving the game in ways that resonate with you. We deeply appreciate everyone and our communities, and we’ll continue to strive to provide more enjoyable contents. Thank you.
Highlight for me is: "monsters’ HP will be reduced, and more ammo will be dropped easily in Void Fusion Reactors." I've been farming a lot of reactors as of late and particularly on hard mode, the kills take forever and you have to reset/die just to get ammo to continue the fight.


Gold Member

New hotfix patch coming. Some good stuff:

Highlight for me is: "monsters’ HP will be reduced, and more ammo will be dropped easily in Void Fusion Reactors." I've been farming a lot of reactors as of late and particularly on hard mode, the kills take forever and you have to reset/die just to get ammo to continue the fight.
Taking away standing in an area to fill a meter and replacing with kill more shit is a change I welcome. Now get rid of the pointless lazer beam areas which stun lock you to death and ruin the fast flow of the game and I'll be a happy chappy.
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Definitely lots of good stuff in there around quality of life with reactors in particular. Oh and that poison fragments change is welcome, so painful when they take turns to arrear one by one. Like that they are once again stating it's a long-term vision for the game and that keeping players happy along the way is a priority - it's the only way to be with these games and if they keep on the right side of this they'll give themselves every chance.

First time spending on the game today - bought the battle pass since it was done and I've enjoyed getting the double platinum over 120 hours with the game (half that the last week while not working) and used the spare premium to remove Valby's helmet since she's the one I like playing and it was aggravating.

Now get rid of the pointless lazer beam areas which stun lock you to death and ruin the fast flow of the game and I'll be a happy chappy.
The feels when catching up to ensnared bunnies who fell foul of laser traps. From lightning to crawling. Of course I always pick them up and don't just sploosh through the lasers for free, that wouldn't be fair at all.
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New hotfix patch coming. Some good stuff:

Highlight for me is: "monsters’ HP will be reduced, and more ammo will be dropped easily in Void Fusion Reactors." I've been farming a lot of reactors as of late and particularly on hard mode, the kills take forever and you have to reset/die just to get ammo to continue the fight.

I never thought I'd live long enough to see Nexon become the good guy. But here we are.
I never thought I'd live long enough to see Nexon become the good guy. But here we are.
They didn't. They're just cleverly trying to increase user retention rates. You make more profits with happy players if you can achieve longer average user lifecycles. That's why not coming out with a fair product from a users perspective at launch makes sense, you have to take the easy money then in order to mitigate risks. Once you're somewhat sure a certain amount of players will stay for longer, you can loosen your grip on them by playing nice cop and making the game more fun.


Nice site for farming data. It's basically the same info as in-game, but goes a bit more in depth:
Eh. Still waiting to see what they plan on doing with Void Shards, sus drop rates, pity system, outposts farming, etc.

They dropped a lot of comments on it but there has yet to be any actual details aside from void reactor bosses are going to have less health and there will be more ammo for those fights.

If Nexon actually grasps they have potential here and goes against their slimier variable drop rate instincts, this game has a chance to shore up player retention.

If they show good faith and actually move to fix the slogs of current broken farming system, I'll buy caliber for whatever - idk, the next season pass or some shit. But they got to show they are taking this seriously.
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New hotfix patch info:

Greetings, Descendants.

Here are the details regarding The First Descendant Hotfix 1.0.7, applied maintenance-free on Tuesday, 8/13.

■ Patch date

- 08.13.2024 (TUE) 00:00 PDT

■ Platforms

- Steam, Xbox Series X│S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5

■ Patch Details
Content Improvements

(1) Content

- If you do not select "Abort" or "Continue" during an Interim Review in Special Operations, "Abort" will be selected automatically.

- Lowered the difficulty of mechanics in the Hard Intercept Battle "Frost Walker."

1) Destroying Frenzied parts will now generate two Embers.

2) Increased the maximum threshold of the Frenzy Gauge, reducing the number of times of the Colossus becoming Frenzied.

3) When using slug shots to Frenzied Colossus, its leg movements will be reduced, making it easier to aim at its Weak Points.

- Characters will no longer receive damage when they are in a hazardous area once the Void Intercept Battle ends.

- When "Molten Fortress" is defeated, the lava on the ground is now removed immediately.

- When "Swamp Walker" is defeated, the "Disease" status effect is now removed immediately.

