I really really really really didn't like them killing off Henry. Not just because of how telegraphed it was, but the fact that so much time has been spent on Barry dealing with his feelings over his father being in jail, then his dad not being around enough, and then when he finally does come around he dies. Also because I'm afraid that they're going to retread over ground that they literally just got done retreading over, Barry getting over the death of a parent. Also they bothered to start setting up something between Henry and Mercury Labs doctor, which is odd if you're just killing the character.
It just felt like a lazy way to get rid of character they don't have room for. Joe fills the father figure role in Barry's life. If Zoom really wanted to make Barry suffer, why not just kill everyone in the room. He has the ability. I'm not even clear on what Zoom does. He just disappears and leave Star Labs alone, which is weird since he knows they're actively trying to stop him. Zoom has just been wringing his hands for the last couple episodes just because. First, they had the excuse that he didn't want to upset Caitlin. Then they just totally dropped that and he isn't doing anything himself just because.
And when did Zoom find out Barry was back? Did I just forget that part from the last episode. Was it when he was watching Barry run around the city in this episode? His reaction is pretty laid back considering he last saw him vaporized.