- The restart function of Void Intercept Battles, Special Operations and Infiltration Operations is now separated into two types: "Start with the current Squad" and "Restart Mission." The time available for "Start with the current Squad" is also increased to 60 seconds.

#Director's Comment

The restart function has been separated to "Restart Mission" and "Start with the current Squad."
"Start with the current Squad" lets you begin the match with the squad who joined your last Intercept Battle or Infiltration Operation.
If you want to quickly begin a new match without others, you can select "Restart Mission." There is no time limit for selecting "Restart Mission", so you can restart the mission at your leisure as you collect and open Amorphous Materials.
- The display animation for Amorphous Materials when using a Reconstructing Device has been simplified, letting you quickly check the materials.

(2) Field

- In the "Echo Swamp - Derelict Covert", Void Fragment (Toxic) monsters will now spawn faster.

- The HP of monsters in Void Fusion Reactors has been reduced, and they will now drop more ammo and recovery orbs when you defeat them.

(3) Battle Pass

- We identified an issue where the requirements for the Battle Pass Week 6 Challenge "Wouldn't It Hurt More If My Rifle Fired Harder?" were not met retroactively. We changed the requirements to "Enhance Rifling Reinforcement to Level 3."

- Reduced the difficulty of Weekly Challenges for Battle Pass Week 7 and 8, also increasing the amount of reward EXP and Supply Coins.

#Director's Comment
As Week 6 of the pre-season ends soon, we noticed that the completion rate of Battle Supply Shop was lower than expected. This was due to the fact that the season challenges required everyone to do a lot of grinding. To remedy this, the Dev Team has come up with two changes.

First, we lowered the difficulty of weekly challenges for Week 7 and 8, which are planned to begin on August 15th, also increasing the rewards. The amount of Supply Coins that you can earn from completing all Week 7 and 8 challenges will be increased, and you will get to receive rewards from the Battle Supply Shop that you couldn't receive before. You'll be able to enjoy more Battle Supply Shop rewards by completing weekly challenges during the remaining period.

Second, we're currently in the process of adjusting the difficulty of Season 1 challenges based on our experience with the pre-season. Compared to the pre-season, you will be able to complete challenges more naturally as you farm items, reducing the burden of additional grinding. We're also in the process of increasing the value of rewards you can get from Battle Passes.

(4) UI/UX

- When selecting all additional options in Hard Infiltration Operations, all the options will remain selected even if you change the additional options.

- Grappling Hook Disabled and Jump Disabled from the list of additional options that can be selected in Hard Infiltration Operations has been removed.

- You can now check the tooltip of Amorphous Material icons in the Change Selectable Reward screen in Hard Infiltration Operations.

#Director's Comment
As your characters become stronger, more and more people have been choosing additional options over 200% in Hard Infiltration Operations. However, if you choose additional options, as you cannot begin matchmaking, it becomes difficult as you have to gather party members on chat and communities instead.
Therefore, we're currently trying to improve our matchmaking system so you can easily play together even if when you select additional options. Specifically, additional options will be changed to presets, and you will be able to gather a party depending on the percentage of presets you chose. Furthermore, to increase the matchmaking pool, we're planning to allow everyone to enter an Infiltration Operation together no matter which Amorphous Material they chose.

We're also planning to change the mission in Hard Infiltration Operations from occupation to extermination. We hope you enjoy co-op more easily and experience fast and exciting combat and farming. These changes for Hard Infiltration Operations will be applied in Season 1.
- Tooltips for equipment now show up faster.

- Equipment option tiers are now displayed on the icon.

- Set effects of External Components are now displayed on the icon.

#Director's Comment

As you can see from the screenshot above, the option tiers of Firearms, Reactors, and External Components are now displayed on the icon. This improvement was made so that when you farm Reactors and External Components that have great options, you can easily identify what the items are worth in the Inventory.

While not included in Hotfix 1.0.7, we're also preparing additional QoL (Quality of Life) features that can help you farm more easily. For instance, you will be able to assign different symbols to the Attached Items. The Junk Filter will also let you filter items with specific options as junk. The Dev Team is at hard work to make your farming experience easier.
- In the Module Acquisition Info, you can now check whether a module can be acquired via Combining. The modules that can only be acquired via Combining are "Hardline Suppression", "Shot Focus", and "Shield Collector."

- In the Consumables menu of the Library, you can now see the amount of consumables you currently have.

- When receiving all Lost and Found items, if there is not enough Inventory space, you can now only receive items in according to the remaining space.

- When the Unique Abilities of an Ultimate Weapon permanently change the weapon's default performance, you can now check the changes on the basic info screen.

(5) Descendants

- Fixed the amount of Recovery displayed on the skill tooltip for Yujin so that it matches the improvements made to his Recovery amount in Hotfix 1.0.6.

- By overhauling the formula of Yujin's Recovery skill, the amount of Recovery has been slightly increased for Skill Level 4.

- You can now gain Weapon Proficiency when you defeat an enemy with a Unique Weapon (e.g. Luna's Stage Presence).

- You can now acquire Luna's "Noise Surge" Modification Module in the Hard Intercept Battle "Executioner."

#Director's Comment
Try using Luna and her "Noise Surge" to increase Weapon Proficiency. Defeat enemies with the sound of music and fall for her charm!

(6) Miscellaneous

- [Console] Improved AMD Frame Generation for PS5, XSX, and XSS.

- Changed the name of "Support Droid" to "Support Drone."

Bug Fixes

(1) UI/UX

- Fixed an issue where applying a filter at the Lab and re-entering the menu caused the filter to not be applied to the list despite the filter itself being maintained.

- [Console] Fixed an issue where "Peace Maker" did not show up in the Weapon Material Research Auto-Search.

- [Console] Fixed an issue where searching "Fire", "Chill", and "Electric" with auto-suggestions for Descendant Modules also filtered other attributes.

(2) Descendants

- Fixed an issue where Bunny's "Thrill Bomb" skill did not hit nearby enemies when she was equipped with "High-Voltage."

- Fixed an issue where Luna danced while holding her gun when she used an enhanced skill with the "Noise Surge" module.

- Fixed an issue where Luna's facial graphics were intermittently rendered incorrectly.

- Fixed an issue where Sharen could cancel her skill (Mouse Right Click, Controller LT) even after she fired her "Flash Shortsword" skill during ending motions.

- Fixed an issue where equipping a Range Module would not change the skill description for Ultimate Lepic and Lepic's "Traction Grenade."

- Fixed an issue where equipping a Range Module would not expand the effect of Lepic's "Traction Grenade."

(3) Equipment, Modules

- Fixed an issue where the display of Firearm Critical Hit Rate was switched with Skill Critical Hit Rate in the 4-piece set effect tooltip for the External Component "Acrobat" set effects.

- [Other Languages] Fixed an issue where the tooltip for the "Spiral Tidal Wave" Skill Module omitted a description saying "Attracts Gluttony's impurities."

- Fixed an issue in Intercept Battles where two players could remove parts at the same time when using the "Mid-Air Maneuvering" Sub Module.

(4) Field

- Fixed an issue where a Support Drone in the "Echo Swamp" outpost did not function properly.

- Fixed an issue where Void Fragment reward that let you receive all four kinds of Shards was changed from 4,3,3,3 to 3,3,3,3.

- Fixed an issue in the Laboratory where effects activated when defeating an enemy (skills or unique effects for Ultimate Weapons) could still occur even when Vulgus Invincibility was enabled.

(5) Mission

- Fixed an issue where being tasked with collection for the Fortress Infiltration Operations "Quarantine Zone" and "Heart of the Fortress" with a 4-member party could intermittently cause a Champion Monster to not spawn, making it impossible to acquire the "Balanced Plasma Battery."

- Increased the monster kill score for the Infiltration Operation "The Haven." Fixed an issue where it was impossible to reach a perfect score even when increasing options to 240%.

- Fixed an issue in Hard Infiltration Operation "Unknown Laboratory" where a player reaching a No Resurrection Zone in advance could cause other players to not be teleported to the No Resurrection Zone.

- Fixed an issue where a melee enemy would intermittently stop moving and not pursue players.

(6) Miscellaneous

- [PC] Fixed an issue where using certain skills would glitch the screen when the Nvidia Reflex Boost Mode was enabled.

#Coming soon!

The new Descendant is armed with cold fury and ready to strike. What do you think is her greatest strategy?


Neo Member

The First Descendant's proper beginning with Season 1​

Screenshot of The First Descendant: Season 1 Invasion.

The First Descendant has been out for a while now, but this feels like its proper beginning. (Image credit: Nexon)
I don't want to keep you waiting any longer. Here's a list of the new features we know are coming in The First Descendant Season 1, including a teaser for what Nexon is planning during the hit free-to-play looter shooter's proper kick off. The Pre-Season was a great introduction to the game and a great opportunity for Nexon to collect community feedback (and much of that actually resulted in real change), so now the game's real life begins.

  • Season 1 "Invasion" Battle Pass. Of course, The First Descendant will be offering a brand-new Battle Pass alongside a fresh wave of challenges and rewards. Nexon has promised it took criticism from the Pre-Season Battle Pass and worked to both improve the rewards of Season 1 and make the challenges more fair and worthwhile.
  • "Inversion Reinforcement" Seasonal Progression.Perhaps in a similar vein as Diablo IV, Nexon is introducing a new ways for players to progress and evolve their Descendants with each season.
    • After encountering the Iron Heart for the first time, players' Descendants can undergo a powerful Arche resonance to enhance their abilities
    • Players can then use Inversion Reinforcement to gain incremental upgrades for hunting, attribute, recovery, and survival, making their Descendants more powerful over the course of a season
    • It's not clear if this Inversion Reinforcement will reset with each season, or if Nexon will let players carry upgrades forward i(perhaps to encourage players to switch Descendants in order to upgrade each one)
  • A new Descendant, Haily. Season 1 will introduce twonew Descendants to Albion, including Hailey, a guerilla soldier that became a legendary sniper through her exploits.
    • Hailey is a Chill Attribute Descendant equipped with an anti-material sniper rifle, sub-zero bullets, and a storm snare, and is focused on delivering single, immensely powerful shots
    • She also has a unique ability to lower her body temperature and actively emit cold air
  • An Ultimate Descendant, Freyna. Another existing Descendant is also getting the Ultimate treatment, and this time it's fan-favorite Freyna. On top of obtaining an Ultimate variant, players will also be able to play Freyna's new exclusive story questline exploring her past trauma, part of Season 1's narrative content.
  • New Invasion Dungeons.A new way to play, Invasion Dungeons will randomly replace two Hard Mode Infiltration Operations on a rotating schedule, and present brand-new and unique obstacles for players to overcome.
    • These are solo missions, and are catered toward speed running enthusiasts
    • The faster you clear an Invasion Dungeon, the greater the rewards you'll obtain
    • Invasion Dungeons play differently than existing game content, with new mechanics and objectives
  • Another Void Intercept Boss Battle. Another Colossi has appeared in the Void, replacing Gluttony as the most challenging boss in the entire game. Death Stalker specializes in hunting down Descendants, and is a Toxic Attribute monster that strikes from the shadows. There will be new mechanics here that players will have to unravel in order to have a shot at winning.
  • Two more Ultimate Weapons.The First Descendant armory is increasing with the arrival of two new Ultimate Weapons, including Excava and Frost Watcher.
    • Excava is Season 1's Battle Pass reward Ultimate Weapon, and is a modified Assault Rifle that accrues charge as you fire it, eventually culminating in a powerful energy grenade
    • Frost Watcher is a new Chill-focused Scout Rifle that can be obtained by playing Season 1 content, and both reduces Chill resistance of enemies and enhances the damage of Chill Attribute skills, making it perfect for Viessa and Hailey
There's actually more than this coming, as well, as Nexon has already confirmed that, like with the Pre-Season, Season 1 will enjoy mid-season content updates and additions. New features, quality-of-life improvements, and fresh content are all expected. One thing we know will be arriving is the long-awaited Trade Agent in Albion, which will hopefully give us a way to offload our extra valuable Research Materials.



Oh shit, I didn't realize that Freyna was getting an Ultimate version too. Add it to the list of stuff that won't drop for me I guess.

Hope the new BP is actually better.
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A new Descendant, Haily. Season 1 will introduce twonew Descendants to Albion, including Hailey, a guerilla soldier that became a legendary sniper through her exploits.
  • Hailey is a Chill Attribute Descendant equipped with an anti-material sniper rifle, sub-zero bullets, and a storm snare, and is focused on delivering single, immensely powerful shots
  • She also has a unique ability to lower her body temperature and actively emit cold air
Look Ubi, you could have had this in Outlaws.

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Killed it the last 2 weeks, got way more done that I ever thought I would in this game. A ps5 with freebie ps4 platinum in no time and a ton of fun along the way. Will be back for season 1 proper knowing the BP can be cleared easily in that timeframe.

That trailer is pure hype and this game is legit. I know GAF has a hate boner for GaaS, but my god as a retired Destiny vet this game is some fresh air with its character play style diversity, true power fantasy fulfilment and the fact that it can all be done for £$€fuckall.


Gold Member
Killed it the last 2 weeks, got way more done that I ever thought I would in this game. A ps5 with freebie ps4 platinum in no time and a ton of fun along the way. Will be back for season 1 proper knowing the BP can be cleared easily in that timeframe.

That trailer is pure hype and this game is legit. I know GAF has a hate boner for GaaS, but my god as a retired Destiny vet this game is some fresh air with its character play style diversity, true power fantasy fulfilment and the fact that it can all be done for £$€fuckall.
i still dont have ulti bunny but ive carried million ulties in sterile land special operation ^^
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Should I just focus on working with one decendant trough the campaign or work with a few? Been using Bunny and have her at level 30. Just got Frenya. Unsure if I should lever her up (got Frenya to level 11) or keep using bunny.



Gold Member

Should I just focus on working with one decendant trough the campaign or work with a few? Been using Bunny and have her at level 30. Just got Frenya. Unsure if I should lever her up (got Frenya to level 11) or keep using bunny.

i can boost u to 40 manytimes but so far what ive uderstood ulti gley or lepic are somewhat OP


I need to work towards that Ultimate Bunny…. I fucking suck at this game though. I got to the swamp area shit and solo I get my ass handed to me often.
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Reactions: Isa



Should I just focus on working with one decendant trough the campaign or work with a few? Been using Bunny and have her at level 30. Just got Frenya. Unsure if I should lever her up (got Frenya to level 11) or keep using bunny.

I didn't, but Bunny is the one character that's very safe to invest in as early as possible, she's always going to remain relevant and useful. Well, for a long time at least. Freyna is good but I'd feel a bit more pushback growing through the game with her I'd imagine. Maybe wait for the ult version for working on her next season.

A Destiny friend of mine just started playing and I've told him to just get his baby Bunny into a state where she doesn't die if someone farts, then get to Agna Desert and farm some void shards near the Mining Site to level her up a bit while dropping Tamers, then invest in that and keeping a few rolls with different elements. That will do him until hard mode and going for better stuff and some ult characters.

I need to work towards that Ultimate Bunny…. I fucking suck at this game though. I got to the swamp area shit and solo I get my ass handed to me often.
You don't suck. It presents new challenges each area you open up. It's always tough right out the door and that's the intended loop:- gear up, get better, kill the big guy, on to the next one. Taking carries would just bypass the growing and learning part of the game as you figure out how things work, best not to be tempted as kind as that offer was.



Damn, nice to see some elements of the industry are still sane.

Really looking forward to Hailey and Ultimate Freyna, should be good but not sure on the singleplayer dungeons, I hope they're fun.
Anyone here beat Frostwalker and can tell me if you get the option of "private" aka solo after you beat it with public noobs?
People always leave anyway but the health stays the same, lol. I'd rather try myself and get the weakened Colossus.

Only tried it twice btw haha.
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Gold Member
Anyone here beat Frostwalker and can tell me if you get the option of "private" aka solo after you beat it with public noobs?
People always leave anyway but the health stays the same, lol. I'd rather try myself and get the weakened Colossus.

Only tried it twice btw haha.
u can do it in public just keep spamming it =)


Neo Member
Anyone here beat Frostwalker and can tell me if you get the option of "private" aka solo after you beat it with public noobs?
People always leave anyway but the health stays the same, lol. I'd rather try myself and get the weakened Colossus.

Only tried it twice btw haha.
Frost walker got nerfed in latest patch and is way easier now. Some still think they need to take it down before the 7:30 mark, but it spits out a lot of fire orbs now - just collect them and run to the middle of the map. If your teammates hasn't gathered they don't know what they're doing


Gold Member
Guess I'll try then, but both of you didn't answer my question. :'(
there is also some streamers discords where u can ask helps, but anyways for me such as Stunning Bish NM took like 30 times til i matched up with pros who melt it down in few mins ^^
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